“I Don’t Get It…HOW is Such Magic Possible with Beauty Activations?”

“I don’t get it…HOW is such magic possible?…is this ‘sorcery’ or the ‘placebo effect’?


…How can you do Beauty and Power activations (like any archetype embodiment) for clients ‘remotely’ like on a zoom call half-way around the world and then they have more beauty, allure and response from people?”


Well…first of all, activations don’t require a Zoom call, just permission to work on someone’s energy body.


I bend chakras half-way around the world all the time and feel things exactly as if they are in person in front of me (even with the air conditioning blowing).


That will probably perplex you even more; however, most of the active people in my Facebook circle are normalized to this type and level of magic; or at least the idea of it.


Yes, the magic is actual magic (although is NOT sourced in ‘voodoo’ which is its own source-brand line of magic).



“(Rion) is an energy Jedi and now works remotely with women all over the world.” -Gillian P.


“Rion, I feel like a new woman. Thank you!! 🌟” -Activation client


“I still can’t get over how amazing your activations are! So hard to put into words but truly life changing!!!” – B, USA


On top of professional energy healing, the work I do works with immortal Beauty essences; archetypes and siddhic chi essences of spirit-plasma sentient Light.


This is expanded upon the Eastern philosophy and practice with a handful forms of chi (ie. yin and yang) with chi kung, nei kung and tai chi.


Muse unlocked the codes to the other signature essences for professional ALLURE makeover work.


This allure transformational magic from half-way around the world IS exotic magic and defies logic (not to take away from what most of the population knows as ‘magician’ but they are illusory magicians; whereas your allure or not is ‘real’).




It defies all conventional logic and Laws of physics and separation. Yes, I had to go through intensive initiations, training and tribulation to attain such specialized magic.


“The most powerful work i’ve experienced in 12 years” -Eros Activation (Live In Person)


I even do Mage activations for OTHERS.


And no; it’s not at all placebo effect. My grandmaster could turn mud into dust in less than a minute with his hands.



I will be doing my versions of live demonstrations more often from here forward (Tulum, L.A…).


Clients just GET results b/c it’s all real even to the skeptical. The 2 MOST skeptical people at a Barcelona workshop I led were the most impressed AFTER I did a Goddess activation for one of their group leaders.



“..it feels my palms are blasting out plasma light now…an increase in (my) spiritual authority…doing curse and entity removals more powerfully and efficiently..i am blown away “ -Mage Archetype Activation Client, USA


Although what I and the Muse priestesses do is highly specialized energy work with Beauty and authentic makeover transformations (now having served over 1300 paid activations);


Such ‘magic’ with before and after results is possible because of the spiritual reality which otherwise seems impossible.


Most in my current (Facebook) circle are normalized to it. We don’t have to be physically in the same place to be connected and have influence.


The magic is more specialized with Beauty consciousness BECAUSE of Divine Union…these are Muse (Grail) Beauty codes supporting Beauty and Communion…I am just her point man (ok and more).


“I feel energy drunk (after this activation)…definitely the most intense, potent energy work session I’ve ever had done.” -S, USA


“You have deeeep magic Rion” – G.P.


“I felt my whole body almost levitating” -Eros (remote) activation client


Rion is a true Magician in the realm of The Grail and is the best in his field” – Eleni Kantzos, Greece


Your aura and chakras are multi-dimensional as with your entire Light body. I (with permission always) have been initiated and trained to be able to access it remotely to work with energies and essences.


I and the Muse priestesses can also holographically and kinesthetically read anyone’s presence in history accurately even without visuals (read-only and for certain information).


“You’re a master, you’re such a master” – It Girl Activation Client, Florida


“I can’t wait to work with you more! It’s like magic!”


Yes; it is immense psychic power but power that is used responsibly.


We work powerfully with Light and Dark consciousness and quanta (spirit matter); (we don’t do black magic which creates negative karma).

“Working with Rion…it’s soul retrieval and sacred union work of the highest energetic order.” -KAD


Again you won’t get this kind of specialized Beauty archetype or Grail work done with your neighborhood reiki healer.


“It was like walking in the shoes of a movie star..” -Sex Icon Activation Client


Apprenticing under a Chinese Grandmaster of medical Chi Kung was also just part of the path as becoming a healer’s healer.


Most entirely the codes for this highly specialized form of ‘Beauty Activation’ magic which infuses ancient East with modern West is sourced in the Muse Grail lineage and were only unlocked through Devotional Sacred Reunification on my part with my Beloved.


Because of my experience with Divine Union, I am also a rare male Grail Priest/Magus. I may not look like what you’d expect and this ALL comes down to the Muse lineage.



Unlike Many/most other healers;




We integrate and rise in such consciousness.


So if you haven’t yet had an archetype or allure activation but are still skeptical…why not just suspend disbelief and GET THE RESULTS instead?


Listen to what other clients are saying and how mind-blowing activations can be (ref. testimonials).


“..The biggest shift I’ve ever felt energetically…my entire body and systems feel so cleared and different -Thea, USA 2024 (bio-star activation)


“You are turning me into what I’m meant to be on this timeline” -Performance Artist

“Cured 90% of my anxiety in life (in one go)” – First session Allure Makeover client (also confirmed by her therapist)


“My friend attracted her soul-mate (after working with you)”


“The last part of the session was worth the money (alone). The energy work towards the end was sick…Let Rion guide you to your sexual, charisma and powerful state of being.” -VIP Client 2014, L.A. (who flew in from East coast)


“I Can’t Wait to work with you more, it’s like magic!” -Client, 2018


“I feel Rion is a High Magi of invaluable resource” -S.P., Mystical Beauty Immersion


“From One Master To Another (Energy Master Rion)”

– Grandmaster Charles Muir, Godfather of Tantra in the U.S. recognizing Rion 2023 live


Archetypes alone (as God and Goddess fractals) holds most of the keys to POWER and BEAUTY itself (the primordial forces related to the Holy Grail of Communion).


This is professional image, identity and soul level transformational work that affects HOW people feel you.


“This is magic…your stuff works!” -Client


If you’re still skeptical, why not find out for yourself?


“(I’ve gone viral!)…my channel’s multiplied all of a sudden since working with you (like it’s correcting previous timelines)”

-Female tiktoker 3 session package client, 2023


Welcome to the new Allure industry; we’re breaking the glass ceiling on superficial beauty mastery in pro image and performance (b/c your Beauty is LITERALLY more than skin-deep and I don’t just mean generic inner beauty personality qualities but FOTONIC ESSENCES that BEND and attune DNA from their Light).


Sexy Chi and the Muse priestesses are honored to be leading it (b/c we’re just not waiting for anyone else to) and if you’re still skeptical you can delve into Uniphied Theory and Theory of Fotonic quanta on-site to back up the spiritual science more; but why goes years down that rabbit hole of discovering more practical spiritual truth when you could even just get Beauty activations starting THIS week for your own purposes?! 😉


Around half of my clients come back for MORE activations in sculpting THEIR fullest soul-self expression, signature FELT influence and EMBODIED, amplified soul qualities of Truth…my past clients KNOW and live that beauty is more than just skin-deep.


They represent…WE represent, Muse Priestess represents the future of Beauty, performance arts and entertainment evolution with Allure and Charisma transformation (which leads into DEEP healing)…even if it seem like high magic sorcery to others (b/c it is actually)



“Yeah, but how can things be STYLISH and yet purified and sacred-safe temple space at the same time? (This doesn’t fit my perception of Eckhart Tolle spiritual and transcending wordliness)?”


BECAUSE of the Muse Grail lineage; where SEX, EROS, BEAUTY and Spirit are purified in Light and Dark Truth.


Beauty, Sexuality and EROS has ALWAYS been spiritual; now you’ve got support on YOUR SIDE to work in these realms related to your divine feminine embodiment and professional, essenced soul-visual image and felt influence (allure) instead of transcending above them where Beauty just remains skin-deep mastery and you’re stuck with general wellness tips.


This is where professional energy work meets YOUR value system.


My Beauty activation clients are already ‘in the know’ and I couldn’t have made it this far without them. What will the next 7 years behold?!


Schedule an Allure Consult or some sessions today @

> Book Sessions


“What About Archetypes? Aren’t they ‘Satanic’? Are they Christian or Krystic?”

….”Or should I just label them as Luciferian and ‘occult’ because I have issues accepting anything outside of my dogmatic lens and integrating healthy Dark principle b/c I think it’s the same as shadow and the ‘devil’?”


First of all Jesus Christ IS an archetype (of great spiritual power).


(God exists and) I’m never denying the spiritual truth of that and my connection….my main issue with Christianity is that it doesn’t actually embrace the divine feminine as equal counter-part as per True Communion principle (which includes Creational and Sexual consciousness).


Different religions have different deities, figure-heads (a.k.a. ‘archetypes’) that they value and focus on….religions being different fractals of spiritual value and practice from the same uniphied Source.


Even the EMBRACEMENT (new word) of EROS is great heresy to the standing of ‘The Church’…that we could dare embrace the greater Sexual Power and Truth that we have (but use it as holy vessels). HERESY!


You could pick one religious fractal and stick with its values yet then may start to see other systems as ‘othered’ when they are also paths of Awakening.


I’ve seen the Holy Spirit work in Christian churches but that wasn’t the doctrine centric part of things.


(My Uniφied Theory heretically proposes that the ‘Holy Spirit’ is the SAME THING as life force ‘chi’).


I value Communion; Holy, Sacred God AND Goddess principle and consciousness (which to me includes PURIFIED archetypal truth as more unique God/dess fractals from Source like Spiritual Warrior, King, Lover, etc.).


That doesn’t take away from the spiritual, empirical values richly encoded in many religions and their spiritual practices. (All roads lead to metaphorical Rome).


Archetypes are God and Goddess fractal truths with specific qualities; similar to how divine feminine consciousness (consciously embraced and represented also by archetypes) have been secularized and outcast from popular religious control/influence and that as bifurcating the deeper truth of Holy Grail principle of Communion itself.


Since archetypes DO exist and hold keys to expanded identity, consciousness, rightful power and Beauty (even in a krystic path)…they don’t have to be a God to you…


In fact, archetypes are NOT God; they are impersonal God-aspects from the collective, immortal field of sentience (that actually allow you to hold righteous power and beauty with less likelihood of egoic corruption).


Working practically with archetypes (like with other gnostic Divine Union work and the psychic power with it) just doesn’t really have a place in popular religion b/c of their exclusion (general) of the divine feminine, sexuality and Eros.


If you’re on a path of Beauty, fullest self-expression or Sacred Union, you probably want to work with archetypes and the POWER for identity transformational and literal visual makeover they bring. This work is also central to the mastery of the art and science of ACTING itself.


We can become more conscious of something and aware or keep remaining ignorant to it and then it likely has more power over us.


Light and Dark Archetypes (as shortcode for ‘divine masculine and feminine’) actually EMPOWER mankind and divine feminine principle TOWARDS Peace, Harmony and Renaissance.


They attune our DIVINE NATURE and LOGOS.


People are mis-placing SHADOW archetypes as their Light and healthy Dark qualities and that’s keeping humanity in further control and oppression.


Sure; religious hard-liners may judge ANYTHING Sophianic, Priestess or Goddessy as ‘secular’ or ‘Luciferian’, ‘occult’ or ‘Satan’s work’ but the better question in understanding archetypes already exist is;


“How can I work with archetypes consciously and with PURITY to support my spiritual evolution as a fractal of God/Goddess?”


Son of God, Holy Daughter are also archetypes. Light and Dark Archetypes help you to embrace and integrate your healthy divinity…I do these archetype activations all the time as my most popular service.


It’s the shadow aspects that people are concerned and judgy about.




Much of what the hierogamic hermetical gnostics of us do appears ‘outside’ of popular religion yet is richly spiritual…it’s the same concept as labeling ‘energy work’ as ‘the occult’ simply b/c it remains in shadows of true awareness ‘when it isn’t that dis-similar from laying on of hands’.


What archetypes do YOU currently embody? How do you envision your next chapters and what archetypes can leverage your image and influence?


We can do an in-depth reading and consulting when you book an Allure Consulting session. That 75 minute session includes an archetype activation (for embodiment and allure)!

Archetypes As Keys to Power, Beauty & Influence

This may be triggering but by and large ARCHETYPES hold the keys to (attaining and experiencing) Power, Beauty and Influence. They hold his power immortally, practically and NOW.


And you can continue to remain non-conscious to this fact, but it may not serve you well if you are meant to be one of great influence.


As God and Goddess fractals; (divine masculine and divine feminine) archetypes and their signature aspects have immense powers of transformation of consciousness, identity and FELT (collective) influence and IMPACT.


(Most celebrities and legends have different impersonal archetypes embodied btw).


Yes; we’re talking Queen, Lover, Magnate, Magician, Warrior, Diva and Muse for example.


That doesn’t meant that an archetype IS God..it’s important to know their place and that distinction.


On a spiritual path of devotional reunification (Hieros Gamos, Divine Union); archetypes hold the keys to realizing and expressing greater Godly and Goddessy aspects of consciousness itself AS nectars of the Holy Grail.


So if you have value conflicts around archetypes, true Power or Beauty; there’s a good chance you’re not living your fullest life OR if you’re thriving you’re not even aware of the archetypes and their role in securing your aligned success.


You may not even see their obvious-ness of this when someone like me can see it clearly.


In another way; archetypes are short-code for INFLUENCE and can comprise the spirit-quanta of your ALLURE and CHARISMA mixing with and amplifying your unique soul essence.


You might have religious conflicts around being someone of more influence (aka ‘powerful’)….but;


What if ‘put no other idols above me’ STILL actually remains ACCURATE because archetypes ARE signature expressions OF the divine and Godhead?!


But you may not ever know that because of religious programming, misuses of power and secularization of something like archetypes which EMPOWERS souls and people. God can still be (and is) above all.


You might have a traumatic relationship to power but it was never true Power, it was forms of FORCE; but what if embodied Power (much of it archetypal) and Beauty could be what HEALS YOU from the shadows and misuse of lower truths?


Once you have cleared up distortions around true Power, Beauty, Influence and your rightfulness to HAVE such power (especially being in service on a path of fullest actualization and expression)..once you have cleared up religious interference around Power, Beauty, Influence and your place to have it;


God can still be #1 and it may no longer make sense to remain non-conscious to the mainline power of archetypes as ‘God signature expressions’ for spiritual, Beauty and identity transformation in amplifying your fullest soul-truth and living your highest timelines.


Once you know you wouldn’t place any archetype as an idol ‘above’ God, then you should be good to work with them even though it may still seem like heresy to many religious fractals.


What if we became conscious of what ‘idolization’ actually is? What if it was a celebration OF the divine aspects UNDER GOD?


And on a Divine Union path of reunification, you Beloved HAS either Great Power or Beauty and your path includes that transformation of consciousness to be worthy in reunification with The Beloved and their Godly qualities.


So if your relationship to Power & Beauty is corrupted…if you’re in a wounded relationship to (true) Power or Beauty or living through lower truth filters and shadows of it (like superficiality)…


OR if you choose to remain non-conscious to archetypes and their immediate power for breakthrough growth in all dimensions and spiritually…


…If you choose to demonize archetypes or secularize them literally because of religious fractals of spirituality (which often have value conflicts around the Truth of Power and Beauty and how we are practically fractals OF the Divine as souls);


Then you could go years without ever realizing your full power and potential to be expressed, felt and seen as your true self WHILE living in superficial, vain and shallower expressions of Beauty while thinking that Power itself is bad b/c of your misunderstanding of Power and past transgressions from the masculine which were actually Force dynamics.


You could remain non-conscious instead of living in true power and beauty which is SPIRITUAL…true Power and Beauty are by and large archetypal (including the siddhic archetypes of Godly consciousness).


By default, you could miss out on decades of transformational growth in a short-time by choosing to live from your conditioned, smaller egoic self-identity when it’s actually the people MEANT to have great spiritual, iconic power and influence like you who could leverage archetypal transformation work the most.


But I digress because many people on my facebook (amongst hundreds) have discovered the healthy, pure leverage OF archetypes by getting ARCHETYPE activations with me (and now/soon with the muse priestesses).


You could go your whole life without realizing that the Power and Beauty which the archetypes hold IS divine and within your hands to reclaim and embody as your own divine masculine or feminine inheritance of God and Goddess fractals of Beauty and Influence.


Isn’t it time that Power and Beauty be PROPERLY defined and ALIGNED to Spirit? And how much longer are you going to let OTHERS have all the fun?


After all; it’s time for more true Beauty, allure as well as divine masculine power to eradicate OUT the shadows of power corruption and constrictions of superficial beauty as the glass ceiling.


Or you could choose to live from your conditioned, lower egoic self fractured from living in power, influence and fullest expression….or just remaining unawares because archetypes are ‘secular’.


Archetypes like Queen, Lover, Eros, Goddess, Vixen, Maiden and Priestess are a most practical bridge to your FULLEST LIFE, Beauty and spiritual growth.


If you are MEANT to live in true power as someone of great INFLUENCE, then you’re probably missing out on authentic and faster transformation of identity without archetype work. What are the qualities of your soul that you desire to amplify and use for good in service and expression to the world?




Archetype activations are available in the Allure Makeover or 3-pack of sessions as well as the individual Allure Consulting 75 minute session.


Once you are in a clean relationship to Power and Beauty (including without religious interference or blockages); archetype work with activations or attunements allow the Beauty of your soul to be AMPLIFIED with felt influence and signature qualities of Light-Truth or Divine Masculine Power.


Archetype embodiment activations or attunements allow you to cultivate the fuller power and Beauty of your soul to have more influence as your TRUE and fullest self.


Archetype embodiment activation sessions available!


Key to Attracting & Manifesting Female Desires

I was ruminating something that the brilliant and erosy-muse Gillian Pothier has been speaking to recently (and for years); about how women will self-sabotage if they cannot hold the sensation of their desire…and I felt, hmm….there’s something more with this that even I have over-looked…something that is VERY relevant and practical.


When it comes to divine union aka ‘hieros gamos’ as well as a divine union partner (beyond soulmate), a prime theme is:


Just HOW MUCH Love could you receive from the immortal Beloved and how much or where do you CLOSE OFF from receiving?


Because really there’s always a deeper level of power or beauty to receive…Devotional codes run deep. Your consciousness + energy body is ALSO related to how much provision, gifting and blessings you could receive and manifest in life in all other areas as well.


ALAS, if your ENERGY BODY and consciousness short circuits itself, it will create resistance and the flow may not give you that deeper love or provision.


These blocks may be literally in certain soma-psyche centers like the Heart chakra for example and I’ll speak to myself before I get to another primary point.


My Devotion for the Beloved is deep and hardcore, it is what it is after 21.3 years of tribulation…HOWEVER my energy body had a certain relationship with Her where our reunified bliss is in the upper chakras and where I have a thriving mental body with unlimited creative and quantum thought flow from/with Her…


And yet I realized that although my CHARISMA ITSELF has been recalibrated with the Dark Eros work recently to re-open my sacral (after I shut it down from a conscious leader guilting my more advanced Dark work a decade ago); I realized that although truly Devotional, my Heart charismatically was still largely closed off IN the physical realm.


My brilliance would often be ‘behind the scenes’ in my work like the Powerliminals where people could know and feel my devotional and reunified truth rather than IN MY PRESENCE itself…so this means everything for your BEAUTY INFLUENCE.


The last busy 5 weeks further highlighted how when I get into ‘work mode’, I closed off even more in heart and the Love Channel deep session work suffered…fortunately however, now I’m back to the Love Channel and Dark Eros charisma work preparing for debut so this HIGHLIGHTS how important your somatic body is to RECEIVING in all dimensions.


I have a different ‘good problem’ compared to some because the level of reunified love and devotion is truly what it is (and most don’t have anything near that deep in true hieros gamos); it’s just that (in my extreme example and highlight case), I’ve been blocked in live presence b/c of HOW my energy was flowing.


I’m a reference point for you b/c although I’m talking about charisma, it’s the same template with your allure which is what you want OPEN to receive and run INFINITE siddhic power and circulation of your Beloved and divine masculine principle.


Many others are FAR far away from their energy body and consciousness being able to hold the Truth of reunification so that’s the MAIN thing to work on.


So back to the main subject; you want to build your consciousness and ENERGY BODY so that you are an OPEN CHANNEL to receive (and give) the level of Love you are able to be at and with.


You want to remove the eros-soma RESISTANCES throughout your psyche and energy body so that you can receive and circulate the reunification that you already have in all dimensions (not just the upper ones).


In my case that means doing the hardcore Love Channel work to blossom open the layers of protection my heart has had ‘in public’ so that Muse fractals especially can FEEL the devotion I already carry. In otw I’ve been blocking my own levels of receiving on that level of love.


In a way, I was waiting for a beloved fractal to come in and then answer/address that but I can’t wait any longer so I’m doing the work.


For women especially you want your testament of reunification IN your beauty and image itself b/c that’s especially what is attracting and painting your experience.


There’s a deeper study on the Love Channel work as well as Hieros Gamos which I won’t go into now and…


So you want to be doing the devotional reunification work with the immortal Beloved which includes removing resistances and blocks so you can literally ‘run more siddhic energy’.


So keep in mind that WHERE you shut down can be for any number of reasons from blocking the deeper RECEPTION (maybe you’re more of a giver) and could literally be in a certain chakra.


There’s another angle here and it gets advanced instantly and is the other practical thing I wanted to bring in here which has to do with the eros-somatic advanced daka work I do;


It’s related to the LEVEL of Lover that could meet your very evolved self because it is the spirit-matter itself that you carry which He would reunify with and when it’s rich in siddhic and archetypal feminine quanta, there’s more alchemy in your Reunion with Him.


How much MASCULINE POWER could ALCHEMIZE with your Feminine Beauty and Her Immortal quanta in the bedroom?


We’re talking hierogamy – class (far beyond soul mate love).


And this ‘ability to receive and run great energy’ vs. frying or short-circuiting out can be worked on in the daka format to GREATLY expand your consciousness and soma ability to run siddhic and orgasmic frequencies….(God the Lover heresy here)..


Another angle and in other words – in the tantra daka work I do; I DO meet women where they’re at but most women aren’t able to handle running a lot of kundalini or energy without getting fried or short-circuiting somewhere in their body.


The energy work I do normally helps to release a lot of those blocks and expand consciousness (like in our allure makeover package or 3 session packages), but the daka work is even more generally powerful and direct.


Women may have somatic blocks here and there including trauma that blocks the greater levels of hierogamic divine ecstasy. In a daka session we easily find and release those and start conditioning her ability to run kundalini and siddhic frequencies often with different forms of orgasmic energy simultaneously. So there’s really no limit to how much love you could give or receive but it’s going to take transformation.


One daka session alone last year it was like (in divine service and co-creatively) I was conducting a symphony of siddhic, orgasmic bliss with her energy body reconstellating it to profoundly richer ability to experience and receive love; heartgasms included. Yes; kundalini can be part of it all.


Keep in mind that she was AT a level of readiness where she could receive more of the divine masculine transmission and power directly working with her energy body; she had already released a LOT on her path before. I was only running 30% of what I could have and she was blissed out forming new neural pathways; her chakras templatizing new levels of bliss and reception at a new set point.


A main thing with the daka work path is to find a daka you can trust because if you can’t; you’re not going to let your body really open up and not much is going to happen.


Also consider about wherever you may be at in this;


If most women were to have a very initiated man of great power as a Lover, they wouldn’t be able to handle his power literally; it would fry them and their energy body would still be RESISTING it or self-sabotaging. This is eros-somatic in your entire energy body and multi-dimensional womb and heart; not really just mental.


So again; just HOW MUCH Love are you able to somatically RECEIVE (and condition yourself to receive) from a Grail Lover? This for sure gets into the Grail Tantra world.


I’m grateful that the work I do helps to DIRECTLY release and expand for women to AWAKEN their ability to BE more reunified and change their lives to more of the Truth, Love and Bliss that is possible (with Him) in Divine Union Grail paths and otherwise.


Remember; the archetypes alone give you much greater access to divine feminine CONSCIOUSNESS, beauty, influence and space TO experience sexier, richer love and reality.


Conscious women are more open to archetype work because they are more soul based rather than ego-personality based so there’s more room for beauty.

Another angle on this is that it’s not merely about your ‘conscious’ beliefs, it’s about WHO YOU ARE being on an energetic and somatic level.


The universe is responding to WHO you already are. and there is work you can do to authentically become that. Archetype activations can be a CENTRAL part of not just your beauty and allure but your expanded attraction and manifestation consciousness.

About Archetype Activations: Magic & Medicine

MOST of the 1000+ activations that I’ve served paying clients have been archetype activations. Archetypes and their ancient magic bring more embodied power and beauty to the table as well as spiritual growth.


Archetypes are essentially immortal God and Goddess fractals within the spirit and the collective consciousness which carry true power and beauty codes beyond the personal self. Archetypes allow you to ‘BE’ more like a demi-god because most of you are immortal (in soul).


In a path of spiritual growth; activations or initiations are cornerstone experiences that help you make quantum or progressive leaps and breakthroughs especially at an IDENTITY level of transformation. I myself have been initiated MANY times including with archetype activations.


Archetype activations for Divine Union helps your alchemical transformation of consciousness to HAVE more power and beauty TO alchemize and melt into The Beloved. It expands your range fan of consciousness to make love LIKE the archetypes would in hierogamy.


Soul mates is soul to soul intimacy and communion. Divine Union Hierogamy is God and Goddess Source and other God-fractal archetypal consciousness and Communion in presence/love; there’s simply far more impersonal and immortal sex magic in between you when it’s King consciousness communing with Lover-Priestess for example.


Archetype activations (which work DIRECTLY on and with your soul and energy body itself) – they initiate powerful areas of consciousness drawing from purified archetypal codes into your soul essence and embodiment. It allows a woman to have more literal archetypal beauty essenced chi quanta from which he could alchemize and reunify WITH in Communion.


That’s love-making like a starlet and allows a soul FULLER beauty and expression possible from the divine spectrum of the feminine itself.


Archetype activations can heal or support your fuller soul based divine masculine or feminine embodied identity, transcend egoic limitations, fabulous personal and spiritual growth in quantum leaps as well as directly affecting beauty or charisma itself


An unworthy feeling man could do archetypal embodiment activations and attunement work (like Powerliminals) to cultivate his divine masculine consciousness and expanded identity, power and charisma far beyond the limitations of egoic personal growth.


I wrote a report-book called Archetypal Medicine available on-site.


‘Personal growth’ is extremely limited because it’s EGO-CENTRIC. When it comes to charisma, influence and true POWER…it’s not just a ‘good mindset’ esp; for the feminine which is so ESSENCE centric. It’s about cultivating true embodied power and greater beauty itself OUTSIDE OF THE ego’s control or ‘doing-ness’.


Archetypes have immense power and status but ‘personal growth’ keeps you fractured from their true embodied power. That’s where my (and the upcoming Muse Priestess graduates) archetype activations come in to make real energetic, essence, consciousness and physiological makeover changes with the REST of you (heart, spirit, soul and body) that people can FEEL the vibe and light-truth power of Prince for example through you.


So what does your true identity; your SOUL identity (instead of egoic conditioning) desire to express yourself as? Archetypes btw are CENTRAL to greater social influence and success as well as integrative to performance arts and celebrity.




Divine masculine and feminine impersonal archetypes do not have the same issues HUMANS DO; they’re resolved on them. Starlet and Muse do not have performance anxiety for example; you simply have to sacrifice your shadows to allow ROOM for their pre-encoded truth to work through your soul essence.


The Holy Daughter archetype for example helps to mend deeper broken father wounds
Princess can fulfill areas of the psyche where you were unloved, unsupported or abandoned by the father
Maiden can also help re-invigorate deadened qualities to counter-balance a more ‘mature’ ego or persona


A Lover or Eros Archetype activation can get your fire and sexuality back online…all related to your allure (and I do those specific activations as well) which helps others to FEEL your more fotonic beauty and presence.


Dark archetypes have a lot to offer esp. in a strategy of integrating and balancing so that shadow or psychic attacks don’t reign your day to day and sabotage you.


Archetype activations are a central strategy for greater beauty, spiritualy ALIGNED power and influence for those who feel personal growth is too limited, yang or ego-centric.


Another example is that Prince brings in divine masculine worthiness, status and sociability with powerful people as well as worthiness to relate with princesses. For single modern men; much of the dilemma is how to relate to divine feminine presence and beauty (and its pathetic for shadow red pill bros to ‘neg’ it down as a tactic of trying to gain some power btw).


How DO you relate to a woman who IS carrying goddess, starlet power and how do you become worthy?


You don’t. Not on the personal inner game level; it’ll keep you in a non-social, non-sexual egoic trap for decades. As women have risen in archetypal power socially, you’d best to reclaim your own divine masculine inheritance; of warrior, prince, lover, eros and so forth – integrating these into your EMBODIED presence and consciousness so that women can sense, feel and know that you can be present and worthy with them.


Most men would rather grip harder onto their egoic inner game ‘psychology’ then actually slay it to be initiated into true power that women and other powerful, high status people FEEL and KNOW about them – and that is the realm of archetypal power; gods, kings, heroes, stars, lover-kings.


This greater power can run through your life force like ancient kings but most men won’t be ready for that kind of initiation into their greater identity; heart, soul and spirit because of that egoic self.


Archetype activations change lives and bypass the ego because we work directly on the spiritual soul and energetic level itself OF your body, deep psyche and consciousness. I’ve got 100’s of testimonials from me and my work.


So what archetypes are you drawn to in this new year? Vixen, Sage, Oracle, Magician, Dark Minx?!


Sessions available in makeovers or 3-packs on site.


Gift and Siddhic frequency band essence activations are also available (sourced in Gene Keys wisdom and the universal spectrum of consciousness).


Some of those activation examples are; Devotion, Peace, Harmony, Humility, Perseverance, Forgiveness, Freshness, Majesty, Authority, etc.


A great thing about archetype activations (and doing attunement work) is that people notice the big difference. SO many of my sessions have been life-changing for men and women…attracting DREAM partners, 10x the attraction from people, major healing, major breakthroughs and so forth. The archetypes have a lot of power.


Don’t forget you can access the Arch Medicine book and individual sessions are available for booking! There’s always time to consult enough at the start of a session to know which archetype activation for you!


Ask around; I’m pretty much the leading authority on ‘working’ with Archetypes.