Jimin – AOA – Essence Reading

Ok, there’s been a lot of drama recently for those in the know with K-pop.


I don’t know all of the details, but Jimin quit AOA (Ace of Angels) and the entertainment industry after it became clear she was accused of bullying Mina.


The bullying was somehow related to a suicide attempt from Mina and the death of her father (as well as some other instances).


Now Jimin is getting shamed a LOT…the culture in S. Korea is a bit different because the mayor of Seoul just committed suicide after one harassment claim.


Other K-Pop artists have committed suicide from depression – possibly also related to bullying.


Anyways, I felt called to finally do a reading on Jimin (and am excited to get to other readings) – in part because I finally have the blog going after several years and have known AOA since their beginning.


Keep in mind that this isn’t a fuller energy reading where I could also KEEP going into layers of more energetic details about the truth of her; on these blog posts, I just pick what things I would like to share.


So – let’s focus on 신지민 (Jimin) ENERGETICALLY. This will bring new insights in (also because someone’s energy and also behavior points out signs and patterns).


I love AOA and Jimin was unique. She ALWAYS stood out to me from the beginning.



Years ago I sensed that despite her sassiness, there was sometimes something toxic in her energy field – she was unlike all of the others who were more we’ll say ‘holistic’ energetically (although in general there was very little Goddess embodiment).


Archetypally I would classify her as Bratty Princess – Muse.



At her best she would definitely have this sassiness that stood out and at her worst, she came across as ‘broken’ in some way.


Not only are there lower vibrational frequencies in her aura throughout the years, there’s some kind of soul fracturing and a constant need for approval and being in control…this is/was communicating in her image to me all the time.


It could have been related to parents and upbringing quite possibly.


Now, keep in mind that I’m not saying any of this to shame her, I’m saying it because I still love her and when you are in the public eye like this, you are GOING to be talked about and critiqued.


Here; we are just uncovering what future stans would uncover 20 years from how; the psychic TRUTH of their professional image and communication.


I’m still finding the balance however so as not to cross certain lines, but again your energy doesn’t lie so it’s important to take this seriously. I knew she was broken in ways energetically.


But to me – that was also part of her allure and beauty to some extent. It also made her more relatable to some.


Look; she can CHANGE. Much of what I do is now to help certain women transition FROM being broken (per se) INTO being whole and reunified as well as evolving from Princess INTO Goddess or Queenship for example.


I think with Jimin, the toxic shadow side just kept unfortunately getting reinforced with their group dynamics. She – esp. in the position of leader – could get that kind of attention and get away with things.


What happened now with Mina revealing things is just karmic retribution.


신지민 and Mina AOA


Only she brought this upon herself…but it did go unchecked long enough. For insiders, there would have been many yellow flags.


Energetically it makes perfect sense to us though; if you would have asked me “Guess which AOA member broke up the group – (or something like that)? 20 to 1 I would have said Jimin.


Because I already knew much of what she was like energetically. (Being a practical psychic brings great real world insight value).


So one of the other things you can do is to reference the 64 shadow of Gene Keys as well as the Line Shadows to get an idea of what resonance frequencies exist and are playing out in her life.


For example; it seems she has Line 4 for her EQ; Mean-ness.


And she has often held other (Gene Key) shadow frequencies such as Chaos, Division, etc. whereas most K-pop idols don’t…they have better and cleaner foundational energetic health. Gene Keys alone could help her reinvent and heal herself as well as how she relates to others….from the unique shadows she has carried and the dysfunctional aspects of Princess into generally healthier maturity.


At times her energy has been more purified and attractive (although mostly ungrounded) but she has still carried some internal imbalances and fracturing in her chakras and aura; something ‘off’.


She often brings people down into (her) chaos rather than uplifting them with her allure for example. And we see these little power games.


Could she change? Yes….if she was American, there’s always hope for redemption and reinvention as an artist, however Korean culture is different.


She may be done with entertainment for good. But yes, she can change and mature as a person and woman – and it may be important for her to really take it seriously as well as go public with a REAL and heart-felt apology.


This energy stuff is REALLY important because we can see how Twice and other groups have evolved from healthy Maiden, Princesses more into Goddesses and Queens whereas objectively speaking Jimin through the years has still mostly retained the archetypal spoiled Bratty Princess who is entitled to keep getting her way or throws a tantrum.


It’s like her meta-father dynamic has been frozen in time (and I understand trainees work for years to debut). But reference how energetically solid Choa was (Muse-Mother) before she left the group?


Energetically there’s a fracture and disconnect with the meta feminine in her field as well…she’s not been very embodied and yes this can usually relate to the mother dynamic.


(Get where I’m going? It gets heavy fast but I won’t say more on this but it would be something to further explore and mend IN a healing process)


Nothing wrong with these behaviors (I’m not shaming them, nor am I pointing fingers; remember I’m a healer); but can you see how important this is?


PSYCHIC consumers / prosumers like me are seeing into what’s really going on because energy doesn’t lie.


The truth is already being presented, it just takes consumers to become more aware of what already is.


It’s not just superficial image and diversion; this is real life stuff. Check out other blog posts to investigate further into the concept of artists as healers.


Yes she can have a WONDEROUS potential REINVENTION of self and reunification;


But it’s really her karma in how she was treating others (esp. Mina) that came back to haunt her recently.


And we also see literal behavioral cues in some of the videos now surfacing on youtube.


Management could have done something more; surely they saw insider ‘yellow flags’…were they even threatened in some way if they removed her from the position as internal group leader?

That she might cause too much of a ruckus so it’s best just to keep her and things the same? Hmm…


Years ago Etienne and I were watching Short Hair studio dance version and I mentioned that I could tell that she smoked (and there was other toxic psychic debris in her aura).


If you’re a professional performer, do you think it’s important to be aware of this? Or how about if you are the music video director or even manager?


And for the record; I still love AOA and I won’t let this taint my view or history of the group primarily because Muse to me is even more important than the artists.


It seemed Mina had some real issues that should have been taken more seriously and Jimin was leveraging the Perpetrator-Victim dynamic – and even Mina may have fell too much into that role.


I can’t shame Jimin AOA but she has a lot of soul searching to do – and now it’s all probably too late for redemption in the industry.


Anyways; this was more of a mixed post because of the relevance of this K-pop news breaking out a week ago, but yeah – energetically Jimin has some things.


Even in her instagram feed more recently – it’s still a lot of the same type of dynamic.


There’s a lot of healing, reunifying and maturing that she could still do in her life to truly move into authentic kindness and unity.


It may take some radically different approach* (like working with someone like me) to help that process moreso than the world and self-centric dynamic she was used to.


I will finish to say that of course Jimin has carried a lot of Muse archetype consciousness. Muse will still filter in through an individual soul and those qualities; and the mainstay Jimin has carried through the years has been (Bratty) Princess – Muse.


*And I think it’s safe for all of us who care to see and say that.


BTW; What we do (me and the followers of my methodology of sex transmutation) is what is called archetypal alchemy with music video – instead of just ‘watching k-pop videos’ like consumers and fans. This is transformational entertainment.


So it’s too limiting to call us stans; that’s what some people would view us as, but that’s just from their paradigm of reality.

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