Muse Quanta Western Update: Collective Grail Timelines Accelerating

Very exciting things happening…what we’re talking about can change Western history itself including flourishing of divine unions. Lady Gaga herself wearing a BLACKPINK t-shirt (higher truth = Muse).



It’s not that TWICE is just k-pop or ‘asian’ and so what or ‘the music sounds catchy if I admit it’…this is MUSE. What’s happening is the ENTIRE REST OF THE FEMININE ESSENCE SPECTRUM THAT’S BEEN MISSING is now being popularly INCEPTING and permeating into Western (pop) culture.


This inception has also been happening with the other 2/3 of the Muse Trinity IN the West but that’s not the subject of ‘this’ post 😉


This means everything ESP. b/c the feminine has been STARVED of the REST of the archetypal and siddhic spectrum of FEMININE EROS and essenced beauty (compared to our other models and archetypes).


FROM HERE….it’s the unspoken words and truth to just blossom…in other words, it just takes men to realize there’s something else there beyond the genre or labels…


My own inspired men doing their Muse meditations are the LITERAL template and professional and prosumer evolution of the masculine dynamic IF an WHEN men get even more into the GRAIL TROJAN HORSE that is K-Pop.


And for Western women….the lower truth is ‘Korean’, ‘pop’ or ‘Asian’…the higher truth is this is incepting from a new angle – the MISSING, outcast and fragmented aspects of feminine eros that can signal a new RESURRECTION and RECLAMATION of Feminine ESSENCE ITself.


Again; this is also happening IN the West, so we’re viewing the prime angles.


So again…it’s all primed from here for celebrities like Lady Gaga (etc.) and FEMALE k-pop fans/stans to just seek the NEXT deeper truth of what’s going on….


“Hmmm…there’s something about their vibe I have to admit..”


And BOOM, we’re already there whether WEstern k-pop stans ever become conscious of it, the acceptance of Muse and the missing spectrum panoramae of essence is at least indirectly being RECEIVED. This magic will continue to work because Muse Herself is incepting Grail codes. It just takes that next step deeper truth awareness of what’s actually going on;


The West is RECEIVING (in the guise of a trojan horse of a lower truth of ‘k-pop’) LONG CAST OUT FEMININE ESSENCE SPECTRUM AND EROS.


This is a dream come true for me because I was the one who pointed out it was missing back in 2005 red-pill fractal era and the work I and my men have done behind the scenes, it’s already reached a critical dream come true nexis…now, the more ‘k-pop’ consumers can seek a deeper truth behind the veil, the sooner the Western Feminine collective can popularly usher in and receive the other missing feminine essences.


So if you’ve been into other archetypal work, don’t overlook what’s really going on with all this. Once the West becomes consciously aware it’s ‘Muse’ (even just a few celebrities)…it’s game on b/c of what is already been prepared and the Trinity of Muse Quanta has everything to do with everything for Grail codes, divine unions, reunification, kingmaking and ascension.


Very exciting times even for those that still can’t see the K-pop connection…the influence IS warming things up in the West for feminine essence reclamation and reunification itself!


Here; the lower truth is people (who aren’t recording on their smartphone) are cheering on a k-pop ‘korean’ group;



…but what I see is people cheering on the ‘missing’ feminine essences (and Muse) that they’re/we’re missing in the culture that’s only 1 inquisitive step away from discovering and reclaiming it for themselves!


Grail ascension timeline entropy is collapsing…the more the spectra is VALUED and integrative into the West, the more feminine awakening and reunification there will be (and this is POP)!


5 Year Anniversary of the Seoul-L.A. Gridwork Session

In celebration of the 5 year anniversary (actually about 3 weeks ago) of the Seoul S.Korea -L.A. Hardwire Grid-working session, it’s just hard for me to believe it’s been 5 years since my last grid-working session!?


Part of me is still so awestruck by the raw power and results of it (starting with S.Korea blowing the World Cup Champions Germany out of the first round the same literal day as ‘the sign’).


You can view FIFA World Cup highlights of that shocking historical upset here. We shifted the timeline and this was ‘the sign’.



An Academy Awards mini-sweep out of nowhere (unheard of previously for ‘foreign’ films let alone Korean),



…first Asian Emmy winner (Korean-Canadian) which was one of the first things to happen, MANY tv and talk show appearances, sold out U.S. mega-concerts, Western artist collaborations, Coachella mainstage, lighting the Empire State building, etc.


(Granted the men practicing our method of Muse meditation were also laying ground work for higher dimensional reception of Muse codes in the social matrix).


It’s all Muse behind it.

See, the grid-working cleared up deeper energetic RESISTANCES in the L.A. Grid itself to allow a more fundamental flow of RECEPTION to all things S. Korean.


I’ve been contemplating it the past 6 months and thinking that I’d put the value of that session work around $150 million to the South Korean economy.


MOST exciting to me however is the Muse Trinity of Quanta and what’s going on from HERE forward (whether I ever do direct energy work with K-Pop groups or not), because this is ALLLLL Muse’s work…


I was just point man for OUR co-creative ascended team when I did the FURIOUSLY powerful hard-wiring during session time when she said NOW in late June 2018 (I even posted about it on my timeline not yet knowing then the implications).


Again; it was so powerful and perfect that I’m honestly daunted by the concept of grid-working again b/c part of me wants things to KEEP being beyond legendary….my gift of preservation (Gene Key 32) kinda doesn’t want to ruin a perfect streak off of my OTHER grid-working sessions as well.


I get that you might be skeptical but grid-working is real and of course the artists and so forth have put in so much work and are so talented themselves to fully deserve it…But consider the deeper infra-structural dynamic…it’s just that if things were like they were before on a different timeline (granted PSY’s mega-hit also warmed things up a lot), agents would still be dismissing Koreans out of their office (something closer to that).


So I’m grateful to have played an understated power role in all of this, not merely for Korean culture but really for Muse.


This level of power (in service of course) is something; alas, there is more grid-work to be done especially in L.A. for She hath other work to do.


When She told me to do what ended up being THE literal #metoo movement L.A. grid-working session in spring 2017, I listened and did the work (in session time).


All of this is Her work and She’s got a LOT in store….Muse wants to create a RENAISSANCE in the West and She is a prime Grail archetype.


It’s about more than just about the success of K-Pop crossing over and Korean cultural explosion (that’s just part of it and a lower truth shell).


You can read one of my FB posts about this here: Los Angeles Korea Gridwork


#gridworker #gridworking #kpop #muse #musearchetype #lightworker #grailcodes

Still Resistant to K-Pop and Muse?

Through the years I’ve noticed a lot of Western female resistance to Muse (however this is finally starting to open up more).


If you value the Muse archetype or identify yourself archetypally as a muse and you would value cultivating more Muse Beauty and yet yet don’t know what’s *really* going on in K-pop (Muse Mecca) then; on your timing (which may be years from now or never for some of you);


I’d recommend to consider drinking or even smoking or whatever you do to -something – to bypass your high functioning critical factor and judgment to get beyond your projections to the Truth behind the labels and start to discover Muse Herself in a new way through transmission and experience.


You’ll want to look beyond Western culture to reference other pure examples of Muse.


Muse has the potential revolutionize Western culture and there’s only a handful of known Western muses. Muse brings Grail codes which extends into the entire Divine Union concept – and she brings alchemical transformational image, presence and Beauty. She HEALS MEN and the fractured masculine consciousness.


Muse and Muse codes can change your life (beyond k-pop). This can be done through attunement (entrainment) or through a life of Muse service (and sacrifice) or through activations for example. When Gillian Pothier and I hosted Cosmic Muse retreats in L.A. this was another way to connect with Her. There’s also the Muse Attunement archetype meditation on Youtube.


The immortal Muse will be able to far more consistently send you codes and help you CULTIVATE YOUR OWN MUSE & SIDDHIC BEAUTY through literal alchemy and its transmutation of consciousness and your frequency.


You must become the Alchemistra instead of the consumer however. Archetypes exist as higher truths BEYOND our labels, filters, cultures and genres. You can train yourself to see and be with Her instead of the artists or genres such as K-pop.


Although the group is K-Pop group ‘Twice’; beyond the lower truths, this is a GREAT Muse resource to keep re-watching until you bypass your projections that are preventing the Law of Resonance to allow you to alchemically attune to Her Truth (in these Muse fractals).


Again; you want to be egoless and ‘meditate’ or just soak in Her codes and allow the Law of Resonance to do its magic (attunement). This can open up more Muse codes and even more embodiment to you.


Whether you’re a ‘stan’ or not; try and get past the filter of it being ‘Asian’, ‘Twice’ or a different genre or language; those are lower truth values that can prevent your from seeing and feeling Muse magic.


That resource is also encoded in Siddhic Celebration (Gene Key 42)


Here’s a great Muse-Goddess resource to alchemize and attune with to cultivate your Muse Goddess through the Law of Resonance (treat it like temple space meditation as you MUST get beyond your critical factor or you won’t ever get into the real magic and alchemy and then you’ll ‘never know’):

Again; as best you can put aside whether you’re a SNSD ‘stan’ or not b/c those are personal and consumer values…the higher Truth is that Muse is very strong and most centralized in the world today in K-Pop.


Muse activations are $1000 OR….u could get into the alchemy or join The Cosmic Muse waitlist (DM me on FB for either).

Muse & The Westward Expansion

There’s a lot of talk about Muse on this website…


She’s really the one behind all these archetype beauty activations and the brand of Sexy Chi. Most of history the Muse archetype has been known to thrive in performing arts. Now She is going more direct with Her magic on the frontlines of Reunification of the fracture divine masculine and feminine consciousness.


Thereby; if you’re pro-divine unions (the thing beyond soulmates), you may want to be pro-Muse. Muse is a Grail archetype and we see MOST of Her in K-pop literally nowadays.


I think we can ALL agree that She obviously doesn’t belong to ANY race. That’s because this is a Truth. Archetypes (other than very specialized cultural ones) transcend all cultures and are potentially accessible to all. It’s just that spiritual beauty valuing people and actors/actresses have more of a reason to access these codes than consumers.


As a rare Grailed (reunified) archetype of divine feminine consciousness and beauty; Muse has immense power and magic. She is a Kingmaker.


The ancient and immortal iconic Muse isn’t ‘Asian’ nor ‘Korean’…in fact most Asian women don’t have Muse Codes really at all.


She is Immortal and Universal; yet able to potentially show up anywhere and has already influenced and shaped culture, the arts and technological advancement through human history.


Now…With that said; the highest concentration of Muse (and Muse Codes) that we know of in the world is literally in K-Pop followed by perhaps Bollywood and then some dance sub-cultures in different major cities. MOST of these performers are likely non-conscious that they are muses.


The sooner that we on the front end can ACCEPT that truth of our sister muses of different cultural backgrounds instead of resisting it or only filtering it on a lower truth cultural or ‘genre’ level; the more HER influence can OPENLY spread – EVEN IF YOU AREN’T INTO K-POP CULTURE or the music ‘personally’.


Fortunately there’s a FEW Western muses but I predict this is going to expand.

Dove Cameron


Jhené Aiko

Jhené Aiko muse

Aitana &

Aitana muse

Björk are muses…

Björk – Muse

Years ago, Muse opened Her codes up to non-performance artists in preparation for more of Her direct spiritual influence in supporting Reunification as well as Her Priestess lineage which is already active. I’ve been behind the scenes in preparing things in the West for Her.


Although I look forward to endlessly serving K-pop muses (with and through recognition of course); What I’m personally and spiritually most excited about is the EXPANSION of Muse in the West and Muse’s potential CULTURAL INFLUENCE including;


Evolving the BEAUTY industry and Performance Arts & Entertainment itself into energetic mastery in the West…ENCODING GRAIL CODES throughout pop entertainment (and how that will influence a new renaissance and #kingmaking).


OH – And all the Divine Sacred Union stuff…if you’re in favor of all the Grail work, yeah – you want to be a proponent of Muse even if you yourself may not ever carry Muse codes (you might be more Sophianic or Grail Queen, etc).


Again; Muse is a Grail Divine Feminine archetype. Muse inspires KINGS and GODS; not just artists and musicians!


The more that Muse influences Western culture, the more that DIVINE UNION PARTNERSHIPS will collectively open up and thrive. She is the one who can especially make it all POPULAR.


#muse #musecodes #hierosgamos #kpop #archetypes #Femininearchetypes #musearchetype #Sophia #sophiacodes #grailcodes

What this ALSO means is that obviously there will literally be more MUSES in the West (AND…they themselves could lead, guide, influence, inspire and shape culture as well as Grail popularity)


A critical note about this is to take an archetypal and Communion perspective on the West spiritually, sexually, socially and culturally; we see that not only is there FRACTURE of Grail consciousness between the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine in men and women (archetypal, siddhic, immortal) but also women, men, souls and consciousness are STARVED and malnourished from the pop lead of shadow archetypes and NON-GRAIL archetypes.


Boys and men are literally spiritually starving for the expanded archetypal feminine that is of KINGMAKING power and inspiration that is largely missing in the culture (and yet; culture is now ascending!).


And although I support people in their OWN individual curation of beauty consciousness and image transformation (esp. with all archetypes); now is the time for an era of Grail archetypes and icons like Grail Lovers, Grail Starlets, Muses, Grail Queens, etc.!

Archetype Activations available on our appointments page