Is It Safe To Shine Your Allure In a Consumptive World?

This may be a concern if you are scaling your own beauty and social influence. You might have concerns and anxieties around being vulnerable and letting others feel your essenced beauty.


If you’re already a beauty influencer, you might be at a crux of relying a lot on your current visual but still getting deeper into the fotonic ESSENCED allure which requires more vulnerability so that might still be a sticking point.


An under-stated question related to being safe to SHINE your allure to the world and have more social influence in being seen (sourced in Fotonic Quanta Theory):


“Can someone steal or ‘harvest’ your soul essence quanta from a photo or video?”


The general answer is NO…


..And this should give you some relief.


Media has great influence BECAUSE it represents holographic fotonic light, beauty and power from the uniphied sentient field with and through humans.


Consider that recorded media from any point in the past (not live) is holographic, recorded fotonic data that has influence beyond our normal comprehension.


Live experiences are a different matter of someone’s presence affecting people in real time like at a Taylor Swift concert where they’re also immersed in the music, production design, etc.


Normally with videos and photos, people are relating with an encoded holographic projection of you in the (Akashic) cloud (which can carry beauty codes obviously) and yet it’s still not the live active field of ‘you’.


It would basically take dark magic to connect to your actual field through an image or otherwise and then siphon your actual quanta.


Knowing this can help you to feel safe in expressing your allure in social media; even if your media is reaching millions of people. Social and projection dynamics of fame are another thing to deal with however.


Are we ‘taking’ or ‘harvesting’ from the Feminine (or Masculine) or stars and starlets by ‘consuming’, meditating or alchemizing with their media?


Are we stealing their soul quanta?


No, not at all. Just look at the relational truth; their or your live presence isn’t detrimentally directly affected after being imprinted in media per se.


It’s actually what ALLOWS more scalable social power and influence; to have your visual presence out there in the world having IMPACT.


Now; there is an entire different discussion around industry consumptive dynamics and that of which Hurricane speaks beautifully and recently to AND there are other complex dynamics internally that may be blocking you from truly being free as an artist vs. being consumed. She speaks to this brilliantly here and other places on her wall.


Also LIVE dynamics are another thing (and she speaks to that as well).


Media prosumers and the collective with social and visual media; we are relating with holographic imprinted quanta of people; not individual life force unless it’s directly live human interaction and in most of THOSE cases like live speaking or public performance you’re not allowing people to ‘steal’ your quanta either (although people closer to your may attach psychic hooks).


Remember; all media is recorded holographically in the Akashic records as an IMPRINT.


As an advanced psychic myself who can read certain (public) aspects about any person at any point in history remotely and accurately; I always get permission before affecting someone’s field directly (incl. remotely).


This is a secure foundation for you to help feel safe in relating visually to the world in your shine rather than having concerns that people will ‘steal your soul’, etc. (although there can be other dynamics or agreements including shadows of certain industries that may be implicated there).


On a separate note (I’ve talked about this in Mystical Beauty and on my friends only FB wall); what about men who want to steal, harvest or siphon energy from feminine beauty in your personal field as you go about your day for example? I address that elsewhere.


“What about entities out there doing harvesting (relating to an image or video of you)?”


The general answer is that it comes down to holding integrity and discernment with your own personal energy field around others (media less of a concern).


And the deeper general answer from there is having divine masculine or feminine architecture that carries internal presenced safety + psychic defense if and when necessary.


That’s why the reality of this work is so practically spiritual and yes there are ways to additionally protect yourself and your energy field whether you are a star, starlet or not.


I’m not going into slave planet astral dynamics here but;


To really shine allure into the world you’ll want to carry that soul-starlet security to radiate beauty quanta (chi) to influence others without words. Your visual style and superficial beauty mastery should support your essenced beauty.


If you are under a lot of psychic attacks you may look into the Reclamation Makeover package: 


If you have anxieties or fears around truly being felt and shining feminine radiance around the (often) ‘consumptive’ masculine or masculine gaze;


This gets deeper into your own psyche and even things like the Holy Daughter if you are feeling insecure or untrustworthy around men or think being masculine is ‘toxic masculine’…you may put up a defensive shell around your aura so that it protects you yet people won’t be able to feel your feminine allure b/c it requires de-armoring and ideally re-architecting a reunified relationship with the divine masculine Father and Lover within to be safe at all times and attract a different experience.


Concerns about lower timeline masculine inter-personally siphoning we’ve addressed several times within Mystical Beauty Immersion (and on that FB wall post) that I can’t find right now.


Plenty more posts to browse on our Beauty Essence Blog. You can also search by keywords ‘ie’ muse, k-pop..