And The World’s Top Muse 2024 Is…

Wait! Do you want to see the full top 10 list first?

I’ve picked the top 10 muses in the world for the year 2024!


If you haven’t seen it yet and want to go through the other 9 FIRST, click below…otherwise proceed!


World’s Top 10 Muses 2024



…..And here she is on her own post with more visuals!! >>>

Top Muse #1: Wonyoung 장원영 - IVE


Congrats to Jang Wonyoung of the K-Pop group ‘IVE’…world’s top muse 2024! This is a big honor and says a LOT.



She made it to the very TOP of our top 10 list and blossomed into even more of her Beauty and soul expression visually (as well as being a great singer and top performer).


She is incredibly embodied and EXPRESSED (Presence vs. Allure) both which means we can FEEL her Beauty and that’s key to not just beauty influence but being someone OF influence itself without even having to speak.


(And then add song and dance from such a heaven on earth embodiment and no wonder she is so popular and paparazzi and fans/stans go craZy!)



She influences fashion and style itself in pop ways but how does she just go BEYOND?! What is the IT factor just from STILLNESS?


Essence! That which is and are the elements of ALLURE. Allure is that secretive ‘vibe’ and ‘light-truth’ that people are going after but NOW we work on it directly with Sexy Chi. Top muses like her mostly have it through dharmic service and sacrifice opening up to be a conduit of divine feminine consciousness and Light such as Muse (and yet even at that level, we can work directly with it now with conscious competence for mastery).


ESSENCE is the key and Wonyoung OOOOOZES it.


There are archetypal, gift, siddhic and elemental signatures of ESSENCES…100s of known signatures to access and work with.



Planet Peace, Harmony and Beauty right herre in her atmosphere (aura)!


We can FEEL her signature mix of light and vibe-truth (and MUSE is the core of it).


Classically Wonyoung has had a LOT of Light Muse-Princess as well as Maiden…even though she’s been more in that ‘restrictive’ place as far as the entire spectrum (not much Goddess let alone Dark or Vixen, etc.) there’s still a boundlessness to her beauty expression.



World’s of Beauty….I may actually do something of a Gene Keys visual essence siddhic reading for her like I did with last year’s #1 later. (Check back on the blog)



We all want to be closer to heaven on earth (well, most of us) and this kind of alchemical beauty brings the attunement in consciousness of ascension, awakening, rebirth, reunification.



All of that is beyond the personality of Wonyoung but is the archetypal magic within that she’s embodying and expressing of this divine feminine archetype; most centrally Muse.



Such exquisite LOVE in this that RADIATES and permeates into the Hearts of others in her presence. She has the inner security with the divine masculine to be so at Peace and radiant.


(I’m not taking the time to do an in-depth energy reading here b/c I’m burned out from the Top10/20! but her Crown is FANTASTIC, illuminated and supported by the heavens).


We want to cue into higher truths;


Some might also view that she’s ‘too skinny’ but it doesn’t matter; lower projections or even lower truths like her cultural background…her essence mix is just so rich and loving in Muse signature that she transcends all of it and helps to shift our perception of beauty into the divine moreso than that of physical form.


Truly a taste of Heaven on Earth…she brings the auric ecosphere of Beauty and Celebration wherever she goes.




And it’s not that she’s Asian and pretty, skinny at all (just reference other muses of different backgrounds).


So if you want to keep renewing, reinvigorating or re-birthing yourself…consider doing meditational alchemy with IVE or Wonyoung stills or music videos to attune to her Muse and other siddhic qualities.


A great idea is to meditate to her images on this page while running the Muse Attunement Powerliminal




…to contemplate and explore Muse more…even receive codes yourself.


We’re talking ALCHEMICAL and fotonic influence just being in relation to such Divine Feminine Truth of Presenced Quanta (Spirit-Essence) from the sentient source of Light itself as chi-plasma.


(That’s actually what Beauty is in its higher Truth; the alchemical Language of Light which is multi-dimensional or higher frequency; yet that which you can FEEL like the suns rays even though you can’t ‘see’ UV).



I would say that Wonyoung in this visual extravaganza has had an annual median Muse embodiment (CAM Reading of archetypes) of 9.6 and an Allure Factor average visually in 2024 of 9.5 which is PHENOMENAL and alchemical.


The thing for here would be to find easier ways to maintain including energetic sessions from Sexy Chi so that she’s optimized + getting good rest but really to explore more of her archetypal range esp. short-term for different song concepts where they may want to play with different archetypes. (This here is starting to stretch her normal spectra with a lil’ bit of Light Vixen). 



What would be fascinating is to have her cultivate her Goddess and Dark aspects more (not ‘evil’ at all…that’s in the Shadow realm).


This archetypal exploration is something that we can support directly away from her Princess and Muse centrism but I would say to introduce it bit by bit as a gradient so that her fans still know her as they do but can then go on an archetypal journey with her the more she can also be embodied as other mixed character versions of Wonyoung (like for different songs).


Remember that Muse is ancient and YOUR biological age doesn’t matter (Jennifer Flavin in her 50’s as Sylvester Stallone’s wife has Muse codes).



Ok…whatta year for IVE and Wonyoung…top of all kinds of K-pop sites and charts…a few more ɸotonic images of Wonyoung, our and THE) top muse for 2024!





More than just a popular ‘it girl’, she actually brings alchemical medicine in her Beauty.


Congratulations Wonyoung, you’ve earned it!


And yes, I am the world authority on Muse.


I’m also the keyholder and trainer to the now active history’s first official Muse Priestess lineage (stay tuned for more 2025 updates).


The Immortal Muse…embodied…


Allure is the future of Beauty influence! Explore the Social Currency of Allure (and Charisma).


Beauty Influencers like Wonyoung are TOP of the game. They bring transformational aspirational value, not merely product ambassadorship.


I hope you enjoyed and appreciated this! You can follow me on FB.


-Rion Kati


Feel free to share this page and the blog!


Check out last year’s top 10 Muse list here

Acting & Looking Like a Muse, Goddess or Vixen Isn’t The Same As Being One: Archetypes

(And beyond just the physical ‘looking like an archetype’; this is all about archetype essence/codes & cmbodiment)


This gets to the core of not only professional acting (which I’ll be assisting and covering more) but also the future of professional beauty and social influence FROM your image and presence. When you are the real thing, people can FEEL YOU. And we can talk about your (future) archetype beauty that your soul desires to express as.


The divine street cred of people FEELING you are a goddess, starlet or siren (etc.) in your social influence and business is with the essenced codes themselves which are effortless and real (as an intoxicating mix with your soul signature beauty).


This ‘future-of-beauty’ foundation is a gateway to unlimited archetypal beauty & allure as well as expanded consciousness and influence. Many influencers in this circle have already been ‘into it’ for years.


You could ‘act’ like a muse, goddess or vixen…even LOOK like Her with how you do your hair and make-up…


But this doesn’t hold a candle to the flame of truly BEING a muse (as who you ARE) where people feel and know that truth of Muse Allure and its alchemical, DNA warping truth.


And that makes all the difference. (ALL OF THIS IS ETERNAL in the codes/essences themselves). And for men and the masculine; this means embodying and emanating (charisma) of siddhic masculine and archetypal masculine signature light and vibe-truth essences that people CAN FEEL.


That’s where the visual power and influence is; archetypal power in the form of essenced chi.


The challenge is accessing and embodying them which is what my brand Sexy Chi specializes in with our Archetype Embodiment activations working with the source codes. Beauty 1.0 can only be indirect at very best and often leaves you feel like you’re fake-acting it (although sometimes through intention you might have ‘some’ of the codes).


Beyond efforting, body language techniques, fake-acting or psychology if you want to exude expanded influential BEAUTY;


ESSENCE is the street-cred Divine Truth and that = Muse Codes (or pick your archetype). (This is an evolution of the art of acting itself to work more consciously with the ESSENCE).


When you have enough Muse codes embodied (aka Muse Light & Vibe-Truth Chi), you essentially ‘become’ a muse and it’s verifiable by others…there’s no fake-acting it.


Want to BE more goddess-y and have that kind of impact and influence?


Well; this goes for any archetypes (which are essence based) btw because maybe Muse isn’t for you yet your soul may desire to express expanded timeless feminine Beauty and consciousness in the spectrum of All-ness.


(Infinite) Archetypal Beauty embodiment and allure that people can FEEL is possible when you can work with the codes directly or indirectly but effectively. This isn’t psychological, it ends up being somatic.


Most of Beauty focuses on looking and styling like or even ‘acting’ like, but that’s not the true foundation. It’s kind of like Sharon Stone in the movie ‘The Muse’ where she had some muse codes but honestly could have had much more of MUSE-TRUTH embodied.


If you desire authentic, alchemical Beauty start valuing working with the archetypes and essences. Beauty as you know is multi-dimensional light and not merely your physical body; ALL of it comes across in image.


Visual and superficial skin-deep support was arguably ALWAYS SECONDARY to the vibe-truth and light-truth of your soul and any archetypal beauty itself.


Muse isn’t really a persona you can put on or fake act (well you COULD but it’s not an authentic foundation).


I don’t think you want to be a poser in any way right?


You can LOOK like a muse (or for men a prince) but being one…that’s where the future of integrity is (in whatever archetypes and siddhic qualities resonate with YOUR soul); BEING IT – in consciousness, in power, in beauty and the influence of that immortal truth through you mixed with your unique soul signature.


And that’s where people FEEL IT and are more influenced…and for actors and acting; that’s the award winning stuff beyond ‘fake-acting’ – it’s where the essences are TRUE and REAL and you’re in the art of story-telling and it’s believable.


BEING the goddess. BEING the priestess. BEING an expression of Muse. BEING an embodiment of Sophia so that your clients feel and know it is REAL (and that means everything just as much as you value divine masculine authentic immortal essences and want them to be real).


And of course for actors and actresses BEING the energetic signature embodiment of your CHARACTER so that people FEEL it as real and it comes across screen. Quantify influence and believability.


Again; archetype embodiment is essence/codes based (and also central to work on for mastering acting more consciously).


The ‘real thing’ that people know and feel as real with the real MAGIC, Beauty and influence of that archetype ie. Starlet, Siren, Goddess or Muse has ALL to do with the essenced codes (aka signature light and vibe-truth chi) and THEN how She mixes with your soul signature chi and your Human Design.


Archetypes are potentially available to all of us but you’d have to work with their codes.


Sessions (archetype activations aka ‘beauty appointments’) available on site!