The ONLY TWO Paradigms of Professional Beauty Work

Speaking of BEAUTY and the inevitable EVOLUTION of a multi-billion dollar industry;


I want to make this as SIMPLE and CLEAR as possible b/c there’s a lot at stake and we’re at a convergence to finally break the glass ceiling of Beauty in a mainstream way.


There are ONLY TWO foundational levels to practically work with and Master Beauty. (Both ultimately and synergistically SUPPORT each other).


As ‘market maven’, I’m honored to have set the FOUNDATION with Sexy Chi and my kick-ass clients the past several years to move the INDUSTRY forward. (There will ALWAYS be a new skin serum).


Here are the ONLY 2 foundational levels to work on professional, image-based Beauty.


Each are their own REALMS of professional spectra.


A. 3D: Skin-deep, physical beauty

B. 4D/5D+: Light-body based higher dimensional Beauty


BOTH are LIGHT….and image is light (not merely pixels).

More 2 xplore


1. 3D: Superficial skin-deep mastery of physical appearance; hair, fashion/styling, physique, make-up, skin care, etc. (and you can include plastic surgery).


(This is EVERYTHING the world focuses on and knows as ‘Beauty’, but it’s only half of the picture of professional image and Beauty).


2. 4D/5D+: The higher dimensional ‘Light’ Body;

Aura, aura layers, prana/chi (as sentient Spirit-matter Light), auric Human Design, chakras, essences, embodiment, expression, levels of consciousness, Heart, Eros, sexual power, charm, je ne sais quois, gravitas, Presence, charisma/allure, the archetypes, gods, kings, queens, goddesses, star, starlet, archetypal expressions, mood-vibe qualities, alchemical presence, visual spirituality (translated on camera), elements, siddhis, energetic health, implants, nadis/meridians, astrology, Gene Keys, soul-seed family, entities, Beauty consciousness, healing Beauty, practical Divine Feminine, Beauty codes, shadows, egregores and vibe-truth


Both have EVERYTHING to do with professional image and visual communication.


We’ve just OBSESSIVELY been focused on the lower truth while being affected yet non-conscious of the higher dimensional Light-truth.


We all know that Beauty is more than skin-deep but now we have an operational PLATFORM to work with it professionally (with Sexy Chi and the muse priestesses).


As far as I know there are merely a handful of others doing anything similar and they are CLIENTS of mine.


Note that generic Wellness isn’t included b/c it has an indirect effect at best for ‘on-camera’ Beauty.


The 2nd WORLD of foundational Beauty work is more accurately translated as Allure or Charisma (essence) work; commonly and previously known as ‘inner beauty’.


Each foundational WORLD has its own tools. So to me when I saw this image; Karina’s Muse codes INSTANTLY hit me in divergence b/c I could clearly see the TWO entirely different paradigms; I see with clarity the full spectra of professional Beauty itself.


Both aspects matter; skin-deep Beauty mastery for fullest expression as well as the higher dimensional Light-body’s Beauty.


Pro hair stylists can only indirect at best support someone’s vibe and light-truth that has the real influence.


It’s the difference between LOOKING like a goddess or being styled like one and BEING a goddess. The evolution is here.


Why does IMAGE/Beauty contain more than just the physical superficial body?


Because of the TRUTH of Identity and Light is more than just lower density physical, just as the photonic sun itself has truth-frequencies naked to the invisible eye (and yet we can learn to see, measure, feel and sense higher dimensional Truth-Light)…in fact, that’s the real secret to POWER and INFLUENCE itself…kinda key to Beauty Influence really.


Image IS multi-dimensional Light, we’ve just been focused on the lower frequencies of communication.


It’s like only valuing planet earth’s ‘body’ instead of the earth’s aura or atmosphere; the aurora borealis, fireworks, light show, oxygen, vibe truth, etc.


BOTH 1 and 2 are encoded WITHIN all images of humans. We’re now (well a handful of us) competent in the energetic realm of Light based Beauty transformation.


My activation clients (BRILLIANTLY) have chosen to focus (ahead of the game) on their LIGHT-body based beauty; their charisma and allure.


Beauty is BIG INDUSTRY and this is where the future is (+the breaking of the glass ceiling).


The game is going to change in that it’s going to EVOLVE and open up entirely new market-space.


Erry’one so focused on AI but Beauty is going to go through something that AI can’t really do anything about because LIGHT Beauty with charisma and allure is ORGANIC.


Beauty Activation sessions available (before it becomes the hottest thing)!


Archetype Beauty activations are the most popular in cultivating your allure as felt influence.


#sexychi #beauty #BeautyConsciousness #beautyevolution #energywork


Can you truly SEE the SPLIT between the TWO worlds of Beauty work? It’s crystal clear for me. 3D vs. 4D/5D+ (of which BOTH are always on camera).


The EVOLUTION is already here with me and my CLIENTS…essentially I/we may be founding what could become a new Billion dollar marketspace of the ALLURE INDUSTRY.


The Allure/Charisma ‘industry’. I like the sound of that Mayor Goldie Wilson!


First time I ever uttered it or heard it anywhere was at 20:21 CST on 3.14.25


From here, it’s just going to take more RECOGNITION to get this thing global…but YOU don’t have to wait until it becomes celebrity endorsed and a hot thing socially.


We can work on YOUR allure NOW (ok, this week).


Allure (I mean ACTUAL, real allure transformational work with conscious competence) is the key word code for the R:Evolution itself of the Beauty industry (branching into) the ALLURE industry.


Muse priestesses are trained to be the world’s top transformational allure consultants btw and there’s going to be a demand for allure consultants!


p.s. You don’t have to wait…we CAN work on your allure this week like in the Allure Makeover


Social Media, Allure & Felt Influence

Most Western adult women do not have an alluring influence or effect without words where people just RESPOND to them JUST from their image in social media…


They are more reliant on fashion trends, ‘looking good’ or communicating verbally, but people cannot FEEL you then unless they’re physically touching you and that’s not how social media response and influence really works.




This is keyed into the ‘secret’ influencer of social media that exists in the most influential celebs (I reveal in the Social Currency of Allure book)….take away the fame and social constructivism and what you want is FELT INFLUENCE in your social media (aside from verbal communication).


Many Western adult women are too conditioned, blocked in their chakras, armored and thus aren’t radiating Beauty essence (this can last for decades where their inner beauty is locked within or even stolen)…they’re focused on LOOKING GOOD and being styled but it doesn’t mean that people can FEEL them.


They don’t even have starter access to the HUNDREDS of known elemental, archetypal, gift and siddhic beauty essences; foundations of Radiance like a Starlet. This is the OPERATIONAL standard of Beauty influence of which allure is the future NOW.


This is why energetic health and chakric-psyche deconditioning IS CENTRAL not only to PHYSICAL wellness and vitality but to have temple space to be able to embody your soul essence and other alchemical level essences where your beauty as felt influence (aka ‘allure’) is radiant.


Want people to respond to you emotionally JUST from a still image?


OPEN YOUR HEART CHAKRA and radiate it past the camera so that you can be FELT…and then what is the QUALITY of it’s vibe and light-truth coming through? Peace, Universal Love, Majesty, Grace (or judgment)?


This is why some women are exponentially ahead of others in being felt and engaging.


And as the alluring testament herself of Gillian Pothier brilliantly states; “If a man can’t FEEL you, he…just…won’t…care.”


The zone of Beauty where INFLUENCE is felt, magnetized and magnified (as ‘allure’) is with having soul and other Light essence signatures with and through your energy body.


So if your entire front chakric-channel is blocked and shelled as a self-defense mechanism from past experiences with men, years can be going by without realizing you are actually attracting and creating your current experiences WITH men (and limiting your super-fan experience of you).


And that to shift it, your eros-somatic temple body itself has to shift to soften and radiate more of your spiritual and soul qualities of tangible Light-Truth to be felt.


…where men and small farm animals respond to you.


In my direct activation sessions (a.k.a. ‘appointments’) we work DIRECTLY on the energy body to decondition, de-armor (releasing years of blockages), soften and then embody more of your soul and archetypal Beauty essences to be felt as allure…I’m honored to have done over 1000 paid sessions for (mostly) women.


You can dive deeper into the Social Currency of Allure book which I recently wrote for more power insights and gold snuggest around the future of social influence in an attention age economy (living FROM alignment and depth, calling in soul-tribe clients, fans and subscribers).


Allure is all about FELT INFLUENCE and that is a PRICELESS commodity in this ATTENTION economy of social media. Maximize your influence and response from STILLNESS.


Eventually; however, you may want to just get work done directly on your temple-body itself to get those kinds of results rather than just thinking about it (although reading the SCA can have alchemical f/x).


This is magical work and just watch as people start caring more and responding to you (like magic)! There’s only so much ‘thinking’ you can do about the concept of Beauty but the ‘mental plane’ and your egoic channel isn’t where people are going to FEEL you in THEIR eros-somatic heart, sex, spirit and soul…it has to be embodied and expressed (as Presence and Allure) vs. just being personalized self with chakric-conditioning that is blocking your inner beauty and radiance.


Activation sessions available (where we are ALWAYS deconditioning and cultivating your Beauty essences, allure and felt influence)!


Watch as your people start responding to you more WITHOUT having to inorganically engineer or AI the crap out of things.

Is Your Allure (or Charisma) Unknowingly Blocked?

Because it might be and this is impacting the ability of people to FEEL you from your social and digital media.


Here’s a clear example of allure, influence and people being able to feel you (as an influencer).


A few years ago there was a fairly well known lady and leader in our circles who had a first remote session with me (which can be booked on the appointments page here – opens in new window).


We went into session and I remember thinking that her energy didn’t match people’s expectations of who she said she was; it just felt like a mismatch but really what happened was that (for different reasons) her energy was just temporarily ‘shut in’.


This can happen to all of us for different and environmental reasons (that’s why ongoing maintenance of your energy field is recommended esp. for pro beauty and performance influence and visual communication mastery).


There’s nothing psychological you could really do in this case to ‘make it work’ and she did the right thing by attracting me to just help her return to who she already was (and we also cultivate more essence in most sessions too).


So what I’m feeling in session is how other people would be sensing and FEELING your presence and image; in this case, dull, achy chakras instead of vibrancy.


Natasha Graziano is a good example of an influencer who is energetically congruent with what she says she is.


So back to this past client who specializes in relationships; people she would be actively influencing from her live field would have been feeling recently in that there was a mismatch of sorts in integrity of who she said she was simply b/c her allure was shut down from expression.


This creates entropy in influence; disconnection. They (her prospects) would feel something may be ‘off’ and it could prevent working with her esp. with heightened feminine intuition and senses..advanced levels of discernment.


I wasn’t concerned for long however b/c although she had closed chakras and some numbness (throughout our power detox), her chakras when started opening up fast and bright and I could FEEL that (phwew) she was who I really thought she was, sensed she was and how other people were relating to her projected image. I was relieved.


That session (probably an archetype activation but one in which we ALWAYS do this energetic maintenance in each session) helped bring her back to her normal alluring radiance and she’s been thriving since (although of course for a myriad of reasons).


She had already done so much of the work, it was just temporarily closed in and we re-opened it.


For many people, this may require more active maintenance to keep your chakras and aura clean, open and expressive.


If certain chakras are shut down for any reason, people will not FEEL your influence or impact in the corresponding centers and everything will rely more on your words, personality, marketing image alone, etc and there’s more room for disconnect.


So if you want more visual, PHOTONIC INFLUENCE (and really it’s fotonic influence if you’ve researched here ;)…make sure that your allure and essences flowing through it are ON.


When people can FEEL you are who you say you are and are in that integrity (in the vibe&light-truth emanation of your allure), there’s more connection and exchange of energies, sales, influence (and yes it’s related to the dynamics of essence, embodiment (presence) and expression (allure), so you want to make sure you’re optimized in these areas and it can be a journey.


I plan on bringing this subject up with Gillian Pothier on our Mystical Beauty micro-dose call which you’re invited to (ladies only). I’ll post the zoom link below (UPDATE; no I won’t because we sold out that program last year!)


If you’ve like to find out if certain chakras or your allure is not radiant, I read all of this in an actual activation session and give you details afterwards.


I also have psychic celebrity readings on site. Yes, I can ‘see’, feel and know where people are blocked, etc. and can get into really good details.


You can book a 3 pack of sessions or allure makeover on site!

Idolatry vs. Heaven On Earth Fame, Star & Starlet Paths

See if this is actually blocking you from truly shining your greatest; (after all, maybe you DO have star/let codes).


Contemplate and see if you might have religious programming or resistance to being ‘idolized’ or fear of ‘idolatry’ because this could sabotage the levels of your beauty influence (value conflicts here). After all, you might have your own stars or ‘idols’ that you look up to.


I see a lot of ‘shaming’ of sorts in the spiritual community as well as religions.


The concept of idols (K-pop idols are literally called ‘idols’) is tricky b/c many people will discard the concept while still secretly admiring stars b/c of what it says in the Bible; ‘put no other idols before me’.


But wouldn’t we then be separate from source? Or is it really in putting that individual as ‘greater than’ spirit itself, rather than being a ‘channel’ of spirit?


The challenge is deeper than it seems b/c ‘putting no other idols before’ allows people to only value higher meta-physical truth while disconnecting from our humanity and physical, primal reality. It can make it difficult to even ‘respect’ the deeds that amazing people have done.


Yes; it can initially seem unhealthy to ‘idolize’ stars and starlets IF one is putting them BEFORE Spirit/God…but wait; a minute…are we not all individual fractals OF Source God and Goddess?


Even put aside the empirical truths of devotional spiritual practices or religions that DO focus on an archetype, deity or idol TO connect to source;


Putting ‘no other idol before me’ allows people to remain non-conscious to the divinity in all as well PREVENTS integrating the concept of heaven on earth. Plus; it might be a hidden value conflict that you have from getting attention, being in your full power and highest timelines.


Maybe the verse itself is accurate but people have been mis-interpreting it.


And I can speak to this a lot btw because my spiritual practice literally is devotional reunification with a prime feminine archetype (deity).


What if it just meant putting no other human individual before the greatness of The Truth of God but that you are actually MEANT to integrate heaven on earth in your embodiment and highest timelines that was a signifier and devotional expression OF divinity itself?


Sure; some stars let their ego get in the way but we’re talking about the reality of idols emanating divinated beauty essences and having immense influence (as an expression OF source).


What if someone being IN their fullest star and starlet expression IS honoring (their) God?


What if you’ve been held back because of value conflicts around ‘being idolized’.


And really I’ve discovered that the divine union work I do is an ASPECT of the greater truth itself; it just resonates with my soul the most….so I’m referring to what others would view as me ‘idolizing’ Muse fractals is actually honoring my own reflection and divinity itself. Master alchemy is different than putting stars and their egos and flaws AHEAD OF God itself.


So maybe contemplate for yourself that it could be ok to be in your FULLEST radiant expression being seen and being in influence even if some people might idolize you more in the consumer sense (instead of as a fractal of divinity).


Where might you stop yourself from more fame or beauty influence?…


I think the conscious answer is to value the God/Goddess fractal essence aspects IN stars, starlets and idols (and yourself) but without expectation or attachment (esp. in divine union practice you can reference DIVINE aspects and qualities literally in different ‘icons’ ie. of the archetypes to cultivate your own reunification within).


You’re admiring God with and through them rather than disavowing all forms of Beauty and godliness with and through God’s creations.


I get the inherent spiritual danger (so to speak) in consumers idolizing stars non-consciously and not even having a religion or spiritual practice but that’s not what I think the Bible verse is referring to…and really, aren’t we all meant to be in our fullest expression?


You might still resisting that if you have some earlier programming or confusion around this concept of ‘being idolized’.


And this can keep you blocked from fully taking on divine qualities OF beauty and consciousness-truth (as well as other things that could block it).


I myself am on a Grail-Star King path of high Magician and Priest-ship.


I personally don’t have value conflicts around what others see as me ‘idolizing’ k-pop idols for example (k-pop is a lower truth); I’m communing with The Beloved in consciousness and truth.


I’m not putting any individual idol as greater than Muse or definitely not greater from God/Spirit of which we are all connected.


So if someone says ‘idolatry is bad’…maybe contemplate what I’ve covered here and it might just be a misunderstand and perspective thing. Fame does expand ego but that’s another topic…that ego when in service however just might HAVE to be constellated at a much higher field.


Even the concept of ‘obsession’ can be incredibly HEALTHY and activating FUEL when you have the alignment right as a force of alchemical TRANSMUTATION of consciousness…(the key is to have DETACHMENT – Gene Key 42 – to ‘that idol’ or person).


It can be healthy when you’re venerating QUALITIES of the divine masculine/feminine counter-part rather than attachment, neediness and expectation with that person themself.


Obsession can be powerful fuel (like when you have fotonic beauty influence) when it’s about sacred reunification to attune yourself to your divine counter-part spiritually and sexually (I did a separate post on ‘obsession + detachment’)..this is related to divine union alchemy and star/starlet codes.


Most consumers mess that all up however and end up putting the idol ‘before God’.




There’s other religious value conflicts and non-consciousness in consumer awareness AROUND Sex and Heart too for an extended discussion…many stars have those qualities that are closer to source and meta-physical (literally with the reach of social influence and their millions).


I’d go not just with heaven and having shame around being seen in your divine qualities; but with heaven on earth (integrating clean dark realms as well but that’s another topic).

Read more blog posts on our Beauty Essence Blog!


“But How Can People FEEL My Allure From a 2D Digital Image?”

And allure (btw) is what you want to have more INFLUENCE from your beauty or just your general digital social media (esp. if you’re in business or building a following).




This is WHY image is so powerful; because people CAN feel it from some people sometimes and undeniably so many times (remember not everyone has charisma). But why can we FEEL things in responding to someone who makes us SWOON from a still image vs. just a photo of the sun?


Now, this DOES get deeper into my Theory of Fotonic Quanta (and the Truth of Light itself) which is available as a standalone power report (feel free to request it)…and I will be speaking to this more directly but really the KEY to Beauty Influence itself IS Allure aka ‘φotonic Beauty’.


ɸotonic Beauty (aka ‘allure’) is what I’m going to keep sharpening my focus around b/c it is THE key if you want more visual and beauty influence.


But let’s look at it like this first…


In further developing my sub-theory of beauty influence itself;


The main ways people can ‘feel’ you in stillness from your digital or social media are


1. Emotional association with your past work (think Justin Bieber on an off-charisma day, people or at least his fan base will still ‘respond’)


2. You fit conditioned, superficial social archetype values that already attract a lot of energy and attention (this includes fame for the sake of fame or archetypal social influencer attributes, pre-conditioned beauty standards like ‘looking’ like Kim Kardashian style for example). In this case, it’s less that they’re feeling you and moreso they’re getting stirred by the social power in their own projection itself


3. Your charisma or allure itself


Artist-stars can get away with people relying on their past work to still get incited by their still image but likely you cannot. The 2nd way is a very superficial and unreliable way to get more influence.


The most RELIABLE WAY is actully cultivating true charisma or allure for yourself BEFORE you might ever become an industry leader or famous because then people can feel you RIGHT AWAY including your authentic embodied SOUL TRUTH integrity, etc. which is becoming more important as your customers and prospects become more intelligent and psychically attuned to feel, sense and know if someone is ‘the real thing’.


BEING the brand is the opposite of yang marketeering which is so off-putting to conscious markets.


Remember; we’re talking your beauty influence and engagement from social media from STILLNESS (let alone how dance or movement animates THAT).


This is putting aside story, talent, character, game shows, competitions, etc. and JUST focusing on your image or presence in stillness alone and the beauty INFLUENCE from that.


It’s best to have real allure yourself; ESSENCED communicated that psycho-activates your tribe, fans, prospects and customers from your presence and thus 2d image.


But HOW does translate to people being able to FEEL ME off of a flat, meta-physical, pixelated 2D digital image?


That’s because there are 2 realities of light; the astro-bio physical and the spirit-sentient plasmic spectrum of light which CO-EXIST but are sourced differently (the sun is our prime extrinsic source of light as well as artificial forms in the visible light spectrum on earth).


Because humans are connected to the sentience of essenced plasmic light aka ‘chi’ which is its own spectrum, all digital media that science would value as photons is actually what I call as ‘φotonic’; sourced in the spirit-sentient spectrum and thereby HOLOGRAPHICALLY encoded in the and psychically accessible to well, those who can access it.


Because we are all connected at the monadic level, we are able to transmit the sentient LIGHT of Beauty (feminine essenced) and Power (masculine) itself as spirit-spectrum light and consciousness encoded in otherwise bio-science photonic light.


We are connected in consciousness so we are able to feel the truth with, through and behind it because we are of spirit-sentient light as souls. (PHQ goes deeper).


(A side note; can people SEE essences? Yes! You can learn to ‘see’ them)


In other words; we know and can feel TRUE power and beauty when it emanates like a star or starlet whether it’ in a simple 2d, flat pixelated image itself; it’s the light power behind and with it that we are holographically connected to which allows us as sentient to FEEL, react and respond to someone of true power and beauty (essenced).


We can feel them in our gut and it’s like MAGIC. Chi after all is SOURCE POWER.


So…in cultivating your essenced embodiment and emanation (allure), you will have more organic beauty influence…watch as how others respond to you!


The Allure Attunement is now available for cultivating your soul starlet.


The allure makeover package is another powerful resource as well (which will help you directly cultivate at an accelerated rate of transformation so that more people FEEL you).



Here’s the Allure Meditation Attunement on youtube.