Transmutation of Self: Taylor Swift Evolution
Beauty Essence Blog Psychic Celebrity Readings
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The future of professional image calls us to value the energetics of beauty and visual communication with (but also *beyond*) extrinsic appearance.
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So it’s not just that Taylor Swift here is physically a bit heavier in the more recent photo; it’s that she energetically evolved from the earlier Princess-Diva embodiment to Diva-Goddess consciousness.

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When she was younger, u can notice that she had a lot of ‘Light’ embodiment.
Light is a reference of Source Masculine as well as the Father relationship. A lot of Princesses are just lit🌟 b/c of the Fatherly love relationship (often spoiled!).
Although she does have some veils in the red, she is more filled with Light and her energies are lighter.
As a princess becomes more of a sovereign woman, her independence often denotes more of the immortal impersonal Goddess embodiment and qualities;
Her femininity, maternality, earth/water power,’s heavier energy like Gaia.
Can u notice the difference from her 5th chakras downward? Taylor Swift as she has matured is now literally more of a woman and Goddess. She is more ’embodied’ and grounded to earth – also with more meta-physical water energy. This gives her more access to feminine-based intuition and wisdom.
With what I do with Sexy Chi here; it’s not just having the energy reading insights and awareness into the truth of how somone is communicating energetically and non-verbally IN their professional image – but I actually do the transformational magic directly to accelerate the direction you want to go in as far as your image and presence. And there’s a lot to choose from including archetypes!
See; it’s all energetic anyways; other circumstances in her life allowed her to be more maturely embodied with more of source feminine but when we can work ON the source level of your energy field directly, we can get you there faster (minutes instead of years in some cases). Imagine having such tools for acting and performance mastery!
Archetype embodiment activations are available here