The Masculine Eros Archetype

Ahh Eros…


More than the Greek God of erotic masculine sensuality, Eros lives on through history as the prime immortal masculine sensual essence.


Centered more in the sacral than the Heart of the Lover archetype, Eros consciousness and codes can provide unlimited sexual and sensual essenced potency, fire and magic.



For your charisma; imagine embodying more Eros presence and His signature flavor of immortal masculine truth yourself!


I’ll write a bit less on this one b/c (as a powerful follow-on study or masterclass immersion), you’re invited to discover the (Masculine) Eros Powerliminal attunement featuring Dark and Light aspects.


Click below to go to youtube off-site b/c of 18+ requirement.


divine masculine eros

Masculine Eros Archetype Meditation

(Light Eros begins around minute 7)


Remember, that with masculine and feminine archetypes (icons of impersonal masculine & feminine in the collective psyche), we are able to do Archetypal Alchemy and transmutation of consciousness. You can now use archetypes not just from a psychological or analytical approach but now to EMBODY and work on cultivating your own divine masculine or feminine charisma, power, beauty and presence.


Archetypes God-fractal aspects are no longer ‘out of reach!’


Archetype transformation can be done with attunements (like that Powerliminal) or with direct archetype embodiment activations with Sexy Chi.


Eros Masculine and Feminine activations available by simply booking a session on the appointment page! > Eros Archetype Activation


The Descension of Light Muse

Recently I’m sensing a bit of kickback from the Light-encoded aspects of hieros gamos, holy aspects of sex, hierogamy and even muse.


So, what ABOUT the primal, carnal, eros aspects of raw sexuality, the dark, the earthy and the rich sensory experience of the embodied Feminine?


Yes, these *of course* are important (and yet they also threaten to muddle the Clarity of Light in swampy-ness, desire and confusion).


Such experiences and the value of them is for you – *your soul* – to experience its own intoxicating mix…keep in mind that High Muse as an archetype is still High Muse…she is busy in the upper realms and not for most.


Women who have (rare) access to her CAN bring her into the bedroom, but this is not ‘the dark’ or carnal from Her consciousness…She isn’t ‘the animal’ per se. There is the rare Dark Muse but that isn’t what we’re talking about here.


Earthier eros, feminine descension of consciousness and such can be experienced as your soul’s archetypal mix or just your soul itself (whether you have awareness of archetypal embodiment or not).


*There exists NO SUCH THING as Shadow Muse*


(Ref; Burning Man dancers – this can be an artist archetype with other energetic distortion, it’s not necessarily muse at all).


When the Solar High Muse descends (ie. into authentic embodiment), she brings her Light and Magic WITH her.


That is still a lot of power and alchemy to mix with whatever dark archetypal or soul aspects you have otherwise, just understand that it’s not pure muse then (nor should it be)…but it should be your soul that is foremost.


Pure Muse is rare in the 3D anyways.


She just wanted me to bring some extra clarity around things as the feminine can be very much within, going even deeper.


Remember; High Muse is encoded with High Devotional Light (to bring unto the Dark). She is very very powerful for healing and alchemy; transmutation of consciousness and self.


With that said – and reinforcing Her intent from 1 year ago;


The archetypal and unattainable Muse is called to descend more unto the earth in the form of Hieros Gamos Priestess and even Reunified Queen with rare women who are prepared enough to take on her consciousness as She is starting a new fractal lineage of non-artist Muse.


Her descent is now to share and experience Her magic on the frontlines of humanity rather than just remaining on an unattainable pedestal for eons of cultural history as source inspiration for the divine masculine.


With that said; Gillian Pothier and I would be co-hosting the Cosmic Muse 4 in California about now to further facilitate Her calling.


Just wanted to give an update and would love to hear Gillian’s thoughts and perspectiving on muse, darkness and ‘going down’. (There may be a handful of muses who are experienced enough with her to be able to discern and differentiate their own lived experience as well).


Dark Muse however…that’s a different subject. Check out the blog post on the movie ‘Legend’ where Lily (Mia Sara) morphs from the archetypal Maiden into Dark Muse.


Called to more?


I would reach out and we will have time to consult on an activation for you after you book one here.

(Muse and Priestess not available at that pricing and requires pre-qualification).


You can also ask questions on my FB chat