Pro Image is Energy

When we think of an Instagram photo or youtube video, realize that it’s not actually physical. You aren’t there in physical reality.


It’s an energetic representation OF the physical. Physical is the 3D world. But the truth is that we are multi-dimensional.


Image is multi-dimensional LIGHT that is communicating. And it’s communicating truth and information beyond what we are normally able to perceive.


It is consciousness and essence that is captured and frozen in time.


Image is not just a pixelized representation of your physical 3D superficial body. That’s a lower truth based understanding or filter of what’s going on.


My energy readings practically open up insights into professional image and beauty that are overlooked with our 2D and 3D filters or paradigm of beauty.


Now, we just have the higher dimensional tools and awareness to work on it.


The 4th dimension is generally known as the psychic/astral and the 5th dimension is direct realm of Spirit.


There are even higher dimensions, but for the most part you are actually ALSO communicating on the 4th and 5th dimension IN your image…especially if you are spiritually cultivated OR have power like a starlet or star.


This ‘light information’ goes beyond skin and the literal surface of beauty and image.


Essence communicates mostly (and cleanly) through the 4th and 5th dimensions rather than your physical body itself – yet all of it is still represented in image, video, film, instagram.


Think of the 4th dimension as the energetic dynamic or ‘vibe’ of a room that you walk in and can sense that there was just an argument – it’s that type of thing filled with psychic information that is outside of the normal, physical plane.


So the more cultivate you are (like a star or spiritual guru), the more your energy is going to transmit and communicate from higher dimensions with and through your image.


The more power, the more influence.


This is also where it gets into archetypal and siddhic qualities of Light. As you cultivate your soul embodiment and expression, this comes through in your image. This is what we do here at Sexy Chi 😉


See, you ARE communicating in image but it’s not just your physical skin; it’s all kinds of other variables that are energetic and multi-dimensional in nature.


Just because you may not yet be able to sense and ‘see’ beyond the physical 3rd dimension (which all of current beauty easily understands), doesn’t make it any less true.


You can get more training insights into sensing and see multi-dimensional beauty (like a practical psychic) throughout the blog.


To really dive in more with plenty of examples, check out Beauty 2.0 here.


The multi-billion dollar Beauty industry as we know it is limited. It values the literal superficial.


Discover more about the next evolution Beauty 2.0 and how you can further cultivate your energetic beauty to have more beauty, influence and impact on people with and through your presence and professional image.