Revisiting The Truth of Light Itself For Image & Beauty Evolution
Beauty & Allure Beauty Essence Blog Charisma
allure science alluring beauty and light are we just photons beauty essence photography beauty evolution beauty influence can allure be captured charisma science chi and light essence and photography professional image and light science of beauty influence science of charisma truth of light
Since we are in the realm of professional image and beauty…and image IS LIGHT, it can help to understand and know it on a deeper level because it is ENTWINED with the effective truth of beauty influence and how YOU can maximize it more (this goes more than superficially looking pretty).
There’s light as science knows it with photons and there is the light that they cannot explain (which is why Science still can’t connect with ‘chi’).
This is also the standard focus of photography that doesn’t consciously account for beauty essences; it’s works with the more standard paradigm of photons rather than fotons. Understand that (for beauty mastery);
Both platforms of Light are SOURCED differently even though your social media is image. BOTH forms of Light are included in image; one is holographic and powerful (fotons) and another is more generic light as we know it.
Although there is still much more to be revealed about the Truth of Light, these insights help to pull a lot together while still keeping the magic and mystery of it alive. It was just time in history to have more of a foundation for the evolution of Beauty itself which IS Light-centric.
And Beauty is MORE than skin-deep or bio-photonic
This goes back to my Uniɸied Theory and the Theory of ɸotonic Quanta (partly inspired from random other disparate teachings that to me never pulled it all together)...
My (now ascended) chi kung grandmaster couldn’t explain it either; he would just practice and work with the chi-light.
There’s the astro-bio reality of Light in which our solar system’s sun is the primary source of photonic Light. It is very real.
As a plasmic, nuclear-thermic ball it generates photonic quanta including INVISIBLE Light that takes 8 and a half minutes to reach the earth…it sends frequencies we cannot see yet that which is still light.
The same can be said about the plasmic multi-dimensional spirit-matter LIGHT ESSENCE which comes through consciousness and humans; we are like stars and yet emit a different sourced spectrum of light frequencies; that of consciousness, that of spirit.
That’s why you can FEEL certain people even if they’re not famous; they’re literally RADIATING something that HITS your energy body, and auric soma.
(Isn’t this different than just mastering the TECHNICAL aspects of 2D-3D studio lighting?! That’s important but just PART of the true equation)
That’s charisma or allure. It’s a radiative MATTER (spirit-matter) of SENTIENT-LIGHT….(and do ya think that since professional IMAGE and Beauty is LIGHT centric, it might help to have the greater truth of Light on your side?
That’s why I differentiate photons from ɸotons.
ɸotons are light sourced from Spirit (aka ‘ESSENCE’) which can also be holographically CAPTURED in digital media because both the astro-bio physical, scientific world and the world of sentient-spirit co-exist.
We can see both photons and fotons but most people are trained to only focus on photons and physical reflection of superficial light.
My celebrity essence readings will help you to SEE fotons such as the archetypal essenced quanta of beauty and power itself.
2D images are powerful not just because they are reflections of photons and literal skin-deep skin – but because of their HOLOGRAPHIC (and photo-chemical) NATURE sourced in Spirit (and that which we are all psychically connected to; some just have more direct access).
Radiation of sentient chi plasmic light (sourced in the Uniɸfied field of Spirit-consciousness) is the Light (the spectrum of Beauty essence) that explains or covers EVERYTHING ELSE that astro-bio science CANNOT explain.
Again; my Uniɸied & ɸotonic Quanta Theory goes into this more and its a deeper understanding for the EVolution of Beauty and Beauty influence.
For practical human purposes, this is the realm of ESSENCE. Pop Science can’t speak to it which leaves 700+ unexplained phenomena because they can only accept the astro-bio world.
Can you ‘measure’ chi? Yes (I LITERALLY can; the qualities and distance) – but most scientists can’t even accept the premise, because it doesn’t source from the astro-bio universe nor their known tools (none of which really explains quantum phenomena although quantum physics starts opening a gateway).
Since both realities of Light co-exist; the sun generates different types of radiation that can EFFECT sentient Light and vice versa (on a smaller scale).
How can RADIATION influence (again; this is key to your Fotonic BEAUTY INFLUENCE)?
That’s why the sun-star although appearing still; is literally radiating photonic, photo-thermal and photo-chemical information that influences and creates life, energy, power, etc.
Stars and starlets as humans radiate or emanate ɸotonic radiation that is sourced differently and yes we can learn to ‘see’ the spectrum of higher dimensional essences in ɸotographs.
Allure and charisma RADIATES as multi-dimensional sentient-Light with and through people.
Although we’re so focused on the VISIBLE light spectrum and the reflection of PH-OTONIC light off of the body (instead of valuing and see the ever-present fotonic light), the higher Truth is that Beauty is more than skin deep.
We are both biological and divine and it’s the spirit-essence side of things we can leverage to unleash your immortal divine feminine Beauty that people can FEEL.
In fact;
Beauty itself is an alchemical language of Light.
Beauty is literally divine and immortal because of the God/Spirit-Field itself which we reincarnate into.
It is plasmic Light matter that is sourced in the uniɸied sentient field of spirit (as chi or prana); so if we just value a lens of the uniɸied field as the source, then we can view the reincarnation cycles with and through form (of souls into bodies);
We ALL have potentially unlimited access to Beauty and Power (prana or chi as the sentient-spirit radiative platform OF life force, consciousness and spirit in all sentient things).
Although they get most things right about the astro-bio universe;
Science will never be able to make this connection until they can accept the concept of ‘chi’ or ‘prana’ itself and that it is sourced differently.
ANY OF US (as souls incarnate into human bodies thereby have full potential access to the spectrum) can become like stars and starlets because we are connected in Spirit to unlimited power and beauty (much of which includes the immortal archetypes).
It just becomes a matter of your self-identity and consciousness itself…how much beauty or power can you directly embody and EMANATE like a star or starlet…more powerful sun-stars have more powerful influence on their universe.
Want to expand your social and professional influence? Literally embody more sentient-chi from the spectrum of Beauty essence-Light itself.
How much essenced Beauty or Power could you ALLOW yourself to ACCESS, embody (like and earth) and emanate (like your atmosphere)?!
This is the deeper, practical spirit-science behind charisma and allure itself.
I encourage people to start referring to ESSENCED beauty as ɸotonic rather than photonic because we are talking about Light-POWER itself that is sourced in Spirit-sentient reality and divinity rather than the astro-bio world.
For a deeper study, request or find my Uniɸied Theory (great for spiritual seekers) and Theory of ɸotonic Quanta reports….if you would rather just get down to business cultivating your own star/let power itself to have more literal beauty influence IN STILLNESS from your
For practical human purposes, this is the realm of ESSENCE.
Since both realities co-exist; the sun generates different types of radiation that can EFFECT sentient Light and vice versa (on a smaller scale).
Imagine star-like RADIATION (literally of essence) that allows people to photo-chemically FEEL you and RESPOND to you; this is EXACTLY what’s happening around people with charisma and allure; people FEEL their vibe and light-truth influence because the plasmic light-matter TOUCHES their field.
I call it ɸotonic Beauty.
To cultivate this level of photo-chemical allure directly; it helps to be on a path of greater service (stars influence millions to they allow more embodiment of this ‘chi’ spirit-life force) and this is where it’s at! Allure consulting & transformation…
And Sexy Chi is leading the way!
This includes embodiment of ARCHETYPES (Goddess, Eros, Princess, Vixen, etc.) and their light-essence SIGNATURES of vibe and light-truth MATTER from the spectrum of Divine Feminine Light and their encoded consciousness.
Now we can just work on it directly and YES your ɸotonic light is ALWAYS part of your literal professional image itself in ALL media and always will be.
Consumers and ideal soul tribe clients are simply waking up to sense, feel and know your sentient-light truth if you really are that person or if you are just ‘made up’ to stylistically look like her.
The Allure Makeover Package is available and don’t forget you can work with the Allure Attunement itself!