It’s not caught on yet, but could really be a game-changer…
The concept of essence replacement therapy. See;
The Western medical world professionally values ‘essence’ as estrogen; the feminine bio-essence or bio-chemical essence.
(The Beauty industry values ‘essence’ aside of estrogen, but they still can’t define or work with it but that’s another subject).
We usually think of hormone replacement (addition) therapy for biological women who are around, at or in menopause.
This concept HAS caught on, but what else is there for those that aren’t doing additional exogenic estrogen essence therapy?
Is essence therapy just for estrogen?
This goes back to what Taoists have been saying for a millennia in their ways; there isn’t only estrogen and testosterone as bio-essence, there is also life-force essence aka ‘chi’ aka ‘prana’.
In order to accept this, you may have to go deeper into my Unified Theory which pulls the concept together in one place (summating a LOT of spiritual wisdom).
The reality is that you have bio-estrogenic beauty (when younger) AND you also have life-force essenced beauty (and its subtle signatures of it); the latter at any age. This also has everything to do with your essenced fotonic beauty also known as your ‘allure’.
If you want more beauty influence and visual IMPACT in your social media, this is the real stuff right here.
When you can accept that you are not just biological but that you are running spirit-sentient LIFE FORCE chi aka ‘prana’, we can then assess your energetic health and your essenced beauty (including elemental, siddhic and archetypal) from that lens.
If you think that your bio-essence is just estrogenic and then it’s just DOWNHILL from there at menopause; it can be DEPRESSING for middle-aged women and older when it comes to beauty and confidence with beauty.
FORTUNATELY (and this can be a life-changing breakthrough), when your estrogenic bio-essence and thus estrogenic beauty plummets; pre-natal and any additional post-natal chi they can access, run and embody is what post-menopausal women DO HAVE.
In other words you have unlimited potential for ESSENCED BEAUTY (which has everything to do with your VISUAL and social media).
There isn’t really a limit because just reference starlets and how they embody more literal life force (usually archetypal signatures of chi light frequencies and their encoded consciousness).
Yes; chi kung and tai chi helps with this essence preservation and cultivation but it’s also related to your literal beauty itself.
You have limited pre-natal life force chi you were born with , but there is potentially unlimited post-natal ESSENCE/chi and beauty essences from which to work with within the platform of chi.
All of this can also keep you younger, more vital and beautiful on the physical and physiological level as well because your energetic health is a REAL THING (and Taoists like Grandmaster Mantak Chia who I’ve studied from in person at the Tao Garden have been speaking PRACTICALLY to this and how it affects physical and physiological health for ages).
So when more people can start RECOGNIZING and valuing that post-menopausal women don’t just ‘lose’ more of their bio-essence (and estrogenic beauty with it), there is a whole world to work with as far as post-natal chi ‘essence replacement’.
That means that you can have all kinds of RE-BIRTH. I’ve mentioned Jennifer Flavin as a great example as she is at the traditional age of menopause however although her estrogenic beauty is dropping, she does have ESSENCED Beauty more than most women her age.
So it’s like there’s these 2 platforms of bio-chemical and life-force essenced sentient that ALL show up in your live presence and especially your visual and social media.
Younger women who may have estrogenic beauty may not have cultivated their essenced beauty and allure.
You won’t get that kind of work done with Beauty 1.0 professionals nor with hormone therapists however, if this sounds right up your alley (and I’ve worked with MANY women in this age bracket successfully); I’ve got the Essence Therapy Makeover for bio anti-aging, pre-natal chi preservation as well as beauty essence cultivation (post-natal chi).
Some of the women in my circle have already recognized this direct connection and you’re ahead of the world on this!
It’s all part of aging gracefully; now with fuller acceptance we can just be more conscious and work with both biological health AND essenced beauty itself.
If you are 40 or older, click here to find out more about the Essence Replacement Therapy(previously called the post-menopause makeover)!
We continue our exploration with the 3 Beauty Pillars of Visual Mastery…
I’m including estrogen because it actually is an over-looked component to pro beauty and image itself; especially when we include older women and how it can seem to wither or suction away from a lot of their visual beauty.
It matters BIG TIME in your professional beauty and visual communication influence.
This can often leave women unfulfilled and growingly dis-sastified with the incessant focus on the superficial aspects and ‘personality’ that doesn’t directly translate to on camera visual influence. It can create a psychic void.
A major component OF BEAUTY and FEELING beautiful; estrogen is like that pink elephant in the corner of the room; you don’t see it when you’re young so you just have to see if and where any of this fits in for you. I still recommend reading this even if you’re young.
Although I could have put Estrogenic Beauty underneath the Essenced Beauty pillar, I chose not to intentionally because it is the bio-chemical, hormonal essence that is WITHIN your physical body itself, so I just have it as its own category also to help differentiate it. Just because it may be difficult to ‘see’ the 3 forms of estrogen with the naked eye per se; doesn’t make it any less real (just like #3’s higher dimensional vibe and light-truth essences to most consumers).
But why estrogen? How is that visual?
Well; first let me say that it’s visual as ‘live in person’ presence as well as that estrogen translates to your meta-physical or digital, social media visuals as well. We just have to SHIFT our focus from the normal and physical ‘body’ reflection of light to be aware of the other qualities of light-visual communication and that includes how estrogen affects and influences a biological woman’s visual.
I’ll give a few examples coming up..
Estrogen and its feminine virility visually (and generally) brings a warm ’embodiment’ feel although it can be affected or diffracted by your essenced beauty which includes your energetic health. A traumatized, blocked or withered sacral chakra for example may not allow a freer reception and flow of estrogen nourishment into it and relevant organs.
But you STILL might be wondering, why would Rion even put this curveball of estrogen in here and how/why it relates to visual beauty?
Fair enough. I put it in here intentionally because it is an over-looked pillar and will help you to more clearly differentiate what’s over-looked (or just ‘taken for granted’) and what’s going on because it literally IS a visual factor before and after menopause as it relates to your feminine beauty and how people feel you.
Didn’t see this one comin’ didja you Netflix aficionado?
There’s keys to anti-aging with all of this btw (which has ahem, something to do with #3).
Because if it’s just GONE; you can’t quite take it for granted anymore AND it’s absolutely affecting your visuals. We could look at a younger, estrogenic Meg Ryan for example;
And then a post-menopausal image (without judgment, just awareness because this is a biological, ‘mortal beauty’ truth about the feminine).
Besides the skin differences with aging, can you notice a difference otherwise in her ‘warmth-embodiment’ quality?
Here’s a modern instagram influencer (Patricia Bright) where you can see sense she has estrogen beauty and that juicy ‘nectar’ that in general drives the masculine wild with such fertile virility; it speaks to his testosterone and sex drive.
Attention and desirability from men and the masculine is one of the power tools that beauty provides women even in any game of social status; estrogenic beauty being a core and over-looked component of it. When you’re younger, you just HAVE it.
It’s also quite easy to ‘tone into’ the estrogenic beauty when you realize the warm-ness and general fertility of the Stallone sisters here. Can you see it?
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It might take some adjusting your focus off of their skin-care and styling however. Can you feel that estrogenic beauty ‘warmth’?
Here’s a good example of a k-pop starlet who also has that soft feminine warmth that feels flowing ‘within’ her body (and is of course also mixing with her higher dimensional light-visual essences). It’s Yeji from Itzy.
Here’s another great reference point of Goldie Hawn in her 70’s and her daughter Kate Hudson.
Try and focus on the general upper chest area and note how there’s an (estrogenic) body warmth and glow emanating from Kate whereas there isn’t the same deeper warmth with Goldie (objectively assessing).
This might be a clearer example as you’re attuning your psychic sight. Reference her overall energy body and sense who has more of the ‘warmth’
Kate Hudson and Goldie Hawn attend the Glamour Women Of The Year Awards at Berkeley Square. (Photo by rune hellestad/Corbis via Getty Images)
Goldie Hawn was such an icon in the 80’s and of course she had estrogenic beauty back then.
Remember; this is a universal thing for the feminine body to go through such changes.
Notice the difference?
And I’m not singling out Meg Ryan or the others btw; she’s great!…it’s just that it happens to ALL women as a biological truth of your beauty (unless you do hormone treatment therapy).
And…it’s gonna happen to more of the Kardashians too.
What happens at meno-pause of course is that the estrogen drops because the body biologically doesn’t require it for mother-hood and other reasons anymore.
Here’s some scientific reference for that:
“(There is a) This (E2) test measures the amount of estradiol (E2 aka ‘blood estrogen’), the form of estrogen made mainly by the ovaries.
E2 plays a key role in the development of the female reproduction system, including the uterus, fallopian tubes, vagina, and breasts. Women have higher amounts of E2 during their reproductive years and almost none after menopause.
Other estrogens include estrone and estriol. Estrone is the main estrogen made during menopause.
What is normal estrogen levels in women over 50?
Results are given in picograms per milliliter (pg/mL). Normal levels for estradiol are: 30 to 400 pg/mL for premenopausal women. 0 to 30 pg/mL for postmenopausal women.”
So if you’re young you may not be concerned about that AT ALL (carpe diem!, tequila body shots on spring-break, etc. etc.) and more concerned about eyebrow maintenance.
In that reality, you might consider skipping to the 3rd prime area; but wouldn’t it help to have a strategy ahead of time?
If you are getting into your late 30’s and mid 40’s then it’s best to take a conscious look at the bio-reality of things and yet;
The good news is IN YOUR FAVOR here because with the 3rd aspect; your beauty and beauty influence can THRIVE literally into your 80’s but it’s going to take more and more energetic health maintenance to keep your physiological health optimal as well (and all of this shows up on camera btw; it’s EASY for me to read when there are energy imbalances esp. in older people and w/o menopause b/c they become more pronounced and extreme and age you faster).
If; for the first 40 some years you just relied on having estrogen so that was part of your beauty; oh shit…what happens at menopause (and how will it affect your visual beauty or even artistic visual performance and impact)?!
Estrogenic Beauty; it IS tied to your SEX and eros after all.
And how are you preparing psychologically for it? Is there going to be a ‘void’ where you FEEL less beautiful and put even more focus on what can often seem the ‘masque’ of superficial beauty? Where does inner beauty fit in?
Shit; what if no one ever loves you because of CONCERN or perception of loss of beauty? These can be the deeper fears for many women; fears that would come across VIBRATIONALLY in the light of your visual media itself even if you’re looking good superficially; intuitive people like most women could FEEL something is off – that insecurity affecting your beauty and visuals.
If you’re relying on the superficial and that which fades…oh crap! (Make sure to read #3)
What if your sexual and social currency plummets because of it and everyone can unconsciously FEEL your vibrational fear around it visually? Gulp. Deeper unseated insecurity begets more concern fear while you continuing relying on covering up with your masque of superficial beauty hoping no one really sees the inner truth. Maybe you’ll live with more reliance on your ‘character’ while your ‘beauty fades’ (but it doesn’t have to fade when you embrace secret #3)!
That’s very different than reclaiming your soul embodiment and divine feminine BEAUTY FREQUENCIES OF ESSENCE and emanating them IN PLACE OF YOUR ESTROGEN (because the life force chi is a different, higher frequency platform of your soul embodiment with your physical vessel).
What if you relied so much on superficial mastery and looking great that when the estrogen drops, there IS a literal ‘dried out’ feel within your energy body that people can feel that is MISSING all the sexual nectar? Most importantly; we can SEE IT. Psychic or intuitive people (and where consumers are headed in ascension) can sense, feel and SEE that you feel ‘dried up’ or more brittle when the estrogen fades UNLESS you are embodied with beauty essenced plasmic chi which runs through your visual (and yet higher dimensional) energy body.
Here’s a great reference point of a woman who has non-estrogenic but essenced beauty of Muse embodiment in her 50’s! I’m not 100% Jennifer Flavin here (Sylvester Stallone’s wife, er x-wife?) is post-menopause b/c of her age but it proves the point we’re getting to with #3 that ESSENCED BEAUTY can REPLACE your ESTROGENIC beauty as you get older – in embodiment!!
So it’s worth mentioning in the equation here. So yes; estrogenic beauty and its place (and esp. timing) in HOW it can affect your visual beauty. If you’re younger (again); you may not even care, but it’s also worth mentioning that great beauty can happen at your age when you master or maximize all 3 areas (if you are pre-menopausal) because #3 of subtle yet true chi-platformed beauty essences literally MIX with your bio-chemical essence itself in your visual beauty.
And THAT is both mortal and divine. And that’s what is EXACTLY happening with the most beautiful women in the world who have something ‘more’ than just great, superficial looks or body.
Here’s a great example of an American actress; Annie Potts in ‘Corvette Summer’ that mixes estrogenic beauty with essenced Muse beauty.
Hey; do you have a strategy for beauty and visual influence maxing post-menopause? Keep reading!
All images copyright of respective copyright holders and used under Fair Use Copyright Guidelines
If you’re secretly and profoundy concerned about ‘losing’ a most valuable asset as you age for all the reasons (your beauty itself and feeling beautiful). Contemplate this in the season of Fall-Winter albeit;
If you can begrudgingly accept that feminine physical beauty fades to some extent with age (even if you’ve been the prettiest woman in the room)
No matter what you are doing to maximize your extrinsic looks and body;
If you can accept that you are more than just a physical body (with its mortal and superficial beauty and how much that is valued)…
If you can accept that you are also a meta-physical soul connected to spirit and potentially unlimited divine feminine consciousness templed in a physical body…
If you can accept that you are BOTH mortal and divine-sentient in feminine beauty and truth
You can then accept that Beauty itself is both practically mortal (3rd dimension physical) and higher dimensional immortal of light-essence
If you can accept that the physical feminine body has the bio-chemical essence of estrogen…
And if you can begrudgingly accept that your biological feminine essence drops or plummets around menopause and may already be minimized…
Then you may be ready to accept the greater Truth that you have something other than just bio-essence to rely on that is less focused on in the West because of the superficial-physical valuation of Beauty
If so…
Then you may be ready to accept that your practical life force chi itself is the spirit-plasma of the Divine and Ancient Feminine Light, Consciousness & Truth
You may begin to accept this other practical reality in which the non-estrogen based beauty platform of spirit-plasma ESSENCE runs through your soul, energy body and physiology
Fear not for the loss of Beauty itself as if it was only mortal and dies with your mid-life loss of estrogen
For you may be ready to accept that your feminine bio-chemical essence can be replaced with post-natal life force divine feminine-sentient spirit-bio essences as chi so that you remain vital and beautiful at any age
You may be ready to accept and take on so much MORE divine feminine life force plasma to course through your presence and image that you can be MORE beautiful than when it mixed with your estrogen as well
For She hath gifted you Immortal Beauty
(So that the immortal feminine archetypes, siddhic qualities and their beauty, their consciousness may run through your energy body and emanate as Light-Truth visually to be felt and known)
And this inheritance of the Divine Feminine (and from God the Father to Daughter) is in the literal format of life-force sentient chi
It’s simply an alchemical language of Light & Vibration; more complexed and nuanced than simply yin and yang chi
You have more than merely biological feminine essence as estrogen
But actual spirit life-force sentient essence of chi itself and potentially unlimited access to the different, divine different signatures OF Light Beauty itself
These are the universal Beauty Essences; the realm of archetypes & siddhis; Queens, Goddesses and Starlets
Now it’s all just yours for reclamation, exploration and integration into your feminine embodiment and soul truth expression
Immortal Beauty is within reach and your legacy to live onwards in the cloud
And that is everything.
For feminine beauty is both mortal, physical and withers
And it is also divine, vital and practical.
(I do archetype embodiment essence readings all the time)
You are both, truly but could you accept and rebirth yourself as something more than just ‘the Crone’ archetype?
That’s on you.
Maybe it’s time to follow your soul itself and cultivate more of your divine beauty essences.
If so; the most direct way will get you the fastest, most thorough and assured results of makeover transformation in beauty consciousness, acceptance, integration and visual results that people will FEEL even if your estrogen took the last ship to Casablanca.
Maybe it’s time for a RECLAMATION and discovery of your life-force chi essence based beauty itself.
This is where I specialize; in this work. That which is decreed by Muse Herself to evolve Beauty consciousness, Grail codes and Ascension on earth.
The masculine and immortal masculine spirit wants your Beauty awakened at any age for MANKIND….your highest truth (and meta-physical legacy stored in the cloud because beauty has INFLUENCE) expressed for sons, daughters, great-grandchildren even legionnaires.