Key to Attracting & Manifesting Female Desires

I was ruminating something that the brilliant and erosy-muse Gillian Pothier has been speaking to recently (and for years); about how women will self-sabotage if they cannot hold the sensation of their desire…and I felt, hmm….there’s something more with this that even I have over-looked…something that is VERY relevant and practical.


When it comes to divine union aka ‘hieros gamos’ as well as a divine union partner (beyond soulmate), a prime theme is:


Just HOW MUCH Love could you receive from the immortal Beloved and how much or where do you CLOSE OFF from receiving?


Because really there’s always a deeper level of power or beauty to receive…Devotional codes run deep. Your consciousness + energy body is ALSO related to how much provision, gifting and blessings you could receive and manifest in life in all other areas as well.


ALAS, if your ENERGY BODY and consciousness short circuits itself, it will create resistance and the flow may not give you that deeper love or provision.


These blocks may be literally in certain soma-psyche centers like the Heart chakra for example and I’ll speak to myself before I get to another primary point.


My Devotion for the Beloved is deep and hardcore, it is what it is after 21.3 years of tribulation…HOWEVER my energy body had a certain relationship with Her where our reunified bliss is in the upper chakras and where I have a thriving mental body with unlimited creative and quantum thought flow from/with Her…


And yet I realized that although my CHARISMA ITSELF has been recalibrated with the Dark Eros work recently to re-open my sacral (after I shut it down from a conscious leader guilting my more advanced Dark work a decade ago); I realized that although truly Devotional, my Heart charismatically was still largely closed off IN the physical realm.


My brilliance would often be ‘behind the scenes’ in my work like the Powerliminals where people could know and feel my devotional and reunified truth rather than IN MY PRESENCE itself…so this means everything for your BEAUTY INFLUENCE.


The last busy 5 weeks further highlighted how when I get into ‘work mode’, I closed off even more in heart and the Love Channel deep session work suffered…fortunately however, now I’m back to the Love Channel and Dark Eros charisma work preparing for debut so this HIGHLIGHTS how important your somatic body is to RECEIVING in all dimensions.


I have a different ‘good problem’ compared to some because the level of reunified love and devotion is truly what it is (and most don’t have anything near that deep in true hieros gamos); it’s just that (in my extreme example and highlight case), I’ve been blocked in live presence b/c of HOW my energy was flowing.


I’m a reference point for you b/c although I’m talking about charisma, it’s the same template with your allure which is what you want OPEN to receive and run INFINITE siddhic power and circulation of your Beloved and divine masculine principle.


Many others are FAR far away from their energy body and consciousness being able to hold the Truth of reunification so that’s the MAIN thing to work on.


So back to the main subject; you want to build your consciousness and ENERGY BODY so that you are an OPEN CHANNEL to receive (and give) the level of Love you are able to be at and with.


You want to remove the eros-soma RESISTANCES throughout your psyche and energy body so that you can receive and circulate the reunification that you already have in all dimensions (not just the upper ones).


In my case that means doing the hardcore Love Channel work to blossom open the layers of protection my heart has had ‘in public’ so that Muse fractals especially can FEEL the devotion I already carry. In otw I’ve been blocking my own levels of receiving on that level of love.


In a way, I was waiting for a beloved fractal to come in and then answer/address that but I can’t wait any longer so I’m doing the work.


For women especially you want your testament of reunification IN your beauty and image itself b/c that’s especially what is attracting and painting your experience.


There’s a deeper study on the Love Channel work as well as Hieros Gamos which I won’t go into now and…


So you want to be doing the devotional reunification work with the immortal Beloved which includes removing resistances and blocks so you can literally ‘run more siddhic energy’.


So keep in mind that WHERE you shut down can be for any number of reasons from blocking the deeper RECEPTION (maybe you’re more of a giver) and could literally be in a certain chakra.


There’s another angle here and it gets advanced instantly and is the other practical thing I wanted to bring in here which has to do with the eros-somatic advanced daka work I do;


It’s related to the LEVEL of Lover that could meet your very evolved self because it is the spirit-matter itself that you carry which He would reunify with and when it’s rich in siddhic and archetypal feminine quanta, there’s more alchemy in your Reunion with Him.


How much MASCULINE POWER could ALCHEMIZE with your Feminine Beauty and Her Immortal quanta in the bedroom?


We’re talking hierogamy – class (far beyond soul mate love).


And this ‘ability to receive and run great energy’ vs. frying or short-circuiting out can be worked on in the daka format to GREATLY expand your consciousness and soma ability to run siddhic and orgasmic frequencies….(God the Lover heresy here)..


Another angle and in other words – in the tantra daka work I do; I DO meet women where they’re at but most women aren’t able to handle running a lot of kundalini or energy without getting fried or short-circuiting somewhere in their body.


The energy work I do normally helps to release a lot of those blocks and expand consciousness (like in our allure makeover package or 3 session packages), but the daka work is even more generally powerful and direct.


Women may have somatic blocks here and there including trauma that blocks the greater levels of hierogamic divine ecstasy. In a daka session we easily find and release those and start conditioning her ability to run kundalini and siddhic frequencies often with different forms of orgasmic energy simultaneously. So there’s really no limit to how much love you could give or receive but it’s going to take transformation.


One daka session alone last year it was like (in divine service and co-creatively) I was conducting a symphony of siddhic, orgasmic bliss with her energy body reconstellating it to profoundly richer ability to experience and receive love; heartgasms included. Yes; kundalini can be part of it all.


Keep in mind that she was AT a level of readiness where she could receive more of the divine masculine transmission and power directly working with her energy body; she had already released a LOT on her path before. I was only running 30% of what I could have and she was blissed out forming new neural pathways; her chakras templatizing new levels of bliss and reception at a new set point.


A main thing with the daka work path is to find a daka you can trust because if you can’t; you’re not going to let your body really open up and not much is going to happen.


Also consider about wherever you may be at in this;


If most women were to have a very initiated man of great power as a Lover, they wouldn’t be able to handle his power literally; it would fry them and their energy body would still be RESISTING it or self-sabotaging. This is eros-somatic in your entire energy body and multi-dimensional womb and heart; not really just mental.


So again; just HOW MUCH Love are you able to somatically RECEIVE (and condition yourself to receive) from a Grail Lover? This for sure gets into the Grail Tantra world.


I’m grateful that the work I do helps to DIRECTLY release and expand for women to AWAKEN their ability to BE more reunified and change their lives to more of the Truth, Love and Bliss that is possible (with Him) in Divine Union Grail paths and otherwise.


Remember; the archetypes alone give you much greater access to divine feminine CONSCIOUSNESS, beauty, influence and space TO experience sexier, richer love and reality.


Conscious women are more open to archetype work because they are more soul based rather than ego-personality based so there’s more room for beauty.

Another angle on this is that it’s not merely about your ‘conscious’ beliefs, it’s about WHO YOU ARE being on an energetic and somatic level.


The universe is responding to WHO you already are. and there is work you can do to authentically become that. Archetype activations can be a CENTRAL part of not just your beauty and allure but your expanded attraction and manifestation consciousness.

Being Activated Into Service a Decade Ago



A decade ago in Medellin, Colombia co-hosting a men’s retreat where we were venerating Muse all night long in our ‘immersion party’; Muse activated me into service lighting my hands and forearms on white fire. I guess she figured it was time for my first MAJOR initiation.


Devotion pays off in many ways b/c that was a decade AFTER I was religiously doing my alchemical meditations with her which already had miraculous growth.


Like a localized kundalini awakening, my forearms and hands turning numb with white light; I ran out of the room during the world premiere of the Shine resource I’d worked on for weeks then ran back into the room with the 7 or 8 of them not knowing if it was a medical issue or what.


It was stunning…I still remember the details. The men were kind of dumbfounded and I think we rewound the resource a bit after I sat down.


Everyone there anti-aged 15 years within that next 20 minutes in front of our eyes.


We finished up that night (the sun was already coming up) and just talked for a while after that legendary session receiving healing, codes and medicine from Muse before their day off in the middle of the retreat.


I didn’t know then but energy work was to become my primary method of service and the thought of Grail Priest was nowhere in my consciousness then (let alone training priestesses in Her methodology); I was just taking it all step by step.


Later becoming Reiki Master and other initiations including connection to 3 Chinese Grandmasters while still centering all of my growth around devotional sacred reunification sex transmutation transference with The Beloved (Muse). There have been many other initiations along the path.


Now; a decade after that (and 100s of paid client activations which all include energy healing detox as well as inauguration OF the Muse Priestess lineage), the GrailSpring Activation is available for pre-qualified people who want to accelerate the power, beauty and alchemy of their own path of Sacred Union.


A Radiant Goddess Activation Experience

Although most archetype activations I offer are ‘remote’ (zoom) where you don’t have to be in person (and are just as potent although not usually as ‘initially’ impactful as ‘live’ because it takes longer to integrate into your physiology);


I’ll share about this live powerful Goddess activation experience several years ago that I’ve gained permission for while keeping her name discreet.


A lot can happen with powerful intention and when things are aligned…especially when you value experience. I know for myself intention + masters have led to some of my own greatest transformational breakthroughs.


One of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen in person is what happened after an in person Goddess activation that I facilitated a few years ago.


I had an emotional authority friend at a tantra retreat who was having trouble grounding her awakened kundalini and she was wondering how I could help or what to do…we were talking at our wood dining room table in the multi-bedroom cabin.


Elementally she had a lot of light fire, sensitivity and active shakti but wasn’t that grounded…it was an issue for quite a while.


I knew that power grounding and Goddess medicine was the prescription (as Goddess carries a lot of earth and water).


(For years I’ve been sanctioned to facilitate archetype activations through my initiation and training in the Muse lineage).


(Another woman during a group activity was going through cold sweats and major releasing just holding onto my body as a grounding rod but we weren’t allowed to do another form of grounding then).


Anyways, I had her stand up in front of our fireplace with just some table lamps lit around and power grounded her earthstar deep into the earthstar and she started swaying and could feel the magnetic pull down.


Then we went into a short tune-up and the Goddess activation itself on the brown colored couch with lights down low in the cabin’s living room.


Other than calling my name lightly after several minutes; she was just out cold/deep slumber crashed on the couch integration after the activation.


Lots of energies were alchemizing and Goddess working with her for who knows how long b/c I went back to my bedroom and to sleep b/c it was late and I was the Temple Team snack-bar master.


Goddess would bring in the water to re-balance, soothe and purify her system.


(Btw I facilitated another shocking before and after makeover of a life-changing Goddess activation at the same retreat on different dates for a different woman; we grounded YEARS of unsettled energy and brought her water back so much that she was wobbling all over the place as her system rebalanced).


Anyways; the NEXT morning as the group re-gathered in our class/temple space; we all drew tarot cards and she and I ended up in the same practice team for that night. But I didn’t really see her until then and seeing her was a beautiful sight to behold; she glided over gracefully towards me with her oracle card and was just radiating serene light goddess; wow!!


I was just basking in amazement that I get to help facilitate such transformational magic for people….and it was truly beautiful…and yet she’s also a true Warrioress like many in my circle so she can take on and deal with a lot of power or tribulation.


What wasn’t known was that she had an intention for big things to happen (as we talked earlier in the retreat) and she was drawn as the class demo for a session with Master Charles the day before (and then had that session with me that night b/c even MORE kundalini was awakened after her session with him).


On that morning’s tarot draw; Master himself literally said ‘she looked like a Goddess…just look at her’ (and others confirmed); what wasn’t known was that she had sessions with 2 masters (and Charles was RIGHTFULLY and yet quite humbly pleased with himself and his powerful demo session without also knowing my role in her overnight makeover transformation)…but she was ready, had strong intention and called it in. Both of us.


My secret weapon status continues….


(I’m keeping her anonymous and am sharing with permission years later). For years women who are SERIOUS on their ascension and awakening journey have been leveraging me for these archetype and Beauty, beauty consciousness activations.


There is something I miss about doing more ‘live’ or ‘in person’ activations, even though 95% of them by now have been remote. An in person client last year said it was the most powerful energy work she’s had done in 11 years and she literally look different before and after; Eros energy was lit and running through her, her legs were cold and now were warm and electric, sensual..)


So for those who are ‘done with’ goddess everything b/c they’re triggered by social media or whatever; some of us know the real work is always going on (and ‘on demand’). Goddess codes are ancient and immortal; our activations access and bring them into your consciousness (and energy clearing to make more space in your psyche for them in session).


There are many ways in which She (Goddess) can work OR there may be other aspects of the feminine that you may desire to work with or move into. I’ll be speaking more about archetypes as medicine coming soon (just browse on-site). Would you rather just ‘look’ like a Goddess or have others be in the PRESENCE of authentic Goddess consciousness, vibe and Beauty around you?


I am in service to clients yes. I am in service to the truth and integrity of the archetypes and working with FOR clients as a prime aspect of what I do. When I channel powerliminals like Creatrix, etc., I am in service to the encoded truths of the archetypes.


In the way I work; these aren’t demons or entities as some may have you believe (although some dark archetypes can be); they are iconic, encoded aspects of divine masculine and feminine consciousness, power and beauty from the collective.


The Goddess embodiment activation and other archetype activations available (including Vixen of which I’ve done about 6 so far)!  Archetype activations available on our appointments page; just pay and it’ll redirect you to booking at time. We’ll be able to consult at the start of our session to confirm which archetype is best for you now.


(At the time of this original writing;) I just did heart healing on a client from a new country during a session and she already came back and paid for another (but has to wait almost a week for integration). By April 2023 I’ve done many Goddess activations for women!


Check out the testimonials page on site. Book an Archetype Activation here. I’m honored to continue serving the awakening of divine feminine consciousness on the frontlines and the evolution of Beauty!


Exact Results aren’t guaranteed; everyone experiences different things (often based on their readiness for transformation) however yes – many individual sessions are often life-changing and people in their lives notice a real difference.