Mystical Beauty: Feminine Allure Masterclass

***Presenting The ‘Mystical Beauty’ Master Class!***



I’m so excited to announce this ‘first of its kind’ experience with Gillian Pothier!


Do you realize by now that radiating feminine allure and living in your embodied, authentic soul-essenced truth is simply a necessary part of your path to enchant deeper, richer, attraction, love, influence and delight?


Is it time to access the ancient and deeper mysteries of Mystical Beauty that goes FAR beyond, beneath and through merely superficial, skin-deep beauty?


See…Allure (which IS φotonic and ancient feminine mystique in its palpable light radiation) is what allows people to FEEL YOU in presence and image…it’s what ENGAGES with THEIR energy body and gets their heart, sex, mind, spirit and soul ONLINE with you (as compared to just scrolling by and not feeling anything even though you ‘look good’).


If you want more of that, you should join us in our upcoming sacred space container on Lion’s Gate 8.8 for this 3-date immersive experience.


Gillian and I go back IRL for years as friends in California.


It’s hard to believe it’s been about FIVE YEARS since we hosted The Cosmic Muse retreats in L.A.


As you can imagine, Gillian (of ‘Feminine Eros‘) and I have advanced so much in our wisdom, experience, embodiment and work with charisma, allure, beauty codes, the archetypes, essences and all of this light alchemy of Beauty itself….you’re going to be in a MAGICAL container so get ready to be DRENCHED IN Beauty codes. Muse, after all has given me so much more wisdom and experience in this time.


And since 2018, I’ve been helping women around the world directly awaken their own mystical feminine beauty with archetypal and siddhic essences and allure. My Allure Makeover Packages have helped women have significant and profound ‘before and after’ LIFE changes.


Also; there’s not much out there on true, pure allure teachings either because of so many distortions, hyper focus on the physical in the West and the general non-consciousness around this higher dimensional yet real aspect of beauty and its influence. Ask around and it’s safe to say that Gillian and I are on THE tip of the spear of Allure in the Western collective.


Magic always happens when Gillian and I co-host anything and this is going to be something EXTRA special and we want you there. It may not be for you however if you are currently at a place of a lot of unmetabolized trauma with the masculine however.


I’m kind of viewing our experience as doing double duty like an INCEPTION CEL of ALLURE CODES into the Western collective itself that could then further have ripple effects outwards even re-templatizing cultural standards…who knows?!


But back to you…you’re going to come out of this re-invigorated with new possibilities and radiance.


This is a first-ever experience that will be rich in empirical  codes, transmission, attunement and magic to shift your awareness, beauty consciousness and radiance itself. Plus, you’ll be joining many other women who are all receptive and ready for these codes (many of whom are also on a path of divine union and realize the central role of beauty and allure in it).


Allure (and the quanta of your essences it emanates) is really a gateway to the deeper harmonics and desires of your dreams…it’s what allows you to RADIATE your authentic essenced based beauty and soul-self as well as allowing the divine masculine in the world to FEEL YOU and be captivated EFFORTLESSLY.


And we ALL want more of that (amen!).


And yet; there may be so many things holding you back including fear of being taken advantage of, past experiences with men and so forth. The power combo of Gillian and I will speak to all of this to help you get ready to step up your true beauty and live in your higher timelines. We’re also going to guide you through a Powerliminal class attunement which may be very activating to your eros-soma.


Also; make sure you’re following Gillian herself if you’re not already.


We’re doing this Mystical Beauty Feminine Allure Masterclass over 3 days and it will feature;


Day 1 (8.8 Lion’s Gate!): 2-3 hour Allure Masterclass Transmission with Rion & Gillian


Day 2 (8.9): 40-60 minute experiential deep-dive attunement and light-somatic evocation of your allure (something like Powerliminal-class I’d say for those in the know ;)…


(More details on reg page)


Thing is; you must sign up BEFORE we begin on 8.8.23 because this is a LIVE experience (and we’d want you on the ‘live’).


We may or may not offer it afterwards as a replay (details are still open on that as we’re doing a lot of other preparation). It’s really best that you join us live ‘in the field’ itself.


Link to register is below! Join other women (women only!) who are ready for visceral breakthrough in their beauty consciousness and response from the world from their shifts.


p.s. this is PERFECT if you’re on a Grail path of Divine Union b/c allure (and it’s fotonic, feminine impact) is what allows the MASCULINE to FEEL you and ‘know’ without having to ‘talk him into it’, etc.


After all; such feelable Beauty is what he could reunify with. Join us?


Mystical Beauty Masterclass registration


Why Most People Will Never Have Allure or Charisma

Personalized identity of self and conditioning prevents embodiment of beauty and power (chi); thereby prevents allure and charisma.


Allure (feminine) and charisma (masculine) again is the flow and emanation of essences with and through chakric and auric embodiment.


(And this is all VISUAL as well because image itself is multi-dimensional light…it’s why we can feel things stir with those who carry true power and beauty like many celebrities just from their image)


Personalization (and the Western value of ego and personal growth) + conditioning is why MOST PEOPLE don’t even have allure and charisma and NEVER WILL. It’s how many modern men especially don’t even have archetypal qualities because there is just CONDITIONING instead of access of immortal masculine chi essenced consciousness/codes.


Having a PERSONALIZED self/ego and conditioned field (literally in the chakras) leaves one disconnected from soul embodiment as well as the other archetypes and their power/beauty.


Deep ‘inner game’ for men will endlessly keep them disavowed from their divine masculine inheritance as well as worthiness and presence with the divine feminine (necessary for Holy Grail Communion).


And for many women; they’ll keep relying on mastery of superficial beauty instead and wondering why people don’t FEEL them from their presence/image. They’re not connected to and embodying of the beauty codes.


They’re walking around with conditioned social and parental programming filling their chakric psyches and they haven’t unwound from all of the programming.


It’s kind of like having radio scramble FUZZ visually vs. the clarity of a high frequency CHANNEL streaming through; they’re not able to receive or transmit other signals of beauty or power b/c the chakric psyche is visually (with light and psyche) filled with chaos and distortion from conditioning.


How could they express divine feminine or masculine power or beauty in their presence and image (like purity, peace, ecstasy, honour, King, etc.) when it’s all just conditioned, distorted programming and chaos?


And when their PERSONALIZED IDENTITY constricts them from their unlimited soul identity consciousness that can take on immortal qualities and powers?


So you actually want to get into IMPERSONAL growth rather than personal growth (and archetype transformational work with attunements and activations holds a key power piece) and you want to DECONDITION your chakric psyche which isn’t communicating charisma/allure to others and alchemically influencing them.


Also; most people also have strong influential implants on the back of their chakras which are also preventing psyche and spiritual sovereignty in those areas.


Embodiment of what? SOUL Essence, the true self as well as other archetypal, element and siddhic essences.


Then the big question becomes: “How can I decondition?” And…”how can I depersonalize”?


(And how can I get to the real beauty and power that is possible for my soul-self that people can know and feel as real?)


There are many things you can do including living your Human Design strategy and authority for 7 years to de-condition on a cellular level but I would also be doing DIRECT chakric energy work releasing/deconditioning as well as other forms of professional releasing. Much of the junk stored in your psyche is other people, parental, religious and societal conditioning and programming that is BLOCKING your divine beauty and power (thereby charisma and allure as the energetic and visual truth of it).


If you are on a spiritual path and journey, remember that your ‘inner beauty’ isn’t disconnected from your beauty itself; it just practically shows up in the FORMAT and laws of essence, embodiment and expression as higher dimensional 5D Light-truth (and flavors of it) and 4D vibe-truth in ALL image.


Once there is more deconditioning (of social programming, lower self identity, trauma, lower timelines) there is more multi-dimensional ‘space’ in the cauldron of each chakric psyche, thus there is room FOR ie. Goddess or Queen mixed with your Soul essence to ‘be’ embodied and then expressed.


EVERY activation session (including archetype activations) I do for clients includes deconditioning energetic health growth maintenance, detox so more soul-truth and other essences can be embodied (thereby more presence of power and beauty that people can FEEL).


You also want to value shifting your seat of self from the egoic and conditioned personae/identity into the seat of the soul-self which is potentially infinite and then you can start accessing impersonal powers like the archetypes to then mix with your expanded soul consciousness.


It is what the great icons in history (as well as actors and actresses) have given themselves permission to do.


And as I’ve mentioned before; the personalized ‘inner game’ of conditioned men in a culture where the divine feminine is FRACTURED with divine masculine consciousness – and a reality where the divine feminine is rising in sexual and social power and status – keeps most modern men in consciousness, truth and presence DISCONNECTED and unworthy of attracting, communing and relating with the divine feminine aspects within women and beauty (this includes Divine Union level relationships of Love beyond soul mates).


Most people just aren’t doing the work OF deconditioning or transcending the limited egoic self construction and personae; they’re strengthening it and their conditioning; led by others programs and values instead of leading from the compass of their soul and its grander desires and liberation.


The answers are here; we’ve just been focused on the wrong things with a distorted lens. Allure and Charisma Makeover packages available on site ((where we work with your soul, deconditioning and the beauty/power codes (essences) themselves DIRECTLY for real presence, consciousness and image/beauty transformation!))