“I Don’t Get It…HOW is Such Magic Possible with Beauty Activations?”

“I don’t get it…HOW is such magic possible?…is this ‘sorcery’ or the ‘placebo effect’?


…How can you do Beauty and Power activations (like any archetype embodiment) for clients ‘remotely’ like on a zoom call half-way around the world and then they have more beauty, allure and response from people?”


Well…first of all, activations don’t require a Zoom call, just permission to work on someone’s energy body.


I bend chakras half-way around the world all the time and feel things exactly as if they are in person in front of me (even with the air conditioning blowing).


That will probably perplex you even more; however, most of the active people in my Facebook circle are normalized to this type and level of magic; or at least the idea of it.


Yes, the magic is actual magic (although is NOT sourced in ‘voodoo’ which is its own source-brand line of magic).



“(Rion) is an energy Jedi and now works remotely with women all over the world.” -Gillian P.


“Rion, I feel like a new woman. Thank you!! 🌟” -Activation client


“I still can’t get over how amazing your activations are! So hard to put into words but truly life changing!!!” – B, USA


On top of professional energy healing, the work I do works with immortal Beauty essences; archetypes and siddhic chi essences of spirit-plasma sentient Light.


This is expanded upon the Eastern philosophy and practice with a handful forms of chi (ie. yin and yang) with chi kung, nei kung and tai chi.


Muse unlocked the codes to the other signature essences for professional ALLURE makeover work.


This allure transformational magic from half-way around the world IS exotic magic and defies logic (not to take away from what most of the population knows as ‘magician’ but they are illusory magicians; whereas your allure or not is ‘real’).




It defies all conventional logic and Laws of physics and separation. Yes, I had to go through intensive initiations, training and tribulation to attain such specialized magic.


“The most powerful work i’ve experienced in 12 years” -Eros Activation (Live In Person)


I even do Mage activations for OTHERS.


And no; it’s not at all placebo effect. My grandmaster could turn mud into dust in less than a minute with his hands.



I will be doing my versions of live demonstrations more often from here forward (Tulum, L.A…).


Clients just GET results b/c it’s all real even to the skeptical. The 2 MOST skeptical people at a Barcelona workshop I led were the most impressed AFTER I did a Goddess activation for one of their group leaders.



“..it feels my palms are blasting out plasma light now…an increase in (my) spiritual authority…doing curse and entity removals more powerfully and efficiently..i am blown away “ -Mage Archetype Activation Client, USA


Although what I and the Muse priestesses do is highly specialized energy work with Beauty and authentic makeover transformations (now having served over 1300 paid activations);


Such ‘magic’ with before and after results is possible because of the spiritual reality which otherwise seems impossible.


Most in my current (Facebook) circle are normalized to it. We don’t have to be physically in the same place to be connected and have influence.


The magic is more specialized with Beauty consciousness BECAUSE of Divine Union…these are Muse (Grail) Beauty codes supporting Beauty and Communion…I am just her point man (ok and more).


“I feel energy drunk (after this activation)…definitely the most intense, potent energy work session I’ve ever had done.” -S, USA


“You have deeeep magic Rion” – G.P.


“I felt my whole body almost levitating” -Eros (remote) activation client


Rion is a true Magician in the realm of The Grail and is the best in his field” – Eleni Kantzos, Greece


Your aura and chakras are multi-dimensional as with your entire Light body. I (with permission always) have been initiated and trained to be able to access it remotely to work with energies and essences.


I and the Muse priestesses can also holographically and kinesthetically read anyone’s presence in history accurately even without visuals (read-only and for certain information).


“You’re a master, you’re such a master” – It Girl Activation Client, Florida


“I can’t wait to work with you more! It’s like magic!”


Yes; it is immense psychic power but power that is used responsibly.


We work powerfully with Light and Dark consciousness and quanta (spirit matter); (we don’t do black magic which creates negative karma).

“Working with Rion…it’s soul retrieval and sacred union work of the highest energetic order.” -KAD


Again you won’t get this kind of specialized Beauty archetype or Grail work done with your neighborhood reiki healer.


“It was like walking in the shoes of a movie star..” -Sex Icon Activation Client


Apprenticing under a Chinese Grandmaster of medical Chi Kung was also just part of the path as becoming a healer’s healer.


Most entirely the codes for this highly specialized form of ‘Beauty Activation’ magic which infuses ancient East with modern West is sourced in the Muse Grail lineage and were only unlocked through Devotional Sacred Reunification on my part with my Beloved.


Because of my experience with Divine Union, I am also a rare male Grail Priest/Magus. I may not look like what you’d expect and this ALL comes down to the Muse lineage.



Unlike Many/most other healers;




We integrate and rise in such consciousness.


So if you haven’t yet had an archetype or allure activation but are still skeptical…why not just suspend disbelief and GET THE RESULTS instead?


Listen to what other clients are saying and how mind-blowing activations can be (ref. testimonials).


“..The biggest shift I’ve ever felt energetically…my entire body and systems feel so cleared and different -Thea, USA 2024 (bio-star activation)


“You are turning me into what I’m meant to be on this timeline” -Performance Artist

“Cured 90% of my anxiety in life (in one go)” – First session Allure Makeover client (also confirmed by her therapist)


“My friend attracted her soul-mate (after working with you)”


“The last part of the session was worth the money (alone). The energy work towards the end was sick…Let Rion guide you to your sexual, charisma and powerful state of being.” -VIP Client 2014, L.A. (who flew in from East coast)


“I Can’t Wait to work with you more, it’s like magic!” -Client, 2018


“I feel Rion is a High Magi of invaluable resource” -S.P., Mystical Beauty Immersion


“From One Master To Another (Energy Master Rion)”

– Grandmaster Charles Muir, Godfather of Tantra in the U.S. recognizing Rion 2023 live


Archetypes alone (as God and Goddess fractals) holds most of the keys to POWER and BEAUTY itself (the primordial forces related to the Holy Grail of Communion).


This is professional image, identity and soul level transformational work that affects HOW people feel you.


“This is magic…your stuff works!” -Client


If you’re still skeptical, why not find out for yourself?


“(I’ve gone viral!)…my channel’s multiplied all of a sudden since working with you (like it’s correcting previous timelines)”

-Female tiktoker 3 session package client, 2023


Welcome to the new Allure industry; we’re breaking the glass ceiling on superficial beauty mastery in pro image and performance (b/c your Beauty is LITERALLY more than skin-deep and I don’t just mean generic inner beauty personality qualities but FOTONIC ESSENCES that BEND and attune DNA from their Light).


Sexy Chi and the Muse priestesses are honored to be leading it (b/c we’re just not waiting for anyone else to) and if you’re still skeptical you can delve into Uniphied Theory and Theory of Fotonic quanta on-site to back up the spiritual science more; but why goes years down that rabbit hole of discovering more practical spiritual truth when you could even just get Beauty activations starting THIS week for your own purposes?! 😉


Around half of my clients come back for MORE activations in sculpting THEIR fullest soul-self expression, signature FELT influence and EMBODIED, amplified soul qualities of Truth…my past clients KNOW and live that beauty is more than just skin-deep.


They represent…WE represent, Muse Priestess represents the future of Beauty, performance arts and entertainment evolution with Allure and Charisma transformation (which leads into DEEP healing)…even if it seem like high magic sorcery to others (b/c it is actually)



“Yeah, but how can things be STYLISH and yet purified and sacred-safe temple space at the same time? (This doesn’t fit my perception of Eckhart Tolle spiritual and transcending wordliness)?”


BECAUSE of the Muse Grail lineage; where SEX, EROS, BEAUTY and Spirit are purified in Light and Dark Truth.


Beauty, Sexuality and EROS has ALWAYS been spiritual; now you’ve got support on YOUR SIDE to work in these realms related to your divine feminine embodiment and professional, essenced soul-visual image and felt influence (allure) instead of transcending above them where Beauty just remains skin-deep mastery and you’re stuck with general wellness tips.


This is where professional energy work meets YOUR value system.


My Beauty activation clients are already ‘in the know’ and I couldn’t have made it this far without them. What will the next 7 years behold?!


Schedule an Allure Consult or some sessions today @

> Book Sessions


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