An INvitation To Anti-Aging

For Those On A Path Of Beauty, Power & Influence Who Also Value Great Health & Wellness

If you are on a path where you are already aligned or mostly aligned yet KNOW that you require more authentic POWER and BEAUTY; light power, chi power, power of presence and beauty from the spectrum of essences…


…More power to influence and serve clients and you already have proven integrity and you simply know your work is meant to be even MORE powerful and you are going to work with very powerful people who simply MUST to have power to meet them to get results, then this may be for you.


The Biostar helps to STRENGHTEN your physical AND energetic health and foundation for more stability and taking on more essence based beauty and consciousness (also fundamental for post-menopausal beauty), stars and starlets.


A lot of lightworkers or social influencers are holding back on their power or just going through their motions but not all healers are equal tbh; that OR they may have value conflicts around power and becoming a star yet you know that you cannot compromise.


A lot of social and beauty influencers are only focusing on the superficial, skin-deep beauty mastery without having the energetic health and stable foundation to run a lot of ESSENCED beauty from the spectrum of archetypes and siddhic qualities.


If you are on a PATH OF POWER or Beauty, the Biostar is for you!

More details about the Biostar activation itself:


The Biostar is major energy system overhaul and upgrade to be able to hold far more power / essenced beauty ‘in presence’ (and thereby in image).


It’s also to be able to run far more power, light and chi as a healer or lightworker (esp. important for grid-workers).


Really there shouldn’t be any value conflict to have more power AS a healer when you know your work is in sacred service.


In fact; some clients may be more extreme cases and you MUST be powerful to have a healing effect and move very stuck energies.


This will empower and magnify all of the work (and presenced beauty) that you already have (as well as shave a few biological years off).


Some other details included:


*Deep intensive chakric detox, restoration & strengthening for expansion and stability


*Multi-D Light body system upgrade; crystaline strengthening of upper and lower merkabahs


*Power earthstar grounding and flow


*Kundalini activation (response may vary)


*DNA activation & re-codifying for more light/power/chi


*Stronger nervous system and immunity


*Major organ detox; lymph nodes, liver, heart, spleen, gall bladder, kidneys, ovaries, adrenals..


*Hold more elemental and archetypal chi (essences) in chakric psyches and aura


*Supports healthy testosterone and estrogen (my own T levels were peak 20 year old as 40-something)


*Run more power, light, beauty essences and voltage within yourself


*Biological anti-aging, decrease stress, more chi flow to organs


*Strengthens all of your current powers and abilities as a healer


*Have access to more chi, more receiving ability of essenced based activations (archetypes and siddhic consciousness)


*Greater quantified presence and allure/charisma expression


*Correct foundational health imbalances in your higher dimensional layers (we clear them specifically on top of regular extended power detoxing)


*Literally look and be a few or many biological years younger (at least) after a few days of natural post integration time and relaxation


*Biostar Allure Activation included to transfigure your avatar projection


Remember; energetic health is the foundation for authentic beauty and power (chi) people can FEEL.


There’s so much focus on superficial anti-aging products and serums and yes there’s a market for that but if you’re over-looking your OWN energy body and physiological health – you could literally be many years older than your biological age AND that’s blocking your ‘inner beauty’ from shining (thus more reliance on superficial solutions).


The Biostar is powerful anti-aging and deconditioning (years of trauma and blocks) in effect.


Womb healing and restoration included (top womb healers come to me to get energy work done).


All in one, extended 55 minute total session from which you will want really good rest after and self-care.


Yes can be done remote (ie. zoom) or in person (Playa del Carmen or Chonburi Thailand).


"Women in their 20's keep asking me where I've got my plastic surgery; I haven't done any - I do energy work (with Rion)" -Biostar Florida Client 2022

Booking Details:



Fortunately (and unlike some sessions and archetypes); you can schedule the Biostar session without pre-qualification! 



Just know that it’s for you and we can get started. Remember however that all energy based service sessions are non-refundable. You are in sound mental health by experiencing the session and abide by the agreement on the Appointments page (that prevents you from making any claims afterwards).



If you do have some questions, Rion can offer a free fb chat or 10 minute call to confirm it’s a fit (no obligation). Schedule below and Rion will reach out.



Just PAY FIRST or Book a time and Rion will reach out to you!



Not sure? You can also reach out to Rion on FB before scheduling for a 10 minute connect or fb chat to see if it’s a fit (pre-qualified).

2 different Female Biostar Clients told me this activation opened up their major life-change evolutionary next step 2023

Is the BioStar for you?


Right now there’s a lot of solar activity and even Schumann earth resonance acting up.


I’ve seen people with ascension symptoms or a system overload where it’s frying them out and taxes them. Many people are dealing with overloading their nervous system with stress and anxiety causing them to age faster.


I’ve seen people (especially emotional authorities) with a more superficial tolerance for depth and running deeper currents (esp. if they aren’t a 5/1). This will deepen your system and work with your elementals to create more depth and room to run greater voltage (and receive far far more power or beauty) without being so skittish (but there are many reasons you might want this).


Benefits will also help your ability TO ground, unwind and meditate better and more deeply.


If you are already deep and can hold a lot of power/beauty and codes; this will allow you to hold more than ever with a stable infrastructure (essential for more influential embodied presence and image).


Your ability to RECEIVE codes and activations and ie. the divine masculine penetration and love pends on your psyche, consciousness and energy body’s ability TO receive and how much…this isn’t merely psychological; it has to do with your literal chakric psyche, deconditioning, removing miasma, entities, stuck energies, space and flow of chi.


In hosting your session, know that I’m very activated and experienced myself (as well as with unlimited access to work with all archetypes and personally able to embody many archetypes).


When I was activated by a 3rd Generation Master (and Disciple) into a secret Qi Gong lineage of a famous Grandmaster; it had that ‘system overhaul effect’ of entirely rewiring my system to be able to handle and run more power and chi AS a literal lightworker.


This isn’t that activation, nor is it a Muse Priestess lineage activation which also has a similar fundamental overhaul effect for you to be able to manage much more power, chi, energy and light.


Another example is the DNA rewiring, kundalini activating and upgrading which was terrifying after The Crucible with a most powerful ayahuasca shaman in a private session in Iquitos. I felt like I’d never be able to go to sleep again in my life. I’ve had several kundalini awakenings and I can help with yours. My (now ascended) Chi Kung master could turn mud to dust in a minute and has healed cancers (I’m also doing some cancer healing client support).


Even some recent sessions have wiped people out for quite a while of processing and integration but it wasn’t even the Biostar!


Make sure you don’t have something too busy lined up afterwards; you’ll want to rest a lot. This is a major session and will tire you out.


If you are a lightworker, healer or on a path of serious spiritual growth or sacred reunification seeking more power, receivingness and service – this upgrade overhaul offer may be perfect for you! Many healers come to me as THEIR healer. Yes, I am a healer’s healer.


With the Biostar, it’s YOU; but MORE of you…! More energetic health, more soul aligned and embodied POWER and Beauty…more in-self, deconditioned alignment and essence flow thereby deeper social and professional INFLUENCE from your image, charisma or allure. People will FEEL you more than ever and you’ll get the real anti-aging benefits.


Now available Just DM me if you want it and to schedule


More information…do you have enough POWER and bio-physical stability to even EMBODY your true soul-based and spiritual power?


I see people ‘frying out’ on a number of things…their body can’t handle it.


Well what if you’re not using ENOUGH power, beauty or chi running in your system because you’re too conditioned? What if your soul can’t even be embodied because your chakras are too programmed and conditioned? What if you’ve got psychic implants on your back (like Neo in the Matrix when he wakes up). We’ve got major work to do!


Superficial nervous system that can’t handle much can overwhelm and tax you out…as we activate more DNA light strands it takes the pressure off of your system to be able to handle more energy. It’s like going from 1.0 to you 2.0


Ability to take on MUCH greater essence power including core masculine bio-chemical testosterone or estrogen without frying your system nearly as much.


""I feel like my light is shining brighter..receiving wonderful attention from men..insight and clarity too" -Biostar Client 2022

There are so many reasons you may be called to get the Bio-Star Activation…


*Powerful energetic health maintenance (you may visit physical doctors and yes nutrition is also important but are you taking care of your energetic health which always then AFFECTS the physical?)


*Biological anti-aging literally before and after (ie. 1/2 week of integration time)


*Re-activating your nervous system and light-body to handle far more power and chi essences


*Profoundly increased healing powers and abilities


*A no-brainer for grid-workers


*Increased psychic abilities


*Accelerating your higher timelines with more alignment and embodiment


*Greatly deconditioned chakric psyches to hold far more beauty codes and presence


*Chakric and auric strengthening


*Organ rejuvenation, etc.


*Emergency energetic health repair and maintenance


*Literally embody more of your soul signature truth so people can feel you and see it in your eyes


*Post-menopausal infrastructural energy and womb work to thrive with feminine essences in spite of estrogen drop


*Increased hormonal and systems function support (I have the testosterone of a 20-something year old as mid 40’s chronologically aged)


*Magnifying more of who you really are


*More beautiful or powerful presence (embodiment of essences)


There could be many reasons; you might not be comfortable feeling or looking older than you think you should. Maybe others are still looking younger. Maybe unseen stress is taxing your system and fatiguing you, putting more stress on the organs getting less pre-natal chi causing you to age faster.


Maybe it’s time for just a SERIOUS makeover reset and rebirth at this phase of your life.


I’ve had life-changing potent activations myself from ascended and incarnate masters that were paramount to me becoming such a powerful healer, grid-worker and lightworker. This is that level of initiation (and yes; the remote session zoom work does just fine!).


I’ve had 2 legitimate heart issues healed and resolved through energy work alone.


My veins are that of a 30 year old (tested 1 month ago at time of initial writing in late 2022).


I used to be a heavy drinker across years without healthiest diet at all and yet have no liver or blood issues b/c I’ve been doing energetic maintenance on myself for years and received sessions from other masters. I literally look at least a decade younger than I am (other people my age look much older than me and older than their biological age) and it’s b/c of the core energetic health work.


If you are aging faster, if you have stress and hormonal issues, if your estrogen has plummeted these are further reasons to get the intensive BioStar activation.


BioStar STRENGTHENS your biological health foundation as well as your divine soul aspect to be embodiment and empowered so that your entire vessel is more aligned and EMPOWERED…the foundation to energetic charisma and allure (the true sexy stuff); you’ll be able to organically run more chi essences (critical aspect of being a more powerful healer or light-worker), you’ll be able to be more grounded and spiritually connected.


You may just want to have renewed vitality and be aligned and empowered on YOUR version of your star or starlet path; it may be necessary for you (and key to more influence including from your presence and image).


**10 Minute Connection Now Available**

If you were thinking of booking the Bio*Star or Pre-stess Activation..


Or if you want quick Archetype consulting or maybe had questions about a different activation or insight into your situation with Allure, Post-menopausal beauty, etc. you can reach out to me.


I’ve now opened up a free 10 minute quick connect with me (no obligation) which can be booked at this link:


After doing several 45 minute free twin flame calls 2 years ago, I’ve been turned more off from connecting for that time commitment and energy involved. Normally I offer a $100 retainer for the same time now and haven’t been promoting that, but this faster connect makes sense so I’ll trial it out.


All service based sessions are non-refundable but transferable or giftable

Speaking of power;


I/Rion have been initiated myself with very powerful activations by different masters and have been known to do life-changing work (often). I’m arguably L.A.’s most powerful grid-worker by far.


The BioStar is a touchstone activation to empower everything you’re doing to handle and run far more energy, more chi, more essence, more receivingness to energy and penetration as well as optimizing your biological core health itself. For men it will help them be more present with powerful people and greater levels of true beauty itself.


If you’re masculine based, it will powerfully enhance your authentic charisma (which is the emanation of your (mostly masculine) essences) literally with and through your chakric and auric body). If you are more feminine essenced, you’ll not only strengthen your physical and physiological health (with biological anti-aging) but you’ll be able to embody and circulate more of the essences you already have access to (including soul, archetypes, etc.) with the ability to take on more.


Who is it’s not for; personalized, conditioned and AVERAGE PEOPLE who don’t required more AUTHENTIC power and beauty in their life, path and influence.

"I feel I've reversed in age and people keep reflecting that back to me" -Biostar Client 2022

More Info:

Someone recently (2023) asked me; “Why do I charge $1000 per session?”

(and as a correlary);

“Why is the Biostar Activation $2500?”

It’s important to note that I had to ORGANICALLY grow into this rate from experience, results, continued mastery and recognition – and not do it as an elite marketing tactic.

Priestess and Muse activations are $1000 (must be pre-qualified) and have literally been for years.

Sessions (activations) are now $335 each in a minimum of 3 pack or 3 for $1000.

Oh! And Muse Priestess Mentorship is $18,000 (individual in the group rate that will eventually rise). So yes; I’ve sold at all these price points.

Private 2 hour in-person daka sessions are $2500.

Most of the 1000+ sessions I’ve done have been archetype activations and ALL of these 25-30 minute sessions include thorough growth maintenance energy healing and detox (+verifiable psychic note details).

Let me dig into the core of the answer itself; my pricing (again which has grown organically);

It has to do with magic and results as well as mastery. It’s about valuing your TIME as well as being able to quantum leap onto higher timelines progressively.

I offer freesources including the very potent Powerliminal attunements, Kingmaker report, some recorded webinar appearances around on FB, highly encoded FB wall posts (mostly friends only), etc. and for those what want my specialized time there is a price to pay.

What I do is incredibly specialized and often saves you years of time on your own in often UNREACHABLE areas.

I’ve traveled the world and immersed with ascended and incarnate masters being initiated myself in many ways with energy work, tantra, alchemy, spirituality, chi kung, hieros gamos, etc. Since I’ve been through so much so deep, I can help meet you at the deepest levels.

I’ve been to astral hell, done major deep work continually, plant medicine, 20,000 hours of meditation a la hieros gamos with The Beloved, had faith based (physical) miracle healing of my own, helped reduce cancers, as well as life-changing sessions, soul mate attraction for clients, grail allure, etc.

My work represents the evolution of the Beauty industry itself and you get that psychic clarity and insight over my vast experience. I’ve worked with most of the other Grail guides who’ve had sessions from me.

I’m not for consumers as this work is too powerful; it’s for changemakers. Before this I was a leader in men’s natural dating and sexual presence/attraction speaking at the leading industry event.

I’ve also invested in ‘expensive programs’ myself for business, marketing.. in addition to spiritual immersions. I’ve got 100’s of testimonials on site.

You’re paying for my years of specialized experience focused on you, not just the time itself and you’re paying for results as well as quantum leaping and saving often years of time in 1 session.

You’re getting a Source Remembrance Divine Union guide and master alchemist in getting time with me which really focuses on my best mastery of transformation through energy work rather than endless talk consulting. 

At $335 per session = more bang for the buck so to speak but enough consulting to know we’re doing the right session.

In most sessions we’re literally and DIRECTLY releasing YEARS of energy blocks stuck in someone’s chakric psyche that could often never be reached or released if nothing is done.

I think I’m literally the only (unofficial) Grail (Reunified) Daka (tantric healer) in the world.

100 hours of psycho-therapy? Maybe; but many have experienced in 1 session energetically releasing what still had to be released anyways instead of psycho-analyzed. Sometimes the demons are that strong that it requires an extremely powerful energy worker and master alchemist.

(See usage disclaimer on appointments page)

It’s important to think outside of the consumer time for money paradigm when working with specialist masters. In most sessions again; we’re doing years of work for the consumer in 1/2 hour and saving even progressive souls great amounts of time with acceleration of their presence, consciousness and beauty.

When you work with me you’re paying for and leveraging ALL of my past experience, spiritual connection, spiritual authority (I was the #metoo movement and K-POP/L.A. gridworker), vast immersion, training with masters and devotional codes focused entirely on you to experience before and after results that if you worked on it directly most other ways could take months or years if you ever get there.

The $1000+ sessions are more specialized. Bio-star (years worth of bio anti-aging), Muse and Priestess are especially sacred and powerful initiations. GrailSpring is really MULTIPLE activations rolled into one for a transfiguring experience.

Not all energy workers are equal in terms of results. So…you could go to your local reiki healer and pay less but it might not be for the TYPE of power and session that you’re really looking for. I’m literally on the path to serve stars and starlets at the top of their industries (esp. entertainment and beauty).

There’s 100’s of testimonials on site and all kinds I haven’t added yet.

Someone has to be the premium in the market and I’ve got truly amazing clients who have realized the value and consistently get exponential ROI on their expense-investment with me. Ask around (like on my fb circle)!

So I hope that answers the questions…I felt it was right to go the ORGANIC path of gaining a grassroots recognition and client-base of experience and greater mastery instead of just an elite marketing tactic with my pricing.

If anything; all sessions are underpriced right now (and will be rising 2023).



If you have questions you can reach Rion Kati on Facebook DM @ (send message) or email

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Booking Details:


You can schedule now with intention for the Biostar session if you’re not sure you’re qualified and Rion can offer a free fb chat or 10 minute call before then to confirm it’s a fit. Schedule below and Rion will reach out.


A deposit of $500 is then recommended at that point but still optional.


No obligation necessary for booking (so go ahead and schedule); however payment must be made in full by start of session (unless you are a proven past client then we could do a split pay plan if requested).


Just Book a time and Rion will reach out to you!

($2000 pricing for past clients only while offer lasts).


Not sure? You can also reach out to Rion on FB before scheduling for a 10 minute connect or fb chat to see if it’s a fit (pre-qualified).

Sexy Chi:: **Biostar


*About Rion          *Archetypes              *Masculine Archetypes  


 *Testimonials                   *Beauty 2.0 Deep Dive                  *Muse Priestess

Copyright Dreamcore Productions, LTD 2021

Essence Reading & Celebrity Critique of Public Figures – Images Used Under Fair Use Copyright Guidelines and belong to respective owners. Other images are licensed.