Gene Keys & Advanced Image Mastery for Artists: Yanni ie.

The peak of ultimate influence as an artist is when you are BEING your authentic soul-level self and transmitting it with influence (while doing what you do).


It’s beyond looking great; it’s really about the deeper IMPACT of high value influence from your image. Not just that it sells but it changes lives.


This is a level of soul resonance that allows others to ATTUNE to your level of energetic Truth and congruity.


Yanni hosting the Taj Mahal benefit concert is a perfect example of someone at a peak of performance and image mastery.



So with his IMAGE, energetically speaking – of course we look beyond how he ‘looks the part’ – we are able to go deeper.


What ARE your/the ESSENCE-based qualities of a performer than can have a deeper impact to move and influence an audience member’s heart and soul at healing levels?


This is also the cross-roads of where arts & entertainment becomes healing itself. We’ve just been non-conscious of it largely up until now.


So we can look at Yanni’s Gene Keys (which I was inspired to do) and wouldn’t you know it – he’s actually communicating these UNIQUE siddhic essences of his TRUE soul self in who he is.


This is a level of raw integrity and vulnerability that is going to have deep influence. And that was a legendary concert.


So we can look at YOUR Gene Keys and see where you are at in shadow, gift or siddhi frequency ranges for example as far as essence communication in your literal image/aura and presence.


Music can be healing and so can siddhic level presence on its own live in person or in media AS energetic transmission…alchemical in nature…so yes, I looked at Yanni’s chart and it all makes such sense…I’ll share a fragment of it here.



In his hologenetic profile, he’s got:


Forgiveness {4.6 / Radiance, nurture}


Epiphany {43.5 / IQ}


Universal Love (I KNEW IT!!) {25.1 Attraction/Sexual}


Empathy {13.4 / EQ, kindness}


Intoxication {56.4 / Pearl, charity}


Rebirth {49.6 / Purpose}


Can u also sense he is exuding this without effort?  How this literally FEELS like him? See this is the future of image consulting and MASTERY here now.


If you contemplate deeper on his presence, you will start sensing these unique qualities.


These qualities are coming through not only in his voice but literally transmitting through in his visual communication and image ON video.


…I know, it’s RiDiCulOus…GKeys is so accurate!


So the concept of siddhic alchemy or transmutation with media is to bask in the field of those who have alchemical presence oozing forth.



It accelerates the Gene Keys process of *Contemplation* onto the cellular level. If you aren’t a media alchemist yet, don’t worry about that – it’s invaluable just for gaining more insights about others.


Of course we can look directly into YOUR potential for professional image and energetic beauty evolution and mastery as well.


In his IQ (mental intelligence)

“Epiphany is an explosion in the human heart, an openness and acceptance of others, and a Divine spirit of friendliness that is at the core of all human beings.”


And your Gene Keys will reveal many profound things about what is possible for you in how your masterful presence can be coming across as the more enlightened, influential version of your self.


U can focus on his Auric Radiance which exudes the siddhic or enlightened consciousness signature of FORGIVENESS.


His presence and visual aura literally evokes energetic subconscious releasing and FORGIVES people for their sins. Yes, that is some real shit!


And he has this heart-based emotional intelligence of enlightened Empathy. Are you tuning into this? Here’s that full resource btw itself:


It’s not even ironic that he literally mentions his HEART THEME of Universal Love and all being unified as human in the monologue intro before the music begins.


He is visually and energetically CONGRUENT with his truth…he is unmasked and in his energetic authenticity – the opposite of what many artists do which is put on more of a mask….so there’s a lot to digest and work with.


Remember that image is LIGHT and it is communicating more INFORMATION than just our current paradigm of ‘these are digital pixels’ and that is their skin and outer appearance or style’.


And a big secret with the Gene Keys is that when you are living in the Gift and Siddhic frequencies of YOUR soul encoding and DNA resonance; people will be far more magnetically attracted and drawn TO you.


Your energetic beauty will really be influencing them far more – as opposed to being in not-self or full of social conditioning and programming which can be masking your authentic vulnerable soul self beauty.


Yes, I can read, consult on and work with your Gene Keys (soul cellular encoding) profile in the Allure Makeover Package – and most importantly we are able to work energetically to move your image out of shadow frequencies and more into these enlightened essences of consciousness itself that transmit Light through image!


Yes, the future of image consulting and mastery is here now (with Sexy Chi)!


“Or say u want to witness the signing of the Declaration of Independence, just enter the coordinates”



…or check out some other blog posts on Sexy Chi to help gain more insight into energetic beauty and pro image mastery.


You can get your own energy reading here (this doesn’t include the Gene Keys or Human Design reading).


So the thing is, Yanni was most likely non-conscious of these image and soul transmission aspects of himself however he has led a soul-driven path as an artist which has allowed him to (non-consciously) cultivate resonance with his true soul encoded self.


We now have the tools to do this more consciously and directly (thus saving you a lot of time and frustration). Activations available here but you might want something more comprehensive than just 1 session.

Siddhic Beauty as Key to Her Success? JFLA

Is the aura *directly* related with success? Let’s take a deeper quick look at professional image and influence.


Wouldn’t you like to have more success and influence with your own image and social or entertainment media?




JFLA is a singer on youtube that has 12 million subscribers. She mostly does (video) of her singing covers.


(Similar to Jay Shetty); Is it JUST her voice that keeps people coming back?


Well…wait a minute..what if she was TRANSMITTING some siddhic frequencies IN her alluring presence and aura that was creating such wild non-conscious attraction and followership in people?


What if she was starting to attune them to a higher experience of reality….?


I wanted to know her Gene Keys b/c it relates with the aura and finally went to get the information. I said aloud..”I bet (and hope) she has Grace”; I knew it!


She does (22.5)! Grace is the siddhic level of her Radiance (one of the most relevant to the visible aura), Exquisiteness and Liberation as IQ and EQ. These aspects are shining through.


The 22nd Key has about the LONGEST chapter in the Gene Keys book and a lot to say about it.


“To be in the presence of someone manifesting this Siddhi is to be entranced by the aura of love that surrounds them…Grace is the very breath of the Divine.”


Grace is also related to deep forgiveness and wiping out past karma. So well most people who know her can’t explain it or ‘like her voice’ I believe THIS is the deeper truth of what’s going on; her auric allure and soul communication is transmitting rich value to THEIR soul experience (mostly non-conscious) beneath the paradigm of voice, beauty and video ‘as we know it’.


So is aura (your general energy field) related directly to success? In professional image related fields?


Of course…but even moreso now than ever as ye old paradigms are breaking down.


JFLA has an auric advantage b/c she has siddhic level frequencies transmitting through and THAT is a main secret of her success – that’s what I am confident in.



So imagine what can start to really open up for YOU when you start cultivating your own energetic beauty to have siddhi’s of high frequency quality essences beaming through your own aura and chakras – influencing your people secretly and non-consciously.



Imagine when you can have such a healing and alchemical presence that resonates with womeone’s heart, sex and soul through the Law of Resonance – how much more attraction, influence, manifestation and success you will have!?


Cultivate your energetic beauty with Sexy Chi sessions. The Allure Makeover Package is available. I do Gene Keys and Human Design auric consulting as part of it.

King-making Insights With Hieros Gamos

Here’s some insight on Hieros Gamos from a Masculine transformation / throne work perspective;


Remember that in this “we carry one another’s medicines” as Gillian Pothier puts it, so there is so much the Feminine has to offer men and the masculine – more than imaginable along a path of Kingship and creating a Kingdom.


In my experience at least, the idea of my ultimate beloved and communion with her has driven my growth; like basically ALL of it.


I’ve mentioned that for the masculine and men; Sex, Purpose and Freedom are the 3 greatest drivers of transformation…(I’ve been leading men’s work for 15 years).


These 3 have the greatest leverage including the ability to move a man from passive, disavowed apathy (with the feminine/women) into great growth but it’s really the unity of Queen that can move him into aligned heroism and non-tyrannical Kingship.


And this is also why it’s so important that we have Reunified Queens, Lovers and Priestesses as living models in the world that relevantly CARE about the masculine (which is different than what not just incels but many modern men are sensing from feminists and goddesses).


For a man in getting his values aligned;


If it’s Freedom in the sense of Money first, he may compromise and lead towards tyranny and living from Shadow (like the Dark side of Capitalism or cronyism for example).


If it’s Purpose without sex and communion in 3D or spirit, he may never feel whole and worthy as the King he is – AND – he may never have the fuel or desire to even go down such a visionary path.


After all, “If I’m not even going to be sexed or loved, why even bother?” And he can go back into consumer escapist fantasy of video games, internet, etc.


For me on my own King path, those 3 drivers are wrapped up in the devotional path for Her – and they are in proper alchemical alignment to fuel such a visionary purpose as this.


My 5D Beloved; she is and has been the nexis for at least 20 years.


At times I couldn’t see it all clearly b/c of distortion or distraction but it was always her; the concept of Queen to my King (and attuning more into this embodiment).


She is my purpose, sex and freedom; the ultimate drive and desire. That level of Queen that I could become worthy to commune with.


So sacred reunification aka ‘hieros gamos’ is really my own path and dynamic that has fueled such miraculous growth.


But more importantly than hunger (my core wound shadow), she is really my boundlessness, celebration and illumination.

Not to ‘attain’ her but to be one IN communion from that reality of King and Queen.


So if you are a man called to great spiritual growth and Kingly leadership, it’s important to have your values and your fuel in proper alignment for there will be great enough resistance anyways… indifference can also be a major sabotage to becoming that level of King and leader in the world. And for women;


Your work is important as you become a Hieros Gamos Queen to inspire and raise King/s.


Remember that Devotion is a bit different in that it’s a sacrificing of self (of sorts) and melting into the Beloved.


And so I experience this sacred union IN my hieros gamos cultivation sessions (like the 3 hour session last night with some huachuma micro-dose support – at the time of original writing).


So it’s having this concept of the ultimate Queen that a man’s soul could attune to that’s perfect for him and his ideal range of evolution and having her be the central nexis.


This can reunify his SEX, SPIRIT, MIND and SOUL into his Kingship as compared to being DISAVOWED from the state of Western women today.


Selling men on becoming that King who can be worthy of and relate to his ultimate Queen – that’s invaluable.


When you cultivate your alluring energetic beauty and radiance, you will INSPIRE MEN INTO KINGSHIP. And as a Priestess you can help them directly heal and resolve wounds as they grow into worthy Kings the world is missing.


So in your case; who IS this level of King? And IN your Q/K cultivation sessions you want to be FEELING that experience of siddhic communion with Him.


So in this, you want to check with your own Core wound (Gene Keys) to see how that might contextualize your drive or desire.


The best thing for right now – if you desire more than just energetic beauty cultivation for your image and presence – and if you are called to serving men and the masculine in their healing and HEALTHY rise into Kingship (to replace the tyranny in the world) is to reach out to me for a hieros gamos conversation.


There’s no obligation and I will be able to meet you with wherever you are at on your own journey.


First; just go here to answer some questions and we’ll take it from there..

Twin-Flame Soulmate Energetic Template in Relationships



Twin-flamers on average have *massive implants* on their back chakras to and from their 3D lover and often a deadened, cloaked Crown chakra to masculine source itself.


These can be greatly PREVENTING an even richer, sexier, more fulfilling cosmic love life because hierogamy itself (Sex of God/Goddess) is different than just conscious loving.


It’s about what is your relationship to source.


With my work, I connect to your energy field with approval and I can literally and kinaesthetically feel this truth about someone with accuracy b/c the energy doesn’t lie (wherever their energy, health and connection is at).


So if you are on the looking of waiting and needing the ‘right man’, this can be its own inhibitions. It also means you aren’t as fulfilled IN your own presence.


So this energetic template is greatly restricting because of its level of attachment.


“Attachment leads to suffering” – the great Buddhic saying.


It requires the right man to allow you to connect to source in union and while that makes sense from most paradigms, it isn’t the highest possible.


What happens if you lose your lover or they let you go? More suffering, betrayal and abandonment? Months or years of grief and low self-esteem? That’s just not a Reunified Queen however.


Then you are a woman who needs a new partner at that level of fill the void in order to connect to the divine through twin flame union. Even if you believe you have a soul-mate, it could be wired in this twin-flame union template.


This is the template that love songs make popular as well but it’s where you burn down together instead of truly rising in sacred devotion and love with the divine within each other. The Holy Fire foundational element is missing.


A healthier template than twin flame soul mates would be that of Hieros Gamos where your connection and devotion is to divine masculine principle instead of being attached just to your 3D partner.


Now, if you ARE in a relationship with a partner, it can take a lot of work in order to shift entirely what you know of each other to bring the sacred into the bedroom like never before and to unlimited new heights and depths of connection and love.


To transfer into true 5D devotion and throne living – *energetically* the profile dynamic is that u would want a brilliant, lit receiving CROWN connection to source masculine W/O the psychic cords of *attachment* on the back to a 3D Lover.


U would also want deep trauma and other entropic fear-based energies removed from within the psyche itself (literally in the chakras themselves); cleared, restored and mended into clarity of presence instead of stuck with lower frequency interference, shadow attachments and junk from the past.


Change your relational architecture energetically and everything shifts profoundly. And I know other hieros gamos teachers have their methods that also work. Nicole Gayle is one of those guides.


However for me; instead of being ie. a 99% listening psycho-therapist to keep hearing about your attachment and story to your twin-flame lover;


I just like to WORK on the energetic level for women who are actually ready to move on and cultivate b/c we can get so much done there foundationally with the results also being shown in energetic beauty.


So if you want to break the cycle of being in dysfunctional twin-flame relationships and desire more connection to God the Father, God the Lover and God the King for example – which can greatly increase your Queenship attraction, power and influence in life and relationships, maybe we should talk.


I have helped clients profoundly heal and shift their relationship patterns. What might be the best next step is to take me up on a complimentary Hieros Gamos Chat.


You can answer some questions here first and we can schedule a time.


This way; I can meet you with wherever YOU are at if you are desiring more relationship wealth.


And that might mean breaking a lifelong pattern of attracting the wrong men.

Dark Muse: Light & Dark Lily: Legend (1985)

Have you seen this movie?



It’s got Tom Cruise, Mia Sara and Tim Curry.


For the first time ever I have finally watched the movie ‘Legend’ (1985) and was profoundly impressed. I see what the hype is about – but it’s even richer than just a ‘movie’.


Few films are so clearcut with Light and Dark that it leaves room for great contemplation and integration.


It all somehow means more with plant medicine experience, but I *know* why I didn’t see this movie before; growing up in a Pentecost background the ‘bad guy’ (from my perception then) was literally too ‘evil’ and literal for me to stomach without getting triggered.


Anyways, let’s just focus on the heroine with a quick read on Lily (Mia Sara).


Light (Consciousness) Lily is full of innocence, curiosity, youthful grace, etc.


She’s the virginal, virtuous and Archetypal Light Earth Maiden-Princess with healthy naivete and vital elements of Goddess consciousness yet to be matured. (Energetically they did a great job with casting and energy management).


Interestingly, as she is seduced by the Dark Lord her *authentic* archetypal embodiment, presence and image transmutes (as it SHOULD – and that’s also why this film is bananas).


This is one of the most fascinating things to me; she takes on Dark Muse when she didn’t have much Muse before this.


The Dark Lord even professes his devotion to her (yes that) – for her to join in his Darkness for eternity.


So let’s look at a Light reading;


Light Lily > Maiden-Princess




Maiden 9.0 / 8.1


Princess 7.5 / 7.0


Muse 5.2 / 5.1


Dark Muse 2.3 / –


Eros 4.5


Queen 5.3 / 4.4


And now let’s look at Dark Lily as and after she transforms.


Dark Lily > Dark Muse-Eros


Maiden 6.3 / 4.1


Princess 6.1 / 4.9


(Light) Muse 7.8 / 7.3


Dark Muse 8.2 / 7.5


Light Eros 6.3 / 6.2


Dark Eros 7.5 / 7.1


Queen 7.1 / 7.0


This awareness is heretical and profound…see what has shifted?


It also means that (in some cases) Dark can actually increase the container for embodiment OF Light.


Once she found a meta-masculine counter-balance – it all changed. (Tom Cruise would have a lot of Archetypal Light Prince btw leading up to the finale)


We can pre-suppose that after going through the final initiation (which I won’t reveal for those who haven’t seen it) that she leaves as this even more balanced and integrated woman (more Queen) without falling into the Shadows of destruction.


So profound the implications in this ‘legendary’ movie.


This is one you want to own if possible (although I understand many stream). 


Want your own full energy reading assessment? 


You can reserve one here.