What IS A Beauty Activation?

“What IS a Beauty activation and what Beauty activations are available Rion?”


A ‘Beauty activation‘ is what practically and literally cultivates your essence-based ALLURE (which is basically your FELT FOTONIC BEAUTY INFLUENCE).


It’s like FEELING someone’s charisma in the room that INITIATES organic response…and INVALUABLE currency in the social media age of influence (more than just looking good).


LOOKING GOOD is different than being FELT and organically engaging in your social and video media.


The secret is with ALLURE itself to incite organic engagement and social media response.


Now we can work on your allure DIRECTLY with conscious competence with allure consulting and Beauty activations for presence and image makeover results.


Beauty activations work masterfully directly with your energy body with light-frequency truth ESSENCES (as subtle yet powerful signatures of Spirit-plasmic life force ‘chi’) to cultivate AUTHENTIC felt Presence as fotonic radiation from your chakras, aura, presence and image itself.


Beauty activations include anti-aging energy healing work in every session and also work directly with archetypal, elemental, siddhic and gift essences.


These help you to directly EMBODY and amplify your soul signature qualities of vibe and light-truth influence. Increase your allure and the radiance from your chakras and auras and you could reach alchemical levels of Beauty which is true power and influence.


Increase your allure (like a feelable ‘IT Girl’ like Lalisa) and people will FEEL you more holographically even from your 2D images, social media and all professional images and visual communication.


Is it FAME we’re responding to or that we can also just FEEL her in the MOMENT? Maybe it isn’t Maybelline…maybe it’s ALLURE (ever thunka that one ;?)…


In cultivating your higher dimensional light-based felt beauty with allure transformation (centered on Beauty activations); we can now directly activate divine feminine Beauty qualities into embodiment.


THIS IS THE REALM OF IMMORTAL FEMININE BEAUTY; Spirit and soul…Gods, Goddess, Priestesses, Magi, Vixens, Lovers and Queens.


The most popular Beauty activations by far are ARCHETYPE embodiment activations. These directly help to cultivate your archetypal CONSCIOUSNESS, embodiment and archetypal alluring Beauty.


Consider this…in a vulnerable share Ariana Grande said;


“For a long time, Beauty was about hiding for me…I used makeup as a disguise”



That’s also confirmation of my vision (Muse’s vision) that ALLURE (which includes de-armoring and being felt) is the future of the Beauty industry; more than just skin-deep mastery with masquing/hiding dynamics at play; it’s about BEING and FEELING beautiful and sexy in your vulnerable soul-truth.


Allure is the future b/c it takes us professionally into ON-CAMERA mastery that isn’t merely skin-deep!


And we’re working on the frontlines now (Ariana would be a great candidate for Beauty activations b/c she HAS essences we can work with instantly but these past dynamics …anyways, there’s a lot I could say).


Beauty activations are the actual 30 minute sessions that we can work DIRECTLY on your somatic light body to EMBODY more essences like a soul starlet.


More than just being styled like a goddess, it’s be seen, felt and experienced as a goddess in your vibe and light-truth.


“Wow…this is BIG Rion….I think I want a makeover so I can master my visual soul expression to be FELT in a certain way that powerfully attracts. Ok so a Beauty activation can be any archetype (Light or Dark), Gene Keys frequency bands of essence consciousness spirit-matter of ‘gift’ and ‘siddhic’ (enlightened) signatures, allure and grail activations (and these amplify my soul communication)?”


Yes (that’s an intelligent question).


Beauty has always been more than skin-deep and is LITERALLY your higher dimensional spirit matter (4D astral vibration-truth) and 5D light-truth) that shows up professionally in ALL visual media…we’re now just shifting our focus to more than just the denser vibrational light of the 3rd dimension.


LIGHT ITSELF IS MULTI-DIMENSIONAL (including the photonic sun itself with feelable rays most cannot ‘see’).


“What specific Beauty activations are available then to cultivate my signature allure?”


Sessions as Beauty activations are proven and centered in my 30 minute format you can choose from (and I will consult with you to help decide);


*Extended energy healing session (where we also remove back psychic cord implants and do deeper work, soul re-embodiment but without activation)

*Archetype Beauty or Power embodiment activations (all archetypes; masculine or feminine however Muse and Priestess activations are at a higher price point)


*Gift or Siddhic DNA activations (related to Gene Keys)

*Allure (or Charisma) activation

*Grail activations

*Bio-star activation (a premium 55 minute health and anti-aging energy healing session for wellness and reinvigoration)


These can be done remotely like in a Zoom session for the same results as ‘in-person’ although with a little bit longer initial integration time to set into your physiology (ie. overnight as compared to 10 minutes after in person).


There are also different packages available like the Allure Makeover, Essence Replacement Therapy (for peri/post menopausal women) and other offers that still feature the custom session format of Beauty activations. Some with different consulting times, etc.


Energy healing growth maintenance detox (with anti-aging) is included in ALL activation sessions.


Most people go for archetype activations that resonate with their soul’s next step as something to strengthen or step into (there’s time to consult at the start of our session to choose the right archetype 4u).


We always choose the right next archetype embodiment for you (to start feeling, BEING and living as more of those universalized divine qualities that transcend the personal self like a starlet)!


As well as IMAGE and confidence results; the Archetype Beauty activations can also serve as MEDICINE and great spiritual and identity transformational growth makeovers.


Gift and Siddhic activations help to alchemize the frequency bands of consciousness as spiritual and bio-chemical essences affecting your DNA itself to optimize your avatar self-identity’s visual and felt influence of authentic soul self expression that is uniquely YOU.


“Then what’s the difference between an allure activation and a grail activation?

An allure activation includes that energy healing maintenance as well as soul re-embodiment and transfigures your chakras and aura for best-yet felt impact (so people can FEEL your presence from further away than ever before).




A ‘GRAIL’ Beauty activation like the new Grail Activation or the ultra-premium ‘Grailspring’ activation transfigures and encodes someone’s light body for the holy grail of Divine Union and circulating far more essence/quanta and kundalini.


This is generally a more transfiguring activation.


I go into this more on the Grail Activation and Grailspring Activation page for those called to something beyond soul mates and twin flames.


KNOWING that you are a soul in a human body and that Beauty is more than skin-deep but it’s practically your higher dimensional spirit matter (like the earth’s atmosphere not just the planetary body) that matters, why not have the power and consciousness-truth of immortal Beauty essences as true Power be radiantly expressed as your truest self vs. just being stuck to being ‘styled’ like who your soul desires to be expressed as?


Allure is FELT beauty influence and now we can work directly on it with Beauty activations. (I’ve done over 1200 of these over the past 7 years btw).




Release resistances to BEING and EMBODYING your soul’s desire. You don’t have to wait until this becomes ‘in’ with celebrities. Is it time for an allure makeover?


Sessions are available in 3 packs or packages available on-site! > Beauty activations


And yes, I’m re-centering things around ‘Beauty activations‘ and I and the Muse priestesses are ‘Beauty activators’!


Beauty activations are available in the session format from here (or in packages).


You can also start with a more extended Allure Consult which includes 1 Beauty activation (of choice).




p.s. Yes! Now we can work consciously and competently in this realm with essences, auras, chakras and allure transformation (I have been for 7 years but have learned a LOT along with way while now having the PUBLIC foundation to take this to the stars and lead the new ‘allure industry’).


I haven’t even updated the appointments page itself as of this writing to update but they are all Beauty (feminine) and Power (activations) masculine. Beauty activation sessions are custom to you in my proven format.


Allure is what makes THE DIFFERENCE and is the secret already to BILLIONS of views (fame is unreliable as well as algorithmic marketing or ‘trends’).


You want ORGANIC response with your social media marketing and business? More engagement? Allure is the secret weapon (to insane click through rates and billions of views).


BEING FELT from your image (LIKE THE SUN) means everything to boosting organic response.


When you reserve a Beauty activation session/package, we’ll schedule a time and just dive in! Many notice IMMEDIATE results and changes in how people respond to them (100’s of testimonials)