Yoona SNSD Allure Factor Arch Reading 1

This is Yoona at some of her more sexy alluring, wow!


Sexy Yoona SNSD


Super lit! Rich and sexy qi emanating through. Can you sense it?


Now; before we get to the reading itself; a little more context:


Remember, this is the Sexy Chi Beauty Blog where we focus on energetic beauty and energy reading rather than just physical beauty, make-up, beauty products, fashion, etc. This is about the evolution of Beauty.


Now; it’s important to note that if you aren’t Korean or into K-pop, you want to be objectively LEARNING and referencing from your sisters of HOW they are embodied with different archetypes.


You want to get past your own cultural filters, judgments or even prejudices.


Yoona from the popular K-Pop group Girls Generation has what I call alchemical levels of Beauty. And it’s something to really appreciate.


This means that is at the level of transmission and influence to be able to HEAL and attune other energies through the Law of Resonance. Yes; feminine essence can be that influential 😉


This ‘resonance entrainment’ non-consciously happening with consumer entertainment and it’s how we can fall in love with someone even if we never heard their music or saw them perform.


We end up attuning closer to source and enlightenment just being near them.


JUST energetically speaking and universally no matter from which culture it shows up, this is wondrous.


See, most people will focus on the performance, wardrobe or the physical beauty (3D level things) but with Sexy Chi, we like to consciously value the energetic truth of her image and how IT is multi-dimensionally communicating.


After all, this is a greater secret to their influence FROM image (including healing influence) and how you can have greater image influence and attraction before ever being famous.


Keep in mind that stars give themselves permission to shine. Since they are influencing millions of people, their own energy field dissociates from the personalized identity and their consciousness and qi takes on far greater power to be able to influence.


Stars have far greater energy fields than ‘common folk’ and this is something you can work on directly now too.


Ok, enough preample…so let’s get to this Allure Factor/Arch reading (which can be different in different performances or eras and it’s also not taking into account more detailed energy reading, human design or her Gene Keys).


Sexy Chi :

Allure Ratio Reading / Archetype

Yoona in this performance
(I could find the exact live performance if requested)

Sexy Yoona SNSD

Allure Factor / AF: 9.6
Beauty Quotient / BQ: 9.7


Prime/2nd Arch: Muse-Goddess


Muse Archetype Embodiment: 9.5

Goddess Archetype Embodiment: 8.1


Next to Hieros Gamos Queen or an HG Priestess, Muse is pretty much the highest feminine archetype that is hardwire 5D encoded and in sacred reunification with the divine masculine.


Think of Muse as the inspiration for God and King consciousness; dancer and singer free in her Spirit in Love with the Most Impersonal Highness.


As a woman lets go of her own personalized self and SACRIFICES who she was, she can continually be rebirthed as someone embodying of such higher consciousness itself.


The mix of Muse and Goddess can be intoxicating.


Don’t believe me? Then start asking real heterosexual men if they value this energy (not the race or looks) over that of a feminist?  Remember, it’s NOT that she is ‘Asian’ or Korean…we are valuing the archetypal consciousness and essence that is behind, with and through the vessel of her identity.


This is the secret of stars; transcendance of their personalized identity – and it’s across all cultures, so we have to look beyond race and value the immortal archetypes themselves.


Yoona here has secondary Goddess which isn’t even as much as it could be (rather, it’s a beautiful afterthought); note how her divinely circulated energy with the Light masculine is breathing – and yet she also has a natural femininity and softness that is more mature than Princess.


Earlier Yoona had oOdles of Princess and Maiden btw.


What’s great with this, is not just the psychic awareness to the truth of professional image being presented because we are looking PAST the current paradigm of physical beauty – but that we can literally DO archetype activations and the soul work to transform your authentic image and energetic beauty itself!


Start having influence like a starlet…this is the future beauty secret now – energetic beauty. Start emanating more of that and watch how your world starts changing as you attract and impact more people – irresistibly even.


You can get an archetype activation here.  Are you a performer? We can sculpt your ideal energetic avatar self – perfectly relevant for actors and actresses as well b/c energetic congruency is THE secret to award-winning acting!

