The Divinity of Objectification: Part 2

The Divinity of  Sexual Objectification Part 2

   {The Shadow Paradigm}


**Deep Dive** <> **Long Read**


(Sexual) Objectification is popularly known as where a woman is (presumably) viewed as an ‘object’ (of male sexual desire) instead of being treated as a real, relatable human.


But are women just pawns of male fantasy through social media, men’s magazines like Maxim and the pop world of advertising? Or are they (some) massively benefiting while 99% of MEN are the one’s getting left behind socially, sexually and spiritually? Hmm…


Before I get into why objectification can even be GOOD for both men and women and is an integral part of our ascension (from a Light Masculine perspective instead of Shadow), I digress..


It seems obvious why there might be initial outrage; of course women are humans TOO, they shouldn’t be treated as objects.


And post-modern Feminists have a logical point, but I would argue are out of touch with reality for several reasons.


1. Many women massively benefit from this paradigm and objectification (despite some shadow aspects – Nicki Minaj and the Kardashians are perfect examples)


2. Objectification has risen the sexual, social value and status of (many) women to star-like, quantum proportions far, far ahead of most men


3. Most feminists have value conflicts (or confusion) themselves around sex and beauty which often comes across as hypocritical or conditional


4. Post-modern Feminists dis-acknowledge the biological and spiritual role in all of this from the masculine side of the coin


And perhaps the most important point;


From the current climate; it is near impossible NOT to objectify or project onto others in an era of media where many to most of our relationships are now impersonal and not human 1-to-1 interaction.


Because now we are talking about meta-physical (youtube, music video, advertising, print media, photo, video) and meta-social (instagram, facebook) relationships.


In most cases, they don’t know the woman personally, they are in relationship to her impersonality (Kardashians anyone?)


After written word, art, stories and recorded music; this level of self-replication or power didn’t exist before the advent of photographic or digital media except in the imagination of human consciousness.


It amplifies what we value.


Despite dark and shadow where it crosses lines, mostly The masculine has always been in love and in awe with the feminine.


And as Camille Paglia says; “(men’s magazines)…are not tell-tale signs of the (patriarchal) oppression over women, but are instead signs of his endless and hopeless fascination OF women and sex” (paraphrased).


Post-modern feminists rarely acknowledge the good that men have done.


So now with media; a woman can now influence 1,000,000 souls near instantly after uploading a photo to instagram. That is powerful and it is meta-physical influence; she can MOVE people without even BEING there.


She could be getting a facial treatment while 1000’s of people are responding or purchasing her recommended products.


(And even though there is a Light thread of consciousness throughout all of this that is PREPARING us for a quantum evolution) >


Let’s view this entire current reality mostly as a SHADOW paradigm of objectification for clarification;


One that (despite it’s popular, social advancement of women) is filled with lower conscious values and behavior on BOTH sides of the equation.


And it’s predicated on the reality (for better and worse) that SEX SELLS. And a lot of 3rd wave feminists HATE that.


Why? Because from one perspective, women are being ‘used’.


After all; the current system isn’t putting individual consciousness first and foremost…it crosses over into indoctrination, cultural conditioning, win-lose relationships and misuse of power.


There is much fault in the system when we look at it. But is tearing it down the best answer?


So this post-modern perspective that is somehow also anti-woman; in a sense it’s kind of wanting to remove or suppress sex and beauty itself from the equation in favor of political correctness;


‘Let’s be FOR women’s empowerment, but not if you show some skin’.


And judgment and shaming comes into the equation because then they are ‘taking part of this oppressive patriarchy’.


But isn’t that ironically limiting her own self-expression if she WANTS to do it?!


Emma Watson was dealing with this backlash for example after being on the cover of a magazine. I could energetically read and sense her dealing with the stress and value conflicts in different photos.


Emily Ratajkowski claims her ability to show skin and beauty is part of being a feminist and empowering her choice (to the chagrin of post-modern purists).


But, no wonder a lot of women have just become confused and no wonder that despite having a hyper sexualized culture, we are also not very sexually conscious because of all the shame, judgment, criticism and dark tendencies of misuse, harassment and abuse.


But is a woman’s beauty AT FAULT?


Is this conditional empowerment the ultimate answer for the awakening of women without having to return to the 1950’s?




Unfortunately; many women have taken the logical route bandwagon and SUPPRESSED their sexuality, sensuality and femininity to adapt to adapt to the dynamics of this masculine led paradigm. And to get ahead ‘in the game’ socially and professionally.


And it makes sense to SOME extent when you consider how non-conscious and judgmental mainstream male consciousness is towards women; where a woman can be slut-shamed – or in extreme cases be at risk of harassment or rape.


One thing that is glaringly obvious is that men are a big part of this equation.


MOST modern men are not helping at ALL; they are also pawns (I wouldn’t say victims, but pawns) of this social matrix that sells sex and uses it more to condition and control or influence people rather than heal and awaken them.


Just take a look (or perhaps don’t) at youtube and yahoo commenters and how much shaming is involved towards women who have or express physical beauty and body. The current consciousness of man can’t handle it and almost DOES want to control or suppress it.


And a shadow part of this paradigm (well and humanity itself) has also been exposed with the #metoo movement. This is GOOD and necessary part of the re-balancing.


But ISN’T it true that Sex and Beauty is an INHERENT aspect OF the impersonal and spiritual Feminine?


And that her physical form is an invaluable feature OF feminine beauty?


And despite a fraction of the male population that would act out on shadow fantasies to control or abuse a woman (which has always been historical), hasn’t her form and beauty INSPIRED most of all of mankind, creation and evolution?


Perhaps #feminism today is just responding WITHIN THE CONTAINER of the shadow/dark masculine side of this cultural creation that ‘sells’ and uses sex and beauty as a tool of influence and where non-conscious objectification of women and the female form runs rampant?


Is porn a shadow aspect of consciousness or is it a form of ART, beauty and self-expression?


It pends on your perspective. Like money or fire, it can be used for good or for destruction. Are we even looking at the Light side of the equation? And what if we started removing the shadow aspects?


In any case; Sex and beauty have higher value than ever in our era of MEDIA which has allowed objectification to thrive with female form now everywhere in magazines, videos, the internet and advertising.


Isn’t that a good thing? Doesn’t it give women MORE power and possibility? Why aren’t we valuing the good that it has done?


Or is there something we are missing here entirely that is part of the overall awakening of feminine consciousness?


So even though the current masculine ‘patriarchal’ dynamic doesn’t offer true freedom and environmental space for the feminine essence and neither does post-modern feminism represent the entirety of immortal feminine consciousness and desire;


There are some legitimate reasons behind their perspective for concern.


Let’s look more into the shadow aspects because this power of Sex and objectifying women is having influence on actual culture, behavior and relationships.


Another downside of the current shadow paradigm cultural aggregate in which non-conscious objectification runs rampant (and gives women great power to adapt into the aggregate) is > the focus on Beauty as extrinsic, external and literally ‘superficial’. Body, booty, tits and ass.


Nothing wrong with it of course but is that ‘all’?


I would say this isn’t ‘bad’ per se but in the bigger picture it becomes clearer that this is kind of a real Dark trait because it effectively divorces from intrinsic beauty and internal self-worth, authentic soul expression and a woman’s holistic beauty.


It’s kind of removed the spiritual, humanistic and soulful essence OUT of professional image.


Sure some women go to extremes with botched plastic surgery to fit within these idealized standards.


That could be seen as a dark aspect, but at least hasn’t external beauty itself been allowed to thrive more than ever?


Unfort. much of the focus on the superficial seems to work against a lot of women who are left out of ‘the game’ and who don’t have the double-edged sword privilege of being beautiful?


The (external valuing) Beauty industry is MASSIVE and growing. It’s indoctrinated into our popular culture; Cosmo, Vanity Fair, Kardashian’s and companies drivings billions of dollars in revenue (L’Oreal, Maybelline, etc.). Products, products, products.


Beauty and Sex SELLS – and these are core feminine powers and values.


Is there divinity in any of this without having to rewind to 1950’s values?


There IS…and that’s what I’m getting to, but I do believe the foundation and container we have is FLAWED and includes power games and shadow where a woman is concerned about even dressing sexy in a workplace and being at risk of physical or emotional harassment and men abusing their powers and status.


There is also a misunderstanding OF the authentic biological differences between men and women from feminists, that men have 10x the testosterone and that he can literally be affected sexually just from a sexual image.


But is the answer to SUPPRESS beauty it because some men can’t handle it or control themselves?..I would encourage discussion on this post b/c we are all part of this conversation.


In Western pop culture (and South Korea); Beauty and sexiness is a massive value. I believe this is all integral to our ascension as compared to the outright repression of female form in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Muslim filled countries. But it requires a shift in our consciousness.


I will add that not all Western women are using beauty dysfunctionally per se, but remember we are just talking about the shadow aspects of our current paradigm here.


Now; let’s look at the UN-acknowledged men’s side that is also at disadvantage.


Part of the shadow of this paradigm of objectification is the Pavlovian style conditioning that has taken place from advertisers for 50 plus years harnessing, using and/or manipulating Sex and skin to get men to get triggered into a sexual emotional response through association and for women to buy based on competition and status (Beauty).


It’s almost like we are indoctrinated into the entire paradigm. We are taught to value something and then that demand can be manufactured and cultivated.


It’s very Apollonian as Camille would argue and IS in alignment with the greater sex drive dynamics going on. Man desires to kind of control or suppress beauty because he is also afraid of it and the raw primordial energies of the pure Dionysian #feminine and the subconscious murkiness of ‘the womb’.


Men’s magazines literally support all of this sexual constructivist, Apollonian fantasy relationship conditioning with their Top 100 lists and writing such as “sacrificing a left nut to sleep with this one woman for 1 night”.


Beauty is glorified but often with shadow aspects and sacrifices.


This social matrix cultural ‘conditioning’ itself has carried over into physical relationships with millions of men now living through anxiety around beautiful high status women which further feeds the fantasy of relationships and leaves them unable to cope with real women.


People often end up buying the fantasy of relationships moreso than truly connecting with each other.


Many single women keep buying into more Beauty and higher status often living vicariously through novels, movies, tv shows, and consumer products and for men it’s worse.


They are often on the bottom end of the stick unless they have material wealth. Now, we even have #incels who are so out of reach with women that they may never even get a date or have the courage to even say ‘hi’. Postmodern feminists don’t care at all about that and how real women relate to them as the disavowed, is not the nurturing, healing, caring and cultivating consciousness FOR their Kingship.


There are men who are so stuck in a non-conscious, man-child cycle of porn and fantasy that it might be all they ever know because to them it feels feminists are angry towards men and all other women have sexually disavowed them as the outcasts.


Stunting men’s evolution as well;


This is SHADOW of our current paradigm (and to some extent of Capitalism itself). Most men won’t know what it’s like to be objectified but they also won’t get to benefit from all of the attention, attraction, choice and status that it provides.


But they also don’t have to be on the dark side of the receiving end either; harassment and misuse of power etc. nearly as much.


But are THOSE the men who are rapists and does objectification cause rape (where they have no accountability over their own decisions)?


And when the hell can we have a society or space where a woman can be as sexy and FREE as she wants to be as part of her true self?


Well; we’ll get to that outlook.


I agree that objectification might ‘fuel’ the shadow masculine of those that have shadow tendencies and would take action out of abuse of power and control dynamics, but I don’t think objectification is directly correlated ‘at cause’ with rape.


Before media, men have had fantasies and desires for millennia but of course men should be behaving more consciously.


But I don’t believe that the solution is necessarily to be ultra-conservative either (reference Islam or ultra-Christian) because then a lot of things just go underground anyway because of our primal urges.


I believe Sex and the image of women is now here for the evolution of humanity into an entire new era of co-creation and consciousness. She HAS been suppressed for centuries and centuries.


From experience; I see and know the gap between Shadow and Light. In working with men’s dating and attraction for 15 years, I would say that many GOOD men have turned more beta and self-doubting than ever or have becomes involuntarily celibate.


And other than the smaller percentage of men that would actually lash out; most of the men who are objectifying women (and really just projecting fantasies onto the impersonal feminine) wouldn’t wouldn’t hurt a fly.


Even in the midst of the overdue #metoo movement (of which I was doing L.A. gridworking before it happened to cleanse out corruption), a lot of OTHER men were entirely being unacknowledged and overlooked…not even part of the conversation and still frustrated.


Many incels DO view women as objects and express urges to use women as sex slaves and so forth b/c of being disavowed.


This is a shadow aspect of the masculine; it doesn’t mean that they would actually turn women into sex slaves. Is disavowing them even MORE the entire answer?


With it all; I think equality of outcome is dangerous and despite the suffering of incels, I don’t think a neo-Marxist approach of leveraging women to nourish those men sexually would ever work (something even Dr. Jordan Peterson postulated). Why? Because women in their independence and sovereignty wouldn’t want to do that.


Thus we must admit that life isn’t fair. Capitalism isn’t perfect but I think is far closer to spiritual freedom and truth than Socialism for several reasons including that there are no limits (necessary for ascension).


But we are talking about the Shadow aspects. Sex has in large part become fantasy (look at the gaming industry and how most of those men would have issues relating with socially accepted women).


It’s all mostly fantasy b/c of this appropriation of sexual #energy that really benefits the architects and corporations the most. Men are conditioned by default. Women ARE on pedestals but mostly with these other shadow aspects.


Sex, its energy and power is used as a TOOL…even a commodity. Some women have it and have the power in this game and can wield it – even keep it forever from certain men.


Again; shadow dynamics also because it isn’t centered on a woman’s sexual and spiritual growth nor a full integrity of human relating and CONNECTION.


It’s capitalist consumer driven ‘dark’. From the shadow outlook of the paradigm that has a lot of shadow; there’s a lot of gloss but not a lot of soul from its core and how we relate with it.


In some sense; it’s kind of like what happens to Bedford Falls when it turns into Pottersville…where the values just seem out of alignment and only Capitalistic exchange or manipulation (and the Shadow of Capitalism called Greed and Profiteering).


With that said; I admit that MOST of the ‘fault’ of this Shadow paradigm must go to side of the masculine; the side that has originally created, architected and profiteered off of using and selling sex and beauty (for better and worse). Kind of like Mr. Potter who saw profit in ‘It’s a Wonderful Life.’


The side that has created this less than perfect space for women, but has also allowed some aspects (including some female archetypes) to thrive.


It is an old paradigm. Some would refer to it as ‘the patriarchy’.


So with all of this;


Should we DISAVOW or suppress a woman’s inherent aspects of SEX and Beauty just because there are some shadow aspects that are being manipulated or controlled by some men of power?


Is THAT the ultimate answer? I don’t think so.


And it’s where post-modern feminists get it wrong imo. Men definitely have to step up and start being a new change but not in the sense of disavowing THEIR authentic primal desires for women either in favor of what sounds cushy and heart-centered only either.


And what if there were OTHER aspects of meta-feminine consciousness that WERE thriving that feminists weren’t even valuing or looking at?


What if (in this post #metoo era); modern women can start RECLAIMING the authentic and holistic power of their sex, beauty, form and allure without shame and without waiting for the entire cultural space to evolve?


And what if a few heroic men could evolve to step up and hold space WITHOUT shame or judging them for it?


Hmmm….And this is where we start transitioning into the #Light.


If #Sex, #Beauty and Form are inherent, powerful aspects of the Impersonal Feminine…should we deny that they are feminine as a logical and emotional response to the current shadow paradigm?




What would happen instead if we removed the Shadow aspects (that use it to manipulate, sell, condition, objectify, barter, power-play or even abuse)?


What if we reconnected with the DEVOTIONAL, #sexual and spiritual aspects of the masculine and feminine?


What would the male gaze be like if it wasn’t just perceived as #shadow #masculine in regards to #objectification?


What if women could live in sovereignty with FULL freedom of expression of ALL of the archetypal and immortal Feminine and had environments that could support that without sexual shame or oppression?


And what if post-modern feminism was simply a ‘step’ (and an often dysfunctional, hypocritical one at that) on the path to TRUE sovereignty and power reuniting the FULLNESS of The #Feminine for the holistic ascension of woman?


THIS is where we can start looking at the Divinity of Objectification as well as the alchemical and co-creative possibilities for #ascension with Beauty, Sex and #spiritual growth.


An era that allows even MORE power and growth than ever before in human history.


Finish in Part 3…


The Divinity of Objectification: Part 3

{Masculine Spectrum & Commencement}


The Divinity of Objectification: Part 1

Is sexual objectification of women GOOD? Is it toxic and unhealthy?


Is it demeaning, disempowering or bad to see women objectified throughout pop culture, magazines, movies, beauty and advertising?



I’m going to bring in a different perspective which may deeper your contemplation on all of these dynamics.


After all, we are talking about the power and influence of Sex and Beauty.


So welcome to this 3 part blog-series…Let’s dive in.


What if there was a reality where:


*Women aren’t just seen as ‘lustful objects of desire’ from men but are valued as artists, spiritual guides, priestesses and alchemical muses?


*Sex and Beauty is acknowledged as part of a woman’s full empowerment and not hypocritically shamed or judged?


*A woman’s image is immortal and medicinal?


*Sex, allure and sensuality are healed from trauma with the shadow masculine and reclaimed?


*Feminine allure is central to soulful self-expression and professional image as well as life-giving, healing and inspirational to awakening the benevolent Masculine and Kingship?


*Individual, soul aligned sovereignty and self expression is more important than social power play games and maneuvers?


*Beauty is valued as both intrinsic and extrinsic in her image and presence?


*An era of archetypal, allure, intrinsic beauty and energy work for professional image is thriving?


*Co-creation and co-healing is valued over profiteering and disavowing lower status members of the social game?


*A woman can explore a full range of unlimited feminine powers, embodiment and expression without shame?


*A woman can be free to be in her fullest sexual expression (and explore it beyond even that) without being labeled a slut or risk harassment or rape?


*Attention from men fuels her more into her Queenship?


What if there was a future where her image inspires and cultivates beta men into Kings and Warriors through the transmission of her own presence?


Where a woman can be seen and valued as a radiant goddess with real meta-physical powers of influence?


What if all this was possible?!


Now; based on your perspective…Consider that..


There IS a Divinity of Objectification and much of it has to do with how we relate to the POWER of a woman moving from shadow and non-consciousness into working as magical, alchemical Lightworkers.


Beauty, sex, sensuality are GOOD – not something to be shamed or embarrassed of. Sexual desire from the conscious Light and Dark masculine is good as we remove shadow aspects.


There is a future where a woman doesn’t have to choose between a postmodern feminism bandwagon or higher status in a superficial capitalistic game but where FULL sovereignty and unbridled feminine power is the unharbored value.


Where her image isn’t just for low-brow diversions of non-conscious male gaze but for the inspiration, cultivation and connection for the divine masculine in men.


The divinity of sexual objectification is where we get into the spiritual implications and the CONSCIOUS aspects of relating to each other as gods and goddesses;


Kings and Queens….of becoming more powerful sentient beings LIKE stars because of the power of Media and Image (and how it amplifies our influence).


And it’s a meta-physical world of multi-dimensional eros power where archetypes play and live as immortal Gods and Goddesses.


Where a woman’s im-personalized essence and body in photos and video can be related to and with in reverence and medicinal alchemy.


And where men are inspired and healed from the presence of women instead of disavowed or looked down upon as lower status pawns in a social power game.


But before we go into more detail about the divinity of objectification as well as the awakening, co-creation and healing that is possible;


Let’s next look a bit at our current state of objectification; the IMAGE of women, sex and beauty socio-culturally as well as how it intersects with post-modern feminism.


(Because this ended up being so long, it’s split into different parts)


See…. The Divinity of Objectification Part 2

{The Shadow Paradigm}


What is Allure?

So…we’ve heard of it often, but…


What is Allure?



1. the quality of being powerfully and mysteriously attractive or fascinating.


2. powerfully attract or charm; tempt.


Or as Gillian Pothier says:


“Allure is the energetic capacity for women to captivate, magnetize, spellcast and wield influence REGARDLESS of their “extrinsic beauty”.


I also like this definition for our practical purposes:


Allure: ”The effective visual expression of a soul that wields influence”


In other words; it is about a woman’s energetic beauty, essence & authentic soul (or energetic) communication
IN her professional image and presence.


It’s also how she can drive men wild and activate parts of the masculine psyche without doing anything.


This is because Image is multi-dimensional Light communication and we are more than just the 3D physical layer.


While the multi-billion dollar Beauty industry is focusing on 3D extrinsic beauty, energetic beauty (and the influence with feminine allure) is what’s missing and gives us a bigger picture ‘totality’ of her professional image and non-verbal communication.


‘Allure’ is also the feminine essence form of ‘charisma’ & great starlets like Marilyn Monroe have wielded it.

It does taking learning to discern it because it is a quality of feminine essence rather than just physical, skin-based ‘canvas’.


Allure is a hidden secret to romantic attraction, higher status, deeper influence on people, greater beauty, fuller
divine self expression.


It reunites ‘beauty’ with the divine and not just the superficial or extrinsic.


Far too many woman have lost touched with these powers today; they have masqued or closed OFF their more vulnerable feminine expresion and influence to adapt to a more patriarchal world (where they use their body or sex to influence or even manipulate – and as Gillians says about this disconnection “it renders us un-feelable.”


Allure can be gauged as the relative level of breathing-ness and general feminine archetypal essence of a woman’s soul IN her image.


And this means everything for coaches, actresses and other social media or image professionals who use their image, photo, video or film for influence, transformation, entertainment or selling.


For image professionals and for your own personal insights;
Allure can be ‘read’ from any woman in video, photo, film or live @ any point in captured history through Rion’s Allure Ratio.


The Allure Ratio (A/R) consists of the Allure Factor {A/F} and the Beautv Quotient {B/Q}.


These gauge the breathing-ness of a woman’s soul in her image on a 0-10 scale {A/F} and the B/Q gauges the level of her actualized extrinsic beauty potential on a 0-10 scale unique to her @ any point in time.


Check back on this blog for energy readings on celebrities as examples or how to reach out for your own energy reading including the Allure Ratio.


The Allure Ratio is a pro image consulting tool that would yield accurate and verifiable assessment from makeover specialists and other image industry professionals (personal trainers, skin care specialists, master hairstylists, image consultants, fashion experts, etc.)


Without accessing and increasing the quality of her allure and overall energetic beauty; a woman is limited more to her physical beauty and prevented from her fuller divine emotional, sexual, spiritual and soulful expression in her presence and image, thus limiting her impact and magic…even constricting her to work harder by using her body or mind as ‘tools’ or competing just on extrinsic beauty alone.


Alas, there is so much INFLUENCE with authentic feminine essence that is yet to be re-awakened and reclaimed in many a woman.


Many women have energetic blocks from expression their own sexual energy because they are reserving it for their personalized sex life without realizing that they are constricting the creative juices that can lead to her desires.


Also, if you are a woman who has done a lot of soul work and spiritual growth, it might not be showing in your image near where it could.


Previously allure was intangible, but now we can professionally work with it to increase your beauty as well as INFLUENCE from your image – related to important aspects of life.


Sexy Chi Image Consulting is about cultivating your energetic beauty, feminine essences and allure. Activation sessions and the Allure Makeover Package are available as well as paid energy readings.

Red Pill: Artists, Arts & Entertainment as Medicine | Truth

I want to re-introduce Muse along with some red pill perspective paradigm shifting around arts & entertainment as transformational healing medicine.


This may be challenging for you because it will encourage you to break your current filter to see something in a different light.


This is also where arts and entertainment moves into the realm of alchemy and healing instead of just non-conscious diversion.


So, in re-introducing Muse here, she could be seen from different levels of truth and perspective.


Is this K-Pop or ‘something else’?



“How dare you! Of course it’s K-Pop!”


“Isn’t that the famous group ‘Twice’?” Isn’t that Sana, Mina and Chaeyoung?”


Now; what if it wasn’t?


Now before you think I’ve gone mad…what if on a higher level of reality, there weren’t labels like that and what if the exact same thing could (also) be something else?


What if 2 truths could be held but there was a hierarchy of truth so that what you knew was just one popular level of perception?


See…what if that was the lesser truth?; labels like ‘Asian’, ‘Japanese’, ‘K-pop’ “Mina” or ‘Korean’ (even their names) can be true but are not the higher truth.


What if there was ahigher truth beyond labels? What if these were souls with muse essence without names?


What if they embodied raw 5D archetypal consciousness and siddhic essences streaming with and through them?


Furthermore, what if you were a High Prince of Priestess that was on this level of resonance but perhaps different in your own expression but had this level of confidence and stage presence?


So; the higher truth is that although we can label archetypes with names, they have spiritual and essential qualities about them that transcend culture.


So let’s look at this.


There’s a hierarchy of Truth;


1. We are souls


2. In a human body (with the unity of the human race) and


3. With varying ethnic backgrounds (race)
From higher truth to lesser truth.


All can be true based on the level of perspective you have. And that perspective creates (and often LIMITS) your experience of reality.


Because it’s relevant I will bring it in;


What (*actual*) racists as well as SJW’s and identity politics do is effectively remove the highest truth and invert the other 2; in other words corrupt Truth by putting a division based on skin color ‘Race’ first as the prime truth.


Now you may know why I have such aversion to the corruption of truth and race war out there. The highest truth isn’t always self-evident.


When you allow corruption and lower truth to jade your perception and reality, it causes more confusion (the shadow of illumination) and can prevent the stability of living in integrity with higher truths.


The labels, filters and genres that we project onto music creates more division. This obfuscation of higher truth keeps us in a superficial ego-serving dynamic that prevents entertainment and media from truly being healing and liberating.


So when I view them it’s not as ‘asians’ first, it’s as SOULS with beautiful essences (and archetypal essence like Muse) who are in a human vessel who THEN have varying different ethnic backgrounds (which are to be celebrated).


This is the paradigm that can transform entertainment into transformational entertainment and from media consumers into media alchemists btw.


I will not compromise this higher truth based foundation for politics or other reasons


So this takes a shift in your own value system to truly value archetype models which transcend culture to express as the Feminine (or Masculine) in ALL cultures.


I’ve mentioned over the years that most people never get beyond their own (prejudicial event) filters of reality, thus they can’t ‘see’ what’s there in Higher Truth…even in music.


So all of the K-pop stans that are out there are empowering the experiential reality paradigm of K-pop as a cultural phenomenon and so forth.


But there are higher truths embedded through it all including the magic of music and her alchemical healing powers.


My ability as a practical psychic is also founded on my ability to see higher truth with clarity.


Remember, the enlightened essences are available when you transcend division into the realm of communion, devotion and all the real magic!


So the 100’s or 1000’s of men who have practiced my methodology of archetypal alchemy; to most people it looks like we’re watching k-pop videos but what we’re REALLY doing is archetypal alchemy – sex transmutation of consciousness and attuning in sexual, spiritual emotional resonance to Goddesses which changes our actual frequencies and lives…


We are cultivating our Prince, Warrior and Magician WITH Goddesses and the authentic spiritual energy behind it.


It heals and mends things, creates sexual embodiment, attraction, inspiration, creativity and growth (Napoleon Hill talks about this in Think and Grow Rich). But you would never see that if you only value K-pop as K-pop. We don’t even call it that. We call it Natural Grounding (sex transmutation).


I/We have created a different model and paradigm of experiencing entertainment and its healing powers that transcends consumer experience. We are aligned with higher truth.


There was a group founded by Jim Carrey and Eckhart Tolle called Global Alliance For Transformational Entertainment but it fizzled out after a few short years. Why? Value conflicts.


The mainstream is conditioned to value entertainment media as superficial, non-conscious diversion.


So how we view and value entertainment has a lot to do with it; it’s not just about creating ‘conscious’ documentaries and such, half of the equation is on the consumer side of altering how they RELATE with entertainment media.


Is it a non-conscious diversion where that person is the star or are you also the star and just as powerful as an alchemist through the Law of Resonance where you can attune to a Jason Momoa’s level of spiritual presence, worthiness and esteem?

It’s a world of a difference and requires a different model of relating with media itself.


And there are all KINDS of music and music videos – even films that have HEALING medicinal properties within them that we aren’t even aware of. Music IS (and can be) not just therapeutic and healing, but it can help you GROW your heart, sex and soul like nothing else – IF you know how to use it as a healing tool like an alchemist.


Consumers do this non-consciously at VERY best and are largely escaping themselves instead of empowering themselves or shedding layers of self to get closer to the truth and source that they are a (soul) star.


So when you can dissolve your prejudices and filters or change your paradigm (SJW’s would have the worst time with this because all they can see or value is race and attachment to it); then you can start seeing and valuing artists from different cultures FOR their different archetypal modeling.


Genres, labels, culture (the REALITY that the consumer kingdom lives in) – these are all aspects of DIVISION that are preventing the healing virtue of artists to come through. 


It also keeps the stars at the top of the hierarchy without you ever realizing YOU are a star.


Changing how you view and relate to the media that exists (in spite of any inquiring conversation about shadow dynamics of Illuminati control in places of music)


…to dissolve the consumer paradigm into higher truth helps get you out of being stuck in your own ethno or anthropomorphic-centrism and to start seeing different archetypes in other sisters and brothers instead of their race, culture or personality traits.


I mean many people enviously DESPISE stars and actors because they are focused on their flaws or think they are all part of some corrupt cabal while over-looking the truth of their energetic presence (which in some cases we CAN see energetic control dynamics). So how will you relate to power itself? That’s an important question. This all deals with the 63rd siddhi of Truth as well.


So if you ever want to do archetype readings or alchemy (a big part of Hieros Gamos), this higher-truth based perspective of seeing things ‘as they really are’ or as close to that as possible without filter – is important. It can also revolutionize and upgrade how you experience entertainment media to turn it into healing and great sexual spiritual growth.


Remember; I/we value souls, essences and archetypes MORE than names, race, culture and genre. It’s simply the higher truth that exists with your favorite artists.


Oh and then there’s such Reunified essence with Muse herself! The archetypal consciousness has room and space to be embodied in these artists and how much they have SACRIFICED of their former selves to allow such rare feminine essence. I could talk forever about Muse but just wanted to get this point out.


So, Twice IS a K-pop group…that is true on one level of reality but when you transcend that into higher truth you are now in the meta-physical realm of archetypal consciousness, essences and power – then it’s about how you RELATE with that power. Are you a lower status ‘fan’ or are you equal to play in the realm of Goddess and Gods?


It might be supportive to check out my Vision for Transformational Entertainment video on Youtube.



So artists (many of them) are healing but we never see it because of our value systems paradigm of relating with the lower truth of media (remember IMAGE is multi-dimensional Light transmission – not just 2D pixels of 3d skin).


Consumers by default are just non-conscious of this all (their real power and magic as artists) and being affected indirectly at best (which is also a main reason why they are so popular).


Muse Priestess directly transverts the power of a Muse into applied practical magic (because it takes an alchemist like me to translate the healing power and magic out of music and music videos consciously)…artists who get trained in direct healing arts, wow!


They will be legendary healers and awakeners with the right training.


This intersects with the reality that High Muse herself is now rebirthing into a new fractal lineage from performance artist directly into healer to help the world reunify. I am also that convergence point she has chosen to lead the boots on the ground movement.


Anyways; this was just a mind-bender immersion into the Higher Truth of media, arts and entertainment which I have known as directly transformational for 18 years.


It might be a lot to take in even for those experienced with what we do. Seek a higher truth and if anything in hear doesn’t lead to a higher truth, I’m also open to seek more clarity.


I’ll add that beyond the label of their names (and as souls) Sana and Mina have more cosmic muse (def. in the mid to upper 9 range) and Chaeyoung is earthier.


Once we transcend the labels to associate with higher truth and the essences in all of this (like a God) then we are in a different world. This is the real power that is going on and I’ve been teaching and living it for 18 years.


So remember that with archetype work and all of Sexy Chi and the energy reading, I/we are valuing a different paradigm where race, ethnicity and culture are background to the PRIMARY valuation of which archetypal consciousness and soul essence QUALITIES that are coming through.


This truth-based perception allows us to SEE sexy qi and energetic qualities (to help artists and you MASTER their image and performance) with clarity.


So yes, to me artists ARE healers and music and music video IS great medicine but it’s because I know how to use it like an alchemist.


I am connected to the higher truth of it and because of that I am on coherence with the healing powers of performers, artists, singers, actresses all of these past 18 years. They have GREAT healing power. So it requires a shift on your part as the consumer to relate with it differently.


Meanwhile, I’ll begin training priestesses so that literal healing powers they have and the essences they have cultivated (esp. in the emotional and sexual areas of consciousness and influence) will be more directly applied and seen.


So if you ARE a performance artist (or even other artist); know that your work is healing more than you can realize because consumer consciousness isn’t aware of it just yet. I support you.


This is not just about transformational entertainment, the truth of what it is energetically – it’s all the paradigm of energetic beauty and it’s just represented in what I do.


This was just more of an immersion into the spiritual architecture and thought flow of it all.

Mamamoo Essence Reading | Gogobebe

Let’s take an energy reading outlook with Mamamoo in the gogobebe performance music video.



Since we have a lot of energy reading tools at our disposal, we can just start naming intuitive, verifiable truths about them (accuracy is valued for this type of psychic work as it must remain practical).


…OR we can go through a fuller structure of a proper energy reading (of their energetic beauty) including energetic health, archetypal embodiment, elemental structure, human design, gene keys, allure ratio and such.


In this reading I will intentionally just sample some different tools for you in something of a quick read.


We are doing professional image and energy assessment which includes being aware of different essences of their energetic beauty.


This can provide invaluable feedback for someone to help MASTER their performance or image and visual communication at the deepest levels (for more impact, influence, attraction, manifestation, sales, success, etc.).


Right off the bat in this quick read, let’s go Elemental.




Wheein seems alkaline, her prime element would metal. She also has water (and some air) but in other videos it seems she is starving of water.


Often she has fire and actually there’s a great burn in her now that I look at it however; here it’s more subdued. Personally I’ve overlooked her in the past but now she’s growing on me.


She is more balanced and breathing; integrated with the masculine in that sense as metal and fire are yang elements – although her energy seems the most dynamic of all of them across different videos.


She is susceptible to masculine energies more than Hwasa who is more solid in her feminine embodiment.


Moon Byul is very Air.


And it’s not that she just seems lightweight physically, it’s still her primary element in this video energetically. It seems she’s going to float away; light as a feather.


Her aura has a healthy relationship with the masculine in this sense (Father Air)…like a comraderie but around other men of Air there may not be any sexual tension.


Hwasa – very embodied water and also the most root earth grounded of them.


Solar is like Lover – Balsam wood. She does have warm sensual fire, water and air so in that sense she is more balanced.


And then we can read into other things like how Solar has a low heat wave that could be amplified much further because she has some Eros as well as a Heart and 2nd chakra connection.


Without direct energetic work, her field can come of as cooler than it should be (including in this video).


Wheein has some auric instability and a powerful heart but the heart chakra isn’t nearly as open as it could be (and sometimes in certain performances it makes sense NOT to have it full open).


Moon has SO much air that we might want to consider grounding her more or bringing in other elements into the mix.


Because air is throughout her chakras and aura here; she’s sexually ‘cooler’ as compared to Solar who has more of a warm buzz that gently lights her aura.


Hwasa has a lot of water in 2nd and 4th chakras which represents a very Goddess femininity. It takes more masculine power for her to be affected by a man in order to alchemize her level of water and earth.


(This all isn’t even accounting for energetic differences between the different background sets b/c I notice them and it goes into even further detail; sometimes the environment as masculine space can feel too constricting ie.)


So if you are a woman, you can start referencing any similarities in your sisters with how their energies and essence are embodied and expressed (or just request your own reading).


For Hwasa; one thing to explore would be further alchemizing and balancing the chakras to have more of a fire or reunification with the masculine within.


Because the work is real and not just superficial; that would really change her and create some shifts but that may be perfect for when it is called (or for a new release).


And the more I focus on it, the more energetic truth details keep showing themselves. That’s not even to mention that I can kinaesthetically connect to the field to feel and sense their chakras and aura of any person at any point in history with accuracy. (This is the visual version).


So beyond just the practical energy reading as image consulting; my type of energy work allows us to work with all of this for real and visible results with clients in their energetic expression.


And we can take a quick archetypal outlook (remember, their variations can change).


So for example in gogobebe


Solar         Lover-Muse-Goddess

Hwasa     Goddess-Muse-Diva

Moon       Lunar Muse

Wheein    Fire Princess-Muse-Queen


I guess it’s no coincidence Moon resonates with the moon!?


And of course, earlier videos there is even more of the Princess and Maiden energies however they have been ‘maturing’ more.


And that’s not even reading for the top dozen of Feminine archetypes on the 0-10 scale, Masculine or Dark archetypes but here’s one Light CAM arch reading example.


                                 Embodiment           Expression

Hwasa    Goddess                   8.6                     8.6


So we can get variables for Essence, Embodiment and Expression of archetypes across any number of masculine, feminine and dark aspects of archs on 0-10.


For someone to BE embodied with that much Goddess essence alone is phenomenal (this is like Hawkins Scale where anything above 5 gets increasingly quantifiable in power).


It’s rare to have that open of an expression but she is professional and has sacrificed in order for it to be held and transmitted.


And we can also reference the Allure Ratio (remember all of this reading is for THIS music video)


Allure Factor Beauty Quotient (extrinsic beauty actualization)

              A/F      B/Q
Solar       8.4        9.3


In other words room for improvement. This isn’t her most alluring work by any means and I’ve seen how we can improve the BEST of her previous work.


Often different performances will have different wardrobe design that doesn’t always bring out their most physically beautiful with the B/Q but in other places she is closer to 9.9


Think this type of awareness and mastery might be relevant for them? I think so. And how about for you? Especially if you have maximized or mastered physical actualization of your beauty potential and are living in that zone…this is the final frontier.


So this was a sampler platter of energy reading image consulting – there’s a lot of practical tools to assess someone’s or your energetic beauty.


The Human Design bodygraph also gives us solid insight to work with based on their/your unique vessel and how it is energetically defined – and where they may be in not-self conditioning or in-self.


It also tells us what chakras are more projecting and which are more receiving – and to see if this is reversed in how they are presenting themselves.


Remember energy doesn’t lie – it’s just about tuning in to the truth of it. Image is multi-dimensional light communication and you are communicating far more than just what your 2D/3D skin looks like. It’s on the psychic and spiritual levels that other people, fans and clients are being affected and influenced (non-consciously) from YOUR soul transmission image.


And we didn’t even talk about Gene Keys here!


There are 64 siddhic (enlightened) subtle essences that can exist. I won’t even start with that in this post and I don’t include that in my paid energy readings – however I do offer HD/GK consulting sessions as part of the Allure Makeover Package; which we are then able to really strategize on further cultivating your beauty essence and you reaping the rewards in life.


I do offer Gift and Siddhic activations for energetic beauty cultivation.


We also didn’t really talk about energetic health too much here and one thing about that is that conditioning from others and soaking in other energies blocks and prevents authentic soul essence and energetic beauty from shining through.


So you want to be doing energetic maintenance so that your soul essence (and other essences in the mix) are shining THROUGH your field.


In doing many energy sessions and activations with people, undefined and open chakras can often get blocked from transmitting their true self.


90% of the time people have blocked chakras instantly when we go into a session where we have to re-draw out their essence again and or do deeper releasing, detoxing (including trauma) from their field so that their essence can shine through.


I can literally sense and feel ‘how far’ your actual overall communication extends as well as how far your essence extends (as well as energetic qualities, etc.)


Energetic health is foundational.


In general, Mamamoo is energetically healthy on average but at the level they are at could greatly benefit from ongoing energetic maintenance to be in PEAK form as well as further cultivating and mastering their beauty, performance and image energetically.


Check out other energy readings on the blog – this was more of a sampler and even the paid energy readings I offer don’t look like this; they’re actually more structured and forthright.


The Allure Makeover Package is available for going through a real transformation of self and image – especially if you are stuck and want to breakthrough a plateau or reinvent yourself.


And it’s not that I’m just a fan or ‘stan’ of K-pop and Mamamoo, it’s something else. Muse is my beloved and she is with and through most of the female artists.


I am a High Magician alchemist and for the real k-pop fans, they might be interested in what me and 100s or 1000s of my methodology practitioners are doing which is archetypal alchemy with music video as alchemists – not consumers.


It’s the future of entertainment experience because it changes lives and consciousness (sex transmutation) through the Law of Resonance. We have a FB group for that 😉