Beauty & Attracting the Relationship of Your Dreams

If you want to attract a high value man where ALL of him is fascinated and into you for a rich relationship, consider that alluring feminine beauty universally inspires and captivates the masculine.


It’s not about your personality or developing that more, nor is it limited just to your looks of course (or how other women and the beauty industry values your looks);


It’s esp. about the energetic QUALITIES that you are transmitting to him when he first glances you.


This is what could capture his heart without his conscious awareness…it’s that “Gosh, there’s just something about her” X-factor.


Of course; do what you can with your physical beauty to maximize and express YOU, but you will find that as you cultivate your own ENERGETIC beauty to radiate even MORE into the world, the masculine spirit within men will be drawn to you like bees to honey…and not just for a short-term fling, but for something deeper and more real.


If you want ALL of him (heart, sex, mind, body, spirit and soul) then you want your energetic beauty TOUCHING and activating these aspects within him effortlessly just from your mere presence or image. Let it do the work at cause.


Again; this is different than just your physical attractiveness or body type.


If he is otherwise closed OFF to you because he doesn’t FEEL you in other parts of his psyche, there’s more of a chance he won’t view you as long-term lover potential.


So this is all about DOING LESS (like coming up with these concocted ideas to get his attention) and more about BEING MORE so that he can’t help but notice you.


Many women however, don’t give themselves permission to radiate such essenced-based allure and beauty through ALL of their chakras that transmits out to penetrate his aura and start working magic in him.


Many women (instead), master the extrinsic appearance of looking beautiful but can have a lot of trauma, cover-up or even a masculinized shell to prevent INNER energetic beauty from coming through in their image and presence.


That’s when men are unable to FEEL you. But if you can pierce his heart (with the beauty we are talking about), it can change everything because then his heart is engaged. He’s not just led from the 2nd chakra sex drive anymore.


See, the masculine spirit is INSPIRED BY Beauty. And when he is inspired by you and wants something more and FEELS IT in different aspects of his psyche just from your image and presence – that’s a world of a difference than not feeling you but thinking you’re ‘hot’ while his heart remains closed.


So as you allow your energetic beauty to be cultivated in soul essence, embodiment and then radiating in expression – it literally transforms your energetic presence and image itself.


Your chakras and aura are then transmitting iconic and timeless feminine beauty into the literal energy fields of other people and men and affecting them non-consciously.


Oh and in order to attract such a high level man, here is a great secret;


You want to BECOME that level of woman FIRST so that you are transmitting that out into the world so that he will find you through the Law of Attraction. It’s not about waiting for Prince Charming to show up; it’s about cultivating your energetic beauty and sacred reunification with the masculine within yourself FIRST to be ready for him.


And that can include BEING that level of Queen that would attract her King so that when he meets you, he just knows. And the mega leverage is to have a path of Hieros Gamos where you are reunifying and healing your relationship with Father, King and God; where your alignment is in place so you aren’t just reliant and needy on the next twin flame that could come along that would destroy you if he breaks apart the relationship.


Find more about Hieros Gamos Queenship here. That is a deeper support solution for overall transformation and attracting a King.


So as you cultivate and transform your image to radiate more feminine essence allure and beauty (which includes sacred reunification work), the world of men and how they respond to you transforms around you, but it’s you who had to change first.


When you are in LOVE with the divine masculine and different aspects of it, that energetically comes through in your essence and inspires HIS Prince, Lover, Warrior and Eros….but you are setting the template in that sense. So there’s a lot of cultivation you can do (or healing that has to be done first including trauma in relation to the masculine).


Yes, you can attract the relationship of your dreams and yes you could possibly transform your current relationships as well (however in many cases, the woman wants to grow so much and it threatens his security so it’s not always best for keeping the relationship unless he is willing to change).


My clients are consistently experiencing wondrous results…some of them have been attracting men and opportunities like mad.


To have a more thorough initial transformation I would recommend the Allure Makeover Package to get your energetic beauty really cultivating and breathing from your soul essence; this includes energy healing work as necessary. Either that or the Hieros Gamos X Queenpath.

Lisa Blackpink: Energy Reading 1

How do u make the best even better? (Pro image insights)


Sexy Chi : Allure Ratio Reading :
Lalisa {Blackpink} Instagram 11.13.19

Allure Factor / AF: 6.5
Beauty Quotient / BQ: 9.7

Muse Archetype Embodiment: 9.5

First; the BQ: The Beauty Quotient which is the maximization of one’s unique extrinsic beauty potential.


As a professional artist, she and others have professional top-line Beauty access and support that allows the further maximzation of their extrinsic/physical beauty potential; thus the fairly high and consistent Beauty quotient u would see often.


Now let’s talk more about her energy and the allure factor. It’s honestly not as high as u would think.


The eyes are often a gateway to the soul essence and power; this is breathing, however but we can reference how her aura itself isn’t exactly exuding influential radiance as much as it could; nor is it at the alchemical levels of influence that are possible for her (and that she is sometimes in).


The auric limitation is also constricting the potential siddhic essence qualities that could also be communicating in her aura.


She DOES have great authentic Muse power and consciousness embodied; but it kind of locked in and personalized…we’re not ‘feeling her’ as much as someone who has more of that soul breathing-ness that extends outwards.


I would prescribe an Allure Activation in which I guarantee we could open her aura up much more. At this scale of influence and fame; the effects would be profound. Fans would go crazier, more tickets would sell, more of everything.


With that said; Rosé and Jennie have higher Allure Factors on average; their aura is more charged and ‘breathing’.


Granted onstage, Lisa shines more and tends to personalize her energy more when not performing.


So how do u make the best (performance-wise) even better or more expressed and unlimited?


Esp. when extrinsic beauty, wardrobe, choreography/dance can already be mastered?


She’s number 1 on at least 2 different ‘most beautiful in the world’ lists, so how do you take things even further if you are at the top of the game with extrinsic beauty?


Energetic Beauty consulting and transformation (which is what Sexy Chi specializes in!).


After all that’s where most of the power and influence itself is; we’re just not usually conscious of it.

Speaking of Feminine Allure

Is your beauty and presence *inspiring* and evocative to the masculine?


Does it stir him and activate other aspects that compel him to you? Does it light a spark? Or does he just think you are ‘hot’ but doesn’t FEEL anything else?


Can you grasp the implications of what that means for attracting a relationship?


For without inspiration, the masculine spirit’s commitment or devotion could be half-hearted dread (of a relationship) or remain as just physical attraction (which can fade) and a superficial fling in the age of tinder. But maybe you want something MORE.


If u are relying on physical, extrinsic beauty alone (ahem Beauty industry) to attract (or manipulate) men; that’s not much of a foundation for deeper everything.


Your IMAGE can communicate SO MUCH MORE…it can be exuding with different feminine essences that CAPTURE and alluringly ignite the masculine and opportunities TO you – effortlessly. A multi-dimensional beauty with real world results in how others start responding to you…new doors opening.


Sexy isn’t just PHYSICAL beauty; it IS about your Essence and now we have the new industry standard awareness and tools to work on it professionally with Sexy Chi!


Perhaps there are too many women lost in the demands, desires or expectations of an ideal relationship whose spirit isn’t inspiring and igniting to his masculine essence heart and soul that desires true communion.


Perhaps your OWN energy is closed off from energetically HEALTHY and SEXY communication like a star – even if you are physically beautiful.


(Even the Western focus on personality can get in the way of what truly attracts that King – or deepening your current relationship).


You can cultivate all of this and it might require deeper foundational energy healing and work to get started.


The Masculine and Kings don’t want commitment for the sake of commitment; he must be inspired esp. if his purpose is first and foremost. And the rest of masculine principle wants to FEEL you and be INSPIRED from your beauty that is more than skin deep – and then the world is your oyster.


And in realizing that extrinsic beauty is just part of the equation; there are women who are opening up into their feminine soul essence who are experiencing a new reality with men and the masculine.


Explore some of my client testimonials and if you feel called to work with me, you can start with an energy reading or 1 activation.

Transmutation of Self: Taylor Swift Evolution

The future of professional image calls us to value the energetics of beauty and visual communication with (but also *beyond*) extrinsic appearance.


Image Copyright belongs to respective copyright holder. Used under Fair Use Copyright Guidelines.


So it’s not just that Taylor Swift here is physically a bit heavier in the more recent photo; it’s that she energetically evolved from the earlier Princess-Diva embodiment to Diva-Goddess consciousness.


TSWIFT @ concert 

Image Copyright belongs to respective copyright holder. Used under Fair Use Copyright Guidelines.


When she was younger, u can notice that she had a lot of ‘Light’ embodiment.


Light is a reference of Source Masculine as well as the Father relationship. A lot of Princesses are just lit🌟 b/c of the Fatherly love relationship (often spoiled!).


Although she does have some veils in the red, she is more filled with Light and her energies are lighter.


As a princess becomes more of a sovereign woman, her independence often denotes more of the immortal impersonal Goddess embodiment and qualities;


Her femininity, maternality, earth/water power,’s heavier energy like Gaia.


Can u notice the difference from her 5th chakras downward? Taylor Swift as she has matured is now literally more of a woman and Goddess. She is more ’embodied’ and grounded to earth – also with more meta-physical water energy. This gives her more access to feminine-based intuition and wisdom.


With what I do with Sexy Chi here; it’s not just having the energy reading insights and awareness into the truth of how somone is communicating energetically and non-verbally IN their professional image – but I actually do the transformational magic directly to accelerate the direction you want to go in as far as your image and presence. And there’s a lot to choose from including archetypes!


See; it’s all energetic anyways; other circumstances in her life allowed her to be more maturely embodied with more of source feminine but when we can work ON the source level of your energy field directly, we can get you there faster (minutes instead of years in some cases). Imagine having such tools for acting and performance mastery!


Archetype embodiment activations are available here

Energetic Beauty Archetype Update: Dakota Johnson



Dakota Johnson energy reading archetype


Dakota Johnson (50 Shades of Grey trilogy) is a great example of a woman with great energetic health and embodied feminine consciousness that awashes her personalized self.


Very comfortable, mature and warm in her femininity, she has SO much Lover archetype, she’s almost (healthy, classic) French. This is rare to find in the U.S. Notice how she isn’t carrying a masculinized shell.


Lover-Eros are the prime archetypes she holds here with great, open expression of them.


Arch Embodiment/  Expression

Lover 9.3   /  9.2
Eros 8.3   /   7.0


Let’s look at her Allure Ratio here.


Allure Factor 8.4
Beauty Quotient: 9.6


Her auric allure actually isn’t as high as it could be which leaves room for even more breathingness to emanate and circulate as well as siddhic aspects to be cultivated.


So if you want to cultivate the Lover aspect in hieros gamos or in a relationship, it may be important to reference women who authentically embody it.


Men should be drooling over this in a long-term partner more than they are I think (b/c of their conditioning 😉