Queen: Energetics of Great Attraction & Provision

Beauty Essence Blog

Want to exude intoxicating energetic beauty that really calls in the masculine spirit of men, money and material wealth?


How about doing that with little to no effort – even if you aren’t the most physically attractive woman. And how about without being a sugar baby or gold digger)?


Want to enjoy the RICHES and experiences the world has to offer? Well…your literal IMAGE and energetic presence can attract that so where the masculine and provision is drawn like bees to honey.


What most conscious women might not realize is that receiving-ness of divine masculine (or NOT) can be seen in your aura and image; most people aren’t just consciously aware to be able to sense it but your RESULTS can gauge whether it’s happening or not (or a direct energy reading and referencing other women who DO have that going on).


If you want to shift your reality, working energetically is the SOURCE of it. Change that, you can change everything else instead of working on superficial fixes for years. That’s not to say a good beauty makeover as we previously knew it – cannot do wonders.


We value both extrinsic and intrinsic beauty, but if you are still not attracting what you desire and have a high B/Q (extrinsic beauty quotient) – this may be just what you are missing.


And since sales is more and more becoming prospects resonating with you, your presence and image; this stuff matters b/c energy doesn’t lie..esp. if u are getting into Hieros Gamos (sacred reunification) spiritual work, priestessing or serving men.


Or – if you are a woman who just wants to maximize her energetic beauty, influence and quantum leap her attraction and manifestation abilities.


Your energy attracts or repels – not just your extrinsic beauty…it’s your energy itself – and this is also communicate in your image – we are just more non-conscious of it.


So if you have resistances towards the men, masculine, Kingship or are preaching about Hieros Gamos but do not have the energetic alignment and (enough) codes, that will be shown in your image. (And that can include trauma related to past experiences with men or literal daddy issues).


Your experience with men is largely related to your energetic relationship to the source masculine – and this all shows up in your presence and image itself (which I do readings on).


Every woman can be at a different stage of her life. There’s nothing wrong per se with feminists but I will reference them energetically.


Post-modern feminists and I daresay femi-nazis (even lesbians activists objectively speaking) are most resistant to the meta masculine with the literal *CROWN* chakra BLOCKED.


As u can imagine, that has a lot of implications incl. personalizing the field and so much more. Modern Rose McGowan, Megan Rapinoe are objective visual references for this (cerca 2019) for having a more closed crown chakra. Check out my disclaimer on celebrity references here*


Celebrities CAN change; heck, it’s this priceless awareness and what Sexy Chi and the energy healing background can do TO make that change. It’s just part of the deal if you are in the public eye or famous that people will talk about you and become more psychically aware of what your image is communicating (that alone is more reason to take this seriously).


Generally, for private clients however I get approval of course to use or reference them, but if you are a non-client celebrity in the public eye – I may reference you as cultural critique and in the awareness that your image can be very dynamic and change – even from month to month.


So, post-modern feminists can have their own energetic template and qualities (Feminist is a literal archetype now btw b/c of its impact on the collective).


A feminist’s crown is more closed to the masculine – and many of them DISAVOW the masculine or want to ‘burn the patriarchy to the ground’. This shows up energetically.


Also, many feminists embody the lower vibrational masculine within their chakras – trauma can remain stored and is creating dissonance in their feminine system.


Masculinized shells can also form and this is all preventing their true soul essence and beauty to be embodied and expressed. (We can work literally on all of this btw with the energy work Sexy Chi does).


Goddesses – archetypally speaking – are more just unilaterally embodied with divine feminine; water and earth (like a Demi Lovato; JUST woman) and where Masculine consciousness is outside of them; it’s not really circulating within them, but their crowns are more emanating Goddess rather than being entirely blocked like the archetypal Feminist.


Most of these women in the Goddess archetype find that balance in a relationship with a man and HIS masculine energies instead of being more internally balanced and lit with both masculine and feminine.


If you have strong embodiment of the Goddess archetype, it’s going to take a lot of masculine essence to even reach through to instigate you. This gets into the alchemy of fire with water for example; you just don’t even FEEL a lot of men esp. if they are dis-embodied.


Often with a Goddess;


There’s just SO MUCH WOMAN that there isn’t much embodied air, fire or immortal devotion to the masculine; she just ‘is’ in her presence.


Goddess circles for years have represented and valued this…and in some sense, they are also disconnected from the virtuous and righteous qualities of the healthy Masculine.


Hieros Gamos is different (and what you may want to focus on to be a Queen that attracts and lives her desires); it is divine reunification within and without OF the meta-masculine and meta-feminine..but it’s where you still retain your predominant feminine essences.


So this can ALSO show up in a woman’s literal image and presence like Gillian Pothier (who is growing more into her Queenship aspect) as well as Erica Jade on Facebook…and it’s this that can inspire men into Kings and such.


It’s all causally sourced from YOUR energy field because you are co-creating and attracting your experience with and through the Law of Attraction.


This kind of woman who is receiving of Masculine essences has the energetic RELEVANCE and resonance to qualities of the energetic and spiritual masculine (as compared to being disconnected or disavowed to it).


It’s easier for cash to flow to her for example and receive provision vs. taking on masculine energies herself to ‘get things done’ and adapt to this culture which then leads to burnout and fatigue.


And it should be said that many Western MEN are getting left behind sexually, socially and culturally because of this greater sexual and spiritual disconnection that women hold energetically (like Feminist and Goddess archetypes).


Hieros Gamos Muses, Queens and Lover Priestesses have a different general energetic quality which is receiving and cycling of Masculine Light consciousness IN the aura that breathes.


Seolhyun from AOA is a good example of a Muse-Lover who has Hieros Gamos encoding and can energetically receive energy and attention attractively FROM the masculine; thus she’s more likely to attract it because she’s not energetically resisting or blocking it.



These women are far more balanced, reverent and lit; literally able to energetically BE penetrated from the Light, solar power and King consciousness whereas other women (including Goddesses) can be closed off to The Masculine.


And it’s also about the quality of her energetic beauty that can attune a man into a higher multi-dimensional experience for example (together and in polarity).


These rare women; the more Reunified Queens who relate with King consciousness) who buck the popular post-modern feminist trend have reclaimed the greater spiritual truth of Lover Goddess, God, King and Queen…they love and care about and for the Masculine spirit energetically (the source) and that comes through in how men relate to them.


The spiritual truth of Communion and Reunification is not something that can be contained to an ideological perspective or cliche of ‘women being barefoot and pregnant over the kitchen sink’. It’s not even that. There’s much more going on (beyond Feminism) that is central to the overall awakening of consciousness on the planet.


And these rare women attract something different esp. because they stand out. When your feminine essence allure emanates, you can start attracting men…and when you see the results other women are getting, it can re-frame your paradigm of what’s possible.


The Goddess-Feminist can experience a lot of troubles with men sexually and in the relationship department with things.


So…how do some start making the transition from embodied Goddess (if that’s where you are at) into being called to attract, serve and heal the divine masculine within and without?


Or how about just ATTRACTING the wealth, sex, love and spiritual growth that is possible?


Well..u will know if it is time, we can assess where you are at and just dive into the Allure Makeover Package. Or…you may want to consider the Hieros Gamos X Queen path.


By working on your energy directly, we are able to do a LOT. It may take someone very experienced and cultivated with Hieros Gamos (ie. me) but then we will be able to open things up faster to the MAGIC of archetypal divine masculine and King-making, King-attracting work that cultivates your Queen.


As THOSE authentic qualities (like receptivity to Masculine penetration and yang qi) start emanating from your image/presence, they will softly pierce through to aspects of men and others; image that attracts and inspires (sales) and devotion.


It can be a profound life shift as there may also be fundamental things we have to work on first as part of your transition into a radiant Queen.


The Allure Makeover Package is available here. And the Queen Path is available here.


About celebrities and me doing celebrity energy readings or referencing famous people…


*DISCLAIMER: Remember that this is a professional image consulting platform. If you are in the public eye like a celebrity, people are GOING to be aware and conscious of your image.


I’m not trying to demean or ever defame anyone but rather to point out objective truths that consumers themselves as they become more aware and psychic would also know as generally or verifiably accurate (although it’s officially used as cultural commentary under fair use copyright guidelines and image copyrights belong to respective copyright holders – also that other psychics, image consultants or body language readers might read something different than I do).


This all reinforces the point that celebrities and those in the public eye may want to master their image because they are in the public eye. There may be things they are not even aware they are communicating.

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