Charisma Secrets Finally Revealed…

The Condensed Charisma Codes Free Masterclass
(right here on this page!)

Although most of this site has been catered to women, allure and beauty - we've now got a safe haven for men to really work on and cultivate their charisma! This is the latest Charisma Codes blitz summarizing my e-masterclass and the previous Star Charisma site. This is THE central place for charisma breakthrough insights.

As a man; have you always wondered what charisma was and HOW to have that kind of magnetic influence yourself?


Tired of years of Behavioral Charisma Coaches not giving you the deeper results & secrets? Frustrated that you’ve had difficulties relating to the beauty and the awakening feminine beauty and consciousness in women today?


I’m Rion and in growing up, I was always seeking to know how and why some people had more charisma and influence than others. I knew it wasn’t just about their looks or body.

I was also fascinated by movie Star & rockstar charisma, sex appeal and magnetism...

Can you remember a time where you felt someone’s presence when they walked in the room and things ‘shifted’ and you FELT it?…You couldn’t quite ‘describe it’ too, right?


How was it that we could be in ‘awe’ of someone we didn’t even know and it wasn’t just about how they dressed; in fact, it seemed like HOW they dressed was only secondary to this previously undefinable and nebulous thing called ‘charisma’.


I wanted to know what charisma was and how to have it without faking it – AND I really wanted to know how to have it without having to become famous first. It seemed charismatic people got all kinds of attention and opportunities..I just wanted to ‘crack the code’.


Maybe you also want that special ‘it’ factor that truly opens new doors of opportunity, gives you greater social and business power and influence that powerfully attracts your desires to you WITHOUT EFFORT…being that person people just wanted to BE around, hang out with and learn from.


If you’re like me; I was frustrated that NO ONE (including the charisma and dating experts) could give me the real and deeper answers that I was seeking (I even WAS a top dating expert online and knew all the other leaders – it took me years more to now blitz these charisma codes here today). 


I just knew that charisma wasn’t just about behavioral modeling, psyching yourself up and practicing good posture.


Single women were all saying things like "there's just something about him" or it's His 'confidence'

(And they weren’t saying it about me back then) – That level of detail wasn’t good enough for me.


Well…after years of being a top 5 natural dating coach online for single men (with a different last name) and thousands of hours of analyzing top alluring and charismatic performers (plus years of helping women evolve their allure) – even learning from Chinese energy masters; 


The CHARISMA CODES are finally here

(and it also represents a return to men’s work for me)! 


(btw; I’m excerpting highlights from my charisma summer-camp masterclass to put everything all in one focused place here and now!)


Sure; this page and website is ultimately leading towards YOUR charisma makeover; but let’s first dig into more 2022 transformational insight and education itself about and around charisma and then if you desire real divine masculine swagger as well as being able to relate with high status, powerful, amazing, beautiful women and people as your best version of self (while getting ROI on any past spiritual and consciousness work) – I’ll give you the opportunity to experience a charisma makeover. 


A Charisma Makeover (and how it helps you to BE a more natural, super-natural, embodied, sexual and worthy man in relation to other powerful and beautiful people in the deeper, authentic ways) definitely isn’t for any normal man because it requires self-sacrifice of your current (most likely dis-satisfied) inner game self and who you WERE to become INITIATED into greater divine masculine power, presence and charisma itself.


(After all; not only can’t you ‘fake’ charisma and presence, but high status women themselves will be THE test and gauge of whether you’re the real deal or not anyway – and that is GOLD. You can’t put a price on ‘the real thing’).


So good news; charisma actually crosses over with consciousness and spirituality if you’ve delved into those areas! It may also have everything to do with living your soul purpose and highest timeline.


You might even be here because you’ve realized that you CANNOT compromise on feminine beauty in attracting a real LOVER or even wife and you realize that there is something about women who are beyond what we call socially verifiable ‘9’s (as far as date-ability) and that when you get into what people label as ’10’s’, there is just more POWER and beauty you are going up against that can create enormous (and seemingly uncontrollable, unresolvable) anxiety.


You may be here because you are ready to attract or date women and people that were previously ‘out of your league’ and guess what? Yes – it means that YOU have to find ways to get INTO their league because let’s face it; no one wants to ‘date down’ (they make movies about all of this stuff). Plus; I’m not selling you fantasy. The social matrix is already good at keeping you disempowered and diverted in fantasy.


Fortunately charisma is an authentic pathway and initiation into your own greater masculine POWER to relate with the divine feminine Beauty in the exact type of woman you would want for a lover (and have her finally attracted to you) – as well as upgrade your own looks (it bends light!) AND raise your social status. 


We’ll touch upon that here on this page as well and in the pictures of me I’m sharing, I’m leading by example (so don’t just reference the extrinsic fashion/style), focus on the energy/charisma!


So; if you REALLY desire ANSWERS and clarity that SATISFIES you about charisma…


As well as a real (and proven) PATH to direct RESULTS with charisma transformation to upgrade YOUR life and lifestyle, keep reading.


And if you just want to DIVE IN instead of get the educational insights, you can just go to the Charisma Makeover with the understanding that you’re going to have to pay some kind of price to change your reality and it no longer has to be years of frustration and not living it.


The first big question we must ask:

"What IS Charisma?"

Sure; we kinda know the effect of what charisma is and surely you’ve experienced someone in a room or party who ‘had it going on’ and had that big magnetic influence from their presence that can have powerful attraction, open opportunities and expand your network, etc., right?


But what IS it? What is Charisma?


This is the BIG question (again before we can get to the ‘how’, etc.). 


Because if we answer it from a more limited, lower truth understanding (like behavioral modeling and body language) it is going to limit our ability (for years even decades) to REALLY do miraculous transformation in this realm and have good authority over it all.




‘What IS Charisma?’


How can you and I have it and experience that kind of effortless influence (that otherwise seems intangible)?…’


(Keep in mind that we’re focused on YOU and literally you showing UP in the world directly and not your talents, sense of humor, extrinsic accomplishments, guitar solos, artwork, income level, awards, nor even your physique, style, etc).


Well….the popular, current collective awareness definition in the dictionary is this;




noun: charisma; plural noun: charismata


1. compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others.


“she enchanted guests with her charisma”


2. a divinely conferred power or talent.




More popularly, people generally describe it as ‘influence of someone’s presence or image;…a special ‘quality’ about them that makes them magnetic or appealing’.


But WE want a highest/higher truth definition of what charisma REALLY is, right?


It’s not just ‘confidence’ and it’s especially not just ‘mental confidence’.


Yep..after all, I always sought a DEEPER and more conscious TRUTH about it all because I knew the behavioral acting and modeling stuff wasn’t it…it was something beyond just physiological ‘body language’ techniques (after all, a charismatic man could be eating a pineapple or sitting a certain way and women would just swoon).


We want to know what is the ‘there’s just something about him’ thing and consciously!


So…after YEARS of seeking (and in 2018 even writing a ‘star charisma’ report)…

Here's MY 2022 Updated definition of Charisma

(subject to even further improvements and clarity);




“The emanating expression of masculine vibe and light essences in, with and through a man’s presence and thus (multi-dimensional) image”


Yes; it is about a man (or pre-dominantly masculine essenced being) and the overall breathing-ness of his light (5D) and vibe (4D) essences IN his presence and image. 


There is a similar feminine version definition for ‘allure’ btw (charisma is the masculine version of feminine allure).


We’ll dig deeper into it, but if you want clarity beyond the current charisma experts – you have to understand that your presence and image is NOT just literally skin-deep 3D like your body and physical appearance. 


It’s not even about what kind of emotional state you can generate (although that can indirectly and sometimes affect or influence your charisma itself albeit unreliably).


AND you already know that the men you are secretly envious of; because again – they’re not literally ‘DOING’ anything…they’re just vibing and emanating ‘something else’ without effort (whether they’re genetically blessed or not) and women are just responding to THEM and not other men who are trying so hard (while you shake your head not ‘getting it’ like me years ago!). 


So bear with me…


In order to open up to a higher truth of charisma and getting much faster results (which includes the years of teaching embodied sexual presence I covered);


Understand that you are soul-based and you are multi-dimensional;


You and your identity practically exist on the 4th, 5th and beyond dimensions (and if you’ve taken plant medicine you know this).


Your literal image itself is communicating MORE frequency, truth, codes and INFORMATION in presence and photographs or video – more data than we normally perceive from our 3D based vision and the visible ROYGBIV light spectrum (you know; that visible, skin-deep focus which the fitness and Beauty industry thrives upon).


And you already know that micro-waves, satellite visual transmissions and radio waves exist (as with the invisible ‘wind’); it’s just beyond our own ‘normal’ visible spectrum – it doesn’t mean that they don’t exist.


You are more than just a meat suit body and as basically all religions and spirituality denotes; you are a meta-physical soul with a human body with a biological gender (thus; both divine and mortal).


The more years we continue to deny reality or remain unconscious beyond your physical and mental self or the construct of who you think you are; the more years you WON’T get direct results with charisma transformation and all its benefits – the more years of fake acting things, having sexual anxiety around beautiful women and not being that influential man with swagger that is magnetically confident around people of power (and women of beauty).


And ‘somehow’; the more ‘the one’ will in/conveniently know to stay OFF of your radar and avoid your existence.


So we introduced a ‘higher truth’ definition of charisma as;




“The emanating expression of masculine vibe and light essences in, with and through a man’s presence and thus (multi-dimensional) image”


(Notice I didn’t say it was his ‘positive thinking’, personality, posture, genetic inheritance, self-image or level of personal growth).


Remember; in order for me to come up with THAT level of awareness I had to spend YEARS analyzing alluring women and charismatic men to start clearly and literally ‘seeing’ these essences.


And really, there are over 100 KNOWN and NAMED ESSENCES which we can start to overview a bit later.


Essences are the raw ‘building blocks’ of charisma itself. After all, there’s charismatic bad boys and charismatic, high status ‘good guys’; we want the CORE of it itself (and then how to work on it for YOUR cultivation).


I’ve discovered that charisma comes across in the TRUTH of a single still image (or live in person), so you’re just going to be wasting time trying to emulate or ‘act’ your way into it through behavioral modeling and ‘fake-acting’ like with other charisma experts. Why?


Because you don’t have that deeper essence or power ‘behind it’ that makes it physiologically congruent.


This is akin to the reality that the BEST actors aren’t acting; they’re BEING.


What women are viscerally responding to in men with charisma is the POWER of their masculine (and sometimes feminine) ESSENCES of light-truth and vibe-truth emanating and HITTING THEM in the gut and heart centers of their own psyche.


From image or presence influence alone (and not how his comedy makes her laugh); this is what is REALLY going on with the large BULK of it (meanwhile you were probably thinking it’s his personality, sense of humor, good looks or something). 



Boiled down;

charisma is about his essenced POWER

…Communicating and emanating 5D+ Light-truth and 4D vibe-truth that affects other people’s energy fields, heart, psyche and soul.


After all; BEAUTY is attracted to POWER and it is the potentiality of your two BODIES (and their consciousness) that could potentially fuse together in the bedroom (that which she is assessing).


So to be more masterful and consciously competent; we have to include the ‘other’ information in presence and image (I do pro image consulting); information that women are responding to (albeit non-consciously) with THEIR level of discernment around charismatic men.


It’s like their body, heart, mind, spirit, soul and sex are tuned into something and it’s not just his non-verbal communication; it’s something deeper than that which DRIVES his non-verbal presence, still and actioned behavior.


Most people are just non-conscious of ‘what’ they are actually responding to, but now we are finally becoming more conscious of the signature characteristics qualities of these essences or ‘codes’.


And in working with conscious women for years, I hear them VERIFY these things about men consciously all the time now.


When you can work DIRECTLY on what matters which is these essences and follow this simple formula (essence-embodiment-expression which we’ll dig into more), you’re going to be FAR ahead of others b/c you are working directly on the 90% (+) of WHAT MATTERS with embodied power (presence) and charisma. 


I would guestimate (that at least in conceptual awareness) you’d be a decade ahead of the rest of the charisma consultants out there who are non-conscious in/competents when it comes to this science of charisma itself who may still occasionally get indirect results. 


(You can also read more of the feminine-catered lens on allure throughout the Sexy Chi website here to get further insight and reflection).




In order to really grasp the concept and our latest awareness of what we could call the ‘science of charisma’ (and charisma codes)…


I mean ahead of all of the leading experts even and the behavioral charisma consultant…heck – even ahead of the entire Beauty industry…


And then to WORK with it (like becoming a master of your own light-transmission and have greater influence from your presence and image), we must understand and accept the foundational truth that….


...Your Presence & Image Is Multi-Dimensional

Your BODY (and thus captured image OF it) is multi-dimensional light, chi or ‘energy’ which becomes instantly non-physical ‘information’ anyways when it’s captured in any visual medium; we’re just used to seeing it in a lower truth level of the ROYGBIV reflection on the surface of your skin.


All of the men’s fashion, skin care, fitness/body transformation and the entire megalith of women’s Beauty is ENTIRELY focused on the 3D ‘what we can see’ in the comfortable world we have known and to some extent the professionals have mastered…the world of skin-deep beauty.


Again; this is limiting because it is still non-physical light when we view it in video, instagram, film or photographs; we’re just focusing on the lower frequency ‘visible’ things as well as our attachments to form while remaining non-conscious of the higher dimensional TRUTHS that someone is communicating.


It’s all LITERALLY skin-deep unless we talk plastic surgery which still supports 3D appearance, so are you ok that we’re going ‘beyond’ even if you’re new to this world of ‘energy’ and ‘chi’? 


I’d recommend not to get thrown off by the term ‘psychic’ either. This isn’t 1 900 hotlines predicting your future; what I do is verifiable energy readings based on objective truths about someone (and I’ve built that catalogued awareness up to ‘know’ things about someone).


(And btw I have done all kinds of celebrity essence/energy readings where you can start to literally SEE and verify some of these 100+ named essences in charismatic or alluring people on my FB friends wall as well as on our blog).


So let’s value looking beyond just your extrinsic, superficial appearance into the greater truth of your visual COMMUNICATION and what it’s actually communicating (we’re not focused on or relying on your voice here)…your visual truth (and just 1 photo) is communicating much more than your physique, non-verbal behavior and body language.


It’s a level of awareness but we want the deeper SOURCE truth and awareness of what’s really going on (b/c this is what people of power are known to DISCERN).


And you may have noticed that a lot of women DON’T respond sexually or emotionally to a lot of men who look great physically anyway.


With our Western mind, we based things only on what we can see on a lower, physical truth dimension yet again; there are higher truths.


It’s not that the paradigm of photography and visual light is a lie; it’s just the only level of truth we are used to when WITHIN IT when there is already SO more information to decode about the truth of you, your power, her beauty, her status, the potential for cosmic love or not, etc. 


We’re talking about the power and truth of expanded consciousness and how your divine masculine relates to and communicates with her divine feminine beauty and consciousness (all of which pre-templatizes a possible relationship btw).


What shows up in still and moving image is ESSENCED; multi-dimensional light and vibe-truth (or levels of; obstructions and frequency bands of it including shadow frequencies all centered on the e3 formula). 


Personality and character or vocal ability is something else entirely, but there is ALWAYS 3D, 4D and 5D information in EACH and EVERY single photo, video, instagram or film of human beings – ALWAYS.

Image is more than just ‘digitized pixels’ and again – it is information (power and beauty codes/essences) that exists in every photograph ever taken to varying degrees based on the essence, embodiment and expression of different energies/chi/essences. 


It is multi-dimensional INFORMATION that tells the sourced truth of your vibe-truth and your light-truth emanation…the deeper essence of your soul and who you really are, and generically how much power or beauty you have incl. super-natural self-confidence without it being about ego.


"Hold up Rion; WHAT kind of information?"

Well, we can start with sourced power and beauty itself (flavors of chi essences) and it might behoove you if you want to RELATE and connect with true beauty, that you become aware of authentic, healthy power that is possible for you without distorted means and ways (so many men will correlate money with power and then aren’t able to have deeper love, connection and intimacy with women because their relationships are more transactional).


If you want a beautiful woman to love you for YOU – in REALITY, keep reading!


(Remember; I’m giving myself the liberty to meet you and your values more where it is at so it sounds different than how I normally speak to a lot of my female clients; yet it’s all in the direction OF connection and communion).


We’re just so comfortable in our limiting paradigm of 3D reality, so we’re not conscious of these other truths even though they already exist where they do (and all you have to do is reference a photo with someone of great allure or charisma to once again realize that I’m more than onto something here). 



When beautiful women respond to charismatic men, they’re basically responding to his essenced POWER and his embodied PRESENCE which is worthy of relating comfortably without anxiety to HER level of beauty, status and power.


These powers are basically IMPERSONALIZED

(and that they are, may drive your ego mad).


And because of the interplay of power and beauty in our limited perception; we will look at these other concepts that are already secretly included in ALL photographs and film of humans from beyond a limited lens such as behavior, ethnicity, skin type, skin quality, hair assessment, body-fat ratios or personality.


The Western mind values mind and body and they will use non-conscious terms like ‘inner beauty’ and then often conflate that with personality and ‘mindset’ because we haven’t had the proper languaging for the vibe-truth and light-truth information that you are energetically and visibly emanating from your presence – UNTIL NOW with my brand of Sexy Chi!


Fortunately, we can save you YEARS of time to dive right into the real future stuff that works with charisma transformation directly TODAY. 


When we’re talking about the medium of live presence and captured image; it’s not ‘personality’ or personality traits that we want to capture…that’s NOT the proper focus (unless you’re someone like a comedian and you want to capture that ‘persona’ flavor b/c it relies on your unique ego and ‘character’. But that’s not universally sexy btw AND it’s largely Jester).


Tony Robbins uses techniques to change your physiology or to alter your emotional state. There’s nothing WRONG with that and it can definitely indirectly HELP (like a lot of PUA stuff done repeatedly like behavioral modeling could help), but it’s not actually the foundation of charisma itself and could even be a large waste of time with haphazard, limited and inconsistent results at best.


..Too much ignorance to what’s really going on (imho) creates too much entropy and inefficiency with results.


What they have (imo) is all a deconstructionist approach coming from a lower truth foundation…you know, modeling and trying to EMULATE the power, confidence and sex appeal instead of just BEING that sexier CONFIDENT man of power in relation to Beauty and true high social status effortlessly (yet it never seems believable to you).


Again, if you desire a deeper education and insight AROUND charisma for yourself before transformation (which you can just skip to by booking with me);


The FOUNDATION we’re talking about of charisma (and for women; allure) is about the TRUTH, beauty and POWER of light and vibe in image and HOW it actually shows up and expresses. 


And for this we now know that…


the most up-to-date Science Or law of charisma & allure is the e3 formula of:





It took me many years to uncover (the truth that already was here and existed); this is the Charisma Code CRACKED. I’m living it, I’m testament and a perfect case study because I have pictures of me that are SOOOO boring and average (I’m not near the best-looking guy physically but you wouldn’t know or care when the/my charisma is on like this).



E3: It’s like the working science to charisma itself and EVERYTHING else is working indirectly to MAYBE affect these core variables of actual charisma (or allure for feminine).


This is HOW 4D & 5D truth shows up energetically and visually. 


It’s not about your personality or indirectly focusing on your ‘inner beauty’ or ‘inner game confidence’ vaguely somehow as if its separate from what shows up in professional image and your instagram or dating profile photos.


Even ‘Allure’ and ‘Essence’ magazines focus on extrinsic 3D beauty and then split off into indirect wellness techniques, astrology readings that don’t directly relate to your professional image, etc. b/c they also haven’t yet had the languaging for essence and allure.


And you may have figured it’s not just about the size of your guns or having a chiseled jawbone. 


As a sidenote, there are surveys that say women will still (in many cases) long-term would go for love over fame and the level of LOVE is very related to your level of POWER that her beauty and infuse with in love; (it’s sexual, spiritual and emotional). Brent Smith Lifestyle talked about this before.


Again; it’s not something a man DOES…it’s not in his efforting (that just makes things even cooler or sexier b/c it’s essenced properly). 


We don’t want to focus on the ‘actions’, scripts or techniques (in spite of action movies looking cool). We want the real power source itself which resolves all of those (something PUA’s and AFC’s have a hard time surrendering to).


It’s about BEING more and there’s something non-physical about this kind of power and influence that doesn’t directly correlate with ‘personal growth’ either btw. 

The E3 formula takes us right into the working HEART & science of charisma

The truth of it; that real charisma is what comes from a DEEPER place…of BEING and this soul-based, heart-based and spirit-based presence and that communication – even in perfect stillness – is communicating something MORE THAN just physical information or his body fat ratio.


His image is capturing Light, truth and power behind, between and BEYOND just his physique, bench press weight and skin flaws.


Even his body language is more superficial than the deeper truth of essence behind it all.


In the visual medium of communication, power, beauty, mastery and influence;


It is the ESSENCES that matter; the higher dimensional (beyond skin-deep) qualities. 


These are signature qualities of light-truth and vibe-truth that INFLUENCE people. 

"So how can I have more of this power?

(Heck; What IS 'POWER?')"

It basically comes down to this; 


INTRINSIC and spiritual masculine POWER comes down to CHI.


Chi or ‘qi’ (‘ki’ in Japanese) is flavors of life forces energies and codes of essenced consciousness.


Jedi Knights were powerful because they could access (like Magicians) the power of ‘The Force’. The Force is basically yang (masculine) qi/chi and it is very real as Chinese culture has known for 1000s of years.



Working with essences directly (which is highly specialized) allows you to work with (and ‘download’) POWER (and Beauty) itself. 


The feminine version of essenced ‘chi’ is Beauty and higher dimensional Beauty itself; with ‘essence’ (vs. power) as the predominant quintessent quality of chi. 


BEAUTY is also very powerful;


We’re talking the truth of Beauty (and flavors of feminine essence as alchemical Light) that bends DNA and makes lesser, mortal men quiver in its very presence because it’s affecting their physiology and they’re unable to remain present with such light and vibe-truth power.


BECAUSE of the POWER of pure CHI, men who carry and emanate it (often by living a path that requires them to be powerful and they get into the chi benefits indirectly) are the real deal and women are just HIT by the integrity, power and truth of it in the rare men that exude or express these impersonal qualities of light-truth and vibe-truth. 


(Keep reading b/c we’re getting into some of these specifically and you’ll recognize them ;).


An entirely corresponding subject is that chi kung and tai chi help to cultivate healthy vital energies and long-term wellness – yet here we are more focused on power and beauty aspects. (btw I look at least a decade younger than I am B/C of working with qi).


The more power (light, beauty) someone is accessing, embodying (presence) and emanating (charisma); the more INFLUENCE they have on others – JUST from their live presence or image (image which btw has POWER as a snapshot of the power of light and vibe-truth).


Again; we’re not concerned here with being a personality-driven charismatic person like a comedian who is relying on their uniqueness or developing an ability to ‘talk’ very well or creating that kind of rapport that could talk them out of their own ugliness…we’re talking about something more universally sexy that is alluring and charismatic in STILLNESS that BEAUTY itself is DRAWN inextricably towards. 


        We’re talking..

Flavored Truths of Power & Beauty that STIR the heart, mind, sex & soul in others

(After all Beauty is seeking Communion WITH Power on a deep spiritual and sexual level). 


Power that HITS their aura and chakras, bends light and attunes things awakening their meta-feminine beauty and consciousness closer to source.


(We just tend to externalize power and focus on accomplishments, material possessions, status and legacy as power).


We’re talking about harnessing powers that bend your own light to make YOU better looking than the limit of your physical looks – THAT’S charisma. 


And related to heart and love btw, it’s not that YOU have to become ’emotional’ in your masculinity’; it’s that she knows she can get that connection, intimacy and provision from your emanating Heart chakra…the truth of that means more (in general).


So if you desire that kind of influence even though you may not be the best-looking man physically (b/c I’m not either!), keep reading…b/c if you aren’t listening to charisma consultants who are properly talking about auras and chakras; chances are they’re doing a lot of things non-consciously and indirectly at best.


We want the true foundation of charisma which can emanate BADASS and QUALITIES of masculinity from STILLNESS so that when you just show up in a room people can’t HELP but notice and you don’t have to DO anything…no chasing, nothing like that BECAUSE THE POWER IS REAL. 


It’s kind of like naturals with dating women don’t have to use any ‘crutch’ techniques; similar here in the super-natural realm.


So yeah; the brand is Sexy Chi and this is universalized information; I’m just apparently the first one to decode it.


All of this conscious charisma work includes things like HOW your power (chi flavors/signatures) are embodied, stored and how they affect people (even related to your auric design). The DISTANCE of your chakras can literally be measured too btw and most men without charisma have a distance of a few inches which isn’t far enough to reach a woman anyways; whereas that showstopper, he’s got an aura that hits everyone in the room so they FEEL him energetically, psychically, emotionally, spiritually and soulfully.


His field is energetically affecting, interacting, engaging, inspiring and attuning OTHER people’s fields.


Remember; you can’t ‘fake’ charisma and high status women are so discerning they’ll already instantly know if you are the real deal or not anyways.


So it’s not just how he looks…it’s something else, people have referred to for millennia as ‘confidence’, ‘character’ or even ‘swagger’ –  but we’ve often called it charisma without really knowing what it actually is – UNTIL NOW. And more specifically;


the elements of charisma again are;

And more specifically; the elements of charisma again are;



(Subtle, Vibe-Truth & Light-Truth Flavors of Chi which at their source are alchemical and DNA altering up-tuning someone else in their presence closer to source b/c of its power)


Embodiment; (Presence)


Expression; (Charisma)


Yes; essence is the energetic quality and highest truth of something and there are over 100 different and named, verifiable masculine, neutral or feminine ESSENCES of chi which is life force energy. 


I, Rion can work with ALL of them btw although it took YEARS even (and many further initiations) AFTER from when I was chair-bending steel with yang chi/qi in 2014).



And charisma with its swagger is much DEEPER than you might initially think and you might be pleased that it is directly very spiritual and practical. So if you’ve been doing spiritual work that’s great news.


Fortunately, charisma has everything to do with CONSCIOUSNESS and your masculinity as well and all of that has everything to do with your multi-dimensional BODY (which is energy itself).


So charisma is much deeper than just superficial swag and upgrading your dating, profile pics, etc. 


Plus; it cues into love, sex, influence, magic, success and the Holy Grail itself. And really in a way you are presenting and ‘selling’ yourself from one perspective esp. in today’s very social media oriented ways.


This is about the POWER (and Beauty) of PRESENCE (for whatever room you want to show up like a star in) and it’s based on the amount and quality of CHI that you hold in your body’s field (which includes your chakric energy centers and aura). That’s what creates that ooh and awe ‘it factor’.


Take away their legacy and your relationship with a star’s music (and your emotional experiences) and just valuing of the ‘actual’ them ‘in the moment’ which is that would reunify, commune or make love with a goddess (so = presence and the POWER of presence);

Rockstars have more POWER & influence from their image simply because...

..They literally embody more chi; and really more of these FLAVORS of essenced light that show up with and through their presence and image.


(Michael Jackson had IMMENSE light and people would faint in his presence like at THIS live performance).



Why? Because their consciousness and identity has expanded; their ‘vessel body of multi-dimensional light’ is literally able to store and circulate more ESSENCED chi in their chakras and aura.


Again; we want to focus on this EMBODIMENT of POWER (chi) rather than pursuing something outside of yourself like status (while remaining disembodied) that MAYBE might be in the future like fame and THEN you might more assuredly get a certain type of women into you (maybe for the wrong reasons).


So you could even throw out ALL behavioral modeling body language techniques (which will come naturally from your reset and re-templatizing presence);


This is about a more truly powerful YOU (and in ways that bring MAXIMAL visual and live IMPACT).


Once you get the essences activated and embodying, the body language will be taken care of; you will find it shifting naturally (it’s actually more about trusting and surrendering to the process vs. constricting it through your unsecure and unsettled ego).


Embodied power is not just physical ‘strength’; rather it is CHI and essenced consciousness – different flavors of it (kinda like how the future/evolution of the Beauty industry itself is this same work for women working on their 4D & 5D alchemical Beauty). 


The Western mind was always focusing and filtering on the mental, personalized mind itself and ‘body’ while not seeing the greater Universal mind of consciousness itself.


It wasn’t easy for me because my Eastern studies didn’t even have all of the answers either so I had to get them anyways. Sexy Chi represents that perfect fusion fortunately.


If you’ve done any serious spiritual work over the past decade; you might already know that this is what’s up because there is more than just the physical, biological body. You have multi-dimensional consciousness.


Your soul (for simplicity sake) is immortal and divine, thus in its non-physical truth it is virtually unlimited in the power and beauty it could hold. You can hold powers (kinda like Thor) in other dimensions.


Your body is mortal and we often tend to just live by those conditions and constrictions on our consciousness and power.


Yet consciousness itself is UNLIMITED (we’re all connected with God/Spirit/The Universe) and infinitely powerful in its truth and potential (of who you really are and who you could become).


Again; we are all connected in that greater sense of the great ‘observer’.


So we come back to your IDENTITY and how constricted you may have been in lacking IMPACT and charisma…it’s basically because you haven’t accessed these greater masculine POWERS (of consciousness itself including ancient, lineaged masculine consciousness), expanded self-identity and essenced, embodied chi that already exists out there amongst the most powerful and most truly beautiful. They are also super-natural powers like light-bending, heroic courage, faith, timeline bending will, influence, magic, psychic powers, omniscience, remote viewing and healing, etc..


(This is kinda like my Charisma Manifesto and return to men’s work – just remember you heard it first on Sexy Chi and I’m not even concerned about competition b/c from my vantage point it seems we’re light years ahead of any competition anyways AND I bring it and prove it with client results).


Let the other charisma coaches take Corporate and I’ll take Beauty, the Arts and Entertainment (if I had to choose).


Although behavioral charisma coaches will give a diluted, less conscious answer from their level of awareness;


Movie stars often have charisma largely because of their expanded identity and soul consciousness; they become a VESSEL for embodiment OF archetypal and other masculine light essences/chi and their corresponding consciousness because of the sacrifice of their personalized ego self which keeps their energy small and local.


Stars are able to take on more literal chi/qi/power because they are in greater and greater service requiring continual rebirth into more power (closer to Source itself).


Their vessel has to have more influence so they take on more power.


They essentially EMBODY and become an expanded masculine consciousness in presence that you don’t yet have access to or space for (if I’m guestimating correctly) because of your conditioning and your personalized, egoic definition of self-identity (even though your soul itself is potentially unlimited).


See; this isn’t about the INFLATION of your ego into grandeur at all along with its tendency for corruption, self-service or tyranny; we’re talking about righteous, expanded masculine immortal qualities and powers OUTSIDE of and yet along with your ego-self.

So if you have a reason to serve millions..

…Chances are your energy vessel (of your multi-dimensional body including the multi-dimensional chi of your vibes and your light) will open up bigger and you’ll be able to work with cultivating charisma much faster (directly or indirectly) in order to have that level of INFLUENCE – otherwise your field will likely remain very personalized and conditioned.


Likely you’d remain very consumerish; security and comfort driven while valuing fantasy diversions to live vicariously through others (and media) – the life you COULD be living for yourself. 


But we’re talking about relating with beauty IN physical reality as well….and really, YOU becoming the STAR but with ALIGNED and righteous sex appeal and influence as your true self!


Previously on Knots Landing; most people who developed great charisma did things indirectly (and actors have had their own in/direct techniques for embodiment), but now with Sexy Chi we can work on it directly (and I’m not talking about repositioning your posture like a good chiropractor would do – that’s all SECONDARY stuff at best).


That’s why if you’ve met a celebrity 1-on-1 their presence can be overwhelming because they have the light-power and vibe-power consciousness and truth to serve millions.


Again; it’s b/c they have more POWER (aka; more chi, more essenced codes stored in their chakras and aura). It FEELS like they’re influencing millions of people so they stand out from the norm of personalized people (we just have to view and value it from something other than just their physical body).


More (embodied) power = more influence and more IMPACT (and from the CORE OF YOU and your image working for you 24/7!) 


More beauty, more influence (just look at how Beauty inspires and drives the masculine wild; the masculine spirit EXALTS Beauty and yet is often manipulated by it in consumer dynamics and remains largely disempowered in the presence of true feminine beauty and women who yield it). 


GREAT MEN accept and embody that expanded definition of self whereas, perhaps you haven’t (yet). (And we also see where the ego gets inflated in D. Trump and ie. Kanye West putting politics aside).


I think that maybe you’ve HESITATED taking on so much power b/c you were concerned that it might corrupt you and you didn’t want to be like that…


So even if you’re seeking higher social status or social power (thinking that will attract ‘the one’); that’s ONE form of power that does kinda matter and yet DOESN’T necessarily lead directly to charisma or attraction and women swooning and having cosmic sex/love with you. 


High social status men without sexual presence (as part of their charisma) often have a lot of women manipulating, accessing or using them in different ways.


Some women will play the transactional game with their beauty privilege of gaining access to financial security, drugs, gifts, status, parties, travel, etc. but there is also transformational beauty in relation to your power…where having money becomes SECONDARY.


Some men with money are resigned to just playing the transactional game but I don’t think you’re here for that.


With embodied power you don’t have to transact with beauty merely on a superficial level like a sugar daddy.


From another angle;


You may want to sleep with starlets because they are ‘closer to source’ whereas (generically) women want to sleep with stars; there’s always been something to this (power, beauty and Communion codes behind it all).


You may have known someone who all of a sudden then got really sexy and out of your league…her beauty became too much for you to handle or relate to.


We see the same kind of ‘expansion’ thing on talent shows where someone’s presence changes from the first episode to take on their larger stage charisma later in the season as their consciousness adapts to being seen by and serving millions of people. 


Top singers can learn project their allure or charisma (chi expression) to the back of an auditorium or arena so people can FEEL them in their own energy body.


Ever scroll through instagram and just see superficially good-looking women, but it doesn’t necessarily activate something within or awaken your heart or soul?  All the time for me.


Well; if a lot of people are also not feeling them – those women themselves have something to do with it – they might only be valuing superficial beauty and disconnected from their own higher dimensional beauty consciousness, thereby people aren’t FEELING them (b/c their lack of allure). (Send them to Sexy Chi btw!)


With charisma; people can FEEL YOU and from further distances because your vibe-truth and light-truth (which is encoded, consistent consciousness as well) is bending and attuning THEIR psyche to your higher, closer to source power like a tuning fork! (most people just aren’t conscious of the process itself). It’s not just natural attraction, it’s SUPER-NATURAL attraction.


Everyone secretly fantasizes about sleeping with stars because of this same meta-reality of attraction; power and beauty and the alchemical fusion that is available at greater levels of power and beauty in sex, spirit and love closer to source….it’s a more powerful, cosmic experience.


Conversely; most modern single normal men DO NOT have charisma...

And instead have disempowered and conditioned chakras that OBFUSCATE these power essences/chi and the correspondingly encoded consciousness. 


They don’t have room to hold DIVINATED MASCULINE POWER and consciousness like Princes, Kings and Invincible Warriors (who legend and spirit lives on),


All copyrights belong to respective copyright holders throughout


Because most men are so personalized; they’re not able to be present and coherent with the presence and power of divine feminine beauty, consciousness and presence (this lack of coherence creates anxiety b/c she is more powerful than he in some form).


It’s like having a weak radio signal where you can’t quite ‘tune in’ to the station and play its signal emanation.


With most modern, single men, their fields are literally personalized (as well as usually needy and stuck in fantasy) so a woman (who herself is most likely carrying impersonal, immortal, divine feminine beauty consciousness); she can’t even FEEL their chakras unless they were really close and if they were; mostly likely might be creeped out instead of turned on b/c of the lack of presence and its fantasy attuned consciousness.


If being a natural is difficult enough around beautiful, high status, phenomenal women being a super-natural of true worthiness is even more kimpossible from an inner game/outer game approach.


There’s a great POWER differential when ‘normal’ men (in the PUA industry they used to call them AFC’s; average frustrated chumps); when they go up against the IM-personal beauty consciousness of many of today’s women in very real ‘live’ presence. 


The power of their beauty is REAL and it is socially verified, promoted and conditioned in MANY ways (including models selling bottles at clubs, porn and MUCH of advertising itself).


Such normies secretly or noticeably ‘chicken out’ in the face of such beauty and don’t want to be seen as a failure. I had one client in Berlin who had approached 1000s of women before meeting me while NEVER then being able to resolve his unworthiness and anxiety issues around women; his previous approaching had only made things worse!


If you’re single; being present with the LEVEL OF WOMAN that you desire (and her superficial and super-natural beauty); that’s what you want to work and focus on.


Imo it’s what SHE wants you to do but she’s not WAITING for you WHILE you go through it like a mother; she wants you to SHOW UP as ‘the man’ already so YOU have to get your shit together (ESP. if you are calling in a queen).


When you get anxiety around a beautiful, high status woman of both kinds of beauty (superficial/body AND the alchemical true beauty of divine feminine spirit like a dreamy lover-queen) you lose PRESENCE (as well as charisma which transmutes into 4D vibed anxiety and discord) and your lack of power simply cannot relate to her super-natural level of BEAUTY (and its power) so there’s a disconnect.


Can you afford years more of this lack of connection?


What if you know you CANNOT compromise in a long-term relationship on the level of woman you truly want?…


So what to do?


More pep talk or positive thinking? Ha! That goes right out the door when your physiology itself can’t control itself around her level of power (beauty) and the beauty of her 3D body, right?


I’d work directly on your masculine essenced consciousness and chi, your embodiment and the expression OF these impersonal ‘power codes’. It is the stuff of myth and legend after all…Bathsheba had similar archetypal feminine beauty qualities that women today now hold.


Statue of Biblical Bathsheba


You could also expand your spiritual consciousness but the thing is; a lot of that work DISEMBODIES YOU in relation to the physical sexual reality of women and their embodied divine feminine beauty and sexual power/status.


Your chakric body itself (as part of the e3 equation of embodiment) is sexual, psychic, spiritual and emotional and it all still comes back down to essence, embodiment and expression.


How much POWER (chi) can your chakra chambers hold in relation to the chakras OF your idealized, divine LOVER and can they be PRESENT with her level of Beauty (and how in demand it is) when ALL personal growth can go out the door – years of it – in the presence of her beauty’s truth!?


This is all just the energetic ‘charisma science’ behind it all and attraction (so yeah; we have to include things like chakras which in 1000s of years of known wisdom are practical energy centers related to organs and psyche as well as the aura).

The essences are basically divine masculine & divine feminine codes of IMPERSONAL consciousness

It’s the power and truth BEHIND with and through someone’s ‘confidence’. In otw; the real badass power and TRUE beauty (and both you and I know you’ve felt each around certain men and women in your life).


(Speaking of chi power – In the movie ‘I am Number Four’ his hands powerfully light up at certain points in the storyline. That’s actually what’s happening to me from a 4D and 5D perspective; I’m able to work with power, beauty and light meta-physically for your charisma transformation).



And just look at HOW MANY WOMEN not only ‘look’ like goddesses but carry the real self-worth, confidence and integrity of these different divine feminine (impersonal feminine) aspects like Goddesses and Lovers.


The good news is that if you’re looking for a DEEP relationship that IGNITES all of you and her; this is where it’s at…making love to GODDESS CONSCIOUSNESS ITSELF and what THAT must mean about your power as a man (not merely your ego power but your true power and consciousness as a man and that level of worthiness).




There’s LOOKING like it (superficial, extrinsic skin-deep beauty and the fashion, style, haircare and wardrobe that supports 3D beauty) and then there’s the deeper, true beauty of (ie.) Goddess CONSCIOUSNESS and PRESENCE.


This is even further what scares the crap out of most men b/c it reveals how incomparable they are to that level of Beauty and what it could mean about them as a man.


So this is huge because you may have been stuck with your inner game vs. goddesses, queens, starlets, princesses and divas paradigm for years or decades eternally remaining anxious and UNWORTHY (and honestly; it might be your deepest fear that you aren’t worthy to f*ck, love or commune with such TRUE BEAUTY and what that would mean about you…).

So yeah;

how on earth do you EVER compare to such Beauty?!

You don’t! Not from your limited definition of self (consciousness) at least!


There’s no inner game personalized consciousness (which would be inflated ego) that ‘fits’ as a match for divine IMPERSONAL, encoded feminine consciousness.


It becomes self-serving, narcissistic or distorted anyways in the men who through other means of power or inflated ego gain access to beauty. This may lead into shadow archetypal masculine misuse and so forth when the ego mixes with such divine power.


ESSENCES (and their signature codes of consciousness, light-truth and vibe-truth) ARE YOUR GATEWAY TO YOUR DIVINE MASCULINE CONSCIOUSNESS, RIGHTEOUS POWER AND IDENTITY that are also everything for charisma and allure INFLUENCE (as well as MASTERY of Beauty for women). 


Essences (some of which I’ve already alluded to but we’ll name some coming up) are what matters as the core elements of charisma AND in the professional world of performance, professional speaking and all medium of image and pro visual communication. 


It’s actually the same as the award-winning actors; they reach a level where they have the believable, congruent ESSENCE of the character embodied which makes a compelling performance (we can do that work with this as well now – except that this is your real life!)


Let me say this from another angle in case you’ve been dis-satisfied at your inability to relate to truly beautiful women from an inner game reality;


(Your undiscovered and dis-embodied) Divine Masculine essenced consciousness IS WHAT RELATES TO THE DIVINE FEMININE IN WOMEN even if your personalized inner game egoic self never in a 1000 years could be worthy in presence, dates and in bedroom without anxieties of her beauty and true power.


(I had to figure that shit out on my own because NO ONE was telling me that truth btw).


So if ESSENCES (which are alchemical light-truth and vibe-truth which attune people’s consciousness and DNA to more power and beauty) comprise the higher, non-physical truth of Beauty and allure as well as masculine power and charisma (as well as its SUPER-NATURAL attraction with Beauty);


What are the different kinds of essences that you can access, harness and embody more DIRECTLY (instead of never or indirectly at best) to become a more powerful, magnetic, super-natural, confident, divine masculine man who is worthy to attract the divine feminine?


THAT’S A powerful and practical question!


Well before I get to the mega-reveal itself as part of it; again, know that there are over 100 known and named Essences which are everything for beyond skin-deep Beauty and charisma mastery IN live presence and captured in film, video and photographic media.


If you value cultivating more allure or charisma, working DIRECTLY on your essenced, encoded consciousness and HOW it shows up in presence and professional image (embodiment/presence & expression/allure/charisma) is the best known way to get authentic and fastest results. 


Towards the end, I will still share several ways that will help give you several solutions to move forward.


Keep in mind that with most other ways of charisma; everything else is indirect at best (even with attunement) and some paths in life are entirely by proxy; I mean are you truly worthy WITHOUT the power of your money to receive such beauty as a sugar daddy?


Some men will never have the deeper satisfaction of knowing that answer but this is where true power comes in (Beauty seeketh Love and Communion with righteous Power).


I don’t know about you but I didn’t want a transactional reality; I wanted to be worthy of TRUE BEAUTY; transformational beauty.


And this is where it gets super-exciting and practical (and I’ve already inferred it); heck, it’s what we do here at Sexy Chi…(we’re all about future value now ;).


What about embodied breath work and that kind of stuff?

Ya know; like grounding nature and masculine brotherly sparring?


Yes; that can help you get in your body and even indirectly bring in some archetypal power/consciousness as well but with that said; how does it then relate to divine feminine beauty? Aha….in many cases now, it doesn’t b/c men are fractured from Her.




THE MAIN SUPER-REALM (and top practical key to access great masculine consciousness and light chi truth) is the entire PANTHEON OF ARCHETYPES, archetypal POWER, archetypal consciousness and archetype essences. This will CHANGE YOUR LIFE!


Even if ‘yo momma say you ugly’;


Archetypal essences are your prime and practical GATEWAY to divine masculine sexual and spiritual CONSCIOUSNESS as well as embodied presence, power and INFLUENCE.


It’s the opportunity to (grow into) truly have/having King consciousness, power, presence, influence and maturation in your reality (without requiring to be born into a royal lineage).


Or to BE the truth of a legendary Lover and then reality calibrates around you experientially.


(Pictured) Heath Ledger Photo Credit: Doane Gregory © Touchstone Pictures, All rights Reserved



Archetypes carry SUCH powerful codes and signature qualities with them that can ROCK the Feminine because the divine masculine archetypes are real truths collectively and WORTHY OF relating to the DIVINE FEMININE archetypes and those who embody them.


You don’t have to fake them, you simply have to surrender to them in making space and inviting their power into your embodiment.


This is how you can finally solve the impossible riddle of dating women out of your league, figuring out ‘how to talk to an angel’, being worthy of loving a woman of true beauty (and high status), etc.


It’s also the evolution of being a natural (in 1 on 1 biological physical presence with a woman) and then getting anxiety around socially verifiable 9+’s to 10’s into relating with their super-natural and super-social power and beauty (Instagram and music videos are meta-physical; thus spiritual and social power and influence in that sense and they can create a 10,000,000:1 power ratio vs. your personalized solo self to her beauty and meta-physical/spiritual/social influence).


So if you CANNOT compromise on the level of Beauty and awesomeness in a woman for a long-term relationship and you want to become a 10 of a man yourself to attract a socially verifiable 10 across the board without compromising; keep reading.


It’s your undiscovered and UNINITIATED divine masculine consciousness that exists outside and BEYOND the current limits of your constricted self-identity….that’s where the gold is for your true self (the immortal and potentially unlimited SOUL) to live out ITS DESIRES as well.




Your undiscovered, un-accessed and disembodied PRINCE is ALREADY worthy of relating with PRINCESSES; 



You simply haven’t embodied him nor given yourself permission to in a way that gives him room to EXIST without your egoic self constricting him out of the equation (most men don’t let themselves be a temple for such a thing). 


And it’s not something to be filtered through your psychological, egoic ‘inner game’ which entirely constricts Prince (and the Truth we KNOW him as from the collective conscious); constricts Him so much (or inflates his ego) that you all but lose his purity, truth, clarity and power (this is what PUA’s role-acting Prince archetype would do and women would respond accordingly; meaning, they wouldn’t).

We think instead that we have to be ordained by the Queen or born into a lineage in order to be worthy of being a prince

(Or somehow figure it impossibly out from the egoic self); but it’s really the CONSCIOUSNESS and thus essenced truth and presence OF prince that we’re talking about.  


PRINCE CONSCIOUSNESS and Prince POWER is immortal, impersonal and already exists!! It’s in the collective subconscious of what we already know of the truth of prince (a la Jung)…


Prince (historically, mythically, practically as we know him as an icon from the collective) HAS divine self-esteem, self-image and can confidently move in and out of high social circles with ease.


Prince is also on the path to healthy mature masculinity and kingship. (There are shadow aspects to all archetypes which we’re not going into here).


In general; Women are FARRRR ahead of today’s modern men as far as archetypal power (beauty and embodiment).


After eons of suppression and ostracization from religion; the divine feminine is rising and men are getting socially, sexually and spiritually fractured and left behind from communion WITH women and the divine feminine (much of this is with social politics like post-modern feminism and such).


Again; just look at how many women are BEHAVING as goddesses and starlets on instagram and tiktok!


The influence is real (and socially supported) b/c they own it and could choose 1 million men to date ahead of you in line (with your current self-identity consciousness and presence)!


They’re literally leveraging archetypal consciousness. You think princesses dated commoners (except for the rare exception?) NO!


So you might be stuck for years in unworthiness of ‘what do I have to offer’ or ‘how do I possibly compare to her’ BECAUSE SHE HAS (and has congruently accepted) THESE ARCHETYPAL TRUTHS about herself!? (And you haven’t accepted yours thus deflating the power ratio).


Their influence takes them beyond the 1:1 biological, body to body power ratio and instead more women are becoming LIKE starlets with a 10 million: 1 (you are 1) power ratio. If she gets ANY kind of magazine cover; good luck type of thing…if you can’t compare to that and want to remain more alpha rather than simp, you gotta bring something more to the table (this is where men focus on skillsets, cooking, talents, humor, job security, etc. instead when she still wants the FUSION potential and power of reunifying with masculine POWER underneath).


This meta-power is covered in the realm of archetypes. Hundreds of years from now the same archetypes will still exist and be embodied and expressed within some men; the same archs that have existed for millennia. Actually; the ‘simp’ is a newer beta male archetype!


I’ve talked in a few places as well about what people would ‘classify’ your dating factor as (both men and women). I know it’s superficial but it is ‘a’ reference point.


The real of 8-9’s of single women in a ‘rated’ dating pool; essentially requires you to be natural to relate to them and have sexual polarity; however from 9 up, dating becomes incredibly strange and challenging for most modern single men BECAUSE of their super-natural beauty’s power and most of THAT is archetypal consciousness and beauty. 


The power starts expounding the closer people relate to her and verify that she is a ’10’ (and we’re putting aside the before and after make-up differential in women and just going with authentic super-natural beauty anyways and how to relate to it b/c the woman you want likely has IT and OWNS IT).


9 to 10’s of women (in both superficial and true beauty) start having MAGNIFIED power of beauty that is literally meta-physical b/c of these social ratios of how many men they could date ahead of you – it’s IMpersonal POWER.


Heck; just look at the Princess power Taylor Swift had early in her career alone;



This was far more powerful than just about any ‘actual’ princess for centuries before her even though she technically isn’t a ‘princess’; it’s Princess CONSCIOUSNESS and the presence and beauty (as well as self-image) that goes with it.


Hate it or not; they act as if it’s real and it IS real.


Society supports them having it and doesn’t support you having it; instead of our masculine role models are largely missing or tyrannical.




Archetypal essences are immortal and IMPERSONAL consciousness aka light aka chi QUALITIES of truth that can (potentially) be accessed, cultivated, harnessed (from the source code/ collective / universal omnipotence of consciousness) and then EMBODIED literally embedded and seeded INTO your individuated spark of soul consciousness itself – where it mixes – and then be EXPRESSED physiologically and energetically in presence and image (hitting people on their 4D psychic/astral and 5D light dimension consciousness).

High status, powerful/beautiful women are TESTING and discerning if men are 'the real deal'

…And divine masculine archetype essences are ‘the real deal’.


It’s encoded deep within her psyche and soul-print spiritually and sexually to know this (and it generally empowers biological sexual attraction).


They’re assessing men WITHIN MERE SECONDS and knowing whether you’d be a worthy lover or not. Fair or not; it’s just how it is b/c biologically they have to be choosy.


So doing this archetypal essence, embodiment and expression work as I’ve mentioned before – it BENDS LIGHT so you (like Frank Sinatra) actually become BETTER LOOKING in the mirror and people’s eyes 


Frank Sinatra Charisma


This is b/c we’re seeing more of your true soul self (and other essenced consciousness); remember it’s light ANYWAY; your physical body is still vibrating energy at lower frequencies. 


This is a GODSEND if you aren’t the best looking man in the world (and believe it or not, I’m definitely NOT physically either).


Charisma bends light and perception thus literally upgrading your image from ie. a 7 to a 9. It lets people see your SOUL beauty.


It’s practical magic. And that’s kinda important b/c as men in general – we don’t have the leverage of make-up like women do.


She wants – even yearns for the (undiscovered, disembodied) POWER of your presence and how her divine feminine can relate to it (and love with it). Your personality, body and other stuff is secondary in attraction.


There’s UNLIMITED POWER with the divine masculine going back EONS throughout the masculine human lineage.


So yes; with archetypes, we’re talking about King, Warrior, Magician, Lover, Prince, Hero, Rockstar, Sex Icon, Shaman and much more….the key here is that we’re not taking a bass ackwards behavioral modeling approach nor are we taking merely a psychological approach which EASILY gets quagmired in the ego trying to figure things out and ‘faking things’ (b/c it’s disconnected from the true essence and power of it all).


We have to have REAL ways to effectively and ideally easily BYPASS both your ego and any conditioning and programming of your subconscious itself to effectively imbue authentic CODES of masculine, truth and light emanation (important for your embodied and expressed charisma) into YOUR embodiment and bring it ‘down to earth’.


(There’s so much more to spirituality by the way than just zen meditation!!)


And fortunately (after years of dreaming about it myself), we do! We’ve got ‘the ways and means’!


Even when I was in Medellin and took this photo I had an intention of embodying some real Eros archetype but I didn’t have the ‘DIRECT’ method to actually do it then (but now we do).


With a soul-based definition of self & self-consciousness

(And its expanded, righteous breathing room); 


..The world of archetypes (a major aspect of divine masculine consciousness) allows unlimited room for your expansion of identity, subjectivity, beliefs, behavior and experience of life…again – it’s also HOW you can (begin to) relate to princess and queen consciousness in millions of women now because your personalized ego-self could NEVER feel worthy to their true beauty, power and status.


So if you’ve meditated a lot to connect with spirit and your soul, this is other work and magic you can do from there.


Charisma itself IS magical just like allure is b/c of HOW it influences people and starts stirring them up in ways they can’t consciously comprehend!


This process; like much of spiritual work is actually about letting GO of your conditioning and your extreme attachment to your egoic self-identity…to really allow more room and space (for power and beauty and the thing is that we VALUE healthy masculine power whereas zen spirituality often avoids all of the archetypal, communion or polarity work).


The truth of a Lover-King for example should be filtered through your SOUL essence and definitely not through your conditioned, egoic, limited self and if it is; the immortal power of it most likely won’t ever even be embodied because you haven’t made space for Him in your psyche. 


His power requires more purity and body temple space to even have room to be present. A lot of men will then warp King codes through their own shadows and become tyrants. 


And you may have different embodiment and expression of power.


There’s a guy at my gym who has a lot of fire energy in his auric and chakric presence (this is also related to Human Design as well as the elements) but I have more Light, air and earth in mine….where shit gets too ahead of ourselves is to realize that your Siddhic King consciousness (once curated) could ALCHEMIZE with your lover’s divine siddhic feminine qualities but that cosmic love alchemy of the gods is too advanced for here and now.


Is it making more sense now?


Actors give themselves permission to sacrifice their more limited self identity to take on and EMBODY these other qualities of the IMPERSONAL and archetypal masculine (to serve millions) whereas you probably haven’t given yourself permission (“How could I be a prince?” so you don’t). 


Your consciousness and power is thus restricted because of your limited and personalized sense of self (even Eckhart Tolle talks about this a LOT)….AND it probably seems you can’t break out of it much (and your conditioning as well as this egoic definition of self-identity is greatly limiting things).


But when you have the proper outlook, energetic health and know HOW to directly embody archetype codes (while sacrificing your lesser self consciousness), you can experience great shifts in your reality.


We work on all of this btw in the Charisma Makeover pkg. or individual sessions with me.

Archetypal CHARISMA

This is what signifies to women who carry archetypal BEAUTY (starlets, goddesses, queen lovers, etc. and the signature qualities of them) that you are (more) worthy and powerful when most other men aren’t; why? 


Because with most modern single men; their personalized consciousness and presence does NOT know how to RELATE with true angelic and divine feminine consciousness and beauty (and its impersonalized, immortal value and power). 


…And because Kings relate with Queens. And we can REFERENCE these authentic archetypes in believable movie roles incl. like the Ice Queen



There’s really a shortage of benevolent King consciousness on the planet right now (and in creating valuable empires) esp. with how social culture has been working against it and how we have the ‘war of the sexes’ and most of feminism now being about castrating the masculine from their righteous power and inheritance (which protects, serves, preserves, builds and provides).


I for one now walk WORTHILY amongst goddesses, starlets and muses BECAUSE I have cultivated divine masculine, immortal and IMPERSONAL consciousness.


It took years of consciousness work and many initiations; yet now (as a powerful Magician); I’m able to INITIATE OTHERS and greatly shorten the length of time involved in presence and consciousness transformation (ie. to relate with beauty and power).


PLUS + remember that women are designed to discern and know this about you (their intuition works FOR or AGAINST YOU based on YOU in REAL-TIME btw; but it’s YOU who has to change for your reality and how women respond to change). This sets you instantly ahead of other men AT THE START (where they’ll categorize men into certain boxes right away).


Ok; let’s reference some archetypal charisma.


Why are women into Jason Momoa even if they didn’t know he was famous? (It’s not just looks alone).




He has charisma but it’s coming FROM not his ‘inner game’ psychology…it’s coming from his EMBODIMENT…(in chakras and aura)…of what?


Of ARCHETYPAL and other divine masculine (immortal, signature qualities) essenced truths. It’s not ‘because’ he is famous (that ADDS to the fuel and social power) but we can just focus on like a celebrity you didn’t know was a celebrity and you just noticed they had ‘it’ going on and you just KNEW it. 


What gave THEM that level of self-image and self-confidence?


Were they just lucky with a good-upbringing or environment? Ha…not in many cases.




The truth is that Eros (Greek lover archetype and Cupid in Roman mythology) is already a legendary lover (both light and dark aspects and Casanova btw would have embodied great Eros); 




Again; Prince archetypal consciousness already IS encoded with high social status and divine self-esteem b/c this is the TRUTH of prince consciousness and presence which can be embodied with Prince codes – AS we know it from the collective unconscious…these IMPERSONAL masculine qualities EXIST in consciousness and keep researching with and through men who are able to embody them.


(For all your focus on ‘personal’ growth and ‘inner game’ psychology);


It is the IM-PERSONAL power of the immortal masculine that is stirring and awakening the IMPERSONAL, greater, beautiful expanded consciousness within (phenomenal) women. We’re not talking about play-acting and modeling the mannerisms, dressing up and ‘faking it’ to try and ‘act’ like the real deal. 


When we work at the level of essence itself, you take on the real power itself from source (and really this work that I’m revolutionizing I believe is the future of professional acting as well which requires BEING). 


You would just have to find a way to somehow work with it indirectly (like award winning actors) or directly like we can do now in the CMP.


So if you want REAL SWAG and I mean authentic DIVINE MASCULINE SWAGGER that when a woman FEELS you instantly without effort or word on your part that you are THE MAN…that you are WORTHY and f*cking sexy and powerful…this is priceless….b/c when she can SUBMIT (energetically to rest into that consistent TRUTH about you, there is room for polarity and exciting alchemy of your energies).


Thusly; you become the real deal to relate with such power and beauty yourself and the key is with your immortal masculine consciousness (archetypes and otherwise). 


So do the essence work somehow and then calibrate your reality around people and women in the real world; your mannerisms, thoughts and beliefs change and you reinforce this higher level of reality about yourself as people respond to you differently and you integrate it as part of your new expanded self-identity.


It’s the SAME aspects and icons of universalized consciousness that heroes of yore used to embody and leverage along the great masculine timeline…the great myths…

Archetypes ARE mythic and EPIC....

We’ve just lost touch with that and INITIATIONS in our egoic, selfish society (an extended discussion).


(Maybe your soul desires to BE epic and live an epic life and legacy)…


Because he (J.Momoa) literally has ANCIENT Eros, Warrior and a lot of King chi essenced TRUTH in his presence (as well as siddhic Gene Key qualities I’m not introducing here but we work on in your CMP) – the transmission runs deep and STIRS the awakening feminine truth and shakti within women.


That’s why.



The light and vibe of these IMPERSONAL energies (if you detach from his name and identity) are just affecting you.


POWER has influence and it is affecting people on THEIR 5D Light bodied self and 4D vibrational self.  He still gets the benefit of people associating it AS Jason Momoa.


It’s not just a generic ‘presence’…it’s divine masculine, universal chi essences (much of which can be archetypal) that are radiating out of his image/presence that are hitting their physiology and warping all kinds of things in all the right and wrong ways.


This is because these powers are ALCHEMICAL when they are purely sourced (all essences) which attunes people to such power like tuning forks essentially raising their experience into greater power, beauty, freedom, liberation, sexiness, etc. just being around it b/c it is sourced in higher universal truth and is alchemical to their consciousness.


Just check out his interviews where tv hostesses get naturally and understandably a bit hot and bothered around him.


And the BTS members btw would also have different charismatic essences as well as your FAVORITE movie characters.


Elementally; BTS has a lot of high frequency refined air and ether essences.



Now put that same stadium-influencing power in a 1 on 1 scenario face-to-face and BOOM! INFLUENCE.


Is it making more sense now?


The power is real.



And yes and image alone can do this b/c it is capturing that ‘Light’ (power and beauty) information transmission.


That’s why women will gasp around some men and not feel anything around others (when they don’t they’re famous or haven’t developed an emotional relationship with their ie. music).


BTS has given themselves PERMISSION to be that influential and shine as part of their expanded self-identity of (not ‘mindset alone’ but) consciousness.


They have to be.




THEY HAD TO EXPAND their self-identity and consciousness to fill that larger stage and then it gets reinforced back into their self-identity (which mostly what its doing is STRENGTHENING the archetypal consciousness in the collective even more; thus todays divas and starlets are even more powerful than ever in history).


Light, air and ether are also forms of power; it’s not always just ‘grounded’ but this is the beauty of the spectrum of essences!


Elvis sometimes had hurricane force air in the astral realm so in wonder women would end up in a tizzy! 



(Btw; I was literally with a shaman who had the same type of hurricane force wind in a ceremony in the 4D/Astral realm).


Again; most modern men don’t give themselves permission to step into such a BIG presence, but you might want to cultivate what your true avatar soul-self would like to be like.


What qualities would he have?


How would he relate to celebrities or leaders of his industry? What things about him turn women ON and get them steamy?


So such ‘artists’; they take on more (beyond-personal-self) POWER and flavors of it to have greater INFLUENCE including just from their presence/image (put aside their music and the emotions with it).




Women are reading this IN the image of men and if they don’t FEEL it/you in many cases, they generally aren’t compelled at all to care however frustrated or entitled you feel. 


And it’s not because you’re not a rock-star, it’s because of your lack of power (and the different essenced flavors of it like the archetypes and 64 siddhic essences); your previous lack of presence in relation to their beauty which would be THE test (her or someone higher status than her).


But if all YOU care about is (attachment to) your egoic ‘inner game’ (which fails) and ‘thinking it all out’ while meanwhile there’s this gap between you and very real and verifiable starlet, diva, princess and goddess consciousness in women who have that real power, confidence, self-image and BEAUTY in the truth of their BODY, 


Hmmm, ok…have you finally had ENOUGH of this power differential between you and such beauty in the world? I know I did.


I mean it’s YOUR reality; how much do I have to sell you on the concept (of relating with beauty herself if you truly value it)?


And yes; I have what people would call ‘9’s and 10’s’ responding to my charismatic photos on FB often.



I know that for my big vision and path I HAD to step into much greater power in order to have such influence (and it’s an ongoing journey).


Do you want to end up compromising for ‘less than’ what you truly desire in a long-term relationship? Living a life of regret of ‘what if’?


Because if you’re a ‘normal guy’ who is compromised on doing great things in this life and/or you’re already content with whatever type of relationship/gf you have, all of this work probably isn’t for you.

Fortunately this is all really about RECLAIMING your divine masculine INHERITANCE

(Which is also everything if you are on a great big dharma soul path)….AND…you have to kinda have a reason to.


That’s what’s really going on and YOU have potential access to all of this ACTUAL power as well that exists LEGIONS of it outside of your inner game and the inversion programming of most of our social programming (and politics). 


And you have the whole GAMUT of immortal, impersonal and iconic masculine consciousness to choose from to embody as your true self (your soul) desires to express (yet filtered through your SOUL signature self rather than your constricted and calcifying egoic self).


And it may be good to know that Eros hits different than Magician for example or Father/Provider. You can cultivate and curate your avatar self charisma (from over 100 already known essences)!


Dwayne Johnson was named Sexiest Man Alive but actually has a lot of Father in the mix which is appealing to some women (single mothers?!) but could otherwise be more generally ‘sexier’ in presence without it but it’s part of who he is. He also has other archetypes; Warrior, Fighter, Sex Icon, Lionheart, etc.





The pantheon of over 100 named essences (that exist in the collective unconscious as per Freud) including ALL archetypes (likely NONE of which the other charisma coaches have direct access to); gives you a boundless palette FROM which to grow and express your true soul self as a powerful, sexy and worthy man (as well as to cultivate HOW your power would relate TO her – penetrate with – and infuse with – her divine feminine true beauty).


After all, you’ve heard that it’s not a men’s body they value the most…they’ll say things like ‘confidence’ and ‘there’s just something about him’; but more specifically it’s charisma (comprised of embodied and emanating essences) b/c THAT’S where they can get hit by divine masculine truth (in many cases; simply archetypal power) for THEIR divine awakening feminine sexually, spiritually, emotionally and so forth. 


Sure there’s something to be said about making a woman laugh, but can you see how if you just focused on that personality trait you could become the Jester and not be the embodied Warrior-Lover she desires in the bedroom?


Also; we’re specifically focused on your presence and professional image here (without words b/c as the saying goes; a picture is worth a thousand words).


What would it be like to have your ideal future lover KNOW that it's you with you even saying anything within the first couple of seconds?

That’s an example of the power of charisma (kind of how like you may respond to a woman of great alluring beauty JUST from her image).


     Here’s another reference;



If we just take the presence of a 1Direction member or 2 in their prime without knowing he was famous and put him with the average teenage girl for 10 seconds in the line at a shopping mall arcade (for example); his POWER would be emanating and stirring all kinds of things in her consciousness.




He has the effect of attuning her and awakening her Princess consciousness and Beauty b/c that Light and Vibe-truth power is alchemical and is of a stronger truth and frequency than hers (the whole tuning fork concept and the whole unspoken thing of people ‘knowing’ who is the most powerful person in the room and who they look to).




And meanwhile you’ve likely struggled to figure it all out from your conditioned, disempowered personalized consciousness (that which society if anything favors and conditions your disempowerment because they love selling the FANTASY of sex, love and relationships).


I mean look at all the buffoon male figures on tv shows and the woman saves the day!


Why not give the middle finger to consumer society and your disempowerment and instead reclaim your divine masculine inheritance!? 


It is meant to be passed down through generations, but there is so much collectively that is preventing your RIGHTEOUS empowerment as well as service and inspiration to the world.


Thing is; you’re going to have to work on all of this on a level of subconsciousness and multi-dimensional energy body to have any real sovereignty and effect (which is what I do in every activation session and/or the CMP). All of the work now btw is light years ahead of my industry leading work BACK THEN (in the natural/dating industry)!




Power and Beauty; it’s also why people want to sleep with stars. They have more of these universalized truths and power literally IN their presence and image which influence the heart, mind, body and soul of others. 


MOST people are personalized consumers energetically; so thereby don’t have reason to expand their self-identity into such immortal beauty and greatness with charisma (and keeping it ‘on’ publicly) however – Beauty largely remains a fantasy and escape for them.


All of this is incredibly spiritual and sexual btw and richly so; immortally so.

With more POWER and more BEAUTY in presence (esp. at sourced DNA mutating levels); the alchemical fusion of love and sex that is possible starts radically quantifying into cosmic realms (light years beyond the inter-personal rapport and physical ‘banging’).


So…referring back to our definition mentioned earlier;


Charisma itself is the circulation of authentic essences with and through your aura and chakras as a multi-dimensional self.


Essences are also forms of ‘qi’ or ‘chi’ with unique encoded qualities (air feels different than water which feels different than siddhic florescence ie.).


There is far more than just the basic yin and yang chi which I connected in the program Qi Natural Grounding (remember; I’ve studied directly with a Chi Kung Grandmaster and other masters).


So for all these years, you’ve (likely) been concerned with your PERSONAL egoic self and your attachments and conditions to that perception of limited self – it’s actually your greater, more powerful, universalized masculine IM-personal Self and consciousness that holds infinite keys – albeit for your true self (the soul) to BE and live out its greater truth and influence.


Would you be willing to let your inner game go or to sacrifice your current level of self-consciousness?


Is rebirthing yourself and your consciousness worth it?  Would it be valuable to clear out the conditions, programs and limitations on your deeper masculinity on a subconscious and energetic level?


And if you want to argue with that, just let women (the past several years) be the gauge and test of HOW present you can be and whether you have attraction with the level of beauty you desire in your life – and if you’re satisfied…


And just be honest with it all and yourself (hey; I was there too and it was a driving force of finding answers to this yet now I am IMMERSED in Beauty and attracting it all the time without effort).


BECAUSE it is about power, expanded consciousness and essence-central (and the truth-vibe and truth-light communication IN all of your videos and images); why not focus on it DIRECTLY while meanwhile removing all the shit that is blocking you from even having powerful masculine embodiment and chi emanation?


(This is a metaphorical path to Rome and all other paths DON’T lead to Rome btw if you’ve still been stuck in Timbuktu with relating in presence and attraction with powerful men and women of great beauty, awesomeness and status as part of your big soul path).


Whether you’ve been on a path of conscious awakening or masculine empowerment or not;


Could you even become a vehicle for these greater masculine truths to relate to the immortal feminine beauty and flavors of it in reunification?



Could you take on being a greater vessel to commune with the Holy Grail (even though we’re not delving into that ancient wisdom here b/c it’s not the time or place)?


B/c if you’re holding onto your past conditions, failures, beliefs and experiences with women, there isn’t room for your Holy Lover to DESCEND from the heavens into consciousness and presence in the bedroom with a truly beautiful, goddess yoked woman where you both melt into God and Goddess making love (oh they’ve basically outlawed THAT out of most religion).


See; the egoic self (and understandably so) doesn’t believe it is WORTHY of being like a true King, Hero, Lover or Prince and if it does; again – it oft gets distorted or tyrannical fast in most cases…an inflated ego (that is ready to come karmically crashing down fast). 


Yea; this is also your opportunity to RISE into righteous, benevolent masculine power that the world is missing today and that many single women are YEARNING for as well (to have the leadership power to phase out and replace the tyrants).


Our cultural collective consciousness is MISSING this HEROIC benevolent masculine power and instead wants to strangle it out yet it’s the toxic devouring feminine shadow that is largely leading this reaction play and its ideological influence (an extended topic).


It is time for worthy Kings and Queens to create a new RENAISSANCE...

Men that can hold space for the divine feminine consciousness and her awakening in the world; not men to suppress and tear it down b/c of their urge to control b/c of their own insecurities and lack of true power.

What is a world of queens without kings? Divine balance is out of order.

So if it was righteous; just how much power and consciousness COULD you allow yourself to take on?

Or are you going to let your failing, insecure and anxious personalized self continue to secretly be frightened of true beauty (let alone the love that would be possible in reality – or even a wonderful lover-queen)?


Yes; the consciousness and presence of King and Eros (ie.) are potentially available to you as well if you have a way to access and embody their codes.



Again; it helps to have a REASON for it like a big soul service to the world, influencing millions or desiring true love with great beauty….because then you are more ready to sacrifice who you are in presence now in order to rebirth and become who you must become. That takes some vision and soul warriorship + commitment!

I’m not saying that improving your physique, body language, fashion, haircare and skin-care aren’t important – they ARE important and have their place (I work out 6 days a week!); yet, there’s an entire new world that’s DIRECTLY relevant if you want to effortlessly show up in a room and have people jaw-dropping from your swag and the relevant big doors it opens along your big service, fullest and highest timeline and lifestyle.

You may already work on your physical body or good looks; why not work directly on your charisma itself?

THEN it’s easier to work on the face care, haircare and soul-expressed style.

It comes down to your TRUE POWER and power STIRS and awakens Beauty. Power that INFLUENCES and attracts.

Who could your soul really BE if you gave yourself that kind of permission (like your favorite stars)?!

Will you bend light and people's chakras just from entering the room?


Will your effortless vibe INFLUENCE that people get squeamishly a hot mess around your oozing power and the special signature quality of your soul expression?


Remember; your EMBODIED power (chi) and the more PERSONALIZED you are (generally), the less power you have to relate to a lover-queen’s 10 million to 1 power ratio with you.


And that is whether you are resentful and frustrated that beauty (and pussy) is on this super-natural pedestal and all these women be acting like they queens, etc. THEIR POWER HAS RISEN sexually, socially and spiritually at least. WILL YOURS? What an opportunity to rise into YOUR power (or to remain disavowed).


Through centuries; Beauty has immortal status and what we’re talking about allows you to become worthy of both physical beauty AND (in your process) worthier to divine beauty Herself.


It gets men closer to source, closer to God.


So yeah; archetypes are BIG if you had a way to access the truth of such essences and literally download them into the seat of your soul and ‘into’ chakric embodiment.


But there’s ALSO elemental, soul-based and siddhic essences which are essentially flavors of Light, chi and consciousness that can ALSO be EMBODIED in your presence and communicate as vibe-truth and light-truth charismatically! 


This gives you even more versatility and possibilities in expressing your highest self and effortlessly affecting things within women who meet your image or presence.


Think of Machine Gun Kelly’s solar fire to Megan Fox’s Goddess-Starlet Mother water and the ALCHEMY that first occurred and continues to occur with them.



Because they influence millions of people, they have more access to elemental chi as well!


Think of the water a J.LO, Beyonce or such who holds in their Goddess-Diva Mother presence and how much equivalent ‘power’ it would take. 



I’ve joked before about how much men it’s like throwing a firecracker into the Pacific ocean on the power differential (elementally) – no wonder women can’t feel you!




It’s about EMBODIED POWER (presence) that relates to the power and influence of BEAUTY (both the super-natural unity of the feminine form in her body, her physical 1:1/0:1 body and her super-natural essenced beauty/allure). 


Don’t want to become a sugar daddy in exchange for relating with beauty? Work on your healthy, divine masculine consciousness and its authentic power.


Being so sexually and spiritually yoked also makes things FAR more interesting, seductive and appealing for a long-term relationship and being around your partner rather than just more of an inter-personal and physical connection.



The impersonal masculine consciousness you haven’t discovered yet is ALREADY worthy; you don’t EVER have to figure it out from your egoic constricted inner game monkey mind (where he seems entirely separate and you are unworthy or not permitted).


And really, it’s best not to figure it out from the ego-self (I mean after years or decades; maybe it’s time to try something new?).


Your consciousness isn’t meant to be limited by the construction of your conditioning and your personae.


And there’s something ancient in our divine masculine inheritance; something about a BREAK or discord in the connection and respect toward fatherly initiation that we’re not willing to submit our lower, undisciplined and tyrannical self to greater power, thus we don’t receive these greater initiations (unless we really know to seek them out like I did).


So anyways (in this charisma education primer); essences are the core element of charisma and allure. These give you the POWER and magic of presence.


And of course this includes your unique soul essence alone which is INVALUABLE to embody (even if you didn’t directly do any archetypal work).


All of this allows for DEEPER connection, love and intimacy with people and a woman.


Eckhart Tolle is a great example of this (soul embodiment); deconditioned, uncluttered chakras where is true self has room to be ‘in’ (at least his upper chakras) and we can also see it in the eyes. 



Most men have too much conditioning (stored in their chakric psyche) and are running on so much disempowered cultural programming and habits that their true self doesn’t have room to be ‘in’ their body and spiritually present. 


Culturally (as I’ve alluded to before); we’ve lost touch with the ancient and archetypal masculine with it esp. being subverted by the devouring shadow feminine (esp. with leftist politics).


YOU have to find a way to VALUE IT for yourself and stand up against masculine AND feminine shadow tyranny.

So you have the pantheon of archetypal power and then there’s…

The whole realm of SIDDHIC consciousness introduced in the I-Ching & the Gene Keys!

These are 64 aspects of enlightened consciousness that are also specific, essenced visual signatures of light-truth and vibe-truth which could be leveraged for curating your soul-based amazing charisma or allure!

Heck; there’s even STARSEED and astrological signature essences you could shine as well that others can be inextricably drawn to that PIERCE THROUGH right to someone that they notice you and are intrigued instantly by.


The siddhic essences, ahh…These are flavors of alchemical vibe-truth and light-truth that include the likes of Ecstasy, Devotion, Universal Love, Grace, Intoxication, Peace, Honour, Majesty, etc. – ALL of which to potentially paint your avatar self presence and charisma IN expanded self consciousness and embodied presence.


There are specific ‘keys’ that are especially encoded to YOUR soul and body. I just wanted to introduce it here but we work with it in the Charisma Makeover Package (I do Human Design/Gene Key readings b/c they relate to your charisma as well as Gift & Siddhic DNA activations).


So yeah; there’s over 100 named ‘essences’ which comprise embodiment (presence) that makes up your potential rockstar charisma that we can literally work on DIRECTLY but as the AUTHENTIC, ALIGNED, higher timelined version of you!! 




Just think of how much someone like a J.LO (er – J.AF now) had to sacrifice of who she was to keep rebirthing her consciousness and presence into who she is today! 


(And in any photo we can ‘read’ which archetypes are present – I even came up with a practical 1-10 rating for archetypal embodiment and having been doing these readings for years).



I myself have been through countless initiations (to grow into more aligned power, magician-ship and influence for my great purpose).


So if you have a great big soul purpose, you have to grow into greater power and consciousness ANYWAYS! How could the divine masculine archetypes support your growth and soul-based experience?


How about your SIDDHIC avatar self and how he relates to a Lover-Queen or directs people with such authority that it INSPIRES them to follow you?


I’ve inferred it before but it’s worth mentioning again that it’s essence/energy FIRST; ( that’s where all the other charisma coaches get it off/wrong imo).


It’s FROM the essences that THEN the behaviors, thoughts, actions spring forth; (which like ‘scripts’ your ego might otherwise want to ‘know’ first). With the proper alignment; then things just become different and effortless (this is the proper order unlike Western bass ackward deconstructionist methods).


And as your consciousness and charisma transforms; women just respond to you differently as your presence itself shifts (as you interact with 3D reality) into more initiated, healthy masculine power. Again; it’s less about DOING and more about BEING.


But how do you get from wherever you are now in power, sexiness, presence and charisma to WHERE you want to be that has MAGNETIC sex appeal and influence (and we mean in the REAL REAL not in just fantasy)?


Furthermore; how do you RELATE, attract and connect to the BEAUTY (both the superficial and the deeper, true alchemical beauty even) of the beautiful women and the divine feminine (the same beauty that Cleopatra and the most beautiful women embodied centuries ago)?



(After all righteous divine masculine POWER and its embodied spiritual and sexual PRESENCE relates to Beauty and Beauty is attracted to Power; it’s just that here we’re talking about the power of presence and not your accomplishments, fame or external signifiers which are actually going to be influenced by the power of your presence).


Again; If you’ve been on a spiritual journey you may have a lot of essenced, expanded masculine consciousness and its power already cultivated yet perhaps not EMBODIED or expressed in your presence and image (and you may also have specific conditioning or energetic BLOCKS that are preventing embodiment)…so there’s ROI to ‘cash in on’ so to speak with this work as well.


And so how do you get to that highest timeline level of charisma WITHOUT years of fake-acting and body language techniques which are byproduct and secondary things that would come naturally WITH the first things anyway?


Basically; you have to get INITIATED into divine masculine essenced consciousness and ideally you would want to do it in a way that specialized in e3; essence, embodiment and expression for MAKEOVER TRANSFORMATION itself and big ROI results.


You would want to assimilate and EXPERIENCE things rather than imagine them from the egoic filter of your limited mind or ‘fake-acting’ them. In other words; you want REAL and experiential initiations from someone qualified.


Your transformation is about real power and EMBODIMENT so yeah; it requires EXPERIENTIAL initiation and holistic integration. 


Working on your soul and multi-dimensional energy body itself directly allows us to do the MOST powerful work in the shortest amount of time.





Ok we covered a lot on this educational ‘Charisma Codes’ page as an effective, highlighted and upgraded overview of the free charisma email masterclass I sent out earlier to my older men’s mailing list.


So let’s sum things up if you want to have divine masculine swagger and rockstar charisma but really as the highest timeline, empowered and authentic version of yourself that can relate with super-natural beauty in women and the feminine (and even from there to dive deeper into the mysticism and mysteries of beauty and love).


And yeah; all of this can really help you attract the ‘one’…a woman of your dreams. (In the past I’ve helped so many men with dating and attraction including girlfriends and serious LTR’s).


We understand that charisma in its most accurate definition in the world to date is the expression of essences with and through your embodied presence and that there are over 100+ specific essences to draw from cultivating your soul-self based charisma.


We can reference Yanni at the Taj Mahal performance was emanating some of his specific essences;



So yeah; we covered a lot of the educational 2022 insight into the charisma codes, but…


Summing Things Up...

Here’s how to have the effortless magnetic charisma of the higher time-lined version of yourself WITHOUT fake-acting it or getting stuck for years more in doubt and disbelief (remember we’re bypassing the backwards behavioral modeling stuff entirely). 


This is the DREAM formula and solution I was always looking for that literally no one knew about or told me directly (I downloaded it from years of working with Muse codes in the practice of Natural Grounding);


I paid a great price for this level of REAL and practical, usable (with the right resources) information.



(like an award-winning actor)


Take on a soul-based definition of self-identity rather than keeping the iron-grip on your egoic self-identity.


It’s your personality and inner game which goes TANDEM with the non-conscious disempowered conditioning (and its dis-avowment from the divine/impersonal feminine consciousness) that resides in your chakras and aura that is mostly running the show.


Your egoic self + disempowered psyche conditioning = a LOSING formula as a byproduct of your social culture which largely devalues the masculine, keeps you in conformity (sheep rather than lion) and fractures you from the divine feminine while also having lost touch with paternalistic or master-apprentice rites of passage and initiation (let alone the sacred magic of divine feminine initiations).


You must find ways to ‘BE’ present and in consciousness outside of the constricted version of yourself and the structure of your personae (and its predictable failure patterns), even if you aren’t used to it.


It took me years to experientially know this along my spiritual awakening and to express it so concisely.


Immersing at an ashram with an enlightened master (who activated my crown chakra btw) was just part of this path.



Doing this ‘identity consciousness upgrade/transfer’ gives you the leverage to DE-personalize your energy field, conditioning and its limitations (and weaker selfish influence) while opening yourself up to play around with REAL archetypes of power and flavors of immortal masculine consciousness (all AS part of your SOUL expressed self!). 


Most men (ego-driven, ego-everything) won’t ever do this btw, so it helps to have a REASON to do it like a great big dharma (life purpose). If you’re already into SOME form of spiritual work you may have a leveraged advantage here (b/c it is a form of transformational consciousness work yet at the deepest level of identity).


Your soul-self has the possibility and power to truly be unlimited and free while your conditioned, egoic self will keep you from such freedom, liberation, peace, bliss and power.


find a way (or ways) to get directly INITIATED into your expanded, divine masculine consciousness and presence

Professional actors find ways indirectly through their own methods to congruently EMBODY consciousness, archetypes and characterization other than their personalized self.


They’ve found ways that are like initiations for quantum leaps (like attuning in to a master actor giving them advice or character tips) to embody a character very different than themselves.


For YOU;


Usually such initiations (into expanded consciousness and more power/beauty) can be through indirect or direct attunements (we’ll mention this again coming up) but most likely initiations are direct with or through spiritual masters, priests or priestesses.


These can be (with) spiritual experiences, shamans, dakini healing sessions, certain forms of plant medicine journeys, astral travel, DMT or through alchemical attunements ie.

Copyright Fabian Jimenez


These consciousness expanding initiations (as quantum leaps in consciousness) can be archetypal, spiritual, elemental (fire dancing, fire walking), soulful and siddhic (in consciousness), astral, etc. yet they all connect you to greater power beyond the conditioned, limited and egoic self-identity. 


So if you’ve been doing any effective spiritual work (including zen meditation); GREAT!


This is greatly to your advantage because it gives you more SPACE and CLARITY in your consciousness; however, this peace and clarity generally has to be EMBODIED in order for you to have presence in relation to other forms of power and beauty. 


So we have the power (essentially masculine) and beauty (feminine); META dynamic of ATTRACTION spiritually and sexually (which is massively empowered with archetypes and siddhic power/beauty.


And we have the truth of CONNECTION and INTIMACY which is about alchemical polarity and COHERENCE.


As you initiate your divine masculine consciousness into greater freedom and power, it will be able to be more COHERENT with the presence of great Beauty instead of energetically, sexually and spiritually flaccid and incoherent (meaning when you get anxiety and she doesn’t FEEL you nor attraction).


This means the work for PRESENCE and coherence (worthiness and attunement to great beauty) has to be IN your chakras themselves in relation to HER beauty (good lord I’m thinking even my Chinese masters didn’t teach me this stuff!). 


We live in a relational world and many use spirituality as an escape – except that dream lover of yours, she also exists in the physical (and has multi-dimensional beauty in light and vibe truth leading to greater SPIRITUAL alchemy and super-natural polarity as lovers) so value EMBODYING your initiations.


The more INITIATED you are into divine masculine consciousness, the more FUSION potential for both of you as lovers (and the more women will seek you out).


(And with that said comparatively to air zen; you might want to work with more of the elemental solar FIRE of our source masculine SUN yet either way; it’s still all in the spectrum expanded masculine consciousness and greater Truth).


So; FIND WAYS to get initiated into expanded (and masculine) consciousness (including the archetypes). Generally you want to seek out masters.


Just ONE of my major initiations was having a kundalini awakening during a sexual-spiritual activation session from a highly yoked dakini priestess.


This also doubled as me becoming a Daka Priest initiation to do major sexual healing for women. Later that same night I received an ascended master first generation initiation from a legendary Martial Arts master upgrading me from 4th generation physically activated (in his secret chi kung lineage) to first generation.



clear out or decondition disempowered social programming, implanting and conditioning from your psyche/chakras and get embodied.

This then means to EMBODY your soul and other chi-based essences and their consciousness/codes IN your chakras and aura (this includes masculine archetypes and their POWER).


This includes subconsciously LETTING GO of who you were and DECONDITIONING literally in your chakras b/c they are psyche storehouses and if they’re filled with lower timeline beliefs, shadow frequencies, failures, fantasy addictions, trauma and social programmed conditioning that’s keep you unworthy, inept and flaccid around beauty – that stuff’s got to go…there isn’t room to embody badass divine masculine codes and chi literally in your body.


Your King doesn’t have temple space to even make his entrance in this case; so he’s going to peek in the back door like Snoop Dogg did at the after-party in Hawaii I sponsored and just leave.


This may be incredibly difficult or near impossibly to practically just do on your own if you aren’t yet into releasing methods or advanced into direct energy work (although Sedona Method and EFT can help as a self-practice but you have to assess if you’re getting BIG results and changes in how you feel and how others respond to you). 


You may have psychic cords or implants on the back of your chakras (for YEARS) that are feeding you programming from the collective (like Neo in the Matrix); these are also restricting your sovereignty. 


When the p(l)andemic occurred, mass formation psychosis was so easy to implement and most of the Western populous had aggregate implants attached to the back of their chakras metaphorically becoming Agent Smiths (yet also conformist sheeps) of the larger programming agenda (this is all 4th dimensional astral stuff and warfare going on).



When you can clear out your BODY and subconscious psyche of lower timeline entropy, shadows, junk, trauma, social programming and conditioning (including from any ideology) to have chakras be SOVEREIGN POWER CAULDRONS, then it’s about HOW MUCH essence-based POWER or ‘chi’ that you can embody and ‘hold’ in your physiological presence (esp. AROUND powerful, beautiful people themselves). 


In individuals sessions with me, we work on ALL of this as well as divine masculine embodiment activations (initiations).


That’s (the science of) what the most charismatic men are literally doing (albeit mostly indirectly as a byproduct of living a larger vision and path)…their body has more POWER and energy IN their presence and thereby as a snapshot in their videos and film that is EMANATING (the expression part) these greater-than-personalized-self masculine essenced codes, power and light.


There are more light codes condensed into a chakra for example.


Heck; even John Wineland is a GREAT example of a powerful, clean activated Heart chakra.

And it’s not about your physical size either; a short man can pack a lot of true power b/c he isn’t limited to the smaller size of his body and chakra itself as higher dimensional space isn’t limited to the physical.


So we know that many single men work on their physique to find out that women in many cases are only a little bit more interested and aren’t attracted b/c they don’t have the power of presence and charisma they’re looking for (emanation of divine masculine essences to commune with her meta-feminine consciousness and beauty). 


You can work on both, but it’s important to value the/a science of charisma for what it is and that there are different tools!


Fortunately; greater, righteous, aligned power and DEPTH of consciousness (including facing your shadows as a soul warrior) creates more DEPTH to reunify with BEAUTY HERSELF! 


Many women are now looking for this deeper intimacy in a partner; esp. with how superficial so many things are. 


Ok; so you want to directly DECONDITION and EMBODY.


Embody what? Your soul essence and the other forms of essenced power you could cultivate (elemental, siddhic and archetypal).


Expand & curate your essenced IMPERSONAL, immortal consciousness and power in embodiment and expression (presence & charisma) directly or indirectly

In other words; keep doing more of the work that works! (ALL of this btw is related to your LEGACY and continuing to have impact 100’s of years from now on others b/c of ‘the cloud’ and that media is more than just ‘digital pixels’).


It’s relevant to know that often in 1 half hour session alone, I’m facilitating YEARS worth of work for a client.


Once you have a soul based definition of self, a huge dharma to step into your greater, rebirthed avatar self over and over and you find what works (like the Charisma Makeover Package); you can just keep focusing on the CORE of what works for much faster evolution b/c it’s not about chronological time, it’s about transformation of PRESENCE which is experience based (not some mental masturbation fantasy that still keeps you disembodied around beauty, frustrated, bitter and ‘stuck’ in the SHADOW of beauty which is ENTROPY consciousness).


That was a long sentence but I guess it had to be.


So let’s re-list that dream masculine charisma makeover (including divine masculine initiation) overview process:


1. Take on an unlimited soul-based definition of self-identity rather than keeping the iron-grip on your egoic self-identity (this opens you up to unlimited possibility and growth of consciousness while also giving yourself PERMISSION to take on King, Prince, Lover, Warrior, etc.)


2. Find a way (or ways) to get directly INITIATED into your expanded, divine masculine consciousness and presence (I’ve been through many kinds of initiations including from different spiritual masters who are just admittedly at far greater levels of power, consciousness, wisdom and initiation themselves)


This may include getting over yourself and your value conflicts around respecting other masters and opening up to the POWER of initiations which are like quantum leap activations.


‘Going it on your own’ and trying to change things from within your own stuck mess is essentially the stubborn ego that will easily take extra YEARS of struggle rather than respecting the wisdom of true masters to quantum leap your path. 


The future master is more like a student and apprentice himself OF a master or masters who continually puts his ego aside to keep getting new initiations (but has reason to including no time to waste).


My Chi Kung Grandmaster can turn mud into dust in 30 seconds with his hands btw.




Clear out disempowered social programming, implanting and conditioning from your psyche/chakras. Deconditioning allows ROOM and temple space FOR embodiment.


Then EMBODY your soul and other curated chi-based essences and their consciousness/codes IN your chakras and aura.




This is such a key piece that doesn’t even have to be ‘dirty work’ like you’re thinking based on how you go about it.


Again; it’s best to get direct, masterful support on this for ASSURED results. Psychotherapy can help but it can also keep you in the quagmire entropy astrally and spiritually.


Work with any relevant masters. Kambo and ayahuasca can also do a lot of this work as well as initiatory work (at least with ayahuasca).




4. Expand and curate your essenced IMPERSONAL, immortal consciousness and power in embodiment and expression (presence and charisma) directly or indirectly


That means having a charisma ‘n consciousness strategy of CONTINUING to rebirth and do the necessary work to become the empowered man that you envision – and in this case, doing more of the charisma transformational consciousness and presence work itself directly.


And all of this is experience-based where your multi-dimensional self and consciousness is at stake, engaged, committed, surrendered, trusting and involved.




So I listed an idealized, general process you may want to go through to save YEARS of wasted time getting hardly anywhere with this type of work to focus on the CORE ‘best-known’ science of charisma transformation centered on e3; but let’s get even more specific as far as your possible next step solutions themselves if you desire BADASS, authentic charisma, powerful presence and influence (which may be required of the influential man you’re becoming).

Btw; I remember doing a certain divine masculine initiation for a client – several of them have attracted soul mates btw, but this one immediately attracted heads of state for his dharma after our activation.


There are plenty of testimonials on site to hear from men and women who have worked with me.


First; I’ll mention that as far as general divine masculine consciousness initiations (which I would list as number 6); plant medicine, ayahuasca, apprenticing with a (spiritual) master/magician, living in an ashram, Tao Garden immersion, etc. are all viable. 



But when it comes to more specifically your CHARISMA, power, presence and worthiness with Beauty,

let's look at FIVE next-step solutions

Here are the top 5 ways (from the self-proclaimed yet undisputed world’s leading charisma consultant here 😉 to help cultivate your divine masculine (incl. archetypal) consciousness, power of embodied presence and badass charisma (as well as practically become worthier of love with great beauty) – and this is without accident or waiting years more worth of frustrated bitterness or resigned compromise always wondering ‘what if’.


5. Natural Grounding Meditation


This is methodology of sex transmutation of consciousness; basically meditating with divine feminine archetypes in music videos to attune back into your NATURAL (and super-natural) sexual power as well as cultivate archetypal masculine consciousness (via the law of resonance). 


It does require enough training or setting aside of the ego to get past your own filters, prejudices and judgments to just bask like a tuning fork in relation to divine feminine archetypes which will attune and awaken your divine masculine consciousness (and even embodied as presence).


Western NG Training in Vault 6 HD


I am the founder and grand-master of it now doing very high magic and alchemy in my own sessions.


We have a free FB community and you can search ‘natural grounding playlist’ on youtube.


It (through attunement) magically can help to realign your sexual, spiritual and emotional consciousness and chi to natural attraction and sexual polarity with the archetypal feminine; an effect of grounding you back into your natural, confident, biological and sexual self + your super-natural masculine archetypal consciousness.

Practicing it can start pulling in archetypal codes/essences into your seat of the soul as well. 


We have hundreds of testimonials from men over the years and there is free and paid training. IT’S INCREDIBLY FUN too!


Again; Natural Grounding divine feminine archetype alchemy is indirect b/c it is attunement; yet CAN have an activating/initiating effect IF you are truly impacted by it soulfully and emotionally, etc.


Your consciousness attunes with a higher Truth basically which are the essences of Beauty BEHIND the artists in the music videos and their ethinicities or language.


This is a budget choice of sorts as it’s a free methodology to practice – but it’s best be honest with yourself if you’re not getting the desired level of results; something else like direct support may be best as a primary option…getting WITH a master. 


Some men have stuck to meager results with NG because it was free for years yet were still suffering with relating with beauty and stepping into their embodied power (mostly b/c of their ‘do it myself’ ego); all b/c part of the sacrifice they’re NOT willing to make is investing in themselves.


Also there is the Vault Series of immersion sessions with me to quantum leap your own abilities as an alchemist in getting results with NG.


(For relevance sake it’s worth mentioning egoically that); I’m basically the master of sex transmutation as introduced by Napoleon Hill in ‘Think and Grow Rich’ – at least with media (and I don’t want to be in my ego much but safe to say that no one on earth compares to me as a master media alchemist).




In that sense also; it may just make sense to learn what you can from the grandmaster of it (me) if you want to get more results. 


And the thing is; the divine feminine in the music videos ATTUNES YOUR MASCULINE CONSCIOUSNESS to her Beauty;


She is awakening your power, BUT the caveat is you have to treat it all like an alchemist. 


If you are a judgmental consumer, you’re going to miss out on the magic and power of it.


               Even at its best and within it;


There are higher truths than K-Pop (which is a lower truth) and you will only be prepared for it when the student (you) is truly ready.


If this method doesn’t resonate or just is not working, option #1 coming up is the ULTIMATE solution for you especially.


4. Powerliminals

Powerliminals are my specialized brand of ATTUNEMENT meditations.



These are more powerful than regular audio meditations because they are alchemically attuning your consciousness through the Law of Resonance to higher truths.


The downside with NG and Powerliminals is that in being ATTUNEMENT based through the Law of Resonance (like Natural Grounding meditation); the results are wildly variable based on each person (and their ability TO attune). 


It requires you to be a very effective alchemist (someone who consciously is transmuting consciousness with an intention).


Some men get WILD results with them; whereas for others it hardly does any work. 


They may have (divine masculine) activating or ‘initiating’ effects on some men and on many, not at all b/c they experience it more as a consumer instead of alchemist. 


An activation like an activation session with me (the CMP is filled with them); these are DIRECT on your energy field itself just like when a 3rd generation practitioner of that legendary martial artist’s secret chi kung lineage literally ‘activated’ me into the lineage itself (well like that but different ;).


A lot of people confuse attunements with activations.


Activations are always activating.


Attunements CAN sometimes be activating (based on your receptivity and abilities as an alchemist).


With that said, there are paid Powerliminals including the G7: Archetype series featuring several of the prime divine masculine archetypes and other or sample versions on the Powerliminals youtube channel itself (which I’d strongly recommend being subscribed to) @


3. Dakini Priestess sessions

Our 3rd best solution for cultivating charisma.



It’s indirect but also very direct to get a lot of the work done.


This is a lesser known secret that can do a LOT of healing and reconnection with your fragmented relationship with the feminine.


These dakini healing sessions can also act as initiations.


Dakini’s are basically trained & initiated tantric sexual healers who know how to do sexual and emotional work intimately with you with the effect of reunifying your psyche (and relationship with the animus) including years of rejection, failure, etc. as well as strengthening foundational worthiness with the feminine (and beauty both superficial and super-natural).


I’ve also been trained and initiated as a tantra daka and could recommend some dakinis (although not here publicly).


As part of my daka training, I’ve had some POWERFUL, life-changing experiences with some tantra dakini priestesses that were incredibly initiating and relevant (to my masculine consciousness, power, worthiness and presence).


I wouldn’t recommend going the escort or sex worker (prostitute) route otherwise because it is TRANSACTIONAL BASED rather than transformational and em-POWERMENT based; thus you’re getting a proxy experience (although some men have found indirect or direct-net benefit in it; I still wouldn’t recommend that). 


Qualified dakini’s however? Yes.


The work they’ll do the work ‘net effect’ on much of what we’re talking about even if they aren’t doing ‘direct’ archetype activations (she may however be holding some archetypal power and you’re also getting that magic FROM that divine feminine consciousness aspect onto and with your multi-dimensional self/body).

2. Experience Divine Masculine Archetypal, Siddhic & Charisma initiations with a Grail Priest (Rion)

Now we’re getting to the more direct-direct ways to experience divine masculine consciousness initiations, cultivating embodied presence, charisma and curating your essences and soul self visual impact.


Beyond just an individual or 3-pack session with me (available on site);



The Charisma Makeover Package I’d say is really the SECOND best solution possible for DIRECT, faster transformation. It’s hyper-relevant and I work DIRECTLY on your field (with explicit permission as part of your investment and our agreement).


You can find out more on the CMP page.


…and, without further ado ABSOLUTELY hands-down number 1 which will save you YEARS or lifetimes of misery and struggle in the FASTEST amount of time possible (which can also radically accelerate your higher timelines and attracting a super-naturally beautiful Queen);

1. Experience Initiations & Makeover with a Grail Priestess

Hands down – this is the absolute BEST way for men to get initiated and have presence and charisma transformation (even if you are in a relationship but wish to templatize much deeper intimacy and love).


         It is initiations and transformational work with a Grail Priestess. 



This can do miracles AND you don’t have to become a Master Alchemist like I had to become; the real thing is right there WITH YOU. 


A Grail (Reunified) Priestess has devotional reunification codes so she has the PRESENCE and experience that will do immense magic (even most tantric dakini priestesses don’t have reunification codes although they work more directly ‘physical’ with you).


While most modern women frankly don’t give a damn about you (nor have a reason to); a Priestess (and in this case a reunified one) DOES and she is in DIVINE feminine service to your great masculine awakening of consciousness, embodiment and righteous power.


Remember; it’s about PRESENCE and being PRESENT with great and true Beauty itself as a testament of your attunement to masculine power itself (and there are different forms of it); charisma is just the emanating signifier OF your true essenced power and consciousness and she will bring you INTO yourself and bring this out of you. Granted; you may require more ‘work’ than other men.


A Grail Priestess (literally BEING a REAL proxy of that which you desire WITH immense divine feminine Beauty herself) activates, initiates and attunes you DIRECTLY which isn’t about TIME (so we’re not thinking YEARS here); it’s about PRESENCE and how FAST you can decondition and ‘drop-in’ to your multi-dimensional, divine masculine consciousness EMBODIED.


She already represents and IS at the general level of Beauty you desire to attract and commune with after all and she can initiate (activate) and ATTUNE your un-awakened, disembodied Lover, Warrior King into LIFE.


She can bring life where there wasn’t life.


She acts as a proxy for that level of woman to help your entire multi-dimensional body get attuned, get present, worthy and EXPERIENCED.


She is a Kingmaker and of course there is a price to pay FOR her transformational time and services.


Now; practically speaking – the only Grail Priestesses I know I can recommend to do this work are literally the ones I have been training and initiating; the world’s first official Muse Priestesses (btw Muse is the PRIME archetype throughout ALL of our Natural Grounding methodology and legacy). 


Unfortunately in mid-summer 2022 here; they’re still several months out from graduating and being able to take on paid clients in ‘going public’.


So although I’m awesome in many ways – these first 2 inaugural Muse (Grail) Priestesses already have the level of Beauty that your soul secretly desires to relate to, love and be loved by.


They may be even more relevant to you.


With them; you go right to the source and in ways that initiate your consciousness, your energy body and physiology…this isn’t women just telling you what they want in a man and then respond differently in their own actions. A Reunified Priestess is light years beyond female PUA’s or wing-girls.


THIS IS THE REAL MAGIC and once you see them (I absolutely will not betray our secrecy by spilling the beans too early on who they are), it might pull everything together for you in a flash of a moment…but again, they’re not public until LATE 2022 which by default leaves the Charisma Makeover Pkg. as your best and most direct ‘now’ solution to get a lot of powerful work done.


Now; you definitely don’t have to work with a Grail Priestess or any of the above.


You could do a bunch of things to maybe get indirect results that just take longer if that’s what you want to do – I’m just giving you some pro options and I’ve been helping men transform their presence and attraction with women as naturals for years; this ‘super’ natural work is even more powerful, direct and much faster and yes, I have testimonials from men who’ve been doing these sessions (although by far it’s still mostly been women for THEIR divine feminine and allure cultivation).


If you go a route from here of ‘figuring it out on your own’; what are your ‘chances’ of love and beauty that you desire falling into your lap without you changing? It basically won’t; it’s just fantasy or a rare fluke.


That’s EXACTLY how the architects of the social matrix want it; you as the disempowered male pawn just continuing to be lost and buying into the FANTASY of love, sex, beauty and relationships to buy their products.


If you want the REAL thing, follow your soul. If you VALUE the real thing and desire to experience a flourishing love and sex life WITHOUT the transactional reality of escorts or sugar babies (possibly even to attract ‘the one’ of a long-term lover-queen partner in crime); then you’re going to have to make some causal shifts in who YOU ARE to experience a new reality.


Remember; she’s already designed to KNOW you’re it or not when you have charisma and how she vibes with it (then it’s on you not to mess it up ;).


And if NG and Powerliminals haven’t been doing it for you; you have to do something more direct and that is initiations which also act as cornerstones and quantum leaps along your path to jump you into your higher timelines.


Although I literally CANNOT recommend any other charisma coaches b/c none of them work with essences that I’ve EVER heard of…any future work that you do; it doesn’t have to be with me ever, I’m just giving you awareness and a path. 


I actually thought I’d never return directly to men’s work b/c the women’s work is going so well in helping women become even more phenomenal, beautiful and enriched (and scalably so), but these charisma codes came in HOT +plus I’ve been leading by example for you to reference.


Compared to the behavioral or corporate charisma consultants (basically all of them except me), we can now (with Sexy Chi sessions) work on the most important, relevant and powerful things DIRECTLY instead of indirectly, backwards and non-consciously (where you’re doubtful and not congruent with believing you’re a prince, etc. anyways). 

There is a price to pay either way...

On a soul path where u may feel that the Feminine and women have long betrayed or abandoned you…


Or that she is just doing ‘her own thing’;


Consider that she is waiting for you to get your shit together ‘somehow’ for her to even to notice you and to be able to respond to you. 


And in order to become that highly sexed, highly loved Lover-KING you’re going to have to get initiated and get that support you’re missing SOMEHOW.


Sure; some women are into beauty mostly JUST for social status and attention power (much of it is actually shadow princess or shadow diva btw), but there are so many healthy, amazing, deep and phenomenal women of beauty (both kinds) out there as well.


And remember that in layman’s terms; people don’t want to date below their league which means that you have to RAISE YOUR LEAGUE.


Your fashion, wardrobe, physique, hair care and style is all SECONDARY to your presence and charisma itself (remember; that which bends light and upgrades your looks anyways!)


Beauty is attracted to POWER and here we’re talking about healthy, righteous, badass divine masculine power (including Light, Honour, Warrior, Lover, etc.) within embodiment (which THEN has extrinsic influence in the world and attracts new friends, opportunities, etc).


If this kind of power was RIGHTEOUS and could help make the world a better place (and fulfill your dreams); could you allow yourself to take it on?


If you want to transform faster, there may be an even greater price to pay and you may be paying a great price in time, anxiety, frustration, disconnection, sexual and spiritual castration, disavowment and wasted years of your life by NOT being who and where you really want to be.


So just know that whether you ever work with me or one of our Grail Priestesses; you’re going to have to invest and sacrifice SOMETHING as part of shedding your old skin (and that may very well be financially as an investment in yourself to change your reality).


It may save you years by just getting with a master or a Grail Priestess (these are the MOST AMAZING WOMEN – not merely beautiful in all ways) and getting initiated.


Hiring specialized masters and getting initiated quantum leaped my soul path continually.


Initiations are what I’ve done over and over (you can read more ‘about Rion’ on-site).


Contemplate on what is the price you’re paying by years of drought (maybe holding on to ego and skimping by not recognizing those who are much further down the line). 


What is the greater price in NOT being the reunified grail king who has the power to be worthy of great beauty and having real influence?


Or how about just showing up in a room and having an impact where people, money, opportunities and such are drawn to you accelerating your life, legacy and lifestyle?


What price can you put on walking into a social environment confidently with a woman of your dreams by your side who loves you for YOU (and not your money)?


Or the ability to chill with phenomenal women and have other men wonder what’s going on with you!?



IF you are sick and TIRED of sexual, social and spiritual FRACTURE and disavowment...

With not just women but really Divine Feminine Beauty and you want to be on your Lover-King higher timeline self that ATTRACTS and EXPERIENCES love and sex of god and goddess (it’s a million times beyond a casual fling btw)…will you commit to yourself to RECLAIM your greater masculine power and inheritance?


Then I would choose one of the options which gets you into initiations (3 through 1 above) which also helps to leverage the ROI of any past spiritual experience into embodiment.


Doing mushrooms for example may help expand your astral and spiritual consciousness BUT it may not help you at all with embodied sexual presence which is part of true charisma.


The sooner you can sacrifice your lower self-consciousness and conditioning on the altar in temple space to start becoming initiated into your templar self and divine masculine inheritance, the sooner greatness awaits as everything in your reality and timeline shifts (and new opportunities and what you attract opens up)!

After all; you may be STUCK in quantum loops that are FAR away from your higher causal timelines so it’s going to take some timeline jumping initiations to get back on with your ideal life and growth.


So if you are thinking of ‘going it on your own’ also consider that even if you got good at releasing with Sedona Method and EFT, you’d still want to access divine masculine consciousness, embodiment, expression and continue CURATING your true power and charisma, so those 5 ‘next step’ options will help you best.


Don’t forget that we generally don’t have the upgrading benefits of make-up like women do for their superficial beauty; so it’s even MORE reason to value and work directly on your charisma.


Remember that by cultivating your masculine presence and charisma, you can visually go from a 6 to a 9.5 (ie.) but fortunately this goes much deeper into super-natural power, attraction, influence and magic.  


What does your FULLEST version of self want you to do at this juncture?


Fortunately as you transform (and how fast you want to go is up to you and your readiness); women will be your testament of it in their response and HOW the world changes around you as your shift your consciousness and presence to BE more soul-self aligned, embodied and powerful (and this is WITHOUT care or reliance on crutches like ‘what to say’, pick-up lines or what if social scenarios); everything else becomes natural and super-natural as you shift the core itself.


THEN – YOUR 4D Vibe and 5D Light truth does most of the talking anyways (women who are interested would or shall give natural flirting signs and then you can verbally connect without fear of rejection anyways).


You can’t put a price on BEING the ‘real deal’; we’re talking how to go from a 9 to 10; from natural to super-natural in the practical dating dynamics (including attracting the woman of your dreams FOR an LTR).


The future people in your life may be hoping and praying that you step into your greater power like this (which includes magnifying your social power and influence).


Is a charisma makeover calling at this point in your life?


Ready for a serious pivot point to get on your higher timelines asap?


Ready to start cultivating sexy, divine masculine presence and swagger?



Discover more about the Charisma Makeover Package (along with Q & A here).

There are many testimonials about this work on-site as well.


Thanks for immersing into this Charisma Codes Masterclass Transmission!


-Rion Kati



"..I just want you to know that if all that was left of you was your smile and your little finger, you'd still be more of a man than anyone I've ever met."

-Vesper Lynd ; Casino Royale

Sexy Chi

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Essence Reading & Celebrity Critique of Public Figures + Any & All Images Used Under Fair Use Copyright Guidelines and belong to respective owners. Some images are licensed.