More Exploration of Archetypal Beauty
Archetypes Beauty Essence Blog Psychic Celebrity Readings
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If you desire iconic, timeless and immortal beauty (and different flavors of it), you are in the right place!
This is something we can literally consult on and then do direct energetic work on such as archetype embodiment activations.
There are many different authentic archetypes or ‘icons’ that we know of from in the un-conscious (and conscious) collective such as Prince, Queen, Warrior, Rebel, Magician, Witch, Sorceress, Princess, etc. Each of these have unique energetic qualities, consciousness and in the more refined sense; Truth of visual communication.
I’m authorized to work with all known archetypes and on the activations page, you can choose which you would like (some activations cost more btw).
That means the ‘quality’ of an archetype can be coming through in the presence of someone like a performer or celebrity.
Celebrities are great reference points for archetypal beauty btw and there are many examples throughout our blog such as;
BeBe Rexha: Goddess-Starlet

The possibilities for archetypal beauty are really wide open when you know HOW to access them for embodiment.
The thing is, most consumers and fans of celebrities don’t have access to archetypal consciousness and beauty. But if you can access it; it allows your soul to explore more of your feminine or masculine essence of embodiment, expression and life experience.
It’s not just for evolving and exploring your professional image, archetypal work can literally change your life because from the ENERGY of a Princess (for example) comes new actions, energies, thoughts, beliefs and experience.
Stars give themselves permission to take on a greater, soul-based identity that isn’t limited to the construct of the egoic personality. Stars get to play around with an expanded identity.
Most consumers don’t give themselves permission to be a Prince or ever believe they are worthy and high status like that for example; “How can Joe the tire salesman be worthy of being a Prince?”
It doesn’t compute and that is because of the limited identification of self that is anything but soul based.
But with your soul as your true identity, you can EXPLORE greater impersonal qualities and essences LIKE true starlets and celebrities.
One of the simplest truths about archetypes and their archetypal essence is that their power, qualities and presence are IM-personal; so that form of beauty itself becomes de-personalized and transcendant – universalized if you will – where your image transcends something greater in a feminine or masculine timeless, immortal sense….where Suzy all of a sudden becomes an Earth-Goddess in her presence and image.
There may be pictures of you on a day where you aren’t in your fuller expression and have your energies and thoughts more personalized and then there can be the magazine cover you that represents a certain ‘brand’ of feminine beauty that doesn’t even seem like you (but it’s still you).
While the Beauty industry is interested in LOOKING like different archetypes or such, here we are valuing the authentic energetic quality OF an archetype to be present in your visual communication on the levels beyond just the physical, skin-deep layer that most people see. It’s that energetic beauty and ‘je ne se quoi’ about someone that is alluring or charismatic…but now we can directly paint your image with more authentic divine feminine qualities.
That essence can be PAINTED with ie. Queen – Lover and that’s universalized energy is going to have its own enthralling ‘impression of increase’ effect on fans, clients or consumers.
It’s where you transcend your limited identity and take on the Presence of a Queen Lover for example – where it’s the REAL THING and it actually changes your entire love life into deeper everything.
Archetypal divine masculine and feminine power and consciousness opens up for you the more IM-personalized you become; again, thusly MOST common folk don’t ‘really’ gain access to it.
Sure, Beauty as we know it (1.0) helps you to LOOK like it, but you still might be missing the real beauty essence and power behind it…but you still might not believe you are a princess or goddess even if you look like it – and that incongruency can come across.
Different archetypes have different QUALITIES of essence that come across in your image – and check out other posts on this blog for clear examples. So it can be fun to consciously explore this and develop your ‘eye’ for it (and even more fun for you to embody it in YOUR image!).
I recommend to view from women around the world who are also from different cultures because archetypes transcend culture and race itself; you want to tune into the authentic archetypal qualities or energetic signatures.
Remember, I do literal archetype readings on a scale for embodiment and expression so this is an invaluable professional image assessment tool.
Performance artists (who are in soul service and alignment) are great reference points. They can let go of their smaller consciousness of self to be open to the EMBODIMENT and EXPRESSION of different archetypes…thus carrying much more power, essence, radiance and energetic beauty.
They allow their soul-based identity to mix essence with the immortal and then embody and express it in their unique soul expression.
One of the most dynamic women I have seen as far as dynamic archetypal beauty is Kratae a Thai singer who can literally go from Princess to Sorceress to Queen to Coy Maiden and back again in authentic essence, embodiment and expression. She can take on these different energetic signatures based on which role she wants to play!
Want to start exploring archetypal beauty for yourself?
You can get a full energy reading with a retainer here OR you can just book a first session and see if you want to do any further work with me from here.