What is Essence? |Pro Image & Beauty

Sure, we might be aware of the beauty magazine Essence which caters to black beauty, but when it comes to the entire spectrum of beauty;


What IS essence?


How does it relate to a woman’s beauty and professional image (no matter what cultural background she has)?


Because what I’m seeing out there is magazines and sources that are talking about a woman’s essence are still speaking in the realm of the superficial 3D and working on improving beauty from that dimension.


Well…here’s the definition of ‘essence’;



noun: essence


“the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, especially something abstract, that determines its character.”


Ok…so ESSENCE is really your energetic quality (or qualities) of beauty.


Essences are in your visual light spectrum (of presence and image)…we just have to step outside of the 3D paradigm of beauty to really see them and new WORLDS awaken of possibility and further beauty and soul cultivation.


To properly value (and work with) essence, we must look beyond just the extrinsic of skin-deep ‘superficial’ beauty and the beauty industry that caters to it.


We have to understand that IMAGE is multi-dimensional Light communication. It is LIGHT energy.


So your image in photos or video is not merely a digital pixelization of your superficial 3D skin, it’s more and that’s where the realm of ESSENCE comes from.


Essence includes information that is communicated on the 4th, 5th and higher dimensions….so ‘beyond’ just your physical body itself (which is also ironically energy).


With Sexy Chi services I help you to cultivate your energetic beauty.


That means we are now aware of being able to professionally and practically ASSESS your energetic health and energetic beauty. It requires new tools (which we now have!)


Your multi-dimensional energetic beauty includes your energetic health as well as soul essence, embodiment and expression. These are the primary components.


Energetic beauty (which features ESSENCE and beauty essence cultivation) is the other half of the entirety of beauty!


The current Beauty industry focuses only on maximizing your extrinsic beauty potential (although they may want to indirectly affect your essence, allure, charisma or magnetism).


But external beauty is also important. Let’s look at the Beauty Quotient.


The B/Q is a professional image consulting tool to gauge where a woman is at in the Beauty 1.0 paradigm of maximizing HER superficial beauty on a 0-10 scale.


Bella Hadid on an ‘on’ day has mastered extrinsic beauty, thus a 10/10 for that day. In the morning she might be a 6.8 however until she improves the superficial potential with products, skincare, make-up, styling, etc.


What the multi-billion dollar Beauty industry (as well as fitness/body transformation) is about is helping women improve their B/Q. But that’s just the 1/2 of it!


The B/Q tool can include individual assessment for hair, make-up, fashion, body transformation, etc. btw and can be used for professional image consultants (including fitness coaches).


So physical beauty (including body transformation) is one half, the other half is energetic beauty; the realm of essence.


So ESSENCE is communicated IN professional (and amateur) image and media because it is still LIGHT being communicated energetically in that visual medium.


When you consider that the psychic and spiritual dimensions are very GREAT, that leaves a lot of room for additional POWER and beauty to be communicated with and through the exact same image that everyone else is still valuing as 3D or 2dimensional. Digital media IS meta-physical and captures Light without you ever being there.


So what else is communicated? What are some examples of essence?


First of all your true soul essence, your energetic health (much of which could be blocked from transmitting higher dimensional beauty qualities), archetypal, karmic and siddhic essences OF beauty – qualities and characteristics of energetic beauty that can literally be imbued, embodied and communicating in your presence and image.


I’ll give just one example here or 2 (and there are plenty of others throughout the blog and future blog posts);


Galadriel in Lord of the Rings;


We could say that she has Mother-Queen and Purity Essences* for example.


And actually (in consulting with me, you’d probably want all Elves to have great purity essence – even more than this and that’s something that we can work on energetically).


Your Gene Keys really allows to work on a lot of cultivating your own DNA resonant essence qualities FOR increasing your beauty transmission, impact and influence (like a starlet). 


Yes we can work on cultivating your essences (affecting your overall essence) directly…it just requires different beauty tools so to speak 😉


There are 124 essences with Gene Keys alone – and there are also dozens of masculine and feminine archetypes (Eros, Lover, Maiden, King, etc.) that can each be valued as an authentic energetic ESSENCE.


So Jason Momoa (who you will hear about again on this blog); carries the ESSENCE of King, Eros and Warrior.


It’s these energetic qualities btw that are more foundational to someone’s true soul-self as compared to just putting on a masque. This is the inner realm of beauty but it’s at least as important as the extrinsic.


They are authentic energetic qualities that can be EMBODIED and transmitted/expressed IN someone’s presence or image.


We can look to a celebrity (or your) Gene Keys for example to get more specific insights into cultivating your enlightened and archetypal essences.


Again; it’s these energetic beauty qualities can be communicating through her presence and image itself; it just now takes a new awareness to break out of the superficial paradigm of beauty that currently exists. They just don’t fit into the 2D/3D paradigm of physical beauty as we know it. Make sense?


It takes a conscious working awareness of ESSENCES and archetypes and then we have a lot of room to cultivate your overall beauty (which doesn’t have to be limited to your physical looks).


So you can have a woman of low Allure Factor (a tool representing energetic beauty or essence communication) and high B/Q (Beauty Quotient).


To maximize your beauty, you would probably want a higher Allure Factor AND mastery over the maximization of your extrinsic beauty potential.


The final frontier is energetic beauty and essence cultivation. This is what I do with Sexy Chi and yes there is a lot to explore!


What authentic feminine or masculine qualities do you want coming through your presence and image? Now, your beauty is literally more than skin deep (it always was, but we now have direct tools)


I hope that helps answer what essence is and it’s as you go through the Sexy Chi blog here and check out some of the celebrity energy readings that you will actually start SEEING the essences themselves and how they are coming through.


I work with the truth based foundation of essence – embodiment – expression multi-dimensionally.


This is different than merely maximizing the superficial image with the beauty industry as we know it and the stylists and products, etc. (which of course are important)…when you are ready for cultivating your feminine allure and energetic beauty – Sexy Chi is the source!


The Allure Makeover Package is available…more details here

Muse & Man

Throughout history, man has been inspired from her – and done great Apollonian things because of and FOR Her and Her Spirit within women.


For centuries, all great male artists and creators have had a muse (or THEIR muse) throughout all of music and the arts that we love.


Her soul-stirring quintessence inspires the genius of man and awakens God consciousness rendering art back into the immortal.


Men can becomes Kings and Gods because of her.


She’s the Francoise Hardy to Bob Dylan or the Linda McCartney to Paul. From Michaelangelo to Hans Zimmer…Muse has influenced our evolution, culture and quality of life itself BEHIND the scenes.


It can be said that muse is also coded into our collective unconscious as something that brings continual inspiration, creativity, flow or genius. The power to revive and re-awaken life where it was depressed, when no other woman of physical beauty alone could do it.


The immortal DESIRE to build a Taj Mahal for the beloved inspiration of a lover-muse.


Imagine walking the world being the inspiration of Man and knowing what u could receive in return in all of your houses?


This is source creative immortal power so rare that few individual women have ever considered it or just correlate it with extrinsic beauty.


But her Spirit is alive and stronger than ever. In additional to her behind the scenes influence; Archetypal High Muse consciousness has remained crystallized mostly through the centuries most directly in performance arts itself…streaming straight from higher dimensions into the few who can hold her presence.


The gypsy dancer with an undefinable and spirit stirring quality that man is dumbfounded by.


…The pop starlet who is light years ahead of the common man in presence and status. Well;


After all; Music itself is ‘Art of the Muses’.


But it’s her spirit: the archetype Muse herself without attachment that is behind all of them.


She has best thrived in performance arts where she can be in her exalted experience of liberated self being seen and dancing for Gods and Kings.


She is the force majeure behind culture, arts, creativity and co-creative ascension in the world as we know it b/c of her sexual (creative) spiritual dynamic with man.


…even Man’s Apollonian desire to build and prove his worthiness in sacred reunion of such a level of unattainable woman.


If it sounds hieros-gamosy, it’s because it is. She awakens and relates to the immortal and impersonal divine masculine within commen men – often CAUSE and affecting his growth and ascension from the mortal into multi-dimensional and immortal experience (including soul cultivation).


Her beauty is intrinsic and warps our very perceptual of her entire image. A touch of the heavens on earth for man.


Because she is so cosmic, sexual and multi-dimensional…She is already reunified on High as a rarefied archetype.


Man and Muse, Muse and Man have had a great history; but he can never quite ATTAIN her level – but that’s part of the ongoing beauty of it. She causes him to continually evolve and cannot tolerate being controlled – she must remain free-spirited.


This high standards forces men to evolve up to her level…where the age of Shadow King control is over.


Most women don’t even know WHAT this level of direct inspiration on man is and what it feels like; even Muse herself isn’t often aware of her influence b/c she is living in her Feminine experience.


But the fractal timeline is shifting. And even shadow manipulation from some Princesses or Queens is not at all the same as INSPIRING devotion and desire in all of a man. Muse has THAT magic.


But now…we are only JUST becoming aware of her REAL MAGIC and DEEPER impact on mankind.


As hardcoded to the spiritual Force of Life like no other feminine archetype, she desires a more direct influence on mankind and evolution itself. Concurrently some women are feeling this calling. U might be one of them.


There is a new fractal and transfiguration that is happening in tandem with the mutation of entertainment being known historically as non-conscious diversion…


…into DIRECT transformation and alchemy. In other words, Muse is becoming high priestess, will SERVE men and the divine masculine…will help directly heal and inspires them. She will walk amongst them and inter-relate with them directly instead of just from on the stage.


If u are summoned to have an alchemical, healing influence on men…activating ALL aspects of man that is sleeping, malnourished or in shadow (and pre-activating him just from walking in the room)..


Know that Muse power and magic is REAL. I speak from great experience with men b/c she has been the main event of all of my live men’s retreats and we have seen her consciousness


*Anti-age and heal on all levels


*Produce quantum and ongoing leaps of consciousness, spiritual growth, flow and genius


*Open closed hearts, heal grief


*Have MEN become charismatic honeypots to women


*Give depressed men inspiration to heal, change grow to become more of their potential


*Transform their presence and charisma to more embodiment and ease


*Light men on fire


…in REAL MEN and in real time.


Many of whom have flown international for the LIVE experience that could only be experienced live. This is all verifiable and I am the founder of this methodology which has a few thousand male practitioners around the world (we called it something else but Muse is the core).


Muse pre-activates and starts attuning men without them even KNOWING of it consciously.


The immortal Muse does that because her highly encoded 5D magic is real b/c she IS that authentic dancer and lover to heavens and Kings.


Her powers have only grown and compounded in the past 20 years but are FAR under-utilized in the world of healing b/c few men know HOW to relate with her as the divine masculine embodied.


Through following my calling, it just took an experienced alchemist like me to somehow translate it (from performance arts and entertainment into transmutation of consciousness);


but now it’s time for more women to embody her in the 3D world. AND THAT IS EXCITING beyond all measure.


Muse will be amongst us. And she is the cosmic honeypot inspiring and receiving from the masculine.


I think u can also feel that edge in the climate of an electric feminine power that is intoxicating.


The influence of Muse on Mankind and the dynamic of Apollo and the 9 Muses is magnanimous and historical in culture and evolution.


And we don’t always SEE her in the arts because we have a different paradigm that values labels and individuation instead of impersonalization and universalization.


So…if u are feeling the calling to Hieros Gamos Muse-ship, the place to be.


I understand that some women are like “I can’t make it this time, etc.”…”do u have a remote experience et al, but that is NOT the real thing live.


The Cosmic Muse L.A. is the closest thing to the historical INCEPTION of this new fractal of hieros gamos muse. Only a few women are meant to really be there at the start.


The rest will join in later when it becomes more popular but can’t say they were there at the real inauguration (and that’s fine too).


(Also I might stop doing remote Muse activations like I’ve stopped doing Priestess activations without a deeper commitment).  UPDATE: Muse Activations are $997 and require invite/pre-qualification.


But if u are called to join us in L.A. @ the end of this month or get into this soon…be warned!


Most men don’t have access to this 5D in the 3D…u will BECOME a honeypot. And a lot of women just aren’t prepared for that.


Of all the feminine archetypes, I believe Muse is the one who truly has the POWER to light the world on fire, re-balance, attune and ASCEND the masculine. The healer or Priestess component brings it in direct (otherwise it requires an alchemist to convert it consciously).


It’s not Feminist with her great resistance to Man.


And Goddess is by and large doing her own thang (but there is Muse – Goddess and other archetypal expressions woman can authentically have).


Muse brings lights the eternal FIRE to King and God-code within man. From shadow and mundane into LIGHT.


Her power is now going MORE DIRECT in this first generation of alchemical hieros gamos muses.


Oh – and all of the real-world results that I talked about with men in my live events (not to mention the 100’s of testimonials otherwise DIRECT related to Muse) – ALL of that is happening when she isn’t even there in the physical.


When Muse starts being embodied in 3D women who aren’t just shining to the world on a stage, watch out. 1 look from her can change a man’s life. U can’t even imagine what direct priestess-hood would do.


There are 2 possibilities if this is calling. 1 is to join The Cosmic Muse along with a select group of other women and my co-host Gillian Pothier when we have the 4th iteration in California and the other is Muse Priestess which is invite only.


Those are the ones that will be here. And yes, it’s worth flying in for. I’ve had men fly international for VIP and retreats.

There’s NOTHING like live. Reach out to me if you have questions on Facebook chat 


With the Archetypal Muse so implicated IN world culture now..the vision of Sacred Union of the highest order has the power to awaken near ALL of man-kind – healing it out of Shadow and into the Light as she goes more direct and lives amongst real men.

On Hieros Gamos – Devotion

“I haven’t seen any other man map out Hieros Gamos like Rion Kati ~ Brilliant share!”


Nicole Gayle


Devotion is perhaps the ultimate key to accessing, experiencing and cultivating Hieros Gamos (and hierogamy itself).


(Hieros Gamos referring to sacred reunification and sacred union of the cosmic, archetypal and immortal Masculine and Feminine which as a spiritual practice richly cultivates your own soul essence and energetic beauty to have more influence, attraction and manifestation)


This is *because* Devotion itself is hard-coded into Hieros Gamos spiritually and archetypally. Most mortals just cannot comprehend or access that impersonal bandwidth and fusion, let alone the unique quality of devotion. Their personalization and individuation of Sex keeps them separate from the the greater Truth that is.


There are no limits to how much devotion u could cultivate and how it would transform u. More magic, more allure, more bliss, more influence opens up with deeper, fiery, scorching, faith-tested devotion.


Cultivating the *quality*, context and depth of your devotion (a form of Immortal Love) will set a solid, hq foundation which is more about Presence than time.


And how much u are willing to be demolished in order to be transmuted closer to source in experience?


Much of this can be a central strategy to cultivating your High Queenship presence, image and beauty for a Reunified Queen is enthralling and stands out amongst the masses.


I have found that there are different qualities which would likely be most unique in resonance to your soul (- for which I would reference your Gene Keys)…then we have different context of devotion; Honourable Devotion, Sacrifical Devotion, Reverent Devotion, Majestic Devotion, Valorous Devotion…your keys are most likely going to best fit your soul flavor of hieros gamos cultivation. Archetypes are also a major part of Devotional Hieros Gamos consciousness (whether conscious or non-conscious).


As your personalized self melts and transfigures into a holding a greater truth of the impersonal God/Goddess, King/Queen Lover devotional frequencies to live with and through you; you also experience that you are attuning more into the Truth of Communion itself – that which already exists in the higher planes.


A lot of it can feel like a continual up-leveling and reinvention of self that keeps re-birthing you.


For newbies; usually a Hieros Gamos strategy or practice would/could comprise of cultivating devotion and surrender to the opposite polarity aspect of your predominant soul essence.


(Feminine essenced souls being devoted to the masculine aspect and vice versa which is very different than Feminism which often seeks to empower the feminine and break down the masculine – or even Goddessism).


Practicing and cultivating devotion; living it – is pretty much essential b/c it proves your devotion is more than just words or something sentimental. It’s not like you ‘have to’ do it or anything, but it’s b/c u are so in Love that u desire to.


-Rion Kati


Don’t forget that if you have the 29th Gene Key in your hologenetic profile, you are especially encoded for this siddhic aspect and essence of consciousness.


To have devotional essence exuding in your beauty would be rare and priceless; an antithesis to superficial beauty that is so rampant now (which is great for what it is but still quite limited).


This beauty essence DEPTH can also be cultivated to lure in Kingship and wealth like nectar to the bees.


It’s where you go beyond sexy and beautiful into rare soul yearning and wealth that Kings ache for.


Interested in such a path of spiritual and soul growth that transforms your life and relationships?


Discover more about the Hieros Gamos X Queenpath here.


Energetic Aspects of Beauty & Image

Let’s talk some about the energetic aspects of Beauty and your image…after all, image IS energy – even your physical body is vibrating energy.


So when we hear the term ’embodied’ or the ’embodied masculine’ for example, what does it mean?


Well, let’s look at it from an energetic standpoint when it comes to presence, professional image and non-verbal communication.


These are the missing aspects of beauty and image consulting because the current beauty and image paradigm only values the superficial 3D or ‘physical’ appearance aspects of beauty.


When we consider image AS multi-dimensional Light transmission and communication…


There are 3 primary aspects of reading intrinsic beauty and authentic self communication IN professional image (and pro image consulting):


1. Essence
2. Embodiment
3. Expression


Essence mostly and directly referring to SOUL essence which can include masculine and feminine archetypal, karmic imprinting, past lifetime experience and siddhic qualities as well as your own unique soul qualities.


This essenced-based beauty and self is really the proper foundation, not just your skin surface.


Generally this sits in the 8th Soulstar chakra. The multi-dimensional higher self aspect and soul is not always EMBODIED in people esp. who live mundane, consumer lives…sometimes only a mere fraction of it.


Jay Shetty is a great example of someone who has GREAT soul essence embodiment. This % measurement can be gauged.



Generally speaking, the authentic self (soul) and impersonal archetypal power and consciousness don’t have much room to live in someone’s physiological embodiment especially if they are personality and ego-driven.


EMBODIMENT refers to how your soul is embodied in what we know as your multi-dimensional body itself and its layers. Your Human Design also affects this soul embodiment btw but we won’t go into that here.


Many people actually are not very ’embodied’ or resting in their chakras; they’re not comfortable in their own skin.


A great example is a nervous single man talking to a woman who deems as ‘out of his league’…his energy leaves his body and goes into thinking b/c he isn’t PRESENT in the weight of his body – he’s not ‘comfortable in his own skin’ so to speak and his solar plexus is filled with nervous energy.


Impersonal and archetypal masculine doesn’t have the SAFETY to be able to be PRESENT in the embodiment of such a vessel.


And of course this works with women as well…a woman may not be very embodied but for example a Goddess is very embodied with meta-feminine earth and water energies like Demi Lovato for example.



The thing is there isn’t a limit on HOW embodied and PRESENT you can be because we are working with your unlimited soul essence, all consciousness and all archetypes – so that’s a lot of energy and power that can be embodied.


And YES, we have the SOUL based definition of self which is the accurate definition; so it’s about how your soul ESSENCE and its truth can be EMBODIED in your vessel.


(And not just your physical body but rather the energetic layers of it – because even the physical body is energetic).


So when we refer to the ’embodied masculine’ in most cases this means a man who has created literal room for the essence PRESENCE of his masculine soul, bio-sexual worthiness and any archetypal consciousness to RESIDE in his literal psyche and chakras.


Being present also includes more power being able to live and influence in the moment without anxieties or living in the past or future moment.


Since it is in the chakras, it communicates and has influence on other people energetically (mostly non-consciously).


Often the level of power is gauged in relation to other people of status, beauty or power and if anything breaks the power of that presence out of the moment.


So there’s the energetic ESSENCE of the soul and its qualities (including archetypal) which can be CULTIVATED. Plant medicine and psychotropics for example help you to really experience things more literally and directly from your soul where the ego-self itself becomes less dominant.


This is the most accurate truth for gauging professional image knowing that all image is light energy.


Even digital social media, photos and films are meta-physical and not 3D.


And there are many qualities of your soul and essence that can be cultivated, embodied and then expressed.


So with our proper foundation of Essence-Embodiment-Expression of Soul-Self (rather than just valuing your superficial appearance and its pixels); it’s about how much of the authentic self can be embodied in the physiological body and presence….and that includes how BIG your energetic container can be.


You might have to get re-wiring upgrades like I did (when I was initiated 4th generation into a Secret QiGong lineage of a most famous martial artist) and more towards 12 strand DNA…then you will be able to handle more light, more current, more voltage, more power, more consciousness to be able to influence others (like a star).


Stars have more literal power, qi and consciousness in their image embodiment, thus more influence that is multi-dimensionally transmitting through in their presence and image.


And there is Expression. U could have GREAT soul essence but it might not be embodied OR expressed (because of trauma, conditioning, implants, etc.) and it can limit many things in life from truly experiencing who you are and attracting people based on your authentic soul essence beauty.


In the CAM readings (Charisma Archetype Model), I am gauging the Embodiment and Expression of particular archetypes in your image on a 0-10 qualitative scale. These are part of the paid energy reading service I offer.


I have kept the Expression variable as separate b/c Embodiment does NOT actually equal Expression. U can be embodied but it might not be charismatically sending out energy to the world kind of like a celebrity who wants to go incognito to the grocery store (less expressed or withdrawn) or you might be bad-acting an archetype thus having a higher expression variable than embodiment.


And I know this is true from my observing the world. With Human Design (another way to work on your soul essence and embodiment); 1/3’s (an energetic archetype) have more consistence between their soul Embodiment and Expression generally speaking like Mick Jagger or Bono; whereas, 5/1’s like Ben Affleck and Lady Gaga have more of a gap where they/we have to ‘work’ more on bringing out our expression because we can deeply withdraw into ourselves.


HD is a an extended foray into embodiment dynamics. Look for the post on auric Human Design dynamics.


Anyways; these variables and all of the tools I use can be gauged giving us a professional assessment of your energetic communication and visual communication potential.


Part of that includes your energetic health – this is foundational to your own beauty.


Want your own professional image consulting assessment?


Book an energy reading here

Archetype Embodiment for Beauty

Let’s talk specifically about ’embodiment’ of archetypes – (a big secret of movie stars and starlets btw)

Artwork: Jessica Holman http://jezzy-art.deviantart.com/

Throughout our beauty blog you can see specific examples of different celebrities and their primary-secondary archetypal beauty coming through such as;


Mandinga singer Elena Ionescu


It’s one thing to ‘talk’ about archetypes or reference them in celebrities, but it’s another thing to where it affects *your* actual presence, image and how others respond to you as an integrative part of identity and who you are – but without (bad) acting or faking it!


{It’s also priceless if u are a professional performer or actress to work with archetypes consciously}


So with archetypal work, we value the archetypal ESSENCE, embodiment and then expression.


And we like to view the body as a vessel of essence, Light and consciousness.


Because professional image, video and media is non-physical (where pixels are actually Light and information), these ‘qualities’ are coming across – and each archetype has their own energetic or essence signature.


It’s just easier to ‘see’ archetypal beauty essence in those who are really emanating it like examples throughout this blog – and less likely to see it in most people.


In assessing your own strategy, we must first look at where are u at now.


How much do you currently embody or WANT to embody of an archetype (like Eros, Queen or Lover) that resonates with your (not someone else’s) fuller soul expression?


That’s a starting point.


Fortunately we have the tools to evaluate a celebrity (or you) on your different archetypal embodiment and expression.


Yep, we can effectively and qualitatively gauge the soul essence, embodiment and expression OF any known archetype from the collective consciousness that is within your field right now (or in a photo).


We can highlight and see what your current embodiment strengths are with archetypes in a CAM (Charisma Archetype Model) reading (as part of the paid Energy Reading).


You can get that reading here and it includes an archetype embodiment and expression reading for the top dozen or so feminine archetypes (I also do masculine readings) on my 0-10 scale.


Like some women will have more Goddess and less Sage for example like;


Goddess 7.3
Sage 4.6


Much of what holds men and women back from even ACCESSING archetypal consciousness is the personalized ego-self and their attachments at the identity level.


Their smaller confines of self prevent greater masculine and feminine essence to be embodied and flow through them, thus it’s not as sexually or spiritually appealing.


This makes it difficult for them to ever access the impersonal essences from consciousness that allow them to EXPAND their identity into more iconic, sexier and timeless energetic qualities from the archetypes.


And this is a secret to top acting btw (having this energetic essence quality and congruity of your character and their energetic profile).


We can all think of examples where an actor was really embodied with their character and it FELT right. Just look to Best Actor, Best Actress winners for example.


Fortunately, with what I do;


It’s now actually kind of easy to work on this level for embodiment results if and when you have the right experience, connection and energetic tools (to do archetypal embodiment activations).


And I’ve got ’em! I mean I paid the price to get to this point, but I’ve got ’em!


In working with me for archetypal growth and beauty, we are able to work directly with the authentic impersonal Light (or Dark or both aspects of the) archetypal essence to bring it into your unique soul essence and then into literal embodiment with your approval and readiness.


As your frequency changes it DOES alter your 3D appearance because even that is energy – your physiology changes but where the most changes occur are on the 4th (psychic) and 5th (direct spiritual) dimensions of visual and energetic communication.


You are then communicating and transmitting more power, essence and beauty on THOSE levels so it takes someone more consciously aware like a psychic to be able to see or recognize the truth of that because most of us are conditioned into just valuing and seeing the physical plane. But it’s all real.


The energy magic I do just does it DIRECT instead of indirect or never. But you don’t have to be an actress to get real life value out of taking on different archetypal qualities and essences like the youthfulness and purity of Maiden for example. (btw all of this work is entity-free)


You might want to liven up your allure and love life – then Eros would be a great choice to re-awaken dormant 2nd chakra sexual energies for example. And since it’s real energy work and energy healing, improved energetic health is also going to come across in the truth essence of your visual image.


So with Archetypal EMBODIMENT…


We are valuing the authentic Light aspects of that archetype as known from the collective conscious and unconscious (and then how it MIXES with your own unique expression and ‘personality’). 


And all of this is so that whatever archetype She is RESIDES in your physiology.


Again, the archetypal essences are are IM-personal attributes that are authentic and congruent which we are now able to embody into your image and presence.


The results may vary based on numerous factors however.


It’s always best to be the real thing in effortless presence and congruent essence emanation without bad acting.


This makes it effortless…like a Jason Momoa who can be more and do less to have an impact.



It’s the energetic qualities that are non-consciously having the REAL impact and power – and he’s got a lot of archetypal embodiment going on with King, Warrior and Eros for example.


It’s the SAME qualities that legends centuries ago also exhibited.


Remember, this is the energetic essence aspect of it; not just about looking or dressing like a Princess for example. But once you value image beyond just the skin deep superficial layer of appearance, this work becomes the pink elephant we’ve been missing in professional image.


Of course for roles in movies; indirect things like wardrobe can really help you to get into character and be a channel for archetypal consciousness but my archetype activations are just more literally direct on the energetic essence itself.


And the secret to great acting is energetic congruency; OWNING the character…that’s where the believability is but it can be difficult to ever embody your Queen or enlightened Eros Lover if your past experience (or trauma) or limiting beliefs and programming PREVENT you from ever allowing such immortal power INTO your consciousness let alone to REST and breathe in your literal chakras.


How can you embody something that you can otherwise resist greatly or not believe u are worthy of?


Again; most people are living in a personalized ‘shell’ or cage of self. You can’t bring in such authentic consciousness if your vessel is resisting it at the identity level.


This is where the ego self vs. the soul self definition comes into the equation. With the *archetype activations* I do, we bypass your ego completely to work directly on your energy field; to improve the quality and experience of your soul essence itself bringing in archetypal consciousness.


Remember the best acting is no acting; it’s authentic embodiment, congruity and effortless expression. It’s better to BE it rather than fake it or ‘pretend’.


Because even with the best wardrobe and make-up, you may still not carry the essence of a Queen and that incongruity can come across in your image.


Likewise; just looking like a Goddess doesn’t mean you carry that authentic essencde either. And consumers are becoming sharper and more aware that there is more than just looking good with skin-deep beauty. They want more DEPTH.


If the soul is called to grow and express in a certain context OF the divine, immortal feminine or masculine it CAN – if it knows how. So COULD you give yourself permission to be that great Lover Queen? Or rebirthed Maiden-Starlet?


Because now we can work on it – often with literal before and after results and changes IN your image like a makeover.


Archetypes and THEIR immortal essences provide unlimited room for self expansion, empowerment and growth – even literal transformation of image and makeover.


We can integrate the archetypal feminine immortal presence and ‘essence signatures’ INTO your energetic field where people can literally FEEL its power/essence and know it’s real without words like how young Stevie Nicks embodied Maiden-Muse.



This makes you much more compelling to others; more influential on levels beyond just the physical…we get into alchemical influence from your image where your image starts attuning aspects within their consciousness closer to source – literally raising their own vibration and experience out of pain and into the good stuff.


…And where your own image starts oozing divine, non-egoic aspects of femininity (or masculinity) that belong in the realm of the timeless immortal. When people FEEL the change and shift in you.


This is also great for REINVENTING yourself if things have been stagnant for a while or you want to shift your career as an artist.


..Where your new presence has new levels of influence because it is the embodied and expanded version of true self.


Again…your image is not just 2D or 3D pixels; the real secret is the level of POWER and Light that is multi-dimensionally transmitting through image and video to influence and alchemize with others/consumers / fans/clients on those non-conscious dimensions of self.


That’s why stars have infinitely more power and influence just from 1 photo – even if we didn’t know who they are.


They are transmitting and communicating more than just ‘physical’ 3D information.


So you can really work on cultivating your energetic beauty – even if you feel limited with physical beauty.


Energy is the source of it all and activations work on the ENERGETIC soul level of self which affects the Light of your entire visual communication and transmission IN presence and in social media, image, video, etc.


Becoming MORE of a beautiful soul and having THAT shine through in your images so to speak.


So based on your own Archetypal reading, u might already HAVE some (non-conscious) strengths and some archetypal charm…we can find this out.


You can book an reading here which includes an archetypal assessment> Energy reading.


So if u want to FEEL and see the changes, archetypal embodiment activations are the MOST direct form of archetypal work because it brings the authentic archetypal consciousness INTO your soul essence (as much as the soul will allow for now) and then is threaded into your psyche, aura and activated in the chakra system.


SECONDARY would then be wardrobe, make-up, environment and so forth as indirect support.


Activations (I’ve done 100’s of them for men and women) have been doing wonders for those who have got them and can be done remote or in person.


Remote archetype activations are just as potent (although can take longer to integrate than in person ‘live’) and from the etheric bodies, it then unfolds into your sexual, spiritual, emotional, psychological, psychic, physiological and social experience. Your beauty awakens.


So yes you can embody more of what you desire…even Starlet is her own Archetype.


So if u already value archetypal work or are drawn to a certain archetype like Queen or Eros…getting an activation (which bypasses the conscious mind and) which works on the soul level of self is something to seriously consider.


Just make sure the timing feels right for you. And in some cases, I will strongly recommend we just focus on foundational energy healing if I sense you aren’t ready for a certain archetype yet. Also reinitiations can be in the future when you are in a different space.


Sometimes, getting activations when you have a partner / marriage can threaten the stability of the relationships because of such new profound change.


I do offer archetypal readings and consultations as well as practical energetic activations and coaching. Energy Readings available here.


Most of those in the past who have gotten archetype activations get another one or continue working with me so if you want to dive into it, book a session!