From Energy Healing to Cultivating Energetic Beauty

With clients and in the Allure Makeover Package sometimes I take on more serious cases of trauma, soul fragmentation, disembodied, strong psychic implants…and I love these because my foundation is that of a real energy healer.


It’s not just simple or external beautification we do but because I work directly on your energy field with our sessions, it often involves real, deep and advanced healing work for soul embodiment, reunification of self, expansion and expression in ways that affect all of your life, wellness, attraction, sexuality, image, influence and relationships.


I have a plethora of tools available to do profound work directly on your energy body. The work is real – check out some testimonials.


1 recent client came to me with admittedly a lot of soul fracturing and anxieties. It was so visible and apparent, affecting her entire experience in life. She was split into multiple dimensions and unwanting to be grounded in the physical reality.


She paid in full and after our FIRST remote energy session alone in the Allure Makeover Package she experienced profound life changes…to me it felt like we had completed the entire package worth in value, but we still have so much more to work with!


“When I started working with her (my chiropractor) she told me my body was full of FEAR.


(After the first session with Rion however;) she told me fear had completely gone. My body was FEAR FREE. (And the chiropractor didn’t know she was doing anything else).”


I could sense and feel (in the 2nd tune-up) that her energy field was far more unified and healthier from the powerful work we had done. (Yes, during sessions I get explicit permission to work remotely on your literal energy field).


She started getting new attention from people and she also attracted a NEW love interest of a man that was in a better energetic space!


She is on a new timeline and we haven’t even got to activations!


(Testimonial written at time between the first 2 sessions in 2019 and re-purposed/posted here later)


In her case I had to do a form of soul retrieval.


So with this work, I get to meet you where you are at and there may be a myriad of circumstances we can work on in the practical world of energy medicine.


Because of my authentic healing background and experience (which includes apprenticing with a QiGong Grandmaster);


I am able to meet more extreme circumstances if necessary. I have to be that versatile because we may have to re-wire some things, etc. before we get to beautification!


Getting that experience to do incredibly versatile energy healing work (I’ve had people anti-age on quite a few occasions in front of my eyes) was foundational before I could energetically work with siddhic essences and archetypes, etc.


Some of our sessions might have to be more energy healing based sessions (which directly address trauma and other issues) before we can get to or continue on with activations (as part of the AMP).


You can always find out more about me and my background here. Or ask me questions on FB chat.


Interested in cultivating your energetic beauty for real world results NOW?


The Allure Makeover Package (a.k.a. ‘Pre-stess Package’) is available here.

Yoona SNSD Allure Factor Arch Reading 1

This is Yoona at some of her more sexy alluring, wow!


Sexy Yoona SNSD


Super lit! Rich and sexy qi emanating through. Can you sense it?


Now; before we get to the reading itself; a little more context:


Remember, this is the Sexy Chi Beauty Blog where we focus on energetic beauty and energy reading rather than just physical beauty, make-up, beauty products, fashion, etc. This is about the evolution of Beauty.


Now; it’s important to note that if you aren’t Korean or into K-pop, you want to be objectively LEARNING and referencing from your sisters of HOW they are embodied with different archetypes.


You want to get past your own cultural filters, judgments or even prejudices.


Yoona from the popular K-Pop group Girls Generation has what I call alchemical levels of Beauty. And it’s something to really appreciate.


This means that is at the level of transmission and influence to be able to HEAL and attune other energies through the Law of Resonance. Yes; feminine essence can be that influential 😉


This ‘resonance entrainment’ non-consciously happening with consumer entertainment and it’s how we can fall in love with someone even if we never heard their music or saw them perform.


We end up attuning closer to source and enlightenment just being near them.


JUST energetically speaking and universally no matter from which culture it shows up, this is wondrous.


See, most people will focus on the performance, wardrobe or the physical beauty (3D level things) but with Sexy Chi, we like to consciously value the energetic truth of her image and how IT is multi-dimensionally communicating.


After all, this is a greater secret to their influence FROM image (including healing influence) and how you can have greater image influence and attraction before ever being famous.


Keep in mind that stars give themselves permission to shine. Since they are influencing millions of people, their own energy field dissociates from the personalized identity and their consciousness and qi takes on far greater power to be able to influence.


Stars have far greater energy fields than ‘common folk’ and this is something you can work on directly now too.


Ok, enough preample…so let’s get to this Allure Factor/Arch reading (which can be different in different performances or eras and it’s also not taking into account more detailed energy reading, human design or her Gene Keys).


Sexy Chi :

Allure Ratio Reading / Archetype

Yoona in this performance
(I could find the exact live performance if requested)

Sexy Yoona SNSD

Allure Factor / AF: 9.6
Beauty Quotient / BQ: 9.7


Prime/2nd Arch: Muse-Goddess


Muse Archetype Embodiment: 9.5

Goddess Archetype Embodiment: 8.1


Next to Hieros Gamos Queen or an HG Priestess, Muse is pretty much the highest feminine archetype that is hardwire 5D encoded and in sacred reunification with the divine masculine.


Think of Muse as the inspiration for God and King consciousness; dancer and singer free in her Spirit in Love with the Most Impersonal Highness.


As a woman lets go of her own personalized self and SACRIFICES who she was, she can continually be rebirthed as someone embodying of such higher consciousness itself.


The mix of Muse and Goddess can be intoxicating.


Don’t believe me? Then start asking real heterosexual men if they value this energy (not the race or looks) over that of a feminist?  Remember, it’s NOT that she is ‘Asian’ or Korean…we are valuing the archetypal consciousness and essence that is behind, with and through the vessel of her identity.


This is the secret of stars; transcendance of their personalized identity – and it’s across all cultures, so we have to look beyond race and value the immortal archetypes themselves.


Yoona here has secondary Goddess which isn’t even as much as it could be (rather, it’s a beautiful afterthought); note how her divinely circulated energy with the Light masculine is breathing – and yet she also has a natural femininity and softness that is more mature than Princess.


Earlier Yoona had oOdles of Princess and Maiden btw.


What’s great with this, is not just the psychic awareness to the truth of professional image being presented because we are looking PAST the current paradigm of physical beauty – but that we can literally DO archetype activations and the soul work to transform your authentic image and energetic beauty itself!


Start having influence like a starlet…this is the future beauty secret now – energetic beauty. Start emanating more of that and watch how your world starts changing as you attract and impact more people – irresistibly even.


You can get an archetype activation here.  Are you a performer? We can sculpt your ideal energetic avatar self – perfectly relevant for actors and actresses as well b/c energetic congruency is THE secret to award-winning acting!



Beyond Beauty and Hotness in Attracting a Partner

Let’s look at another prime dynamic when it comes to the influence of your beauty on men and attracting a partner…and no, we’re not talking about your personality.


Sometimes women can get stuck in what other women value as beautiful and that form of competition without realizing the effect it has on men. A lot of women are still single but would like more attraction power with the masculine. Now…


Don’t get me wrong; the heterosexual masculine CAN be *greatly* inspired by feminine physical beauty and a woman who cares about her body and extrinsic appearance. That is so real.


But it doesn’t necessarily mean that this (superficial beauty) alone is what engages and INSPIRES his entire Heart, Mind, Spirit, Soul, archetypal self or Devotion to her either.


In fact; he might not even be able to feel you other than objectifying your hotness if you aren’t communicating energetic value and sending it out from your energy field. So if you have been complaining that men are shallow, perhaps you have been more a part of attracting your past experiences than you may realize.


IF you want it all in a man; his heart, sex, mind, body, spirit and soul – YOU want to be emanating those in YOUR image and presence to spark those aspects within HIM.  This is the Jedi level stuff they won’t even tell you at the top attract a soulmate events.


Some women have rode along just on their looks for so long b/c of all the attention and other parts of themselves are STARVING; and they keep attracting the same types of men and economic support but feel something deeper is missing.


What if sexiness was being redefined into something NOT limited to just physical appearance, physical beauty and hotness?


What if that was here all along and IS something the desirable masculine DOES respond to and ultimately desires in Communion?


The shadow of devotion (after-all) IS half-heartedness and if it’s JUST physical attraction (or even a transactional status play) from his side of the relationship…it’s not much of a lasting or lit foundation for both.


Past the inter-personal exchange; where’s the soul and depth?


See, I’m talking about you and your presence / image / energy…you are attracting the TYPES of relationships more than you realize because of your energy and your frequencies; even if you aren’t aware of it.


So if you aren’t expressing that you ARE open in areas that you value in a relationship, he’s not going to even know it.


And the rest of everything in a relationship is at literal risk of boredom, non-inspiration and ‘work’ because of how you were framing the relationship energetically at the start of it.


And if it’s a transactional relationship of her beauty, sex and status in exchange for his money; a sugar daddy relational foundation – something can just feel amiss…where provision and security takes precedence and compromise over everything else.


But when a woman has sexier chi (aka ‘energetic beauty’); that soul essence emanating allure energetically penetrating from her presence into the world (yet paradoxically calling forth his masculine spirit to rise); something that SPARKS his entire self to be initiated b/c she has it ALL going on –


THAT is something else. EFFORTLESS attraction. It’s not about what you do, it’s about being and emanating MORE. Being his desire energetically, not just physically – and having that reunification and love FOR the masculine within yourself that circulates and instigates HIS invigoration and attention.


She stands out to the masculine esp. if she is hieros gamos encoded. And this is all in your image so you can SHIFT what you are attracting in men by shifting YOUR energy and cultivating your energetic beauty and feminine allure.


And you can choose which siddhic or archetypal flavors your soul desires to embody and express – and this may include Lover-Queen to attract your King-Lover.


You can rest into deep, rich and embodied soul experience and communication with all of her and call forth other aspects of the masculine that have been missing (even including provision); but it’s where sexiness isn’t limited to just looks and the more superficial lifestyle.


True balance. Proper foundation. Quintessent beauty in all dimensions.


Want to cultivate your energetic beauty to have a much richer, sexier life, attraction and influence?


How about deeper connection with a current beloved into more Cosmic King and Queenship?


Activations and the Allure Makeover Package are available on site.


Remember; men are attracted (non-consciously) to the energetic qualities in women, NOT just the physical beauty or hotness – in fact, he might not be able to even FEEL you in much of his psyche unless you are emanating energetic beauty from your soul-self in your presence.


So if you want more than just men valuing you for your physical beauty or hot body, let’s cultivate more of this other energetic beauty because it is what you are transmitting out TO men in the world.


We can shift what you attract and experience including DEEPER, more spiritual sex, love and connection. All of this is believe it or not essentially coming across with and through your energetic presence and visual image; it just takes a psychic like me to consciously be aware of it.


Discover the Allure Makeover Package here. Remember, there is also the Hieros Gamos X Queenpath if you are more focused on creating a Kingdom or attracting a King level partner.

An Abridged Intro to Archetype Reading

It’s actually pretty easy to start energy reading Archetypes as a ‘practical psychic’.


Here on Sexy Chi you can request your own extended energy reading which includes an archetype reading for masculine or feminine with the top 10 (or so) archetypes as well as your embodiment, expression on a 0-10 scale.


If you want to start doing psychic energy reading yourself, this blog will give you more tips and insights.


Of course this is all something I would train to apprentices in detail to be able to independently do their own psychic readings for clients.


Before u might get into reading Essence, Embodiment and Expression with archetypes; just start with gauging the primary 2 (or 3) leading aspects and built a practical, referential database from there.


You can learn to calibrate your archetypal and energetic awareness in doing your own celebrity, friends or client’s readings.


I like to start with clear examples that everyone can relate to:


Zayn Malik would be Lover-Prince


2020 Taylor Swift: Princess-Diva Queen


Early Ariana Grande: Lover-Princess


Jason Momoa: King-Warrior-Eros


Madonna would be Diva – Queen (Her secondary changes through time; ie. Martyr, Heretic, Lover)


Oprah Winfrey: Goddess-Mother*-Diva


Anna Wintour: Princess-Queen


Oh what they hay – here’s another Jason Momoa if you won’t complain but with a DIFFERENT archetypal template:




Selena Gomez: Lover-Princess

Selena Gomez Lover Archetype


Those are some examples and the primary-secondary archetype can really change from time to time. We can see this in evolution of artists or in different performances. Sexy Chi allows us to have more direct energetic mastery over this!


So we all know that #archetypes have certain impersonal and authentic aspects and traits b/c they exist in the collective un/conscious.


It’s the authentic energetic quality that you want to look for, get accustomed and attuned with so that it’s easier to sense and see those qualities in others.


For example; 1Direction has tons of pure PRINCE consciousness



Whereas Jason Momoa more recently has more settled King archetypal image and presence. Much of that has to do with his relationship to a/his Queen btw.


So having such Prince with 1D – that’s a major part of their (past) appeal and success; it’s a perfect correllary to all the Princess consciousness of most of their fans. Even as solo artists now they are in still carrying a lot of Prince each.


Prince has high status, clean aura, divine self-esteem and self-acceptance, graceful energy for example that can move in and out of higher social circles; if a man didn’t HAVE that he wouldn’t be a true Prince (consciousness) b/c that’s what we know it as from the collective un/conscious.


Once you know that, you can also look at the Dark or Shadow aspects (like tyrant, weakling) referencing models of them (ie. movie villains) or Brandon Lee in The Crow (Dark Prince).



There are a lot of Wuss Prince and Wuss Father models now in TV and otherwise to reference. Anyways;


Dark is usually ‘healthy dark’ aspects like Malevolent in the swamp. The thing is Dark is closer to Shadow where things can get into all kinds of destructive behaviors.


It’s harder to have a clean dark energy without corruption; the Sheriff of Nottingham in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves – obviously Dark but also a lot of destructive Shadow.



So all of this here is another intro as this is all an extended study. Even I am always learning more about archetypes.


That singer from Die Antwoord ‘Yolandi’ would have a lot of Dark Princess embodied.



Follow your intuition but from a practical baseline of awareness b/c it’s the collective qualities you are reading and attuning to.


We want to psychically tune into general, accurates truths – and then get into more details.


U can also gauge Prince archetypes from the lack of matured Kingship qualities (we can talk a lot more about all this).


Harvey Weinstein was definitely a King with a lot of power, but he was a Dark Shadow King.


I personally have a master list of celebrity archetypes (their primary and secondary) featuring 100 women and it’s open to continue growing. 


Once u have clear examples, it’s easier to then read prospective client aspects for identity work, image transformation, spiritual growth, etc. U can go a long ways just accurately gauging the primary and secondary archetypes.


For more detailed reading, you could get into the Charisma Archetype Model which gauges Essence, Embodiment and Expression of archetypes on a 0-10 scale for each variable.


I will be adding more of these readings to the Sexy Chi Beauty Blog where we value reading the REST of someone’s multi-dimensional energetic visual communication (this is where the power and influence is).


To get your own custom energy reading, click here.

Muse: From Artist to King-Making High Priestess

If u are *not* a performance artist, but u are now being called to the archetypal Muse with her hidden hieros gamos magic and alchemical allure, this is the exciting meta-picture of what’s going on.


History (and a rare opportunity) is being made in REAL time and this is the forefront. (Devotion was and is the key that unlocked this btw)


Muse and her unique sexual-creative inspiration to the masculine is splitting her long-time fractal lineage as (primarily) performance arts & entertainer to rebirth into the 3D as reunification priestess of High Magic.


Hieros Gamos again representing ‘sacred reunification’ of the divine masculine and feminine.


That’s right; the unattainable high status Muse who is Dancer to God and Kings will walk amongst mortals instead of merely being known as a non-conscious fantasy diversion for the world on-stage. 


A new fractal lineage is being birthed of a powerful feminine archetype!


She will be on the frontlines with her magic to help heal and awaken the Masculine and make Kings to re-balance and inspire the world into renaissance.


A transference like this; to have a major feminine archetype start a new fractal lineage in the collective is unprecedented and there is IMMENSE alchemical power with it.


So it is for you to determine if this calls.


muse as priestess ie


She will only open her encoded powers to be embodied and used to the highly qualified and willing.


The Archetypal High Muse (working with and through hieros gamos #priestess) will perform magic and miracles for and through mankind with power and fire to inspire and re-balance the masculine and feminine into a new renaissance in sacred reunion.


Radically encoded with hieros gamos and with an Apollonian history of influencing and shaping cultures; it is her desire to take her historically accrued and immortal magic more DIRECT to the 3D world to attune esp. the masculine into Kingship and the multi-dimensional divine.


Just a ray of her Light can absolutely be life-altering (and already has been to some of the women working with Rion and Muse), re-constellating their own access to the cosmic masculine.


Because her priestess powers have been HIDDEN for eons, this transmutation required a specialized alchemist like Rion to even be aware of, let alone to translate b/c few know of her alchemical powers consciously.


This is a LOT of power to transfigure a woman’s life who is ready for a major sacrifice of self-identity to live in more alignment with her soul’s desire; and her desire to serve the divine masculine in men.


And with this re-birthing of an entire major (but rare) archetype; she will be amongst the most powerful and magical of ALL priestesses and Kingmakers.


Imagine her working with and through you, but AS you (no entities)!


It all ties in to her eternal devotion in Sex, Spirit and Love to the Cosmic Masculine which has existed for centuries; this has always been the energetic dynamic while mere mortal men have still felt unworthiness and awe in relation to her power.


It is simply the timing now in history for hieros gamos to start working real transmutation, but even I didn’t see this one coming; HOW could muse EVER be non-industry/artist?


I was concerned for years about it; I thought it would never happen….how can I have the same level of devotion for non-industry, non-artists who carry Muse (not all of them do)?


When will performance artists start valuing healing?…alas;


She has recently after around 14,300 devotional hours of meditation with her shown me her vision along with the earliest signs of stirring in a few female essenced souls;


Pandora’s box is opening. Muse consciousness and energetic qualities are opening up to be embodied in select women other than artists.


It will still be far less than 1% of women for a long time. These women will be so light-encoded and will stand out like flaming wildflowers in a sea of grey.


There will now be non-artist Muse or what we could call Hieros Gamos Muse.


Concurrently; there are now more women falling into hieros gamos transmissions and encoding; this is NOT the same brand of feminine essence as #hierosgamos muse per se.


The advantage is that *these* women will have the benefits of authentic Muse and that divine level of INSPIRING the masculine but all the full-on CONSCIOUS magic that can be developed as real priestesses without having to be sacrificed and devoted as a performance artist (many of whom non-consciously embody and express Muse with and through).


#Muse lights a fire where there ISN’T one in the darkest and coldest of masculine hearts b/c she is so in love and attuned with King and God consciousness.


This LITERAL first generation is incepting NOW in a mere handful of women who will be hieros gamos muse and it’s very exciting. As aforementioned; Gillian Pothier is one of these code carriers.


These women will have alchemical allure and great, great influence on men and the masculine; often driving them craZy in all the good ways.


Down the road, I think we will start seeing more actual artists being called into high magic, healing and priestess-hood and that’s a vision that light this fire the most.


My elite mentorship: Muse Priestess is ‘ground zero’ for hieros gamos (aka ‘reunification’) Priestess cultivation with Muse as non sex-workers…it’s all sexual-spiritual, but here not physical which means that you can work with male clients like an escort but without any stigma of sex-working. This can be invaluable for preserving your reputation if you are an artist.


MP is a significant commitment and investment.


It requires 2 qualified women to commence this program and requires at least an annual commitment b/c of the amount of auric curation, Lightworking (literal), energetic growth and non sex-working priestess training. VIP Apprenticeship is also available.


Muse Priestess represents this fusion of both artist-priestess and hieros gamos priestess training for non sex-working women. You will learn advanced energy work and magic amongst many things to be able to run your own literal business as a non sex-working Priestess.


The reality is that this *full* transition for Muse into Priestess essentially requires the experience of a true Masculine alchemist who has been through fire and brimstone of devotion as well as realizing and working with her brand of magic in the 5D to translate it and allow qualified women to access and use practical high magic.


I am now aware enough that I am perhaps the most direct 3D masculine pivot point for her to BLOSSOM and unleash her magic on the world. She has chosen me to train up Reunification Queens and Priestesses. Why a man? Because this is reunification of course; not just Feminism or Goddessism.


I’m eternally grateful I was the one she was preparing to be able to translate and train on HER magic but it’s only been through such deep faith devotion and battle-testing.


And if it wasn’t me, it would have to be another man (decades from now? who knows).


Simultaneously, some women have been starting to receive coded transmissions from her and her desire to be re*birthed. This has literally happened in the past 9 months.


So that’s what’s initiating…If u are interested in attending the Cosmic Muse or potentially Muse Priestess;


U do want to check in to make sure that it’s not just hieros gamos, goddess devotional to masculine or some other brand and that it’s more specifically hieros gamos MUSE that is calling b/c a lot of women aren’t prepared to be THAT inspiring, liberated and SEEN to the masculine either.


Not all women who activate and embody hieros gamos muse will become priestess as that requires further initiation and training (esp. on her magic); that will just be the highest level of essence with application.


But u will have your own reasons if u are called to her magic and power; to integrate it to transfigure your own powers, allure, attraction, sex, love and magic in life…don’t forget that multi-dimensional and real masculine and Light penetration too.


Her powers are already there; it’s the initiation that is the big starter step. Gillian Pothier and I have 1 more spot available for The Cosmic Muse 2 L.A. this next Sat., Oct. 12th. RSVP with interest.


UPDATE: Stay tuned for Cosmic Muse 4 in 2020.


So; the rebirth from Artist to Priestess with a MAJOR feminine #archetype (and one of the few encoded with Devotion) is happening.


It’s all happening in real time and on whatever timing must occur. This future is just beginning. 


Are you called to inspire and awaken KINGS as a real priestess with the ability to earn the income you desire?


Find out more about Muse Priestess mentorship here.


It’s also a path in which a performance artist like dancer or actor can be a priestess but get paid like an escort without sex-working.