Men: “How Do You Talk To An Angel or Goddess?”



This has been single mankind’s dilemma for millennia (as well as a theme throughout myth, story and music for ages). There’s literally even a song called “How do you talk to an angel” from the 90’s.


Not only that but this daunting dilemma of feminine beauty being on a pedestal or unattainable is implicated in the elusive ‘holy grail’ concept itself (which IS about divine reunification and Communion with the Feminine and not merely God the Father).


The concept to relate to true beauty is something that can give most single men the jitters; anxiety and tension…fearful he might be powerless and left abdicated from reunion with such Beauty itself.


I know this theme very well b/c I dealt with approach anxiety and other fears earlier in life and later became a leading ‘natural’ dating coach for single men under a different last name. I’ve worked for YEARS with men on the frontlines of this.


This ancient theme is in the movie “40 Year Old Virgin” as well about putting beauty and p*ssy on the pedestal. “Sex sells Gwen” a quote from National Lampoon’s ‘Van Wilder’. “She’s so high above me…a Joan of Arc, a Cleopatra”…aah the struggle of mortal man!


The thing is if you distill much of everything down, it comes down to Beauty and Power and the multi-dimensional sexuality reality between them.


This plays out on social-collective and personal levels as well. Beauty is a supreme value of the masculine (and of the feminine).


And it’s the desire to REUNIFY with it (in Communion) that is this deeper driving psycho-sexual and spiritual desire of man-kind.


But how to ‘talk’ to her when she has this beauty that 100 million other men could be in ‘line for’ ahead of you?


How do you compare to her authentic social value but especially if she ‘has it all’ and has authentic DIVINE FEMININE consciousness and Beauty (that of which I am on the frontlines of advancing and supporting)?


Whatta dilemma for single man because there’s no way his ‘inner game’ can compare b/c the influence of Her Beauty and sex has such power.


Years ago when I was a top natural leader in online men’s dating and attraction (under a different last name), I called out the fallacy of ‘inner game’.


It’s NOT about his/your inner game psychology; it’s really about power and beauty…there are meta-physical POWERS. Social media itself is LITERALLY meta-physical or ‘beyond’ physical and amplifies the influence of someone potentially infinitely.


A man’s personalized egoic construct of self (of 1 to 1) CANNOT actually compare to her divine feminine beauty (and it’s not even sexual). He doesn’t have the presence to have that level of POWER in relation to that Beauty.


His ‘power’ remains limited to his psychological ego when she carries the sexual, social and spiritual power…in many cases it’s literally like 1,000,000 to 1 ratio. 1 million other men could be ahead of HIM in line b/c of the Beauty she has or has inherited genetically and spiritually.


…b/c THAT is what he is going up against: his ‘inner game (ego)’ vs. her goddess, her starlet, her angel and that level of beauty (much of which is literally archetypal and that’s what I also help women become more embodied and radiant with our archetype activations…and there’s this massive power differential where she remains higher status and he’s disconnected from her level of presence.


For centuries of oppression the divine feminine consciousness IS rising and in ways is light years ahead of men socially, sexually and spiritually. There is great psycho-sexual and spiritual FRACTURE between the masculine and feminine.


The fantasy of sex, beauty and reunification SELLS but the reality is something else and few men striving for the Holy Grail ever attain it. Most will perish in the quest.


The differential for a man questing for worthiness and reunification with the BEAUTY of the divine feminine (literally in the bedroom and relationship) is to RECLAIM his divine masculine inheritance.


To embody archetypal divine masculine consciousness is a PRIME and practical gateway to this level of embodied power to relate to her beauty.


One of the main ways is for men to activate embodiment of divine masculine archetypes. They can do that through my appointments page.


(Yes, I still work with men!)


Men can also practice my Muse ‘natural grounding’ sex transmutation method of alchemy. We even have a Facebook group for it: sex transmutation and media.




Princes relate with princesses; stars to starlets but he hasn’t given himself permission to expand his self-identity.


Many women have reclaimed and are reclaiming their DIVINE, impersonal and immortal feminine beauty so there’s a POWER differential.


Again; we’re on the frontlines of that literally here with our popular archetype activations (available in 3 packs or allure makeover).


Such women are looking for relevant, powerful men who can relate to THEIR beauty IN PRESENCE so they can have deeper love and even hierogamy.


It’s a choice each has to make but I say that;


It’s time men also step up to reclaim and embody THEIR divine masculine archetypal and siddhic inheritance beyond the personalized, egoic self; their sexual, spiritual and heart power so that their expanded Self identity can finally relate to the immortal feminine beauty that is embodied in many of today’s women.


Archetype Meditation Attunements like my Powerliminals are another way in which to transform (this one more on a budget too).


This outlook can include getting ON his soul warrior KINGPATH and becoming a greater Lover with rich Eros presence.


But that’s on them. I’ve given a path and mostly work with women now but select men still have been determined to reach out and work with me (you can just by booking something or DM me).


Many men and red-pillers can keep on thinking that it’s about their inner game and keep full of anxiety around true feminine beauty; it’s their/your choice. It can’t be resolved psychologically b/c it’s about real and somatic POWER.


Reunification with the divine feminine is his ultimate answer and path; to be worthy of divine feminine beauty and consciousness IN PRESENCE (and AS a worthy LOVER).


I can help men directly and have for over 15 years but there’s something new on the horizon and it’s a grail priestess.


Grail Priestesses simply help to directly help him make that connection, reclamation and Remembrance for such men. They serve as a proxy of Beauty and attunement to attract the woman of his dreams and become that man. Look for the world’s first Muse Priestesses to be available soon!


Remember; a starlet can have a 100,000,000:1 power ratio of her beauty to a personalized man’s 1:1 human ratio.


He’s as meaningful as a fly to her level of beauty consciousness unless he can become relevant and worthy.


So if you get anxiety around beauty and high status women, if you think they are ‘out of your league’, you have got some transformational consciousness stuff to do b/c right here I’m on the frontlines of ADVANCING Beauty itself (and work with beautiful women weekly).


There’s also the Charisma Makeover package if you’re a man or know of one who is ready for a serious transformation and want to attract and be WORTHY of the quality of woman that you desire.