The Charisma-Allure Social Currency Book Power Highlights

Did you get the latest power report if you’re a social media or beauty influencer or if you’re in business online with your visuals as central to your brand?
You can get that from here:
(direct download)
Sub-titled: ‘How to Organically Thrive In an Attention Economy as a Social Media or Beauty Influencer Like a Star or Starlet’
The future of social media marketing, beauty influence and social power is with charisma and allure…it already is btw; we’re just more aware of it now with my MANY visual examples in the book. 
If you want to increase YOUR social media following ORGANICALLY and get more response from your visuals and brand integrated experience, don’t miss this book! 
Compelling free and ORGANIC response from your DREAM clients and followers is now scalable and possible without having to manipulate them emotionally, hack algorithms, over-work, marketeer, etc. b/c DIRECT RESPONSE is different with the attention economy of social media.
I realize that you might be overwhelmed by the sheer scale of the 957 page ‘Social Currency of Allure’ book…it might be daunting and it would be better to be dauntless Tris; therefore, I’m giving some direct highlights
35: Their (pop) outlook on charisma was limited: a search for truth
67: Mortal men vs. Immortal Beauty & Status
121: The deeper WHY of the power of influence
146: Why there is hope to develop charisma
166-169: A perfect example of an alluring viral youtuber
175: The forms and HOW of powerful influence from visual and beauty media
181: A perfect example of a non-traditionally beautiful woman with allure and influence
189: Elvis insights
213: Human Design and charisma: Ava Gardner, Superman, Neo
227: A perfectly clear example of allure to start ‘seeing it’
254: The advanced allure of ‘eye smiles’ & aegyo
279: Preview of the ‘current’ and currency of charisma
285: The core psycho-sexual market drives (before we get to the bigger reveals)
300-302: Definition of ‘power’ & ‘influence’ + introduction of chi and fotonic influence
307: Random dude with charisma who could be a star
357: The simple secret to greater instant on-camera influence and maximizing engagement
319: The power of real beauty influence
375: A visual preview of the Beauty Priestessing concept
379: Prince (the Artist) and influencing the atmospheric environment
382: Princess archetype
*395: The core tangible substance of value itself encoded within power, beauty and social influence
(Don’t miss this page!)
406-409; Definitions of Allure, Charisma, beauty
*444-448: THE most valuable resource in the entire universe
(Don’t miss!)
471: The expressively alluring librarian
*476+: The Holy Grail (Hieros Gamos) as THE hidden and penultimate driver of market behavior, power and (social) influence
507: A siddhic alchemical Top Muse visual
512: Sex of Gods
540: THE secret of a major viral youtuber with 17million+ subscribers
570: A charismatic rockstar that looks otherwise physically normal
574: A perfect example of chemistry in the movies that works
578: Queen archetype
584: Heaven on Earth beauty influence
591: The most over-looked charismatic beings ever
615: Perfect example of an alluring business-woman who has multi-dimensional influence and engagement
656-58: Size doesn’t matter with INFLUENCE
684: Reminder of the meta-market driver itself
738: Ie. of transformational Beauty and its power
739+: Reminder of the primordial forces of Power & Beauty
763+: Movie example of a perfect charismatic transformation
776+: A cultural taboo example of Star dynamics at work with Power & Beauty (with anti-aging)
801: A perfect example of the power of image as medicine
857: Reminder of the simplicity of charisma and image influence
880: A starlet-making audition that won because of allure
931: A popular male sex icon: archetypes
952: Midst of recap
If you haven’t got the Social Currency of Allure book yet, it’s still free and it’ll help you SEE where the future is headed, why some predictably succeed with social influence and how you can start getting more engagement from your dream clients and followers now.
With this book, you’ll be years ahead of top social media marketers on leveraging the true, hidden (and now revealed) POWER of social and beauty influence itself.
(I just not-so-secretly want to get you sold on the concept of charisma and allure FOR LIFE and then everything else sells itself!)

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