beauty 2.0

Secrets to Radiate Deeper Beauty Sex Appeal @ Any age

Update: This info Was Pre-cursor to the 4.7.21 beauty essence site overhaul

So good news;


We’ve got the tools and services here on to work on you NOW to radiate deeper beauty and start mesmerizing more effortless and authentic social, sexual and even soulful influence with personal branding and social media.


With Beauty 2.0 I wanted to introduce you to an entire exciting new operational paradigm and awareness to evolving beauty, image, performance and professional visual communication itself. 


Let’s set the stage..

Remember the saying that

'beauty is more than skin deep', right?

We used to hear that a lot.


But ever notice that what u are really getting from the beauty, fashion and fitness world is an ENDLESS focus on the external image?


U know…the countless hair-care products, anti-aging creams, make-up brands, hair stylists, colorists, models with perfect bodies, the hottest new fashion label, beauty magazines, famous gay youtube make-up artists…all of it.


Let’s call that Beauty 1.0


It’s the gloss and surface mass of Beauty in the 3D physical world (which when transverted to digital or print media, becomes 2D).


For those that are aware enough, including former model Cameron Russell who did a TedX talk; ‘image is superficial’. That ALSO is all B1.0 consciousness.


Then, because it’s essentially lacking depth – it’s like this topographical ‘surface’ valuation of Beauty becomes a great worldwide ‘width’ of beauty that (unless it’s a really good exfoliant) never scratches beneath the glorified surface of appearance itself. 


Ok; both a great exfoliant and even plastic surgery might scratch beneath the literal surface, but even then – it’s still improving things FOR the extrinsic. (hair, skin, body, nails, body fat, make-up, fashion, etc.) appearance.


Thus, we kinda end up with endless diversion and competition and it still feels like something is ‘missing’…at least that’s how u might also feel. 


And what if u want your image to INFLUENCE potential clients or prospects on a deeper level?


So IS it true the beauty is more than skin deep?


I want you to linger on that question. Because there is also Lizzie Velasquez (“world’s ugliest woman”) who is bringing in another perspective about inner beauty.


And if beauty is more than skin deep, how does that relate to PROFESSIONAL image and beauty?


And perhaps more importantly; how can it change your life to mesmerize influence and attract the right clients and relationships faster?


I mean; is there some great gold mine that we haven’t discovered because we haven’t dug beneath the surface yet – literally? Hmm…


B1.0 with its legions of professionals, ad agencies and brands always working on and Beauty and professional image from the outside with a plethora of extrinsic-valuing tools.


And we can see this AND that Beauty 1.0 is thriving.


Perhaps because for millennia, that was the easiest to just see and work with…and yet, still we KNOW that beauty isn’t limited to it. 


And for relevancy, let’s keep this in terms of professional image and visual communication btw.


So, Hmm… 


Here’s a definition of ‘superficial’ from google which is a synonym of ‘external’.

"su·per·fi·cial" /ˌso͞opərˈfiSHəl/ adjective *'existing or occurring at or on the surface.' *'situated or occurring on the skin or immediately beneath it.'

So, what the heck?..


(Keeping reconstructive and plastic surgery out of the equation); Is the evolution of beauty more lateral expansion and width where we never get past the surface?


..What could change the game?


I mean; could it be the next hottest fashion label that will ‘change the industry’ into another dimension or a new miracle conditioner?


Well..probably not because beauty as we know it still stays within the paradigm of Beauty 1.0. 


There’s *always* going to be fashion week, the next hot celeb brand, attractive commercial actors, a counter-cultural trend or bio-natural ingredient company, etc. within the B1.0 Universe – right?


It might also be mentioned that although Beauty is continuing to evolve, it’s reached a threshold of sorts with such extrinsic physical mastery and the quality of surface appearance makeovers. 


And celebrities keep getting hotter and more physically beautiful somehow.


Now; because of the experience of image professionals and how the industry has evolved – any woman with professional support, tools, team and resources is available to LOOK really great (often like cover models) with the entire fitness industry being its own multi-billion dollar behemoth not just for health and wellness but for image transformation. 


               Don’t forget Kylie Jenner now being a billionaire b/c of it. 


And we can see how even in its superficial understanding; image matters and has influence.


We know that millions of people value body image transformation and becoming physically sexier.  Everyone loves seeing a great makeover transformation.


So first; Let’s acknowledge that men and women alike, we DO value it.


“Beauty fades and that’s why we value it”

– Camille Paglia


I’m not at all denying the importance and value OF extrinsic beauty and maximizing that (it is sexually, socially and even spiritually connected too);


Nor am I in favor of JUST valuing internal beauty…beauty (in all forms) is INSPIRATIONAL and not to mention image and self communication is important;


But, ‘what if’ u could access and TRANSMIT immortal beauty no matter your age or without having a ‘bikini body’?  Or if you’re a man; to have that special something’ about you?


           What if that beauty and healthy sex appeal didn’t have to fade? 


What if you could start INSPIRING and turning heads all around you like a starlet, but in a way where people aren’t just attracted to you just for your looks?  What if your image could keep inspiring people long after u are gone?


What if you could have the tools of and the best of both worlds…both 3D beauty maximization AND ‘this something else’ that mesmerizes influence and sells (kinda like top celebrities) but while FEELING internally beautiful?

The Truth is that Beauty is Multi-Dimensional

So I’m going to share about that and how to radiate inspiring deeper beauty and high status sex appeal (that some of the most admired people have that u secretly desire) but that which DOESN’T come from a certain set of (3D) make-up brushes, ‘good genes’, Bobbi Brown masterclass or the latest beauty hack technique. 


    And it also doesn’t come from the perfect body-mass index.


…But in order to get to that life-changing awareness and strategy that can enhance your holistic image INFLUENCE;


Consider that your beauty, attractiveness and professional image is not just extrinsic or superficial with the makeup, fashion, hair, skin and body.


The Evolution and what’s missing is intrinsic beauty, the DEPTH of Beauty


and how THAT comes across in your professional (and daily) visual communication, image and presence b/c this is ALSO always communicating. It’s the entire other dynamic OF beauty and image itself.


And yes, I mean your image in video, on instagram, in photos, on location, on social media…or the same with celebrities on camera in motion picture studios. 


Because if it didn’t relate to professional image ALL THE TIME, it’s just not core relevant and immediately breaks down as indirect.


This means there is more information and COMMUNICATION coming across than the same surface-valuing beauty experts acknowledge in all image and media.


So; Beauty IS more than skin deep RIGHT NOW…’s in all of your favorite movies, magazines, posters from when you were a teenager, celebrity shots – all of it, but we still only focus on the extrinsic because that’s the easiest to see, evaluate, know and improve.


But…why would we JUST focus on the surface?  hmm…


“Well…what about yoga, health and wellness? How about eating right?..” 


And I’ll stop you right there; remember we are talking about DIRECT relevance to professional image itself ‘all the time’, not indirect anything that can take years to have some effect or not. 


Someone could eat junk food and still look great for an important take.


So; could it be that it’s the awareness of this DEPTH and other dimension of beauty that’s been here all along, was just something we couldn’t grasp? 


What if just literally couldn’t ‘see’ PAST or ‘through’ the surface 3D plane?



So if internal beauty exists and must be this the entire other multi-dimensional HALF of Beauty that never really gets addressed….where is this headed?


Well, I’m going to share more exactly what that is.


But it’s kind of madness; somehow ‘going within’ (for professional image) doesn’t make sense from your current (honestly superficial or topographic) paradigm of Beauty…it’s like we’re trying to use neuro-surgeon tools for auto repair or something (vice versa); it just doesn’t feel right or directly connect – until now (and this is what u can discover for yourself with Sexy Chi).


And this is a world where it seems only some of the top performers are even aware and working in a little bit consciously; albeit most of that is still indirect.


I mentioned it already but some people will focus on the personality, diet, nutrition, positive mindset, or general wellness as the other aspect…but although some of that can indirectly help your image and healthy diet can help your complexion…

NOPE – that’s not ‘it’ either;

Ok; what about body language?


U know…posture, body language tips, smile techniques, chiropractic correction and stuff?  Ok, that’s getting closer, but it’s still not ‘IT‘.


So we’re stuck with outside-in.


And sure, getting the perfect hairstyle and color coordination CAN have an INDIRECT up-leveling attunement affect on that internal beauty, but it’s never direct and if you don’t feel beautiful within anyways, couldn’t it all be just a fancy cover-up or ‘frontage’?


Are we just adding more and more on top of something here?


What if u LOOK like a Goddess but don’t feel like it nor radiate that?


Well, how about a naturalistic make-up strategy that highlights your natural tones and such?


Of course…that can be important for authentic self-expression, but it’s still outside-in.


Sure; a great wardrobe makeover and stylist can do WONDERS for people (including for actors to help get ‘in character’), but that’s still not ‘it’.


It’s ALL still ‘outside-in’ and the internal everything FOR professional image and visual communication can remain non-conscious or not even on par with the external….the internal beauty and worthiness can be out of whack and incongruent;


“I can look beautiful on the outside (when I work on it), but don’t feel beautiful…oh dear –


Who am I WITHOUT all of this make-up and how would the world perceives me?”


“There’s a lot of pressure out there to uphold a high image standard..and what if I AM crumbling on the inside?”


So this goes deeper because THAT can lead to depression, identity crisis, anxiety, unworthiness and much more living in a superficial, judgmental world on top of that.  


Some might even revolt against pop beauty b/c of all this and just value internal beauty and finding themselves.


Oh and don’t forget about wrinkling and relative loss of physical beauty as you biologically age b/c we have sometimes cruel pop standards.


SOMETHING BIG IS MISSING in our entire outlook on not just Beauty itself but throughout the fully conscious realm of visual communication itself. And I don’t mean just the technical formats, pixel aspect ratios and all that either.


Somehow certain stars and starlets still carry this ‘thing’ in their image and most of us don’t…and it’s not that they are even conscious of it either.


Oh and speaking of this disconnect between the extrinsic and intrinsic beauty or confidence..we can find that the external CAN influence the internal but at best it’s a non-conscious competence and indirect. So good makeovers can have an indirect effect but….


What happens AFTER these viral homeless people image makeover videos when the camera is off or a week later?


So there’s this obvious split between extrinsic and intrinsic beauty;


The movie ‘Shallow Hal’ takes this to one extreme. So what if u value BOTH intrinsic and extrinsic?


We’re overlooking something so foundationally massive and elusive in the most influential of pro image which also holds THE golden secrets for you to mesmerize influence exponentially.


And to reiterate;


At it’s very BEST, Beauty 1.0 and it’s physical, 3D-centric superficial world affects the internal indirectly and non-nonsciously to maybe (and unreliably) bring out more confidence and at worst creates an entire masque of a persona that SPLITS and disconnects from authentic visual self-communication that can be living a lie covering up great insecurities or having to invest SO much time and energy to uphold an external image based on what others expect of you. 


So we’re stuck in a world where we honestly don’t have the right tools or awareness and the current Beauty paradigm doesn’t directly support internal beauty, largely b/c they still don’t understand it and currently thrive in the success of the superficial B1.0 paradigm (which is more active than ever b/c of social media).


Granted, most image professionals support the idea of “bringing out your best self” in the extrinsic (albeit indirect) way that they know how in the paradigm of their learned skillset.  And bless ’em for it.

So there’s a clash of paradigms here.


… but it’s not like Beauty 1.0 is going anywhere!…it’s still expanding rapidly.


So…what we’re talking about (if this thing can be ‘cracked’) is a new era that ADDS to the world of Beauty and finally pierces the SURFACE.


Something that would DEEPEN and dimensionalize Beauty; your beauty and the richness of your visual communication in all media. 


And sometimes people and Beauty magazines will hint at signs of this (because remember, it DOES exist throughout all of history and through the advent and proliferation of digital media) – but it’s the entire paradigm itself, practicality and work-ability of it that has all still remained elusive.


They’ve still never named it after decades.


If we mention the magazines ‘Allure’ and ‘Essence’, ok now we seem to be getting closer – however, those are resources that represent, promote and flourish in the paradigm of Beauty 1.0 itself; non-conscious of whatever this thing is we are missing.


Often they will allude to self-care rituals, horoscopes and tarot to search for some more of this inner beauty cultivation (however it’s never direct with image itself).


And remember that although I’m talking about the big picture for scope and relevance; I am talking about you here and NOW without having to wait for entire industries to catch up. 


With the advent of Beauty 2.0, you now have access to future pro image and beauty assessment and transformation tools today with Sexy Chi Image Consulting.


So what (more exactly) is this pink elephant in the room that we’ve not been able to acknowledge or work on directly IN professional image and beauty?


And what can simultaneously bring out immortal, deep sexiness and multi-dimensional beauty that can mesmerize influence (like a Helen Mirren) no matter your biological age?


              It is:

Energetic beauty



This is Beauty 2.0 and it’s the missing ‘it factor’ that has actually been here all along.


If u are breathing a massive sigh of relief, good. U might have been waiting decades for it.


While we focus on the external aspects only (just think of red carpet reviews and who their designer was);


People who have extrinsic beauty AND energetic beauty (the real secret) are the ones who have EXPONENTIAL success and influence with their image. 


And it’s not JUST because of their fame either…their fame indirectly cultivates the aspects of their energetic beauty which WE (you and I) are now able to work on directly and consciously with real results without you having to be famous or ‘make believe’.


And the more it starts dawning on you how true it is that Beauty 1.0 entirely focuses on the superficial, the more profound this realization can be.


Energetic Beauty is what’s PAST THE SURFACE and still WITHIN all image but because we value the surface 3D, we have not been able to see past it.


We have the width, now we can have the depth and IMPACT of it too.  And energetic beauty cultivation is very very real (just read some of the dozens of testimonials from my clients).


And this might have been what you sensed was somehow here all along encoded within pro image, but couldn’t quite put a finger on.


Energetic beauty is multi-dimensional and it pierces the limitations of the 3D and 2D planes of topographic image to have much greater influence through your live presence and image itself.


And because we have working tools for energetic beauty directly and consciously;


….you are now getting awareness that almost no one has in the entire Beauty industry right now and you don’t have to wait for them because until they start integrating these new tools, it might take a while and even then, those professionals will still mostly keep doing what they are doing in and from their learned skillsets.


Add B1.0 and B2.0 together and we have the ultimate picture of professional visual communication.


B2.0 is the PARADIGM that (along with the 2D/3D mastery of 1.0 as it currently exists) holistically and effectively includes ALL of your communication in pro image and beauty – and the things we can WORK ON to master it.


So would u rather just have superficial beauty maximized or ALSO have energetic beauty?


We can view the Beauty Industry 1.0 as the Topographical Surface Mastery of beauty and image.


So where B1.0 works on the 3D of image (which translates to 2D in print, film, video and social media);

Energetic Beauty Comes Through

IN 2D, 3D, 4D & 5D

Superficial/physical 2D/3D beauty comes ‘across’ (often feeling flat) and energetic beauty comes THROUGH and pierces you; thus it has far more influence.


I will explain this more coming up as well as the SPECIFIC components of energetic beauty that we can assess and cultivate for authentic (and often stunning results).


So energetic beauty is the DEPTH of your full-time, active visual communication which includes energetic power and influence that isn’t limited TO the physical
plane of 3D reality. 


And tbh; most non-celebrities with smaller circles of influence don’t have much of it.


        Here’s a very simple teaser example.


Just reference Billy Jo on the right from Green Day in a Jimmy Kimmel Mean Tweets freeze-frame.


There’s something else besides just what he’s wearing that is going on. 

His literal aura has massively charged positive ions but you would never know, see or value that from just within the B1.0 perspective.



As photographs capture light energy, these ions can literally and alchemically interact THROUGH THE 2D plane of a youtube video to hit ie. an earth woman’s negative charged ions creating a bio-chemical and physiological response…even when he’s not there.


Mostly we aren’t conscious of this other dimension of visual communication because it’s 4th and 5th dimensional.


This multi-dimensional image power has far more influence than those just communicating light information in the 3D and it’s HOW we can be affected and moved from a person’s image.


In otw, people who aren’t as spiritually ‘lit’, have less multi-dimensional impact and influence.


Well, let’s give an example, you might relate to more. If u didn’t know who Billy Jo (or another rockstar) was and he walked in a room putting aside whether he ‘looks’ like a rockstar…even if he was dressed normal; his literal presence would have more influence and people would be like WHOAH…


Now think of someone who you felt that same ‘charismatic’ effect from when they walked in the room and u were like; ‘WHO are they’?  Right?


THAT’S the dynamic we’re overlooking with pro image b/c we haven’t been conscious enough in (nor really had the proper tools to work with until now). 


What if what they are wearing and all of that was actually meant to be secondary to the energetic beauty?


Now that might be far too profound of a paradigm-bender to even comprehend just yet – but u can start it marinating!


‘Energy’ just isn’t understood from the B1.0 paradigm and someone guiding a tv model with ‘more energy’ (or ‘more cowbell’ for that matter) is pretty much a non-conscious incompetent or IF they get the result they’re looking for, a non-conscious competent at best with energy.


The understanding of ‘energy’ unfortunately in B1.0 is equivalent to taking a shot of espresso before the photo shoot b/c ‘it gives me more energy’.


       tbh that’s not even 101.


So yes, it means that we have to start becoming conscious of energy but practically – and verifiably and how it comes across IN image….and how (excitingly) it WARPS our perception itself. Physical 7’s can become overalls 9’s even without makeup b/c of their energetic beauty.


So reading visual energetic communication…and it has to be energy reading that is RELEVANT to actual professional image and not some psychic reading about the future if that person is going to fall in love or not (though nothing against that).


We have to see the TRUTH and depth of what is IN your and others actual image…and now we can work ON energetic beauty itself.


And we can ‘see’ much of what you are communicating as well.


Now, does it make more sense?  Call it psychic if u want, but this is a form of practical, verifiable awareness and assessment that we can work with.


We ARE communicating information energetically after all; people just aren’t used to consciously processing at that level – yet.


The visual paradigm of B1.0 and everything that supports it is to do the best with what they know how to do with the physical appearance and accentuating that;


“Can we get wardrobe in here? I’m thinking we want to go with an emo-rock vibe…perhaps with some beige…Italian leather accessories and that midnight Tahitian black eyeliner will bring out some retro-kitsch highlights”


– A terrible cliche impression of a 3D paradigm stylist


See…but now, we can help people (and I can help you) master this other area of their actual image and presence (the depth) to where it ALL pulls together!


I know – it IS exciting!  


And it also means that you don’t have to wait until you become famous (which might never happen anyways) in order to communicate your own energetic beauty LIKE a starlet or rockstar.


And if you aren’t ready to ‘read’ energy accurately of others, just leave it to me for now but it’s based on practical, verifiable data that we are just bringing to the forefront of awareness.


Again; we are becoming more aware of that is already there in its truth; not making predictions about horoscopic love lives with variable timeline potentialities, not here.


Pscyhic powers can be used in different ways.


Normally in Beauty 1.0 of course, the focus is SO much on the outer appearance (and conditioned so much) that we aren’t even aware of the deeper layers of actual information and expression that is coming across even when it’s literally in front of us all the time. 


It’s like the ‘final frontier’ and (assuming it is read properly) is the truth of communication beneath body language…


PLUS; it is always relevant to all visual media in past, present and future.

"..I just want you to know that if all that was left of you was your smile and your little finger, you'd still be more of a man than anyone I've ever met."

-Vesper Lynd

Authentic power, majesty, courage, even devotion, quintessence or other siddhic essences of energetic beauty are there in presence of certain people, even without our projections – and these energetic ‘qualities’ exists on a level deeper than personality or persona.


When we are just talking about their silent image;


That’s closer to why people scream for rockstars; it’s not what brand they are wearing…if we strip away the fame, the music, the movies and the emotional experiences or attachments we have to them, what do we have left that’s more important?


Their energetic presence and communication for example in a room with ‘common folk’ that starts inspiring, attuning and influencing them; it’s THAT quality…their energetic power and influence.


Stars are sexier b/c they are closer to source – everyone wants to sleep with them, but take the fame away and it’s still the energetic reality of that worthiness and presence that ‘is’.


Now, u don’t have to ‘fake it’ or become a rockstar to have presence like that, however the catch is that it cannot be faked.


No body language technique will ‘cover it up’ b/c powerful people are the ones who are calibrated to ‘know’.


Some people spends years cultivating their talents HOPING to make it (which is an aspect of a lot of the arts and those dynamics), but they could be missing the real secret of having that ‘made it’ presence…the ‘it factor’.


People aren’t quite conscious of it but with these talent shows, their presence and energetic beauty for those that continue on the show expands to BE more star-like and multi-dimensional…more accepting and embodying of it as compared to how they are flatter in 2D before they got into it all.


Unfort. some celebrities get too attached to their extrinsic beauty, fame and how others perceive them, but there is always something deeper and soul-level that remains.


Energetic presence…That’s like the REAL secret and juice to high end influence with image and it is exponentially beyond the average person.


      THAT’S the difference.


Stars just have MORE of it; this intrinsic POWER, charisma and beauty thus people go crazy for them just from a single image b/c it AFFECTS them on multiple dimensions.


            Heart, sex and soul influence (which is also chakric and auric).


We think it’s the fame or their talent and we get caught up in that (or in the case of comedians and talk show hosts; their personality or talent itself), but put them in a room of people who don’t know them and there’s a magical quality….and that mesmerizing quality is attracting things to them.


We can’t otherwise say what it is because we are non-conscious with energy we don’t understand the relational dynamics of power itself in image (which is the aspect are talking about now). 


“But how can I have THAT level of energetic beauty like a star if it cannot be faked?”


Well, you’re in the right place with Sexy Chi Transformational Image Consulting!


This is where Archetype Activations and Allure Makeover comes in.


Again, if we have to wait until you are famous and seen, then you might never get near there to that level of influence in image so how about having it to HELP you get seen and recognized?


Truth is that you might NOT even feel worthy. but that’s where the power of this work comes in because it’s not about your superficial body and personality anymore – it’s about your soul communication and if your soul is your true identity (like stars allow themselves to live), then you can have that power and influence in your image without having to be famous, talented or genetically gifted. 


And if you don’t think that’s possible esp. if you are a man; just think of a young Italian plumber and his motorbike and the charisma he probably has…but it’s not just about personality b/c remember this is about professional IMAGE – not talent itself per se (and that’s another important area in the arts at least).


Like my clients experience, you CAN start exuding authentic allure and charisma even if you aren’t popular or well known.


Ok; Archetypes are one of the big secrets, but we will get to that…


“At this point everyone should just get an activation and the matching G7 attunement for follow up work…I think Rion just hacked the matrix with this stuff and mere mortal men could potentially have the presence of movie stars” -C.B., Client


Here’s just a random modern example…Jimin from BTS



B1.0? Professionals and fashion critics or advocates can talk about it on that level all day long – and even how u can look and style like him. That’s the ‘width’ of beauty.


B2.0 is another dimension where we start getting into the things I’m going to introduce to you including allure and charisma (plus practical tools and services to cultivate your own energetic beauty and sexiness).


1 of the secrets btw of k-pop boy bands which in some way represent a lot of the future energetically is that they are exploring more balance with embodiment of the feminine and then transmitting in the 4D/5D. The consciousness is blown FAR past the limitations of the caged identity of ego-self.


Much of B1.0 is how to LOOK like celebrities…and B2.0 is more about how to BE like a star but from your authentic, unique presencing itself without having to fake or act it. 


So can you imagine how that can affect how people will respond and relate to your image?


So, I’m excited that with Sexy Chi we DO now have the practical tools to assess, WORK WITH and (through time) master the final frontier with ‘the rest’ of your professional image, presence, performance and visual communication. 


And I spent years and years preparing for this from scratch because although the deeper dimensions of image have always existed, the relevant awareness before me really didn’t. 


Even studying with a Chinese Grandmaster of QiGong was all part of this.


So…the evolution and future of beauty and image transformation is upon us for true mastery. And this is central stuff too if you are a performance artist.


And if I can get a little woo-woo right now, it’s about time too because this all relates with our ascension on the planet to be closer to stars as more powerful sentient beings…


….the world IS getting more sexual and spiritual raising us into higher levels of inspiration and co-creation…more edenic, more hieros gamos, more heaven on earth and less mundane. 


Social media itself and entertainment impersonalizes our reach and influence…it’s meta-physical.


And…keep in mind after all that image IS Light and even your physical body is vibrating energy; this is more than just digital pixels here. 


Photographs and video capture light, power and snapshots of authentic consciousness itself. More power has more influence. 


Consumers feel like they don’t have power and are trying to LOOK like their favorite stars who have far higher social status.


With B2.0, we finally get to be stars without having to be famous first.


So we’re really entering a conscious area of Lightworking instead of just good lighting and superficial beauty.


Having inner beauty LIKE an iconic starlet goddess isn’t something that can be faked, but now we can work direct on the real thing with the real tools for it.


And after such mastery and support out there in the realm of the Beauty 1.0; isn’t it time for DEEPER beauty across the board to bring forth your best self for true image mastery and communication?

Sexy Chi

So, let me reset a bit;


What if there was a whole new realm to work on mastering your energetic beauty no matter your physical limitations or age that you could start seeing enhanced results in media starting now while continuing to cultivate and master your presence and image like a star (with the advantages of doing it consciously)?


                   It’s here!


And since this might be new and is shamelessly a more comprehensive introduction or even indoctrination into Beauty 2.0 ;);


I will reiterate some things and from different angles as well as give a few more basic examples.


See; it’s the entirety of your energy that is communicating in visual communication; deeper than body language.


The limitations within the ‘body language’ perspective is that is like an interim between superficial awareness and energetic awareness but often denotes ‘action’.  


And there are true body language masters of communication like Chevy Chase in the 80’s 

or modern comedian Sebastian Maniscalco, but don’t let that fool you into settling just for non-verbal communication.


Sure there are loads of insights we CAN garner from body language communication and CIA analysts but that doesn’t all translate to straight up cold-reading and energetic communication in ALL image.


It’s a skillset that doesn’t match the depth of our value system (or even our value system) for 100% pro image without even acting.


Unless you are a master, using body language techniques for acting or pro image can feel fake because people can read through it…where does it COME FROM is the more important source that we want to work on; the foundation itself.


The Academy Award winning stuff is really the energetic congruity and truth of owning the character where acting itself dissolves – and the RIGHT congruent body language comes from there.


Most energetically beautiful people can do NOTHING, just stand there and EMANATE everything you desire (even with poor posture). 


That’s how we know body language is limited and not the SOURCE, plus there are other things that we want to know anyways for true image mastery.


Posture alone doesn’t make your fans or future clients SWOON (esp. if u don’t have hit songs, acclaimed talent or persona in your favor).


Thus, we must go to the deeper foundational truth which is energetic truth and its communication.  


And with that said, our energetic skillset may not match the values OF body language experts either; this is just the deeper realm.


We can now work in THAT realm for your professional image and presence…bringing the depths of transmission across to INFLUENCE and inspire others rather than just being another flat 2D good-looking person on Instagram.


Oh – and I have still been preserving them, but will soon introduce these SPECIFIC and tantalizing OPERATIONAL areas of energetic beauty that you can cultivate to RADIATE deeper and immortal beauty no matter what biological age. 


And of course if you are a public speaker, coach or do live events all of this is hyper relevant…


I mean even MORESO if you are a transformational coach where people must SEE who you are and make sure that your image represents and can guide them deeper instead of the old paradigm (much of what can include); marketeering manipulation or people hiding behind the screen. 


People want to see and know the real you; that is often how they are deciding esp. when it comes to more feminine essenced or spiritual things – the masculine ‘salesy’ old paradigm push approach isn’t always the answer.


Image and personal branding is becoming MORE important; to communicate something AUTHENTIC, deeper, congruent and aligned with what FEELS right; the real you.


The age of hiding is winnowing down; esp. in the transformational business.


BEING THE BRAND like a celebrity being their own personal brand is becoming more common (personal branding itself is a literal thing now btw and not just for Instagrammers doing sponsorship posts); are ‘selling yourself’ per se and by now u know that just maximizing and expressing the physical mastery of appearance is just one prime dimension. 


People want to see and know your truth to stand out from all the hype and marketeers behind closed doors. Not to mention this all ties in WITH video marketing.


How about selling ideal prospects before you even speak a word from your image b/c you are already representative of what they desire and are communicating to a higher aspect of themselves that just KNOWS intuitively?


The power of image can do that…and if you’re uncomfortable about selling who you are, is just putting on the right superficial image the answer? 


It’s all related b/c people are going to start being more aware of what IS being communicated in your image anyway – so that’s more reason to look at it all.


Consumers are becoming sharper and starting to see through more things. They are also tired of being manipulated by so many marketeers.


Keep in mind that not all image (in the billions of photos and videos out there) has true energetic beauty that mesmerizes soul-to-soul actionable influence; but that which does, we find reaches through the 2D plane of digital media and MOVES something inside of you and has an alchemical response; it’s inspiring, it sells, it motivates. It secretly moves markets.


Well; and think of it…having the energetic presence OF an Ava Gardner but without her looks.


And because people are deciding emotionally, instinctually and psychically (while backing it up with logic), they are becoming more intuitive and sharper about seeing through B.S. So all of this is about authentic soul-self communication – having that energetic beauty that is congruent with the external presentation.

Energetic Beauty Penetrates

Energetic beauty (and the SPECIFIC areas you can cultivate yourself) goes beyond the planar physical world of the good-looking but topographic 3D (translated to 2D online) and affects fans, friends and future clients beyond just the physical dimensions.


It leaps THROUGH image or video and starts activating and attuning aspects of your Heart, Psyche and Soul. I mean where your soul can ACHE for someone because of their energetic beauty and how it affects you (think of the last time that happened)…THAT’S not just 2 or 3 dimensional ‘good looks’ anymore.


More than just good looks; Jason Momoa is a great example of someone with this sexy chi factor that multi-dimensionally leaps out FROM the 2D of this image to alchemically move and attune things within you – even if u aren’t conscious of it. 



We desire that which raises, up-levels and up-tunes our experience, satisfaction and status in life. This works because of the law of resonance and ‘association’.


btw are u ok if I bring in an unrighteous amount of Momoa’s righteousness? Ok, good..


So he has BOTH a great B/Q (which I’m going to introduce) AND a very high C/F (Charisma Factor) which circulates masculine spirit THROUGH his bodies.


And this concept of being penetrated or affected from someone’s image communicating energetic beauty, that is different than just swiping pictures of great looking extrinsic valuing women in a divertive world but not feeling anything. It’s energetic beauty and that ‘je ne se quoi’ essence about you when expressed that can draw people in.


And u might have noticed those that only focus on the external can end up feeling hollow and dull; they can look great but aren’t transmitting beauty and influence on the other dimensions! 


Or; they value the superficial and the vanity so much that their true essence isn’t coming through – and you’re just like ‘meh’.


Again; we will talk more specifically about these practical areas and it’s how (in best case scenarios) that image can excite, influence, motivate, inspire, sell and even HEAL. 


Most people work on their energetic beauty non-consciously AT BEST and if they have some luck might indirectly improve it.


Right now, your energetic beauty might be malnourished and under expressed; unable to cause un-conscious PALPITATIONS in others just from your image.


Beauty 2.0 brings in an entire new working paradigm with real 4D and 5D influence on people IN live presence and across our spectrum of 2D/3D media that can STIR THEM or feed a deeper fan frenzy or client attraction.


Of course there’s going to be gratuitous Jen Seltzer ass channels and things like that focused just on the physical…chances are, you want more depth in your presence and image that is communicating and attracting the people right for you b/c image does matter and with so much A.D.D. out there and distraction, it’s more important than ever to draw people IN to your work, your circle, your kingdom/queendom, your fandom into a deeper relationship.


Now it’s time for DEPTH.


If you want your people to FEEL you and respond – to be INSPIRED and on deeper levels, you’re in the right place with Sexy Chi.


Before I introduce the actual energetic components of Beauty 20;


Let’s look at it from this practical meta-perspective that takes relevant Beauty ‘as we know it’ into account;

Consider that the entire extrinsic reality of Beauty 1.0 (and supporting industries like skincare, fitness and markets like fat loss, fashion, hair, image consulting, etc.) can be summed up for you in this simple ‘perspectiving’ formula;  

The B/Q or Beauty Quotient

The B/Q is a simple, universal, pro image assessment tool that I have devised that can be used for makeover and image industry consultants which gauges the maximization of your extrinsic beauty potential.

The B/Q rates the actualization of your extrinsic (aka ‘physical’ appearance) beauty potential (unique to you) on a 0-10 scale (and is different than the 1-0 hotness scale people refer to).

If u are a woman, when u wake up in the morning pre-make up u could have an actualized extrinsic beauty quotient (B/Q) of 6.5 and after make-up perhaps 8.5…with a top professional team on a best day, u could reach perhaps 9.9. 

10 being absolute pinnacle possible for you with your conditions and ie. handicaps, etc. This also means that Kristin Stewart’s 10 is different than urs; it is unique 2 u.

So consider that; u don’t have to compare yourself to someone to be a 10 like them – THEIR 10 is different than yours…instead, you can just know that u are maximizing *your* unique external beauty potential to the best possible (based on how much u would value to).

Individual factors such as hair, skin, fashion can have their own B/Q ratings or u can just look at the overall general B/Q.

The start of a damaged and bad hair day could have its own B/Q of 3.1 for example with shampoo hair models hair as a 10 B/Q.

So something as similar as upgrading to a higher quality line of skin care can literally help increase your B/Q; but remember it’s working in the world of topographic, superficial extrinsic appearance.

           We can reference Khloe Kardashian


(Photo by George Pimentel/Getty Images)

as someone who through the years (excluding any conversation about alleged plastic surgery) has increased her B/Q or ‘physical beauty’. 

Alas; it’s still only the focus on the extrinsic. And it CAN be inspiring what is possible on that level especially for women who have far more tools than men.

From this practical ‘meta’ perspective down to the individual level; everything that economically drives the multi-billion dollar Beauty 1.0 industry as we know it is about increasing each person’s actualized extrinsic beauty and extrinsic (aka ‘superficial’) image potential.

Well, profit might be their prime corporate motivator but that is what is going on in the industry; increasing and supporting raising B/Q.

….and then u could the emotional, sexual, social status and psychological drivers behind doing that (much of it to do with status).

And people are spending a lot of money to rise fractional points in their own actualization.

Higher B/Q and the prolific media and advertising world around it from our collective lens – is generally more attractive and with more sex appeal and status.

So; the extrinsic HAS its place and God knows there are great professionals doing wonders in that area every hour around the world who want to bring out your best self.

But meanwhile; u might also agree that we are MISSING something without acknowledging energetic beauty – and that the final frontier is really in mastering energetic beauty transformation in professional image directly and consciously (instead of indirectly or never). 

Stars mostly get to that multi-dimensional influence in their image indirectly b/c of influencing millions of people their energetic beauty and sexy qi non-consciously grows in archetypal power – but that’s an extended tangent. 

For you; as I mentioned we can’t rely on fame and that external validation FIRST; plus, what kind of foundation is that?

So, if we have this external Beauty Tool for assessing and mastering B1.0…

What might we have to assess intrinsic or energetic beauty and how it comes across IN your image and presence?

I call it; the Allure Factor

So now; when we look at the entirety of your professional image and communication, we can include the Allure Factor (Depth) with the B/Q (Surface) and we can open up more accurate visual assessment and see what to work on across the board.


Both of these internal and external together I call the Allure Ratio with the A/F and B/Q as a holistic professional image assessment tool.


And each of them are related to your individual Beauty potential, not based on others; so it’s ie. the maximization of what other industry professionals would know as possible for your skin, your complexion, your body transformation potential, your hair from celebrity stylists, etc. 


The Allure Factor itself values the energetic beauty depth and is a simple, general gauge for the both the embodiment and breathing-ness of your soul along with the bandwidth of feminine essenced allure itself in your presence and image. 


Feminine allure is impersonal soft, glow, honey, warmth that is receiving and circulating of Light energy.


For men or masculine essence we can use the Charisma Factor which measures the embodiment and breathing-ness of the soul as well as the bandwidth of masculine essenced charisma. 


I might mention it later but this means that top Western female performers would often have a higher C/F than A/F…so we might have to use different tools in different scenarios.


So the A/F isn’t just soul breathing-ness, it’s also combo’ed with attunement to either masculine or feminine spirit essence flow.  (We can ‘see’ charisma and impersonal masculine essence oozing out of ie. Jason Momoa). Charisma is more associated with yang life force qi and is more projecting whereas allure is more soft, receiving, nurturing and recirculating.


And as Gillian Pothier points out; “feminine allure triggers the masculine’s desire for provision and protection” (paraphrased).


Although we can look to others to get a relative gauge, your readings are unique to your image and potential – not in competition with others. 


So it is also like how much of your presence and masculine or feminine essence breathes THROUGH the flat 3D plane into (or not)…


Here’s Tzuyu from the K-pop group Twice as a perfect example of someone with very high soul embodiment and a high A/F…just radiating high feminine essenced allure in her aura.



And Let Me Mention Here…

another quick energy reading/image assessment tool

It’s the 1-2 punch which you can use to read anyone is to pick what their primary and secondary archetypes are.


So in her case here it would be Muse – Lover.


That simple 1-2 Arch assessment tool can be used but it takes some relevant insight and experience with archetypes to get accurate primary-secondary readings.




If u can get past your filters and be non-judgmental you can notice how she has ENERGETIC beauty and allure that is multi-dimensionally breathing through the still image, culture and such (beyond just the physical plane).


And btw, just because you still might not be used to consciously sensing and differentiating energetic beauty from 2D/3D superficial beauty, doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist. U also might have cultural and personal filters that are blocking yourself from realizing the truth of her energetic visual communication.


So, this is a skill that can be honed that I’m starting to attune you into now; heck, you might even be able to soon start doing accurate A/R readings of your own for people!


A lower A/F denotes very little auric and feminine essenced soul expression through the body.


 We can also gauge the embodiment of the soul into your physiological body itself on a separate scale.


 Most people who have personalized relationships who aren’t serving millions of people with their image have very low allure factor compared to the 10 that’s possible for them.


Their energy fields are also literally more personalized (including their chakras and aura) with less impersonal life force qi and this (including the actual distances) can not just be assessed visually but literally felt kinaesthetically and accurately (this takes special training).


So as we start valuing sexy qi aspects like essence, embodiment and expression;


The magic with multi-dimensional image is that just a still photo of a Jason Momoa

can MOVE ENERGIES (as we know) but it can do it within you long after he is gone or not even there in person because his soul and archetypal self is communicating (and these other improvable and mutable energetic/sexy qi factors).


Visual media captures LIGHT and consciousness – power itself. It isn’t just digital pixels. That is the deeper truth. Image has power and influence.


And this is what is happening with presence energetically; a star’s chakras and aura can transmit and hit the back of the stadium to influence the people back there whereas most people extend within a personalized field of 1-2 feet and for some hermits it can be just a few inches. People literally aren’t going to FEEL you energetically hitting THEIR chakras and engaging you in that case.


Once you become more aware of the reality of energetic communication and that we aren’t just physical meat suits interacting with each other; you realize that someone’s chakras when you meet them are connecting and relating with yours non-consciously and you are feeling things within yourself because of that actual energetic and psychic connection.


Just wait if I introduce alchemy and attunement with energetic beauty – OMG!


Energetic beauty penetration (from feminine allure which CALLS OUT and rises the masculine and yang projection from the masculine which Light penetrates the Feminine) allows that multi-dimensional INFLUENCE from the 2D world.


Again that’s what separates stars from just a good-looking but personalized field person.


We want to look and dress like them, but really we desire their level of influence and energetic attractiveness.


All of this is real and we can do professional image assessment going back decades; we’re just being more aware of what is.


Call it psychic if you want, but I’m a practical psychic; we want what is REAL, practical and verifiable to work on foundationally…we’re just bringing what ‘is’ to the surface consciously because we weren’t aware of it before.


This might just be new to you if you are coming from the 3D world and background.  And this energetic beauty ties into ALL areas of life – not just your image but it’s related with attracting a greater soul-mate lover, deepening your relationship with a partner, driving fans crazy with inspiration and much more.

So, let's go back to the Allure Ratio.

Runway models (as another example) would have perhaps a 9.5 B/Q but an A/F of 1.0 because they are meant to be expressionless, icy, emotionless blank slates. 

A performer going incognito to the corner grocery store in their pajamas caught by paparazzi could have an intentionally low A/F like 4.0 closing others out but when they go on to headline Coachella, can turn their soul communication on and it could be closer to 8.4 for example.

Performance artists have exponential energetic beauty collectively compared to the average person.

Everyone can be read in different photos, videos or film for their Allure Ratio or B/Q as it’s a universalized tool.  For here, I just wanted to introduce it.

And speaking of allure itself (which I shorthand define as the energetic breathing-ness of the soul); the discussion of allure itself goes deeper because in large part; feminine essenced allure is missing in the West and is a major part of beauty itself. 

Many women look good externally but their energetic beauty is often shrouded in a masculine mask or persona.

So there’s a lot of work that can be done here that can cultivate and bring out your soul essenced self in image. 


So we can ASSESS and work with energetic beauty (including yours from this website now) and we start becoming aware that even top performers could improve and are holding back the potential of their charismatic/alluring energetic communication.

And there’s more involved with energetic beauty as I will introduce.

So here’s another POWER tool of energetic beauty. 

There’s also the CAM: Charisma Archetype Model to gauge the embodiment of masculine or feminine archetypes and their expression IN your professional image.

I’m not going into the details of it here but for example;

We can take a single aspect of an archetype and reference it for essence, embodiment and expression in ‘this’ particular music video:

Prince Royce: Darte un beso


essence        embodiment        expression

9.6                     9.4                    9.4

Or we could do a more complete arch reading of the top dozen masculine archetypes for his embodiment and expression. I offer these Arch readings to people as well.

And as you can imagine he actually does have high archetypal prince embodiment. (Look; you don’t have to name yourself Prince to BE worthy of Prince consciousness and status).

Again, those multi-dimensional and timeless image qualities don’t really open up to most people (because from the ego self, they aren’t worthy to be a prince or princess) – but it’s a big secret to the influence and why we go crazy around those who have them; I mean we’re talking about the greater impersonal, immortal aspects OF the masculine and feminine here. 

It’s that soul based identity that stars give themselves that allows them the room to embody and express their desires – and to BE that sexy, powerful and influence.

There’s something energetic about THEIR image and not just good looks that sets them apart b/c if someone with star charisma walked in a room or radiant allure – everyone would KNOW it and it doesn’t have to do just with their hair and wardrobe.

Because they have given themselves permission to; it’s the IMPERSONAL power, essence and presence emanating or communicating with and through them charismatically that is sexy, not just their genetics or fashion; 

Still we just KEEP perpetually focusing on what they are wearing or the brand label – possibly because we didn’t have the tools to – until now.


So with archetype readings we can assess where you and other celebrities are at in this aspect of inner beauty.

MOST consumers and ‘average people’ don’t allow real archetypal power and consciousness because they have a personalized self-identity as compared to someone who is serving millions of people who is open to expanding their identity (like top actors) to influence others; the secret being impersonality instead of personality.

So that’s a big key to energetic beauty I’ve mentioned before; allowing yourself to have a soul-based identity, letting go of the ego-death-grip identity and allowing impersonal archetypal consciousness to be embodied and expressed in your image.  

The more you let go of who you think you are, the more you can open up to the POWER of immortal meta-masculine and feminine archetypes.

On Sexy Chi here, I offer archetype readings and archetype embodiment activations.

Want a few more examples before we get to the specific areas of energetic beauty that u can cultivate with Sexy Chi?


Sure…(and remember this is a more comprehensive introduction to B2.0 rather than a simplified ‘cheat sheet’ which I might offer later)


Mick Jagger is a classic example of what some could refer to as having ‘sexy qi’ in his heyday, but low on physical looks. 


His charisma and Sex Icon archetypal confidence WARPS our very perception of his more limited physical beauty in his image.


When Ke$ha sang “and we kick him to the curb unless he looks like Mick Jagger”…do u think she’s referring to his physical image or his sexy qi and energetic beauty that contributed to his overall visual communication and image ? 😉


So it works for men too (charisma is the masculine essence version of ‘allure’ btw). Mick’s A/F (or C/F) in the above photo is: 9.4


Frank Sinatra is another great example…physically not the best looking, but if we value it all (now we are just CONSCIOUS of the charisma), his physical 6-ness becomes a 9 because of his energetic beauty (depth transmission) aka ‘sexy qi’.


U want to become conscious in cultivating your sexy qi or energetic beauty and its qualities (which we will get to) because it can make THAT much of a difference or much more even just in still photographs or profile pictures.


Frank’s charisma coming across IN his actual image also bends our perception of him to be more accurate to his soul-truth so that we are seeing his sexier soul rather than JUST his physicality. Remember; it’s all energy.


Sexy Chi energy readings can dig deeper into truths about someone that are otherwise non-conscious and bringing them to the surface.


Let’s start acknowledging, valuing and recognizing both the physical and energetic aspect of beauty (the width and the depth).


Because if someone (God forbid) got disfigured in a car accident or an unfortunate smelting incident – their energetic essence and beauty could still be coming through so it IS important to start differentiating them.


So, beauty IS more than skin deep?…


And; I think embracing energetic beauty (where we can literally go past the surface of the skin into how someone’s energy and its aspects are transmitting) could be the evolution of Beauty itself.


In order to read someone properly (like the many real people I have done private readings for), we have to go deeper than body language and it’s good to know that energy doesn’t lie; we just have to get the right psychic clarity that continues to verify the truth; not wishy-washyness or vague predictions.


We have to look insightfully at someone’s energetic beauty and the truth of how their energy is essenced, embodied and expressed.


So it helps to have tools like the Allure Ratio and Charisma Arch Model as well as image consulting energy readings which bring to the surface verifiable and incredible insights and truths about yourself that u might not otherwise be conscious of.

"It is as If I sat down and told u everything that's been going on for the last month or 2. 2000% spot On" - crystal Rose, Healer

On a Rion Energy Reading

And the truth u might have also realized is that physical beauty does not necessarily equate to energetic or inner beauty.


Nor does it mean looking as pretty as you can (or getting implants or a nose job) mean that people are going to FEEL you and be INSPIRED in their heart and soul from your image either.


Want to drive fans wild, attract new clients, mesmerize influence and start attuning people energetically to a higher frequency and reality just from being around you?


Well; if you desire this and you want to maximize authentic self expression and RADIATE deeper multi-dimensional beauty that transmits and pierces peoples auras affecting and attuning their chakras like a star and without effort or manipulation, I would start cultivating your sexy qi!

What is SexChi?

Well, ‘qi’ itself (aka ‘ki’ or ‘prana’) is an ancient Chinese term for life force energy itself.


Sexy Qi or ‘Chi’ is another term for ENERGETIC Beauty.


On its own it means ‘healthy and sexy’ life force energy.


Someone who has sexy qi is someone who has energetic health and allure/charisma going on in their LIVE presence and image (photos, video, film, social media) that transmits multi-dimensional energetic INFLUENCE.


The more IM-personalized your field is (as compared to personalized), the more it can literally circulate yin and yang qi, jing and shen as well as elemental energies and archetypal consciousness (like a star who influences millions from their image which is the truth of their energetic presence not merely a digital or print photograph).


Again; career runway models or androids with their intentionally low allure factor in most cases do not have sexy qi or close it down….’meh’.


Someone with sexy qi influences from their image and can often cause non-conscious heart palpitations and deep emotional even sexual response within people (and this can happen without them being good-looking in the 3D plane either).


They have soul expressed influence and transmittive qi (life force) piercing through the 2D veil; they aren’t just a wooden shell of physical good looks or a hot 3D/2D body.


Physical hotness or value does not equate to emotional, sexual and spiritual communication or influence.


In fact, it can create more separation, envy or competition instead of stirring connecting and engagement; “they’re so hot and I’m not”


This can be referenced in the Allure Ratio reading like the average Instagram model could have


AF: 4 BQ: 9.5


And many of them would have higher Charisma Factors than Allure because of the shelling of feminine essence.


Those who have sexy qi; their soul essence and its sophistication BREATHES, emanates and illuminates (often IN spite of their looks) to make people weak in the knees…that’s the power not just of 3D image but of true multi-dimensional visual communication…that often transcends the limitations of their physical looks.


Women with alluring, sexy chi communicate to men across the room and speak to their energetic and archetypal masculine on these other dimensions. It can stir and inspire men without them knowing what is even going on.


Again; most people are so closed off IN their energetic communication (and specifically chakras) that it’s often like a superficial shell that doesn’t even pierce through others auras.


So it takes some awareness and experience to differentiate between just physical beauty and energetic beauty because people are so conditioned to value the superficial; but u can start tuning in to start seeing (from 2D photos and videos) who has this sexier qi and depth dimension of beauty coming across (and most people just don’t have this energetic influence like a star or starlet).


I’ve had 1000’s of hours of practice 😉


Here’s another secret of high-end image:


I’ve inferred it before, but;


More life force ‘qi’ and archetypal power becomes available to flow and be embodied through those serving millions of people esp. in their soul aligned dharma…energy opens charismatically to SERVE and give life force to the world (much of who is seeking that and they take it IN to their literal aura b/c they are missing it).


So your energetic beauty and soul transmission qualities open the more you are in service and im-personalized. Which is the opposite of most people who are personalized and NOT giving to others.


There are clients of mine who are so alluring now, they are thriving in receiving provision and attraction from men/the masculine.


So…Stars are just…more illuminated. There is more life force power and even Eros (for example) in their presence.


That’s the hidden secret to multi-dimensional image and influence (because remember, if u didn’t know they were famous and they just had THAT energy, it would change everything for them b/c u are ATTRACTING WHO U ARE).


So, you don’t have to serve millions of people, but if u ARE on a path of serving people, it will be easier for you and I to DE-personalize your qi and work on cultivating your energetic beauty to see richer results faster in alignment and expression of your soul truth.


What can replace your former limited identity of self that people know you as and how you fold or don’t fold your sock drawer?


 How about Queen, Priestess, Sorceress or King, Magician, Lover?


See – your soul has its desires and isn’t actually limited. (We are far beyond ‘personal growth’ here btw 😉


And we can start discovering amazing insights where even the best in the world can use some calibrating or adjustments to their visual communication.


Again; we can reference the before and after images of talent search successes and how their image itself starts transmitting more energetic depth and influence as their identity grows closer to star


…or even the same icons and how their energy can change.

Lalisa from Blackpink.

This photo:

Muse ; A/F

9.4 ;  6.8


So Lisa has high embodiment of the Muse archetype; however could be more open her soul breathing feminine expression (allure) in her aura itself here (if we just reference this b/c allure and other variables can fluctuate)…


…I’ve noticed she sometimes likes to close her energy more offstage to match her Instagram photos which could be related energetically to her Human Design because hermits and investigators as I-Ching archetypes of the hexagram love to do this by default (we have a lot of tools to work with).


It could also be related to conservation of energy or a strategy of being more relatable to most of her fans – and then she opens her energy up more during live performances to be able to influence fans at the back of a stadium.


And the prospect of closing energy in a photo shoot can be related to the space of the environment and trust of the photographer / director as the space of the masculine.


It could also be related to a conscious choice or an off day, but the awareness for top performers is critical.


The point here is that we are even aware of it – so it brings us more professional conscious mastery!  Consulting with her can help her mastery and help dial it all in.


And here, she HAS a higher feminine essenced allure shining through (not just because of the’s about where it’s coming from).


A/F: 9.2


Remember this is professional image consulting – not People magazine.


Here’s another secret; K-Pop and Asia in general is ahead of the West with some things.


Ok; u might be wondering what DOES a 9.9 Allure Factor even look like?



A/F 9.9


Now THAT is Alchemical!


And I have 1000’s of actual men who have been meditating to archetypal feminine energy like this (and other expressions like Muse-Goddess, etc.) for years and it has literally changed their love lives, charisma, sexual attraction, spiritual growth, creativity and much more in what Napoleon Hill calls ‘sex transmutation’.


But we don’t CARE in the West b/c we have our own paradigm that FILTERS the POWER of image that is behind, through and beneath it


(unfort. we have our selfish personalized media use and our ‘cultural’ and ‘genre’ values which are experiential FILTERS that prevent connection and consorting with immortal archetypal power as Gods and Goddesses as equal to stars to transform and attune us).


But you can go more Goddess or Diva if you want.  …No hate for other archetypes that aren’t you right now – we can instead reference and learn from them b/c THAT energy will melt into the men that u have wanted to attract like a hot Ginsu knife through butter 😉


Instead of culture, language, genre and ego-favorite artists, you can also start valuing and seeing Archetypes and Auric qualities; a deeper value system.


Anyhoo; We can also assess her (an SNH48 member) as Maiden-Muse Princess as far as a 1-2 Arch reading.


Remember; it’s not about her smile, her wardrobe or her culture.


This isn’t about getting caught up in extrinsic beauty, fame or status alone of someone – we have to look at the energy itself honestly


It’s not just to ‘smile more’ or ‘more cowbell…her aura (ref; Lisa) is more radiant in this case even without smiling.


Now we have the tools to have the operational mastery in this b/c of the energy reading and energwork itself with Sexy Chi!



U can CULTIVATE your sexy qi to increase your own Allure Factor, but understand that it’s a separate world than the extrinsic paradigm of Beauty 1.0.


We must have different beauty assessment AND transformational tools.


U might even realize that THIS beauty work is the most important and that perhaps the extrinsic beauty support is secondary. 


After all this is about your authentic soul embodiment and expression.


This direct cultivation of your energetic beauty and radiance can be done working on your essence, embodiment and expression through image consultations and transformation through Sexy Chi services like Activations, custom remote energy work (including necessary healing), in person work or the Allure Makeover Package available on this website.


So…we took a while to get here, but I’ve promised this and now it’s time!


Considering we value practicality that brings REAL (before and after) RESULTS…and


..Besides increasing your physical, extrinsic beauty potential and appearance of what’s possible for you (B/Q);


What more specifically is involved in consciously and directly assessing, cultivating and transmitting your energetic beauty to the world?

What are these specific aspects or factors that

comprise your energetic beauty 'aka' sexy qi?

*Energetic Health & Qi

*Soul Essence, Embodiment & Expression





Bonus: Level of Consciousness (ref: Hawkins)

Those are specific ‘working areas’ of pro image cultivation of energetic beauty


Energetic Beauty also comprises these factors:






These all comprise your sexy qi (or lack thereof) aka ‘energetic beauty’.


Each of these (which I will introduce in more detail) can be worked on for significant increases in the richness of your authentic, deeper beauty and soul-lit visual communication. 


And because most people don’t have multi-dimensional IMPACT from their image, you are going to start standing out soon from those around you.  


And if you do public speaking, wow – get ready for new levels of audience connectivity and response (as clients of mine who do it are getting).


Most of all, your holistic beauty and all of the rest of your visual communication in image, media and video really is;


The cultivation, embodiment and visual expression of your soul essence itself.


Again; these operational factors are communicated in professional image which is energy.


Doesn’t that sound more like true image mastery; esp. when we combine it with the extrinsic?


It might take decades for the world to put energetic beauty ahead of extrinsic beauty (if ever), but fortunately you don’t have to wait for them.


Most people haven’t cultivated these aspects because they are focused on the external and being inspired from image makeovers, body transformations, looking like celebrities and all for increasing their B/Q. …and also b/c we just didn’t have the direct tools.


But now we DO…we have the pro image tools to go deep with Beauty 2.0 transformation.


How about having that mesmerizing influence that’s possible from your image and presence?


Your image is your legacy NOW and visual communication is more important than ever especially in this age of social media and influence esp. if your livelihood is centered on it.


And when your image can influence them on a DEEPER level (and 24/7 online), you have the benefit of more influence, magnetism and alchemy; attuning people into your deeper truths and transmissions.


This means DEEPER, wilder fan influence and attraction, deeper client acquisition and relationship building, etc. This is already happening with active Allure Makeover Package clients. 


One of them did a siddhic activation related to her Evolution and the next day she had her greatest performing video and response to date – people could tell such a difference and she looks at it back in awe b/c it was directly related with what we did.


A Cosmic Muse 3 attendee just had a big successful live speaking gig with tons of response.


Now we can go deep into the world of mastering the rest of beauty and sexiness itself like top performance artists consciously…and in accessing and bringing out your authentic soul essence itself to mesmerize influence, u might just be transformed.


In fact, you will be transformed because the best ‘acting’ isn’t acting at all; it’s energetic congruence and authentic presencing. We work on the deepest levels direct, bypassing your ego.


It’s not about DOING more, it’s about BEING more – and communicating THAT. Good body language or posture is secondary only and ever to energetic truth.


U can ‘gloss over’ a lack of intrinsic beauty (or what’s that analogy about turning a sow’s ear into gold?) – but as people start becoming more psychically aware like me about the truth of your communication in the future;


They’re going to start realizing it all; they just don’t ‘feel you’ like they could…they’re not getting the TRANSMISSIONS of heart, sex and soul level influence and alchemy from you; from the deeper truth of your authentic communication and emanance.


So now, let’s dig a little bit deeper into these workable areas of inner beauty and sexiness as far as it relates to increasing your allure, mastering your image, radiating deeper beauty and mesmerizing influence in professional image, performance arts and social media communication.


I’m not going to go TOO in depth here, but I did want to directly introduce or overview each of them.

Energetic Beauty Is

*Energetic Health & Qi

Let’s START here because sexy qi begins with energetic health. 


Before you can have that soul-star shining quintessence that compels people to you, we might have to do some more foundational work first.


This is honestly an entire world of its own that connects deep into your chakras, aura, subconscious/psyche and even past trauma, shadows, fractal karma, lower frequency bands even how energy is stored, blocked, constricted or moving. 


It might be of note that energetic health and qi flow is perhaps the only area here that connects with the already active world of practical energy work and energy healing as well as its implications on your literal health, vitality and psyche.


Chakric health and wisdom isn’t new; you might not just be aware of it. Anodea Judith has some great written work in this area.


Remember that energy reading is a skill of its own and might be entirely new to you, but your energy can be ‘read’, assessed or diagnosed and then worked on from someone highly competent in this area to help move your energies to heal, restore, repair, reconnect, release and more as necessary to restore energetic health.


Just as a quick example, if we look at the energetic health of say Joseph Gordon-Levitt vs. a frenetic homeless person, there is a massive difference. I won’t even put pictures here, I think u can visualize it.


It’s just easier for most people to start sensing and seeing 4D energy in the more extreme examples.


Unfortunately, we will often sense or see scattered, antagonistic energy (yes energy) and vibes round some people like that. And that 6th sense of staying away from someone because of their vibe?


That’s 4D awareness…with energy reading we are just more conscious of what is and build it upon a database of verified past experience mixed with (accurate and) calibrated psychic intuition.


So…your energetic health is of central importance and there are specialists that JUST focus on this


(although rarely are any of them caring about your image and the DIRECT relevance like I do – I am a reiki master also, but what we are doing here is ‘something else’).


U can read more about me, but I had to get comprehensive true healing experience in THIS background before being able to do multi-dimensional image makeover transformation magic…


B/c we have to start with your energetic health foundationally and there might be some DEEPER things (including trauma) that might have to be addressed.


Even in energy sessions, tune-ups or pre-activation I will assess your current energetic health kinaesthetically.


I can see where things are imbalanced, blocked, out of alignment, shut down, scattered, fragmented, etc. and share notes afterwards.


Again; this is the already practical world of chakras, aura, qi, meridians and such. 


And yes; these things ARE real btw and there are different major auric designs; you have 1 of them and it literally affects major practical areas of your daily life and relationships.


And sometimes, deeper energetic healing and HEALTH is required for a client before we can even get to the magic.


U have to have a field that is healthy enough and spacious enough to receive an embodiment transmission…to be able to hold it.


And I have seen all kinds of things; dead chakras, shot chakras, fragmented auras, near non-existent chakras, blocked chakras, entities, implants/cords, portals…


…and then there are all kinds of nuances related to embodiment, flow, elementals (water, fire, etc.), grounding, receiving-ness, veils, armor, etc.


So in working with you and in doing energy readings I can do an overall assessment of your energetic health either visually or kinaesthetically (or both). 


I can also holographically and kinaestheticall‘read’ anyone in history (or any photo/video) at any point in time without affecting their actual field; that includes details about their chakras, essencing, etc.


And each client might require custom work such as a unique elemental restructuring balance so I might bring in fire for example to alchemize with a water based chakra or ground certain chakras that are too floaty.


1 client had cultivated a lot of masculine Air but was disconnected from her Feminine Heart warmth ie.


It can be a different strategy for each client based on where they are at.


There is great wisdom in the chakras related to your life experience and shifting it; unfortunately much of that for a lot of people is filled with conditioning and not-self programming from their parents and society; esp. if they are open or undefined chakras (related to your Human Design bodygraph).


So beauty starts really from within AND expresses in your actual presence and image, so to have energetic beauty, you must have good energetic health first.


After all, we don’t want to be looking great on the inside but have energetic UGLINESS do we? 😉

Sometimes just opening someone’s crown can be life-changing


(I had mine opened from an authentic enlightened guru at an ashram in an unforgettable spiritual experience)


….or sealing off great portals that were draining their life force. There are countless energetic techniques and nuances to work with in this realm.


(Heck, I even did a remote pet healing session gratis b/c it was the first time and the dog is doing better with accelerated healing).


When we can work on the energy first, we are working on the core to fix everything else at the source.


My master is a medical Qi Gong wizard and has healed cases of cancer.  With his hands, he can turn wet sand/mud into dust within seconds.


So this is just an introduction and there are countless energy techniques WITHIN doing actual energy healing, restoring, revitalizing. 


And sometimes, it’s perfect just to get an energetic growth maintenance tune-up.


Another thing related is the quality of your essence, the densities and the concept of alchemizing and refining your DNA to be able to hold (or embody) more actual Light and siddhic frequencies. These also interweave into energetic health.


I have also felt client’s fields continue to refine into higher quality essence; (less dark and dense) with our Allure Makeover Package and extended client sessioning through time; we SEE the results and I can also feel it energetically and accurately. 


In one case with a male client, his field greatly turned into impersonal Light fire power; he was getting a lot of energy work (remote) done with me and a tv show model asked for his number on the subway during this. But even in his case b/c of his fast spiritual ascension-ing, we had to go back and re-ground him so energetic growth maintenance is also recommended.


So it’s important to have a great foundation and the healthier your aura, qi (life force) and energy is anyways, the longer you are going to live because it keeps the body in ease, balance and with stronger immunity.


Also, for women who want to have more of that starlet allure, there might be a lot of pain body and trauma work/releasing to be done.


I have literally prevented sickness dozens of times from doing basic energy work to boost my immune system and clear the throat chakra, but this is an extensive world with its own tools and practical magic.


So sexy qi and energetic beauty begins with energetic health and there are no limits from there because HOW much of a star could u be? 


It requires further rebirth and growth…Hieros Gamos is one of those central strategies I mention elsewhere on this site. 


Ok so energetic health and qi….I mentioned that in each individual activation, I do a short power tune-up – however in many cases, more extensive work is required across multiple sessions.


Right after a FIRST remote session I had with a client in Europe who then visited her chiropractor said she told her ‘all fear has left your body’.  It was there for many years beforehand.


This was related to the major tune-up we did in our first session; her field was scattered all over the place, living in anxiety, she was fragmented in multiple dimensions but I helped bring her back into her body and grounded just in one session…she was attracting new relationships and all kinds of things then.


So, even if you have a special case scenario or are just energetically SHOT all over the place and years older than you should be, I can work with that.


But now, we can go ‘beyond healing’…

*Essence, Embodiment Expression

Central to seeing past the 3D barriers in Beauty 2.0 as well as understanding how we are both inspired from our favorite icons and comprehending our own image and self transformation potential is the concept of identity.


Beauty 1.0 values the self as ego/personality and physical body; and often times just the body or face as ‘literal canvas’.


But, we could boil it down to this;


Have a personalized self identity that centers around the ego, personality, physical body and cultural conditioning and you are going to have a far more limited experience and less growth potential for great beauty transformation.


Or…have a soul-based identity outlook and growth strategy where your soul/essence is your true self that has incarnated here in a vehicle (body) that can express itself.


From the less constricted, soul-based (accurate) true reality of ‘self’ (where many of us are actually immortal), we are aligned with the dynamic of energetic beauty and visual communication as well as the unlimited potential for SOUL growth.


As the egoic self with it’s persona-masque might never believe it can be a prince (like Bob Jones from Trenton Tire Repair – ie.);


From a soul-based identity, the soul can desire to express impersonal archetypal consciousness whereas the ego cannot allow it to be embodied at the identity/core level of self.


The perfect example of this is ACTORS and Actresses. They give themselves the permission the rest of us don’t.


A soul based identity, gives you permission (like an actor or star) to let go of the ego death-grip on the smaller version of self to now have unlimited power, alignment and influence as well as access to greater consciousness, archetypes, transmissions, magic and beauty itself.


Now, from this proper foundation we are able to look at these 3 central variables to energetic beauty and professional image:


Essence, Embodiment and Expression


(In addition to energetic health); this is the accurate foundation for multi-dimensional soul communication including through our planes of 2D and 3D influence.


Essence boiled down is your soul itself and its energetic qualities…


..its masculine/feminine balance, what siddhis, past karmic experience, level of consciousness, elemental aspects, etc. It is your true self.


Embodiment is how your true self (soul) is embodied and expressed in the physical form (which is also energetic as vibrating energy but of lower density itself thus requiring more 4D/5D awareness to catch the other authentic qualities coming through).


It also infers that most people aren’t living in their TRUE self experience which is why I LOVE the movie ‘Joe vs. the Volcano’



He decides to start living, regains his soul embodiment and power…goes back to quit his job and he infers that the lights are sucking his brains out at this dead-end job…so it’s almost like living in a shell of a body going through the motions with glazed over look in the eyes – the true self (soul) isn’t really embodied.


Embodiment of ur true self alone can be life-changing and a lot of people aren’t willing to make those sacrifices like actors and actresses are.


So anyways, you can have aspects of past lifetime experience for example (or gifts from childhood that were repressed) stored in your soul essence (soul star 8th chakra as the seat of the soul essence) that might not be embodied or expressed but u still retain it…not all of those aspects might be embodied…trauma, past experiences and lack of space now can keep them at bay.


So when we look at archetypes, your soul could have a lot of a certain kind of archetypal power, but not all of it could be embodied literally in your chakras and aura itself.


And here we just have to reference Jason Momoa again…what a clear example; his soul essence has great Eros, Warrior and King but he has much of that EMBODIED. There’s also usually a spark in someone’s eyes when their soul is fully embodied.



Expression is the 3rd variable here in authentic visual communication (energetic truth).


It is true that you can be embodied but not expressed. 


This might not make sense to some, but I am a great example of it as a 5/1 human design profile.


5/1’s or 5/2’s as personality and non-conscious design archetypes – as well as others who can be power introverts, investigators or hermits are not always energetically open and expressed in all situations…


…their power can be there but more internalized or subverted and not openly charismatically expressed. 


Thus, expression IS its own variable in pro image communication; besides, remember that we referenced when a starlet WANTS to be incognito going to a corner store, she can close down her energetic expression and ‘conserve energy’.


So….Essence, Embodiment and Expression variables of soul itself and other energetic aspects like archetypes or siddhis can literally be read in Sexy Chi energy readings.



So it actually gets really juicy because if you want greater energetic beauty, overall beauty (and that which it attracts, brings, opens doors, etc.), you essentially want to work on cultivating your soul essence…and now we have the tools to work directly on it as it relates to your professional image.


And if cultivating your soul essence sounds familiar, it’s because NOW we can also crossover into the world of spirituality, consciousness, magic, healing, plant medicine, energy medicine, priestessing and such.

*Allure / Charisma

Allure…is a central factor to energetic beauty and-multi dimensional transmission/communication in your pro image that reaches through superficial 3D beauty plane and comes across the limitations of 2D media to influence someone. 


Allure is the feminine essence version and charisma as the masculine essence version of this multi-dimensional soul breathingness and essence communication in the aura. 


We’ve talked about this before and how we can assess someone’s allure with the Allure Factor (similar to how Dr. Hawkins references levels of consciousness). 


Allure or Charisma includes high soul embodiment and expression. The higher your A/F, the more soul embodied and expressed you are, the more spirit essenced (M/F) and the more alchemical influence you will have from your image.


For MORE on ‘what is feminine’ allure (including on how it is often missing in Western women), you can visit the precursor website ‘‘ where I talk about allure there.


The richer and higher frequency your soul essence itself along with its archetypal (and ie. siddhic aspects) PLUS a high A/F, omg – you are going to have exponential influence than you used to in your image vs. weak energetic embodiment, no archetypes, a personalized field, energetic lack of health and a non-breathing aura…we’re talking a major difference..a different person and life experience entirely.


If you want to mesmerize influence, you’re going to want to open up your allure and perhaps work on archetypal embodiment which can then also imbue and express through your sexy, impersonalized allure.


Top Female Western performance artists in general actually don’t have as much allure as we would think…but they do have charisma! 


It’s a more masculine essenced charisma; however powerful presence embodiment and expression alone through a lot of masculine shell or even Goddess or Feminist independence doesn’t have the same kind of affect or influence as pure feminine essence allure itself which is more like honey, dewy swan lake.


And physical beauty does NOT just equal essenced allure.


So u can image how deep this work can be to BE essenced and surrendered to that feminine essence in dissolving a lot of the masculine shells or armor that a lot of women have taken.


Allure activations are available for booking here, but that’s recommended for women who already have a great soul embodiment going on.


The Allure Makeover Package is recommended for more through energetic beauty cultivation for the short-term ie. within 3 months including energetic health/qi work.


Btw how do we gauge allure? By comparing it to the actually most alluring women in the world to get a reference point of what a 9.4 looks like for example. The most alluring are not necessarily the most famous or physically gorgeous.


There’s a lot that could be said here about meta masculine and feminine archetypes, but since this is already an extended introduction to Beauty 2.0 I will keep it brief.


U can find out more about archetypes, specific archetypes on the precursor services website of ExudeAllure here


Archs are immortal, impersonal models or aspects of the collective unconscious (and conscious b/c we have more awareness of them now than in Freud’s day). 

It’s ie.

King, Queen, Lover, Prince, Sorceress, Mother, Alchemist, etc.


Each archetype has specific traits or characteristics as well as authentic energetic encoding that then influences behavior, presence, image and voice.


Can archetypes themselves change? They can, but it’s done on a larger scale of the collective. In other words; Taylor Swift and J.Lo are helping mold the collective power or traits of certain archetypes but otherwise they still carry specific energetic signatures and qualities through centuries.


Archetypes have everything to do with professional image, performance arts and communication. The irony is that although they are rich in our history, wisdom and folklore, most modern men are out of touch with meta-masculine qualities in their lives entirely. 


More Western women to some extent have more archetypal power but non-consciously. The divine feminine is awakening. 


With Sexy Chi, I’m bringing practical and authentic archetypal work to the world.


As I introduced above, archetypal presence, power and consciousness can come through in some but not all people because of their limited self-identity that doesn’t give their vehicle room to embody great impersonal consciousness.


Usually we see it in celebrities or top performers because they have a reason to open up and influence more people in alignment with their soul expression…their identity is more soul-based, unlimited and pliable.


I mean, who can forget Viggo Mortensen in ‘Return of the King?’


It’s in letting go of the personalized self that impersonal and immortal archetypal consciousness can start to assimilate and embody into someone’s soul-based identity. It can reside and breathe.


As I mentioned before, most never get there because of the attachment and cage to their personalized self-identity (ironically those people have much less charisma, less power and literally more restricted energy fields which can be felt kinaesthetically).  


…Because from an incelibate engineer’s perspective (as a random example); he doesn’t feel worthy of being a sex icon. There’s no amount of repeating affirmations that can help b/c of his limited identification of self.


To help make archetypal assessment in professional image consulting practical, I’ve made the CAM (Charisma Archetype Model) which I’ve introduced a bit earlier.


This gauges archetypal essence, embodiment and expression for someone like you or a celeb in any video, film, photo or media on a 1-10 qualitative scale with more exponential power closer to 10 (similar to Hawkins scale on 1000).  


Normally I don’t read essence for this and just go with embodiment and expression. Here’s an example of what an Arch reading itself looks like (for Feminine):


Feminine Archetype energy reading

Having an archetypal reading helps us during consulting to know what direction you might want to go in as far as your soul expression and professional image – or also perfect for working with professional actors.


To discover more about archetype activations themselves (which bring in authentic archetypal consciousness itself and transforms your image without faking it) or to do a booking, browse this site.


U can also read testimonials of the archetypal transformation work here.


Archetypal power embodiment and expression (albeit almost always non-consciously or indirectly) is one of the GREAT secrets of the most influential people in image and media.


We know that energetic beauty is having foundational energetic health and deals with essence, embodiment and expression. 


That includes archetypal and siddhic essence which can mix as part of your true soul essence and can be embodied and expressed.  It gets embodied and expressed through your chakras and auric layers.


        Without question, energetic beauty is also auric and chakric.


If you want sexy qi, you do want to maintain good energetic health of course (and this is a bit different than just general health and wellness b/c u could have energetic issues that are OUT of alignment WHILE u are eating great and such so both should be looked at). 


Aura and chakras are included in energetic health, but I’m also counting these as their own component to working on and cultivating your energetic beauty and image transformation.


And this area is actually quite exciting, because past the energetic HEALTH aspect of it, chakras usher the deeper world of Heart, Sex, Spirit and Power into your overall communication itself.


After all we are talking about the sex center, the heart center, the psychic center and how these all relate to your truth, communication, health and actual life experience (including attraction and bliss).


And there are innumerable variables here to cultivate, curate and master including how grounded or how radiant someone can be (none of which is just their 3D weight).


We’re talking a lot of energetic experience and communication that can be stored in your energy field/presence/image. 


I knew of a top fire dancer who literally had masculine fire energy throughout his aura.


So, here we can work with the 9 primary chakras (or more) beyond energetic health. 


It also includes things like how eros can be embodied and expressed, how warrior can come through the 3rd chakra, how masculine air can be transmitting from the open Heart center or how Feminine Water Heart can transmit nurturing energy and compassion, how blue the awakened throat chakra can be that allows soul transmission through the voice vs. it being stifled.


And this isn’t woo-woo, it’s practical and can be assessed visually or kinaesthetically (of which I am very proficient in both).


On different occasions other energy healers have confirmed the same unique things that I have told clients that was going on about them.


So here’s a more visual example.


Ariana Grande for example has this warm, 2nd chakra charged aura with a lot of Lover archetype. Remember sexy qi is not just a sexy body; the energy has to be vital as well. 



That energetic field includes authentic soul essence and Lover embodiment at her level that has power and influence; much of it impersonal and archetypal emanating THROUGH her chakras and painting her aura. 


Her Heart and Sex are connected creating a fuller experience for her, whereas a lot of women close it off or the 3rd chakra creates a strong barrier so they can’t access their sexual response or heart wisdom as easily.


BTW; Can you imagine how many hetero men have never seen past the physical? That now we can value women on their energy and not JUST their bodies?  


The point is – energy is out there and consumers are getting smarter and smarter and more psychic to be able to sense and tell HOW someone is communicating in pre-existing media. Because media is open source, u won’t be able to stop people from reading your truth in the future. Now; does that make u want to make sure you are communicating your best self?


Here’s another example of how Margarita Levieva has this Eros and Lover charged sexually connected aura; 2nd and 4th chakras active:


Her aura is charged and radiating this sexual and emotional resonance thus she is more likely to attract a certain experience.


She has some real allure going on here btw: A/F: 8.8


I could go on for eons giving examples in this realm. It’s how much elemental feminine water essence power is embodied in J.LO’s 2nd chakra alone (remember these are multi-dimensional) that requires great fire to alchemize it.


LAS VEGAS, NEVADA – JUNE 15: Jennifer Lopez performs during a stop of her It’s My Party tour at T-Mobile Arena on June 15, 2019 in Las Vegas, Nevada. (Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images for ABA)


Beyond energetic health, a lot of people have closed down chakra essence or other chakra (energy centers) are shut down from expression, or are disconnected from other aspects.


Unfort. a lot of men have disconnected between their Heart and Sex center and that communication is affecting how others respond to them.  And one of the great secrets is for men to have an open-hearted transmission. I’ve literally seen this with high-status men in Asia….


…it’s not that he has to be EMOTIONAL to women, but that she gets that energy from him somehow that says more than words and (generally speaking) fills her. That is ALL energetic.


It’s how MGK has force of life ‘fire’ masculine essence in his aura – and how that can counter-balance a woman with a lot of Goddess water for example.


It’s how an over watery 3rd chakra can have you feeling watered down in life OR on transmittive fire embodied with purpose connected to the soul star where the soul is in command instead of the ego-mind.


It’s how this actresses heart center is closed down as it should be for that tv acting role – and how this actor won an Academy Award because he energetically lived in the template of his character (think Christian Bale in ‘The Fighter’).

All images referenced under fair use copyright guidelines as cultural critique.. Trademarks belong to respective owners.


And…here’s a kicker…what’s one of the real secrets to Elvis’ impact (when we put aside the music and live shows)? Energetically he has so hurricane force AIR winds on the 4th and 5th dimension that has the effect of driving legions of women into a tizzy.


(The effect is not too dis-similar to when I faced a shaman during ayahuasca and it was literally like a hurricane b/c I was living in the 4th and 5th dimensions then)


There are worlds to work on and master for your curating your image with chakras and aura.


The aura has layers itself; etheric, astral, atmic, monadic, etc. in which we can work on.


If you are an actor, different characters are going to have different energetic profiles…when u can work on THAT level, the behavior and congruency is going to stem from that.


What I like to work with non-industry clients on IS embodying and expressing their avatar self…their multi-dimensional higher self living and expressing IN the 3D world…you just have more influence on others which they aren’t always conscious of because it’s communicating in the 4D and 5D.


So your energetic beauty is chakric and auric


U could have tons of programming and conditioning of lower frequencies that are stored in your psyche/chakras that isn’t just affecting your overall health (which can lead to dis-ease even cancers), but your image itself.


So in this world we aren’t looking at their mood, state or feelings – nor their body language – it’s just a different and deeper toolset.


We can even sense when someone has extreme depression or ‘death is near’ such as in a photo of Chester Bennington (RIP – which I saw in retrospect).


This is a main area beyond just energetic health in which we can practically work to master your professional image and visual communication. 


As far as I know, you will never get this just from going in for a reiki healing.


And that’s just the basic chakra and aura paradigm with its world of versatility.


There’s also Human Design and Gene Keys which gives us even more practical work-ability and insight.


With Human Design, there are 4 prime different auric types that people have and not everyone is living in attunement with THEIR auric design. 


And this aura has everything to do with the world and how it relates to them.



1 of those designs is Projector which has a soaking-in energy from the world design.  The projector aura is special in that it can  penetrate through to others soul and does great in 1-on-1 situations but can often go unnoticed and unrecognized around others (b/c of the aura). 


It’s the person at the table that people don’t listen to unless someone asks them something.  Chances are you know a lot of projectors or might even be one.


21% of the world has this auric design but might not even be living it..they might be living like a Generator and wanting to be a motor boat instead of living life as a sailboat so they end up burning out. That is literally chakric with the sacral motor center btw.


And then we get into defined and undefined chakra centers (so we add 2 energy centers plus the lymphatic splenic). Both


Halle Berry

and Chris Martin


Have this projector auric design and we can reference how their undefined chakras are soaking in the world around them.


There are other major auric designs that have everything to do with how people relate to u.


These open center/chakras can take in years of not-self conditioning that alone can prevent your soul essence from shining through…so we have a lot we can work with.


And with Gene Keys, we have 64 different frequency bands which can also affect the aura (which have their own classification or ‘working space’ for our purposes name ‘Siddhic’).


As part of the Allure Makeover Package I include insight readings on your specific GK and HD charts related TO your aura and chakras itself which gives us a lot there plus add-in my accurate visual and kinaesthetic versatility and we can do a lot in a short time…major life adjustments that alone can have you start living in more satisfaction and success rather than frustration, anger or bitterness.


So there is a WORLD of practical work-ability with auric and chakra assessment as well as actual transformation, growth maintenance and cultivation for mastering your energetic visual communication in media, entertainment, public speaking and image.


I’m working on auras and chakras all the time and continuing to learn new things.


This is very exciting! Energetic Beauty and your auric potential is also siddhic.


This is specifically related with the I-Ching inspired Gene Keys as 64 different archetypal essenced aspects of enlightenment.


This gets into other highest level possible high-end future image transformation work where we can start bringing out enlightened aspects of your soul encoding to ‘paint your aura’…this requires authentic soul work and cannot be faked however.


I will just give a quick teaser so you can get an idea and then introduce it a little bit more.


Imagine the essenced beauty of Unity, Quintessence, Majesty or Honour shining through in your authentic, effortless image that inspires and pre-activates and compels others around your field!


So…a lot of the thing with Sexy Chi and cultivating your energetic beauty is that it isn’t just dealing with the superficial, it’s dealing on the authentic DEEPER levels in order to have that transmission level multi-dimensional soul communication and beauty that comes across IN your professional image – so we literally aren’t working on the surface; rather we are moving things – transmuting and transforming within (including DNA) to THEN influence the aura, chakras and extrinsic beauty through emanation.


Again; we are working on the multi-dimensional soul itself and it’s layers of bodies (etheric, astral, monadic…) not just the surface of the physical body.


When we understand that, we can reference that energetic beauty is also full of frequency ranges and authentic energetic signatures of different aspects of consciousness itself.


Some of these are specifically encoded to your soul based on the time of your birth and the imprinting of neutrinos at that time. These are the aspects and themes that deeply resonate with your unexpressed heart, soul and TRUTH to shine.


With Gene Keys there are 64 different archetypal aspects of consciousness with 3 different frequency bands; shadow, gift and siddhic.


I’m using siddhic to reference this paradigm of advanced image work with all 3 of them.


With your hologenetic profile (free and available from, you have a specific coding of these archetypal aspects that relate to the fully awakened, auric avatar self that is possible for you in the very practical hologenetic profile.


I do insight readings for your Gene Keys and Human Design charts (related to your aura, chakras, energy and image) as part of the Allure Makeover Package.


Each person has different encoded aspects related to THEIR actual life experience, challenges as well as soul potential and growth.


And for us, this is effectively all related to your visual communication and presence.


Let’s bring in our favorite reference point of Jason Momoa again. I’ve done FB posts about this before but check this out..



His SQ (Spiritual Intelligence aka ‘High Heart’) is Valor with the 2nd Line of Freedom.


Past his 2D/3D image, he is embodied and TRANSMITTING authentic frequencies of Valor and Freedom – this is his true soul-self shining through…


And because it is powerful and alchemical, it is attuning things within us – again, that’s the real power of ‘image’.


Here’s another example I did a FB post about…this incredibly popular Korean youtuber singer JFLA and how I seriously think a major behind the scenes secret to her success was in her energetic beauty and it’s alchemical influence on people.



I sensed the siddhic essence of Grace emanating from her and literally found out later on her chart that Grace IS her Radiance (1 of the 11 central aspects)!


Grace has the power to WIPE OUT bad karma…hmm…could that be why people are secretly drawn to her (while ‘consciously’ they like her vocal covers)?


I think this is the real secret behind her success b/c there are other singers and it’s not just about vocal talent.


Image can be transmutational and transformational; we’re just not non-conscious of it largely because we use media as non-conscious diversion or even coping mechanisms of self-escape rather than as media alchemists to transform ourselves from resonance and from within.


So…back to Jason…you know that right arm external tattoo he has?


être toujours ivre


It means in French; ‘to be drunk on life (everyday)’.


Guess what is Culture Gene Key siddhi is (related with people and society)?




This is the divine drunk literally.


And here’s a literal example where he is just intoxicated, drunk on life at this promotion around people (Culture).



U have more INFLUENCE when u are TRANSMITTING ur true self!


And this energy is literally coming through – transmitting – TO us THROUGH the medium of 2D youtube video.


And I mean it’s GREAT that he’s using ‘x’ product to condition his hair – that’s important too, but now it’s time for the DEPTH of beauty and professional image.


And we can reference his EQ earlier in life when his energy was more closed off in the shadow of Vanity as a model, to how now the Purity (siddhi) of his Heart (chakric) and emotional intelligence shines through and paints his aura.


U will also have more multi-dimensional transmission power and influence in your image when u are living your Gene Keys; esp. if u have authentic, impersonal aspects or flavors of enlightenment that are radiating and emanating through…


..But you will have to evolve out of shadows and even healthier frequencies to possibly even get a TASTE of enlightened consciousness working through you.


So Jason…he is living (albeit non-consciously we think) in alignment with his soul’s cellular encoding.


Indeed…Gene Keys are RICH and badass.


So as you move out of the denser, downward shadow frequencies such as;


Entropy, interference, vanity, control, force, half-heartedness and doubt…


U move into Gift (healthier) and potentially into enlightened (siddhic) frequencies.


It’s a Language of Light but it’s also coming across and transmitting in the medium of Light;


Visual communication as we know it…it’s just multi-dimensional so it requires starting to sense, value and know things beyond just the superficial 3D.  Now are you glad you’re getting into Beauty 2.0? 😉


As you move into higher frequencies and your DNA is able to hold more light, this affects your image itself because remember, energy is always communicating whether we are conscious of it or not…tomorrow’s media consumers with your image ARE going to start becoming more psychic and conscious of this.


And when we consider the multi-dimensional piercing impact of energetic communication to people THROUGH the medium of 2D (facebook, youtube, instagram), you will be able to have influence ‘like’ a star (on a more relative scale perhaps) because these authentic, effortless frequencies through the law of resonance are transmission level and start alchemizing and attuning energies within others – even initiating and activating THEIR DNA to take on more light and move them out of shadow frequencies!


And you also know what that is?




Healing presence and image? Uh-uh…it’s alchemical…it’s MEDICINE. How would u like that level of image influence?!


With my 1000’s of hours of experience as a media alchemist – meditating, attuning to and being transformed FROM literal image (and with Gene Keys) we can work very consciously in this area for you. 


Just remember and refer Sexy Chi 😉


How would you like to have a HEALING presence?


Or if you are a healer, how invaluable would it be to start activating your people just from your image?


Again; I can read your GK chart and we can both get an assessment of where you are at in these 11 different areas of life as part of the AMP.


I’m not selling these sessions separately right now. A disclaimer is that I am not an official Gene Keys ambassador and I am still learning more and more but have already been doing GREAT readings with testimonials and such.


So, there is a whole world with the Siddhic aspect of your sexy qi, your energetic beauty that we can work on now and even for years.


I do offer Gift and Siddhic activations as part of my servicings available on this site.


Prices subject to increase without warning. That includes btw, the range fan of 128 activations.


Whereas ‘Contemplation’ is the main method or process of working with Gene Keys; Siddhic Activations leverage the lesser used Invocation aspect of Gene Keys but where we are directing working with energetic and DNA activating itself to accelerate the process of transmutation – all part of energetic beauty from the inside out instead of outside (maybe) in.


And we can also remember that energetic beauty is:


Energetic beauty is multi-dimensional. I’ve talked about this quite a bit in introducting/indoctrinating you to Beauty 2.0 on this really long page.


We have the 3D, topographical world of B1.0 (the Beauty industry and professional image as we know it). It works on image and beauty on the superficial level; literally not going more than skin deep unless its reconstructive/plastic surgery (which is also for the valuation of physical beauty).


Transfer the 3D surface paradigm of image, glamour and lighting over to digital media and print and we have 2D image influence.


And I talked about how that was all the surface ‘width’ of beauty and how we are missing the DEPTH. And this already exists; the power and influence of celebrities is exponentially greater than someone else who just looks good.


Take away their fame, put them in a room, their presence and image is vastly more influential than the average person.


That’s if their ‘it factor’ isn’t attached to their fame alone, b/c then their energetic beauty could take on a shorn, depressive, outcast stink cloud like a Cooler in Vegas).


Remember that it’s the IMAGE element and not the fame element we are valuing here.


And remember that you have met people who weren’t famous who had this something else going on that AFFECTED you.


U can have energetic beauty without needing to be famous!


Energetic beauty including allure and archetypal presence PIERCES through the 2D and 3D. So it’s like energetic beauty is the THROUGH or depth axis of beauty.


The eyes are the window to the soul; that’s all part of this because as you cultivate your soul essence, embodiment and expression to have multi-dimensional piercing allure/charisma, you too will start being able to have real power and influence – kinda like stars.


Here’s a clear example. I’m not even sure the name of the band but it’s a k-pop group.

Now…with B1.0, The 3D world wouldn’t ever go past the concept of “Oh…are those colored contacts? I know a good brand that my friend’s supplier has imported…are those crystal rings for accentuation? (etc.)…”


Or…u could even get a makeover at a salon in Korea-town but it doesn’t mean u are going to have that kind of influence just from image!


I’m not devaluing the superficial…I value BOTH and I LOVE Italian jewelry and footwear as well as several design brands.  Those allow me a more accurate quality of self expression.


So in B2.0…wait a minute…we can go past the surface and start realizing “Holy Crap – there’s real transmission value and energetic communication that IS occurring with the consciousness behind”


– and THAT’S the real secret when we just look at their live presence and image (putting aside fame and besides you might not know they’re famous)…


There are entire worlds of additional communication that can come THROUGH the screen that aren’t just on the flat, image based 2D appearance level.


We just aren’t aware of it from our 3D surface valuation…the irony is that this IS literally still professional image.


That is what’s really going on…


Again; energetic beauty comes across and has influence on ALL dimensions with and through 2D/3D media…it has alchemical influence on you b/c it has that piercing depth. This duality exists in the hottest selling celebrities and their image and we can ‘read’ it.


Energetic beauty is multi-dimensional.


So what is the 4D and 5D more specifically?


For simple terms; let’s just call the 4D realm the psychic / psyche realm (which can INCLUDE your sexual and emotional energetic systems that the energy non-consciously influences)…


And the 5D as the spiritual, consciousness and source realm.


Once you KNOW that your professional image and communication is more than just your looks, you can start working on these other aspects to master your image and mesmerize more influence transmitting and influencing people THROUGH the limitations of 2D media while the rest of the world just focuses on their extrinsic appearance and body as they know how.


(Talk about a competitive advantage in an A.D.D. kind of media world!)


So in 4D/5D visual influence; we have this charisma, archetypal and siddhic aspects of consciousness that can start attuning others consciousness and giving rich energetic value to their heart and soul just from a look.


That’s right; you can (potentially) embody different siddhic aspects and TRANSMIT that with and through your presence.


With Sexy Chi we have the DIRECT tools and conscious awareness to work in this realm, but it will require that the real you changes with it; this isn’t putting on a masque or persona


So again; you don’t have to be famous to start having charisma like a star.


When we work ON the energetic level of your presence, the changes are authentic and from the core.


Since energetic beauty (and thus beauty itself) is multi-dimensional and we are really dealing with power, light, archetypes and consciousness itself; (not just superficial beauty, skin, lighting and fashion choices) – and we recognize that IMAGE ITSELF is not just digital pixels;


We get into this great elusive image is alchemical.


That means it can TRANSFORM through transmutation and the Law of Resonance. 


It transforms consciousness, moving human experience out of shadow into higher frequencies for example; of love, bliss, connection, ecstasy, worthiness, etc.


                         THAT’S THE REAL POWER of image.


It’s not superficial; we just weren’t able to ‘see through’ our B1.0 paradigm of image.


And when you have more allure, more rich soul essence and embodiment, your image too can start having that ‘leap of the screen’ and into other’s hearts INFLUENCE. Energetic beauty is not just multi-dimensional but it can be alchemical. 


And this happens at the higher levels of power the most; a star’s presence is literally start to warp and attune other people energetically into a much higher level of attunement to that reality; sexually, socially, spiritually – just from their presence.


Here’s a great example of an alchemical presence. See, we don’t normally see this in our day to day reality, so when someone with more powerful energy comes across it stands out. Jason Momoa being interviewed here:



Now; can you sense that it’s not just his great looks and body (which everyone is focused on); can you sense the ENERGETIC quality about this? That he has sexy, mesmerizing life force energy that can hit someone else’s aura and chakras and start transmuting it via resonance?


That’s power, but MOST common people don’t have that level of power in their energetic field (esp. to influence other powerful or high status people); usually it’s people influencing millions of people so they have a stronger energetic presence that transcends the limitations of the personalized egoic self.


                        That’s when we get into archetypes and alchemy


And I have to say this is a great specialty of mine with 1000’s of hours of experience.


And the thing with having an alchemical presence (like an enlightened spiritual master) means that you have so much mesmerizing influence and energy transmitting to others at 4D/5D levels that people start ATTUNING to that higher truth and reality of that frequency – they end up just being enthralled by you like the client I just talked to this morning who had a waiter fawning over her (not the first time from an activations client of mine).


       U become mesmerizing.


It’s transformation and up-leveling through energetic, alchemical attunement… like if you were just around their ‘field’ more it would change you because it’s coming from a stronger, closer to source power with truth behind it.


Such alchemical presence starts altering your vibrational frequency to be more resonant (like a tuning fork) with that level of reality…like a star. 


Well and a secret is that you actually can meditate and attune with such presence in him and others through the Law of Resonance to transmute your own consciousness, DNA and image.


I’ve probably mentioned this but he’s a perfect example of archetypal masculine beauty as well; embodied and expressed with Warrior, Eros, King.


So if we’re talking about IMAGE that sells or draws new prospects in…if we’re talking about influencing just from your image, the more cultivation you do on your sexy chi, the more DEEP response and frenzy you are going to get from others – everyone wants to be around power, higher status, beauty and what could be called as the impression of increase.


When u have alluring, multi-dimensional, ALCHEMICAL presence that is expressing from your authentic soul truth embodied – phwew! Watch out world!


People won’t even know why they’re attracted to you and it’s because you are already (effortlessly without manipulation) attuning their psyche and spirit to you from your emanation alone.


With such a foundation, speaking, behavior and everything else can fall into place in the bigger picture of mastering your image. Plus, such influence kind of blinds people to your physical level of beauty because your soul beauty is shining through.


Very few of these models or instagrammers have alchemical presence btw.


Remember that quote?


Camille Paglia quote on physical beauty


“Beauty fades, that’s why we value it”


When we embrace your internal, ‘energetic’ or soulful beauty (as we should in truly professional image consulting now and in the future) we understand that;


Physical beauty fades but the redemption is that you can radiate IMMORTAL and authentic energetic beauty no matter your age (often with the effect of actual biological anti-aging and healthier qi).


There are 4 aspects here I wanted to mention with energetic beauty and immortality.


1. Ur image itself can effectively be called immortal because the point we have reached with social media and cloud storage.


2. Many souls are immortal and others can be cultivated into immortality


3. Archetypes are immortal, thus when you embody them, you transcend the personalized self and have ie. timeless Queen or Warrior presence and consciousness LIKE great legends of 100’s of years ago.


How would it feel to have that coursing through your veins!?


And these are great secrets of beauty which itself is immortal btw, but most people don’t feel worthy of it or rely just on the 3D tools available to try and capture that.


Ur soul IS beautiful (ok there are some dark and uglier souls tbh, but chances are your soul IS beautiful 😉


4. Consciousness itself is immortal so the more connected you are spiritually in the 5D, the more that universalized God/Goddess presence is going to come through filtered through your unique soul expression; the more meta-masculine or feminine essence charisma or allure like Kings and Queens of 100’s of years ago also exuded when they roamed the earth.


So, I just wanted to add in the immortal aspect of energetic beauty and pro image here.


Oh – and Immortality is literally one of the Gene Key siddhis as well.  Immortal beauty coming out of your next photoshoot? Whew!

So, with that I have to say welcome to Beauty 2.0!

Beauty IS more than skin deep…it always was.


And beauty is BOTH intrinsic and extrinsic.


We can now live in the world of professional energetic beauty cultivation and mastery for your image with Sexy Chi!


I’ve introduced a lot on this long page (phwew!) and the practical tools are here now for your image transformation.


But is this real? Is it proven?


Hehe 😉 Ohhh…the juiciness..


This just might be the most inspiring part of all right now:


I’ve been doing this work for quite a while (going into 100’s of sessions) with active clients around the world NOW and dozens and dozens of NEW hot testimonials related to increasing energetic beauty and charisma with profound results in their image, lives, attraction, relationships and influence!


Don’t believe me yet? See for yourself how others vet this work!  Ask around.


Oh and feel free to refer this to friends of yours and beauty transformational services are available on this website:


Click here to look into Activations (now done within our Beauty Appointment format 2021)


-Rion Kati 2020


UPDATE 2021: Check out the overhauled website and the Beauty Essence sub-directory for new, up-to-date insights & clarity!


All images copyright of respective owners and used under Fair Use Copyright Guidelines as cultural critique

""..the light is so powerful and deeply penetrating that I feel it cycling through my field in concentric circles even today...
...I'm getting clients coming in"
Karma Dagle
Coach, Priestess; AMP Client

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*About Rion          *Archetypes              *Masculine Archetypes  


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Copyright Dreamcore Productions, LTD 2021

Essence Reading & Celebrity Critique of Public Figures – Images Used Under Fair Use Copyright Guidelines and belong to respective owners. Other images are licensed.