Introducing The Grail-Spring Activation


& Cultivating GRAIL Beauty

The Grail-Spring is a seminal, cornerstone experience to cultivate Grail Beauty + Allure of heaven on earth.


Who is the Grail-Spring Premium Activation for?


For Divine Union Grail Magii, Source & 1st Generation Remembrance Grail Guides & Divine Union Hieros Gamos Devotees (a la Grail Eros-Lovers, Grail Goddesses, Grail Queens, Grail Priestesses…).


It’s for those who are already the top guides as well as serious devotees of inner union to powerfully enhance and deepen their foundation to circulate more Communion codes and amplifying their alchemical powers + testament Grail Beauty/Allure.


Grail-Spring is to support the highest level (closest to Source) Sacred Union practitioners (and Lovers) in the world to deepen their alchemical power, beauty, magic and codes.


Just look what’s included to blossom your Grail consciousness and presence:


The individual Grail Spring Activation (55 minute session) includes:


*Grail consulting & strategery (20 minutes which can be recorded)


*Thorough growth maintenance energetic detox, de-armoring tune-up


*Hieros Gamos Encoding Activation

(HGX Architecture With Biostar Chakric Encoding)
((Besides Muse Priestess Lineage, Muse & Sophia activations this is the only other Grail activation work I’ve done in Allure Makeover Pkg))


*Gene Key 45 Siddhic Communion DNA Activation


*Gene Key 29 Siddhic Devotional DNA Activation


*Light Sophia (Lineage) Activation (or Magdalenic-Rose upon request)


*Gift of Transmutation Gene Key 47 Activation


*Grail Allure Activation


*Bonus: Written psychic session notes (or recorded/verbal) afterwards with your details


YEP – ALL IN ONE SESSION that supports reunified consciousness and the invaluable visual essenced results of a more reunified Grail Light & Vibe Truth image makeover. I’ve never done anything like this before but it is time.


Oh; Plus you get a 10-15 minute consulting reconnect a week+ afterwards for Q&A!


Pre-qualification necessary but you can still schedule below with your intent (more details below).


We’re talking a FOUNDATIONAL energetic overhaul strengthening of your multi-dimensional feminine energy body and essenced beauty itself to be able to receive, hold and circulate even more Communion codes and far more potent alchemical powers like a Grail Starlet.


It will also empower your abilities OF transmutation (as Divine or Sacred Union itself is alchemical).


More easily connect, breathe and receive Siddhic Masculine qualities to alchemize with your feminine eros.


Grail-Spring is a $10,000+ value for $2500 (must be pre-qualified before we move forward with this session or before payment I/Rion might recommend something else first).


Again; those who are already the top guides (half of which have already worked with me and use me as their secret weapon).


We all know that in feminine, organic and spiritual businesses of integrity; your literal presence, embodiment and expression (allure) of these codes sells on its own, backs up your work and SHOULD best be in the alchemical zone itself of Beauty and influence so your future clients can feel and know you’re the real deal.


Of course such an initiation will deepen your transmission abilities as well in all modes of expression.


Whether single and desiring to also call in a divine union partner or already partnered with a beloved;


The Krysted Grail-Spring may be perfect for you even if you are not guiding others – yet are already well along your gnostic Grail path of Sacred Union and Reunification with the Divine Masculine Beloved (as Grail-Eros Lover, Grail-Maiden, Grail-Queen, Grail Goddess…).


As premium energetic, architectural support; Grail-Spring initiation (a gift that keeps on giving) is primarily meant to support Source and First Remembrance Generation Grail Guides (already half of the Grail Guides out there have received direct session work and/or transmissions from me!)..


“Rion is an energy Jedi and now works remotely with women all over the world”

Gillian Pothier; A Source Remembrance Generation Grail Guide;


Many women in Gillian’s ‘All for Love’ work with me and vice versa.


“You are a true magician” – A 1stGen Grail Guide – April, 2023


“Working With Rion…It’s Soul Retrieval And Sacred Union Work Of The Highest Energetic Order.” -KAD, 2019


There shouldn’t be any conflict if you are in a program with another guide but be sure to check in with yourself to make sure there’s no conflict. (Chances are good that they have already endorsed me).


Far beyond twin flame templates; igniting your Eros with Communion codes and quantum leaping you to even higher timelines of rich reality and Siddhic Communion; it will allow you to alchemize and love even MORE effortlessly, powerfully and intoxicatingly than you already have been while emanating clear, reunified Grail Allure (milkshake that brings the future Kings to the yard).


Grail-Spring and its Allure activation will paint your prime archetypes with richer devotional presence that is medicinal honey to the masculine.


This is another level of initiative support for strengthening the Grail Magii and Guides to continue expanding Hieros Gamos and Devotional Communion codes in the world.


You should already be well founded in the path before this kind of work (otherwise a Sophia activation or something else may be a next step); yet if it resonates you can still book a time below and we can confirm.


Payment must be made in full before session or if you are a proven past client we can do it on a split payment agreement.


As a Source Remembrance Generation Grail Guide, Grail Priest and keyholder Guardian of Muse Priestess Lineage of Grail Magii with 20+ years of Sacred Reunification experience; I’m honored to already have been a secret weapon behind about 1/2 of the grail guides out there in supporting them directly (both Source and 1stgen)!


The Grail-Spring is now available to pre-qualified devotees!



Booking Details:

You can schedule now with intention for the GrailSpring session if you’re not sure you’re qualified and Rion can offer a free fb chat or 10 minute call before then to confirm it’s a fit. Schedule below and Rion will reach out.

A deposit of $500 is then recommended at that point but still optional.

No obligation necessary for booking (so go ahead and schedule); however payment must be made in full by start of session (unless you are a proven past client then we could do a split pay plan if requested).

Just Book a time and Rion will reach out to you!

($2000 pricing for past clients only while offer lasts)

Not sure? You can also reach out to Rion on FB before scheduling for a 10 minute connect or fb chat to see if it’s a fit (pre-qualified).


More Info:


Someone recently (2023) asked me; “Why do I charge $1000 per session?”

(and as a correlary);


“Why is the Grail-Spring Activation $2500?”


Well first; the BioStar Activation is $1500 (and $1000 for past clients and GrailSpring is $2000 for previous session clients).


It’s important to note that I had to ORGANICALLY grow into this rate from experience, results, continued mastery and recognition – and not do it as an elite marketing tactic.


Priestess and Muse activations are $1000 (must be pre-qualified) and have literally been for years.


Queen is $500, but other than that; sessions are still only $250 (per half hour) and Human Design/Gene Key readings (75 minutes audio) are only $150 but will rise once I complete GK Guides cert. I froze the $250 price point a few years ago when the p.landemic started but it will soon enough rise also.


Oh! And Muse Priestess Mentorship is $18,000 (individual in the group rate that will eventually rise). So yes; I’ve sold at all these price points.


Private 2 hour in-person daka sessions are $2500.


Most of the 100s of sessions I’ve done have been archetype activations and ALL of these 25-30 minute sessions include thorough growth maintenance energy healing and detox (+verifiable psychic note details).


Let me dig into the core of the answer itself; my pricing (again which has grown organically);


It has to do with magic and results as well as mastery. It’s about valuing your TIME as well as being able to quantum leap onto higher timelines progressively.


I offer freesources including the very potent Powerliminal attunements, Kingmaker report, some recorded webinar appearances around on FB, highly encoded FB wall posts (mostly friends only), etc. and for those what want my specialized time there is a price to pay.


What I do is incredibly specialized and often saves you years of time on your own in often UNREACHABLE areas.


I’ve traveled the world and immersed with ascended and incarnate masters being initiated myself in many ways with energy work, tantra, alchemy, spirituality, chi kung, hieros gamos, etc.


I’ve been to hell, done major deep work continually, plant medicine, 20,000 hours of meditation a la hieros gamos with The Beloved, had faith based (physical) miracle healing of my own, helped reduce cancers, as well as life-changing sessions, soul mate attraction for clients, grail allure, etc.


My work represents the evolution of the Beauty industry itself and you get that psychic clarity and insight over my vast experience. I’ve worked with most of the other Grail guides who’ve had sessions from me.


I’m not for consumers as this work is too powerful; it’s for changemakers. Before this I was a leader in men’s natural dating and sexual presence/attraction speaking at the leading industry event.


I’ve also invested in ‘expensive programs’ myself for business, marketing.. in addition to spiritual immersions.


You’re paying for my years of specialized experience focused on you, not just the time itself and you’re paying for results as well as quantum leaping and saving often years of time in 1 session.


You’re getting a Source Remembrance Divine Union guide and master alchemist in getting time with me which really focuses on my best mastery of transformation through energy work rather than endless talk consulting. $250? A small price to pay.


More bang for the buck so to speak but enough consulting to know we’re doing the right session.


In most sessions we’re literally and DIRECTLY releasing YEARS of energy blocks stuck in someone’s chakric psyche that could often never be reached or released if nothing is done.


I think I’m literally the only Grail (Reunified) Daka (tantric healer) in the world.


100 hours of psycho-therapy? Maybe; but many have experienced in 1 session energetically releasing what still had to be released anyways instead of psycho-analyzed. Sometimes the demons are that strong that it requires an extremely powerful energy worker and master alchemist.


It’s important to think outside of the consumer time for money paradigm when working with specialist masters. In most sessions again; we’re doing years of work for the consumer in 1/2 hour and saving even progressive souls great amounts of time with acceleration of their presence, consciousness and beauty.


When you work with me you’re paying for and leveraging ALL of my past experience, spiritual connection, spiritual authority (I was the #metoo movement and K-POP/L.A. gridworker), vast immersion, training with masters and devotional codes focused entirely on you to experience before and after results that if you worked on it directly most other ways could take months or years if you ever get there.


The $1000+ sessions are more specialized. Biostar, Muse and Priestess are especially sacred and powerful initiations. GrailSpring is really MULTIPLE activations rolled into one for a transfiguring experience.


Not all energy workers are equal in terms of results. So…you could go to your local reiki healer and pay less but it might not be for the TYPE of power and session that you’re really looking for. I’m literally on the path to serve stars and starlets at the top of their industries (esp. entertainment and beauty).


There’s 100’s of testimonials on site and all kinds I haven’t added yet).


Someone has to be the premium in the market and I’ve got truly amazing clients who have realized the value and consistently get exponential ROI on their expense-investment with me. Ask around (like on my fb circle)!


So I hope that answers the questions…I felt it was right to go the ORGANIC path of gaining a grassroots recognition and client-base of experience and greater mastery instead of just an elite marketing tactic with my pricing.


If anything; all sessions are underpriced right now (and will be rising 2023).



If you have questions you can reach Rion Kati on Facebook DM @ (send message) or email

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Booking Details:


You can schedule now with intention for the GrailSpring session if you’re not sure you’re qualified and Rion can offer a free fb chat or 10 minute call before then to confirm it’s a fit. Schedule below and Rion will reach out.



A deposit of $500 is then recommended at that point but still optional.



No obligation necessary for booking (so go ahead and schedule); however payment must be made in full by start of session (unless you are a proven past client then we could do a split pay plan if requested).



Just Book a time and Rion will reach out to you!


($2000 pricing for past clients only while offer lasts)



Not sure? You can also reach out to Rion on FB before scheduling for a 10 minute connect or fb chat to see if it’s a fit (pre-qualified).

Sexy Chi:: **About


*About Rion          *Archetypes              *Masculine Archetypes  


 *Testimonials                   *Beauty 2.0 Deep Dive                  *Muse Priestess

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