Energetic Beauty Archetype Update: Dakota Johnson



Dakota Johnson energy reading archetype


Dakota Johnson (50 Shades of Grey trilogy) is a great example of a woman with great energetic health and embodied feminine consciousness that awashes her personalized self.


Very comfortable, mature and warm in her femininity, she has SO much Lover archetype, she’s almost (healthy, classic) French. This is rare to find in the U.S. Notice how she isn’t carrying a masculinized shell.


Lover-Eros are the prime archetypes she holds here with great, open expression of them.


Arch Embodiment/  Expression

Lover 9.3   /  9.2
Eros 8.3   /   7.0


Let’s look at her Allure Ratio here.


Allure Factor 8.4
Beauty Quotient: 9.6


Her auric allure actually isn’t as high as it could be which leaves room for even more breathingness to emanate and circulate as well as siddhic aspects to be cultivated.


So if you want to cultivate the Lover aspect in hieros gamos or in a relationship, it may be important to reference women who authentically embody it.


Men should be drooling over this in a long-term partner more than they are I think (b/c of their conditioning 😉


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