The World’s Best Archetype Meditations

Here with Sexy Chi, we work with archetypes a LOT. Archetypal beauty is a major part of overall energetic beauty and its something you can work on to really master your soul self image, presence and communication. It’s also of core relevance to pro acting.


The transformational work centers on archetype activations. So if you want to dive into masculine and feminine archetypes, you can consider getting some activation work done as well as further supporting and cultivating your archetypal consciousness and image with the world’s best archetype meditations.


They are more powerful than regular meditations because they are alchemical attunements. To discover more about that, check out this article.


It’s a series that I’ve channeled and produced that is on my Powerliminals youtube channel. There are also paid versions of masculine archetypes available here.

Activations Vs. Attunements – Masterclass Edition

I’ve talked about this before and there is some confusion out there in the ionosphere and marketplace.


I’m bringing it up again b/c I’m secretly being asked to do some group activations soon (!)…and although both can be quite transformational, there is a big difference between an activation and attunement.


An activation is an individualized initiation from a master that PENETRATES your field directly.


Attunements are INDIRECT (even impersonal) and variable as far as their impact on your field (soul, presence, aura and chakras).


Some people (esp. those susceptible to transformation through transmutation) respond greatly and more sensitively to attunements like group meditations while others don’t.


A master cannot simply ensure that u are open to receiving the transmission during a general group attunement or to what level you are able to receive it. With an activation however; u ARE receiving it.


By these proper definitions, this means that a ‘group activation’ that people refer to is almost always a group ATTUNEMENT.


It also means that reiki attunements are actually activations when done IN person at a certification class and if you have that Reiki DVD, that is an actual ATTUNEMENT.


Being in the presence alone of a master can be alchemical attunement but doesn’t ensure transformation.


Although people will be affected and process in different ways; activations are direct, impactful and definitive in their influence on your field. Attunements again are indirect (some people just remain indifferent or closed to them) but in SOME cases can have the influence of an activation, but don’t let that confuse you.


I will be encouraging those who I work with to call the group activations group attunements (but I lead some powerful attunement work esp. with my history of my boutique meditation and archetypal work).


Another way to know what an activation is to remember that it is DIRECT and energetically penetrative to your individual aura.


Since group attunements cannot actually guarantee the individual penetration into each aura, people should stop calling them group activations.


Activations are penetrative like yang in their essence dynamic vs. a guided group meditation skirting your aura which allows you to tune in to some of its resonance – or not at all.


Now; activations don’t have to be from a master in the 3D. They CAN include penetrative transmissions or ie. DNA activations from ascended masters (not the idea of it but the ACTUAL energetic penetrative experience).


So; when most people are talking about a ‘group activation’; again, what it really is – is a group ATTUNEMENT that gives you the opportunity to attune with its transmission vs. something clearly and individually penetrative to your aura in intent (with permission).


Guided meditations are transmissions and attunements at best…so all these youtube videos that say they are like kundalini activations are NOT…they are attunements. Having kundalini awakened during a receiving session from a high priestess for example is an activation.


Activations are rarer and more reliable as far as predicting RESULTS.

So as cooler as it sounds to do a ‘group activation’ or ‘group initiation’ (virtual or in person), I have to just keep the simple truer definitions here b/c they are attunements.


Remember; attunements in their alchemical POTENTIAL *can* be powerfully transformative to some however who are able to let their aura be penetrated and affected through a group initiation, but usually not the same as direct from an activation.


I have become an experienced master of transmutation and attunement, but not everyone is going to cultivate their wild card variable to really get great transformation out of attunements and alchemical processes.


Even the remote AUDIO energy work I’ve included in the G7 Masculine Archetypal series is attunement work.


Activations make it brain-dead simple to KNOW that you know that you are getting direct soul influence and attention. Often; years of work can be done within a short session from a true master.


So when I am co-hosting The Cosmic Muse for example, just being in our temple space has its own group attunement quality when we invoke the presence of Muse with us, but it’s in the individual and direct activations that she brings her presence INTO each of their soul essence and embodiment at the deepest levels.


I have myself got massive value out of direct activations (much of which rewire and transfigure your DNA and consciousness) from my masters as well as thousands of hours of transformation through attunement (the archetypal meditation with Muse that I do is a form of attunement).


And we haven’t even talked about the BENEFITS of activations (oh my lord!).
Through both my attunements (like the paid archetypal attunement G7 Powerliminals) as well as activations, I’ve got killer testimonials that just keep comin’ in!


I’ve also been teaching for years on how to become a better alchemist to transform from attunements and transmutation.




Discover the world’s best (and free) archetype meditations (which are foundationally upgraded because they are alchemical attunements) here:


Archetype meditations on my Powerliminals youtube channel.