Physical Beauty vs. Energetic (Essence) Beauty

With Sexy Chi Image Consulting, we value both physical and energetic beauty.


Physical or ‘extrinsic’ beauty is everything that we know of as the multi-billion dollar Beauty industry today focusing on literally the skin-deep and topographical 3D surface of body and image; hair, skin care, make-up, fashion, etc.


What often gets overlooked is ENERGETIC Beauty – which is also ALWAYS communicating in all video, photos and film as well.


Btw for a deeper dive into the evolution of Beauty check out the in-depth Beauty 2.0 report here


So; what we know of as beauty now is the 3D physical dimension of skin that then converts into 2D when it is digitized into media for use on our tablets, tv’s, computers and mobile phones.


But is there more? Yes. We’re still overlooking energetic beauty consciously.


To really ‘see’ energetic beauty, you have to learn to ‘see’ from a different perspective that doesn’t value the same things that 3D beauty does.


If we JUST value and focus on extrinsic superficial beauty that is literally skin-deep.


Whereas; when we value that Image is multi-dimensional LIGHT communication and that 4D and beyond are ALSO transmitted and communicated visually in image (video, film, photos), we get to assess the actual entirety of visual communication itself.


So we start to sense and see the truth of a woman’s energetic Light communication in her image.


That’s what you will find throughout the Sexy Chi blog here with celebrity energy readings and other insightful blog posts.


Beyond the literal physical 3D material plane (which ironically is also energy); 4D is the psychic realm and the realm of ‘vibes’. It’s how you go into a room and feel something is ‘off’ and find out there was an argument there.


Or how when people refer to someone as having ‘creepy vibes’. It’s this higher realm of non-physical information and communication.


5D is generally speaking the direct spiritual realm but there are higher dimensions beyond that.


So again; these are all coming across IN all of your photos, Instagram uploads, videos, etc. – We just don’t really value or see it from the 3D perspective of Image and Beauty.


Etienne Charland talks about the 12 dimensions of consciousness from this perspective here.


So with energetic beauty, we are really valuing ESSENCE and how it is embodied and expressed. This is a skill that can be learned btw.


I learned from Rose Rosetree a little bit as a student of hers but mostly I have learned to read energy on my own over 1000s of hours.


So, in ALL image you are communicating information from these other realms (4th and 5th dimension); just because you may not be aware of your energetic beauty and how to work with it, doesn’t mean it’s not there.


It kinda just takes a psychic to value it first of all, and then to tune-in to the truth of that information while not only valuing the 3D realm that everyone else does.


Body language reading btw is an indirect form of reading people btw because it relies on 3D cues and some non-conscious physiological cues to read.


With the way I do energy reading image consulting, we go direct to the 4D and 5D; both the realm of essence, archetypes, masculine / feminine, elemental and other energetic information.


In some celebrities and spiritually evolved souls there can be even higher dimensions and layers that are more transparent that can be sensed in image. Many people are denser however so there isn’t as much high frequency light transmitting through.


So now; with energetic beauty we are really in the realm of cultivating your soul essence, archetypal and siddhic qualities for example OF your beauty.


This is the secret btw if you check out the Beauty 2.0 report of why some people have FAR more influence from their image on fans and such; they are communicating more power, consciousness, essence and qi in their multi-dimensional Light transmission.


It’s not just they have a ‘hot hairstyle’ that people are responding to when something stirs inside of them.


So you can learn to start SEEING and assessing energetic beauty. And as mentioned throughout this site; we have new tools like the Allure Factor, Archetypal Model and Beauty Quotient to gauge your energetic beauty.


Readings can include a lot of detailed information. Energy doesn’t lie, you just have to become an experienced psychic enough to read the truth of someone. I’m only sharing what would be verifiable information…and it’s a world of its own.


Human Design and Gene Keys can reveal so much more with psychic powers as well about your energetic beauty (which we can now WORK with).


For example, sometimes you can energetically gauge those who are ‘generators’ for sure or projectors for sure and then you know ALL kinds of details about their life and behavior.


And you could accurately say something like, “People don’t listen to you in a group unless they ask you, do they?” And you can say things like that with accuracy and certainty.


So your image is communicating FAR more information than we realize.


We can’t always know what you are thinking for example but we can gauge and assess the essence and energetic QUALITIES that paint your multi-dimensional influence with beauty.


Qualities like peace, virtue, valor, majesty and devotion are essence qualities. Again; throughout the blog I help you to see these. (Somehow Jason Momoa keeps popping up as a reference point model).


Celebrity Energy Readings on this blog


Or elemental qualities like water, air…or archetypal qualities like Goddess essence, Princess essence and embodiment, etc.


So, yes! You can learn to read and tell a LOT back to someone when you develop the skill of psychic energy reading people.


It also means that in the world of image and beauty consulting, we can take the exact same photo and professionally assess it in both the traditional and now new and expanded ways for more mastery.


Physical beauty is GREAT…but if you felt there was something more or really ‘deeper’ and not so superficial; well – you are in the right place to have it all.


It’s just becoming conscious of beauty in a new and practical way – and this is how Beauty can evolve into HIGHER levels of Mastery btw (also great for professional performance artists and their own mastery).


Instead of great make-up brushes and eyeliners, now it’s a different set of pro beauty tools.


So, I value both. The Allure Factor and Beauty Quotient helps you to maximize the ENTIRETY of your beauty but it does so much more because you are now able to cultivate your really influential levels and qualities of beauty that people really respond to beyond just the surface; energetic beauty.


And if you are a man, it’s also about cultivating your masculine essence qualities and charisma to have a presence that is insatiating.


So, I’ll leave it with this;


If you are so conditioned into valuing beauty with the 3D (like the armies of stylists, personal trainers, make-up artists, etc.), it might be more difficult at first to differentiate from just reading someone energetically.


But you can start flexing that muscle with insights in celebrity energy readings (and Beauty 2.0) on this site.


Again, it’s a different and more expanded toolkit to be able to gauge and read energetic beauty and essence, but Sexy Chi is where you can start diving into this world that ALREADY EXISTS – we are now able to work fluidly within it to take your overall beauty to even higher levels of satisfaction and influence!

Jimin – AOA – Essence Reading

Ok, there’s been a lot of drama recently for those in the know with K-pop.


I don’t know all of the details, but Jimin quit AOA (Ace of Angels) and the entertainment industry after it became clear she was accused of bullying Mina.


The bullying was somehow related to a suicide attempt from Mina and the death of her father (as well as some other instances).


Now Jimin is getting shamed a LOT…the culture in S. Korea is a bit different because the mayor of Seoul just committed suicide after one harassment claim.


Other K-Pop artists have committed suicide from depression – possibly also related to bullying.


Anyways, I felt called to finally do a reading on Jimin (and am excited to get to other readings) – in part because I finally have the blog going after several years and have known AOA since their beginning.


Keep in mind that this isn’t a fuller energy reading where I could also KEEP going into layers of more energetic details about the truth of her; on these blog posts, I just pick what things I would like to share.


So – let’s focus on 신지민 (Jimin) ENERGETICALLY. This will bring new insights in (also because someone’s energy and also behavior points out signs and patterns).


I love AOA and Jimin was unique. She ALWAYS stood out to me from the beginning.



Years ago I sensed that despite her sassiness, there was sometimes something toxic in her energy field – she was unlike all of the others who were more we’ll say ‘holistic’ energetically (although in general there was very little Goddess embodiment).


Archetypally I would classify her as Bratty Princess – Muse.



At her best she would definitely have this sassiness that stood out and at her worst, she came across as ‘broken’ in some way.


Not only are there lower vibrational frequencies in her aura throughout the years, there’s some kind of soul fracturing and a constant need for approval and being in control…this is/was communicating in her image to me all the time.


It could have been related to parents and upbringing quite possibly.


Now, keep in mind that I’m not saying any of this to shame her, I’m saying it because I still love her and when you are in the public eye like this, you are GOING to be talked about and critiqued.


Here; we are just uncovering what future stans would uncover 20 years from how; the psychic TRUTH of their professional image and communication.


I’m still finding the balance however so as not to cross certain lines, but again your energy doesn’t lie so it’s important to take this seriously. I knew she was broken in ways energetically.


But to me – that was also part of her allure and beauty to some extent. It also made her more relatable to some.


Look; she can CHANGE. Much of what I do is now to help certain women transition FROM being broken (per se) INTO being whole and reunified as well as evolving from Princess INTO Goddess or Queenship for example.


I think with Jimin, the toxic shadow side just kept unfortunately getting reinforced with their group dynamics. She – esp. in the position of leader – could get that kind of attention and get away with things.


What happened now with Mina revealing things is just karmic retribution.


신지민 and Mina AOA


Only she brought this upon herself…but it did go unchecked long enough. For insiders, there would have been many yellow flags.


Energetically it makes perfect sense to us though; if you would have asked me “Guess which AOA member broke up the group – (or something like that)? 20 to 1 I would have said Jimin.


Because I already knew much of what she was like energetically. (Being a practical psychic brings great real world insight value).


So one of the other things you can do is to reference the 64 shadow of Gene Keys as well as the Line Shadows to get an idea of what resonance frequencies exist and are playing out in her life.


For example; it seems she has Line 4 for her EQ; Mean-ness.


And she has often held other (Gene Key) shadow frequencies such as Chaos, Division, etc. whereas most K-pop idols don’t…they have better and cleaner foundational energetic health. Gene Keys alone could help her reinvent and heal herself as well as how she relates to others….from the unique shadows she has carried and the dysfunctional aspects of Princess into generally healthier maturity.


At times her energy has been more purified and attractive (although mostly ungrounded) but she has still carried some internal imbalances and fracturing in her chakras and aura; something ‘off’.


She often brings people down into (her) chaos rather than uplifting them with her allure for example. And we see these little power games.


Could she change? Yes….if she was American, there’s always hope for redemption and reinvention as an artist, however Korean culture is different.


She may be done with entertainment for good. But yes, she can change and mature as a person and woman – and it may be important for her to really take it seriously as well as go public with a REAL and heart-felt apology.


This energy stuff is REALLY important because we can see how Twice and other groups have evolved from healthy Maiden, Princesses more into Goddesses and Queens whereas objectively speaking Jimin through the years has still mostly retained the archetypal spoiled Bratty Princess who is entitled to keep getting her way or throws a tantrum.


It’s like her meta-father dynamic has been frozen in time (and I understand trainees work for years to debut). But reference how energetically solid Choa was (Muse-Mother) before she left the group?


Energetically there’s a fracture and disconnect with the meta feminine in her field as well…she’s not been very embodied and yes this can usually relate to the mother dynamic.


(Get where I’m going? It gets heavy fast but I won’t say more on this but it would be something to further explore and mend IN a healing process)


Nothing wrong with these behaviors (I’m not shaming them, nor am I pointing fingers; remember I’m a healer); but can you see how important this is?


PSYCHIC consumers / prosumers like me are seeing into what’s really going on because energy doesn’t lie.


The truth is already being presented, it just takes consumers to become more aware of what already is.


It’s not just superficial image and diversion; this is real life stuff. Check out other blog posts to investigate further into the concept of artists as healers.


Yes she can have a WONDEROUS potential REINVENTION of self and reunification;


But it’s really her karma in how she was treating others (esp. Mina) that came back to haunt her recently.


And we also see literal behavioral cues in some of the videos now surfacing on youtube.


Management could have done something more; surely they saw insider ‘yellow flags’…were they even threatened in some way if they removed her from the position as internal group leader?

That she might cause too much of a ruckus so it’s best just to keep her and things the same? Hmm…


Years ago Etienne and I were watching Short Hair studio dance version and I mentioned that I could tell that she smoked (and there was other toxic psychic debris in her aura).


If you’re a professional performer, do you think it’s important to be aware of this? Or how about if you are the music video director or even manager?


And for the record; I still love AOA and I won’t let this taint my view or history of the group primarily because Muse to me is even more important than the artists.


It seemed Mina had some real issues that should have been taken more seriously and Jimin was leveraging the Perpetrator-Victim dynamic – and even Mina may have fell too much into that role.


I can’t shame Jimin AOA but she has a lot of soul searching to do – and now it’s all probably too late for redemption in the industry.


Anyways; this was more of a mixed post because of the relevance of this K-pop news breaking out a week ago, but yeah – energetically Jimin has some things.


Even in her instagram feed more recently – it’s still a lot of the same type of dynamic.


There’s a lot of healing, reunifying and maturing that she could still do in her life to truly move into authentic kindness and unity.


It may take some radically different approach* (like working with someone like me) to help that process moreso than the world and self-centric dynamic she was used to.


I will finish to say that of course Jimin has carried a lot of Muse archetype consciousness. Muse will still filter in through an individual soul and those qualities; and the mainstay Jimin has carried through the years has been (Bratty) Princess – Muse.


*And I think it’s safe for all of us who care to see and say that.


BTW; What we do (me and the followers of my methodology of sex transmutation) is what is called archetypal alchemy with music video – instead of just ‘watching k-pop videos’ like consumers and fans. This is transformational entertainment.


So it’s too limiting to call us stans; that’s what some people would view us as, but that’s just from their paradigm of reality.

Queen: Energetics of Great Attraction & Provision

Beauty Essence Blog

Want to exude intoxicating energetic beauty that really calls in the masculine spirit of men, money and material wealth?


How about doing that with little to no effort – even if you aren’t the most physically attractive woman. And how about without being a sugar baby or gold digger)?


Want to enjoy the RICHES and experiences the world has to offer? Well…your literal IMAGE and energetic presence can attract that so where the masculine and provision is drawn like bees to honey.


What most conscious women might not realize is that receiving-ness of divine masculine (or NOT) can be seen in your aura and image; most people aren’t just consciously aware to be able to sense it but your RESULTS can gauge whether it’s happening or not (or a direct energy reading and referencing other women who DO have that going on).


If you want to shift your reality, working energetically is the SOURCE of it. Change that, you can change everything else instead of working on superficial fixes for years. That’s not to say a good beauty makeover as we previously knew it – cannot do wonders.


We value both extrinsic and intrinsic beauty, but if you are still not attracting what you desire and have a high B/Q (extrinsic beauty quotient) – this may be just what you are missing.


And since sales is more and more becoming prospects resonating with you, your presence and image; this stuff matters b/c energy doesn’t lie..esp. if u are getting into Hieros Gamos (sacred reunification) spiritual work, priestessing or serving men.


Or – if you are a woman who just wants to maximize her energetic beauty, influence and quantum leap her attraction and manifestation abilities.


Your energy attracts or repels – not just your extrinsic beauty…it’s your energy itself – and this is also communicate in your image – we are just more non-conscious of it.


So if you have resistances towards the men, masculine, Kingship or are preaching about Hieros Gamos but do not have the energetic alignment and (enough) codes, that will be shown in your image. (And that can include trauma related to past experiences with men or literal daddy issues).


Your experience with men is largely related to your energetic relationship to the source masculine – and this all shows up in your presence and image itself (which I do readings on).


Every woman can be at a different stage of her life. There’s nothing wrong per se with feminists but I will reference them energetically.


Post-modern feminists and I daresay femi-nazis (even lesbians activists objectively speaking) are most resistant to the meta masculine with the literal *CROWN* chakra BLOCKED.


As u can imagine, that has a lot of implications incl. personalizing the field and so much more. Modern Rose McGowan, Megan Rapinoe are objective visual references for this (cerca 2019) for having a more closed crown chakra. Check out my disclaimer on celebrity references here*


Celebrities CAN change; heck, it’s this priceless awareness and what Sexy Chi and the energy healing background can do TO make that change. It’s just part of the deal if you are in the public eye or famous that people will talk about you and become more psychically aware of what your image is communicating (that alone is more reason to take this seriously).


Generally, for private clients however I get approval of course to use or reference them, but if you are a non-client celebrity in the public eye – I may reference you as cultural critique and in the awareness that your image can be very dynamic and change – even from month to month.


So, post-modern feminists can have their own energetic template and qualities (Feminist is a literal archetype now btw b/c of its impact on the collective).


A feminist’s crown is more closed to the masculine – and many of them DISAVOW the masculine or want to ‘burn the patriarchy to the ground’. This shows up energetically.


Also, many feminists embody the lower vibrational masculine within their chakras – trauma can remain stored and is creating dissonance in their feminine system.


Masculinized shells can also form and this is all preventing their true soul essence and beauty to be embodied and expressed. (We can work literally on all of this btw with the energy work Sexy Chi does).


Goddesses – archetypally speaking – are more just unilaterally embodied with divine feminine; water and earth (like a Demi Lovato; JUST woman) and where Masculine consciousness is outside of them; it’s not really circulating within them, but their crowns are more emanating Goddess rather than being entirely blocked like the archetypal Feminist.


Most of these women in the Goddess archetype find that balance in a relationship with a man and HIS masculine energies instead of being more internally balanced and lit with both masculine and feminine.


If you have strong embodiment of the Goddess archetype, it’s going to take a lot of masculine essence to even reach through to instigate you. This gets into the alchemy of fire with water for example; you just don’t even FEEL a lot of men esp. if they are dis-embodied.


Often with a Goddess;


There’s just SO MUCH WOMAN that there isn’t much embodied air, fire or immortal devotion to the masculine; she just ‘is’ in her presence.


Goddess circles for years have represented and valued this…and in some sense, they are also disconnected from the virtuous and righteous qualities of the healthy Masculine.


Hieros Gamos is different (and what you may want to focus on to be a Queen that attracts and lives her desires); it is divine reunification within and without OF the meta-masculine and meta-feminine..but it’s where you still retain your predominant feminine essences.


So this can ALSO show up in a woman’s literal image and presence like Gillian Pothier (who is growing more into her Queenship aspect) as well as Erica Jade on Facebook…and it’s this that can inspire men into Kings and such.


It’s all causally sourced from YOUR energy field because you are co-creating and attracting your experience with and through the Law of Attraction.


This kind of woman who is receiving of Masculine essences has the energetic RELEVANCE and resonance to qualities of the energetic and spiritual masculine (as compared to being disconnected or disavowed to it).


It’s easier for cash to flow to her for example and receive provision vs. taking on masculine energies herself to ‘get things done’ and adapt to this culture which then leads to burnout and fatigue.


And it should be said that many Western MEN are getting left behind sexually, socially and culturally because of this greater sexual and spiritual disconnection that women hold energetically (like Feminist and Goddess archetypes).


Hieros Gamos Muses, Queens and Lover Priestesses have a different general energetic quality which is receiving and cycling of Masculine Light consciousness IN the aura that breathes.


Seolhyun from AOA is a good example of a Muse-Lover who has Hieros Gamos encoding and can energetically receive energy and attention attractively FROM the masculine; thus she’s more likely to attract it because she’s not energetically resisting or blocking it.



These women are far more balanced, reverent and lit; literally able to energetically BE penetrated from the Light, solar power and King consciousness whereas other women (including Goddesses) can be closed off to The Masculine.


And it’s also about the quality of her energetic beauty that can attune a man into a higher multi-dimensional experience for example (together and in polarity).


These rare women; the more Reunified Queens who relate with King consciousness) who buck the popular post-modern feminist trend have reclaimed the greater spiritual truth of Lover Goddess, God, King and Queen…they love and care about and for the Masculine spirit energetically (the source) and that comes through in how men relate to them.


The spiritual truth of Communion and Reunification is not something that can be contained to an ideological perspective or cliche of ‘women being barefoot and pregnant over the kitchen sink’. It’s not even that. There’s much more going on (beyond Feminism) that is central to the overall awakening of consciousness on the planet.


And these rare women attract something different esp. because they stand out. When your feminine essence allure emanates, you can start attracting men…and when you see the results other women are getting, it can re-frame your paradigm of what’s possible.


The Goddess-Feminist can experience a lot of troubles with men sexually and in the relationship department with things.


So…how do some start making the transition from embodied Goddess (if that’s where you are at) into being called to attract, serve and heal the divine masculine within and without?


Or how about just ATTRACTING the wealth, sex, love and spiritual growth that is possible?


Well..u will know if it is time, we can assess where you are at and just dive into the Allure Makeover Package. Or…you may want to consider the Hieros Gamos X Queen path.


By working on your energy directly, we are able to do a LOT. It may take someone very experienced and cultivated with Hieros Gamos (ie. me) but then we will be able to open things up faster to the MAGIC of archetypal divine masculine and King-making, King-attracting work that cultivates your Queen.


As THOSE authentic qualities (like receptivity to Masculine penetration and yang qi) start emanating from your image/presence, they will softly pierce through to aspects of men and others; image that attracts and inspires (sales) and devotion.


It can be a profound life shift as there may also be fundamental things we have to work on first as part of your transition into a radiant Queen.


The Allure Makeover Package is available here. And the Queen Path is available here.


About celebrities and me doing celebrity energy readings or referencing famous people…


*DISCLAIMER: Remember that this is a professional image consulting platform. If you are in the public eye like a celebrity, people are GOING to be aware and conscious of your image.


I’m not trying to demean or ever defame anyone but rather to point out objective truths that consumers themselves as they become more aware and psychic would also know as generally or verifiably accurate (although it’s officially used as cultural commentary under fair use copyright guidelines and image copyrights belong to respective copyright holders – also that other psychics, image consultants or body language readers might read something different than I do).


This all reinforces the point that celebrities and those in the public eye may want to master their image because they are in the public eye. There may be things they are not even aware they are communicating.

Image Influence: Your Energy Doesn’t Lie

Image sells more than ever. Sales and influence is evolving into being more kinaesthetic and psychic in our sensitivies and instincts about someone (esp. for services).


People ARE gauging your image whether you deny it, don’t care about it or just ‘want to be yourself’ – people are making assessments about working with you or for other reasons.


And your energy actually tells more than you may consciously realize and this is important because your fans, customers and consumers are becoming MORE aware of the truth: they are becoming more psychic.


Especially consider that your image can continue influencing people generations from now (and the advanced truth of this is alchemical influence).


So….your image is multi-dimensional light communication. It’s not as superficial as you think – that’s only because people have been valuing the 3D and haven’t developed more of these conscious tools that we have with Sexy Chi.


Your energy doesn’t lie and here’s something of an idea.


As an image consulting professional, if I did an objective energy reading (although I’m tempted breach objectivity on this one) about the author of ‘White Fragility’ it might seem brutal and very offending to some; however it would be true (about her energetic health in particular).


Keep in mind that your image is out there and you are IN the public eye. So with Robin DiAngelo if I just saw her image, I couldn’t work with or trust her because it makes me cringe…something FEELS off to me.


Sure, her image isn’t main thing in her industry that sells, but if people valued it like it should be valued, they would ‘know’ a lot more.


Your image can give out yellow flags for those who can read them – and more people are being able to sense, intuit and read things like this.


Again; (conscious) consumers are becoming more aware and psychic of the truth of things – as well as how it matches up with their perception and experience of you. Integrity matters more than ever.


The more aware of your energetic truth people are, the more your image is a double-edged sword that can work for or against you; even if they will be MORE attracted to or repelled FROM you.

And they might be repelled for the wrong reasons – or reasons that are entirely out of your awareness. (We can fix these things btw but it’s deeper work in some cases than you might think).


Energetic health is foundational and implicated with other things in your life and I can’t afford to NOT tell you accurate truths so that you are aware of it and we can get things aligned. Practical psychic clarity is my foundation with this – even if it hurts.


The psychic reading I do is verifiable truths about you and other people; this is what I share. It’s a different style of psychic work than predicting the future btw.


Can you afford NOT to take your image professionally at this point?


After all it is communicating who you are and consumers and conscious clients ARE becoming more discerning.


They are also going to start sensing if you are just looking good superficially but are missing a real energetic soul communication ‘spark’.


There can be many things holding back your soul embodiment and expression…energetic health is 1 component.


The good news is that there is also more reason for them to be ATTRACTED to you and KNOW they want to work with you just from your image and how it multi-dimensionally affects and even pre-attunes them before they even hear from you.


Image is more than just the superficial 3D of beauty and ‘pixels’.


Want to really start mastering your image? It may take real soul work but that’s the thing you can’t put a price on…the real energetic beauty which we can cultivate to help you attract more of the good stuff in life while emanating your inner AND outer beauty.


I do offer fuller $100 energy readings btw which is a credit/retainer for further work with me.


Yes – IMAGE sells and this is an expanded topic I will be sure to write more about (and as you know multiple industries are founded on image having influence and sales like entertainment, media and advertising).


If you are an online coach; your image also matters more than ever – ESP. if you are doing anything spiritual or soul related.


Do you have the congruent essence that you SAY you do?


Is it all coherent?


I worked with one spiritual coach who I felt was more ahead of where she was at the start of our first session, but then magically VOILA- her energy opened up and THEN I felt she was the person she was saying she was online and presenting herself as. Her image THEN (re) became congruent with her brand and communication.


I’ve had many clients who their businesses picked up and they literally started making more money and attracting new clients after working with me.


See, people can sense that (even if non-consciously) and prospects are getting smarter and more psychic like this – and it may even take ongoing energetic maintenance to sustain (and cultivate) your energetic truth – esp. if you are doing video often.


Want more influence (LIKE a star) from your image? Master more than just your physical beauty and the traditional image consulting elements of make-up, fashion, skin care and color coordination, etc. Let’s get to work!


In many markets, people EXPECT that you are visible and can’t just ‘hide out’ much longer.


Different Beauty Activations and readings are available on site.

The Divinity of Objectification: Part 3

The Divinity of Sexual Objectification:


Part 3 {Masculine Spectrum & Commencement}


At this point in human history, understanding that Beauty & Sex are inherent, valuable and powerful aspects of The Feminine (and women themselves!)..


And in knowing that these great powers have both been suppressed or controlled for centuries to some extent under more ‘patriarchal’ leadership and to a large extent have recently flourished but have been manipulated and used to condition, sell and influence in this Dark/Shadow Paradigm;


AND understanding that we are living in a realm of meta-social & meta-physical media and impersonal relationships which make it nearly impossible NOT to objectify or project onto others, what can we do from here?


Understanding that Beauty and Sex IS ultimately good;


How can we remove all hypocrisy and double-standards from both the Shadow Paradigm of the Masculine cultural space as well as the conditional-oppressive confusion of post-modern, politically correct feminism?


How can we have the best of ALL worlds where women are empowered, honored and given TRUE freedom with SUPPORT and where the majority of men with 10x the testosterone of women aren’t looked at as non-conscious imbeciles or lower status pawns of a social game?


For ascension; how can we reclaim Femininity and re-calibrate SEX and Beauty into spiritual alignment and sovereign growth instead of this superficial era of Pottersville (for better and worse)?


How can women start having it all but without the judgment, shame and risks of harassment or rape and where Beauty & Sex of the impersonal Feminine can reawaken and heal the world into a new renaissance?


And how can we use all of this to the ascension of MEN into Warrior Kings who can provide new cultural space and protection for women, feminine essence and society into new dimensions of heaven on earth?


Well; we have to understand masculine consciousness a little bit more – and that which is the culprit of accusations of #objectification (and often very qualified accusations of harassment and rape) towards #women.


Since we ARE in it together; this understanding can help us bridge into a new era where women are seen as artists, healers and priestesses instead of just impersonalized sex objects, but where #sexuality itself is ACCEPTED as an aspect of our nature, drive and spirituality – and that’s Ok too.


Here’s a new perspective on the masculine objectification of women from 4 different primary but generalized viewpoints; Shadow, Dark, Cultural and Light Masculine.


Note how objectification and the value of beauty, sex, skin and outlook towards women changes from each *generalized* perspective.



Shadow Masculine:


Rape, I want you as a sex slave, shame on you for showing your skin, I will judge you, shame you, oppress you, make fun of you behind your back, I will use you, you owe me and other men for disavowing us, sexual predators, gang rape, authentic rape porn videos, I will abuse u if I could; I’m under the control of porn, I have porn addiction, rapists, harassers, Harvey Weinstein*, Bill Cosby*, viewing women as prey or JUST as sex objects, sex traffickers, misuse of power for sexual gain, coercion or favors, core incel consciousness, incel driven killers, other clear violations of consent


*Weinstein and Cosby consciousness up through 2018. It’s not who they are per se, they can change but to a large extent they lived in Shadow masculine



Dark Masculine: I want to f#ck you and ravish you but only in what should be a consensual container, rape and fetish porn AND fantasies (but not lived out), misogyny, groping (could also be qualified as Shadow), sex cults, most porn use, tyrant prince consciousness, knowingly manipulating, triggering and conditioning others with the power of sex, selling sex, BDSM (consensual containers and agreements)


(Legal) Brothel owners, strip club owners, media programmers, advertisers and social matrix architects who are knowingly or justifyingly using sex and skin to sell or condition consumer behavior could be considered part of the Dark masculine qualification.


{There is light within the dark but still in an objective sense, it could still be classified as dark on the spectrum}.



*Cultural Masculine: The majority of men conditioned and indoctrinated who are just going along with what is in our culture in front of them, gazing and even admiring the physical beauty and body of women**, occasional but healthy personalized porn use, realizes the value of beautiful women, has favorite celebrity crushes like most men, don’t see it as unnecessarily unhealthy to value the beauty and body of women because he is aware he is sexual and responds to it, lives in a rich fantasy world with women, natural sexual responses to female skin, isn’t actually directly harming women because of objectification at all; in fact he might be kind of in anxiety, fear and awe of women who hold that power b/c of the levels of cultural conditioning where she IS seen like a goddess with high status; can sometimes stare at women too long or make them feel uncomfortable


{{Much of the Cultural Masculine consciousness also crosses over with natural, normal sexual male consciousness, I’m just calling it cultural for differentiation’ sake with our shadow paradigm}}



I would add that there is a small percentage or category of men that are ‘Supportive Masculine’ between Cultural and Light however many of those men are actually cow-towing to post-modern feminism while hiding their own sexuality like a wolf in sheep’s clothing with the outer appearance of do-gooder even if they have good intentions. Many of these men also reek of value conflicts and hypocrisy as well.




*Light Masculine – Sexual desires are part of my masculinity and I don’t apologize for them but I would never harass or violate your consent, I admire your beauty and body, I am evolving as a man to meet you in connection, I don’t belittle you, I want you to be powerful and liberated, I never shame or even judge you, I bask in your presence, harnessing and control over sexual energies, doesn’t abuse power even with opportunities, my #King meets your #Queen, your presence inspires, heals and evolves my consciousness, I value your expression and beauty in my entirety, I am attuning in relationship with you and dissolving the unworthiness and smallness in me in your presence, true and conscious co-creative and co-healing, co-empowerment, archetypal magicianship


With that said; there are parts of the Light masculine that ARE about true evolution and sexual empowerment of BOTH sexes but are in large part still getting a grasp on more of the meta-physical dynamics of objectification and relating consciously in the impersonal world with archetypes, power.


These are men who do might not yet have the training, awareness and powers of meta-physical alchemy to work as Magicians yet in this realm but might be able to otherwise facilitate and hold the space for evolution and co-healing of the masculine and feminine



And even though our current social reality is probably CLOSEST to Cultural, I have still chosen to call it Shadow to highlight imbalances.


So as you can see, these are ALL masculine consciousness but it is a spectrum.


Some men will move between different types of subjective experience, sometimes fairly often or occasionally deep dive back into fantasy to satiate his deeper, darker sexual desires.


Some men stay there more often. The sex sells paradigm and the popularity of porn feed these desires. It can also be seen as energetic harvesting in most cases where the men don’t have full sovereignty, control and choice over their usage of porn.


Hyper-sexualization provides interesting dynamics as it plays out in human experience.


In the movie ‘Passengers’ for example of the spectrum; Chris Pratts’ character falls from his good guy Cultural Masculine into his Dark Masculine in order to awaken the beautiful woman he had desire for but in effect, sentencing her to death.


But where are the majority of our men?


They are in the ‘Cultural Masculine’ and they are often on the unrighteous end of feminist accusations who are really lashing out at the Shadow and Dark masculine – or just left out of the conversation being overlooked and misunderstood.


I would guess-timate this is the actual breakdown of consciousness on this masculine spectrum:


10% Shadow Masculine (where most all of reported or unreported harassment and rape crimes occur)


20% Dark Masculine (where most desires are kept as fantasy or lived out consensually) however the architects and manipulators of ‘the game’ can also be called Dark


65% Cultural Masculine (including that transitional ‘pseudo-supportive’ masculine on the upper end)


5% Light Masculine (with 4% being the sexual evolutionary for both sexes, but still confused about objectification and still non-conscious as a meta-physical alchemist and less than 1% as the Alchemical Light Masculine who works consciously with Archetypal powers of the Divine in Media for healing, attunement and magic on levels beyond cultural attachment, labeling or objectification)




Considering we are IMMERSED in im-personal media and relationships; is objectification BAD and should we somehow force all men to stop objectifying women for the comfort of some women (who often are at the double-edged advantage because of their beauty and status?




Turn on almost any music video and you are instantly in that realm where objectification exists. Open any popular men’s or women’s magazine and it’s there; we are dealing with impersonal relationships.


Women also objectify all the time with Beauty and their fashion or music icons.


(I’m above the removal of hypocrisy and of value conflicts towards higher truth).


I think the REAL issue is not objectification (because remember that it just goes along WITH our reality of impersonalized media); the real issue is with Shadow #consciousness of human nature.


Remember that we have THRIVED to an extent with #Beauty and Sex as well as the rising social status and sexual value of women because of the advantages of this otherwise Dark/Shadow Masculine cultural paradigm and space.


It’s SHADOW ITSELF. Shadow and #dark masculine ITSELF can be bad. 


Objectification CHANGES as #masculine consciousness changes how it relates TO the impersonal power of feminine beauty, #sex and body.


Cultural objectification of women is generally harmless albeit non-conscious and more as a superficial consumer escape; however it HAS affected the depth of a lot of human relationships and connection – with a special spiritual disconnect in favor of the more superficial.


Another byproduct of our current climate is that because of all the focus and attention; it can make some women a little uncomfortable not out of fear of rape per se from THESE men, but because the man himself has anxiety around her power and doesn’t know how to relate with that which he values so much sexually from all of the conditioning. Many of those men wouldn’t even hurt a fly.


The #Metoo movement was about exposing a bulk of the SHADOW #Masculine and the misuse and abuse of power; the imbalances of Dark Masculine.


That was critical for us all in the evolution as much as a lot of men want to hold onto the past for fear of the great power of the awakening Feminine (which they fear cannot be controlled).


Remember there are major advantages of status, power, attraction and choice that some women have in spite of the dysfunctions of our current Dark/Shadow paradigm.


Beauty literally abounds like never before in history.


What’s required is a shift in consciousness. A reunification for women themselves into the ALLness of feminine power without shame from either non-conscious masculine or the politically correct feminine. A reclamation of INTRINSIC beauty as well as the superficial.


Perhaps one of the most practical things would be to EXPAND the Light masculine values and consciousness and eliminate the Shadow masculine; thusly moving more men out of the ‘stimulus-response friendly’ Cultural masculine into sovereign and divine impersonal power themselves.


Expand the Light Masculine and how it views women, keep removing Shadow Masculine.


As more men live from LIGHT consciousness that is pro-sex, pro-beauty, pro-women, pro-co-creation with more awareness and move out of Dark and Cultural;


This would have profound and world-changing ramifications even if some of the Dark Masculine always remains. We are talking the cultural yin and yang here.


It would inspire other men to also evolve and as more women have space to truly be empowered and free without judgment and condemnation, we will experience heaven on earth culturally.


As more WOMEN become sovereign and in touch with authentic self-expressed femininity without fear of reprisal, it will heal and inspires others and call more men to support instead of oppress or manipulate.


So with that said, let me reconnect with what is possible…a LIGHT Masculine paradigm that individual men and brands (like Sexy Chi) can LIVE in how they relate to and hold space with women before the rest of the Cultural climate catches up.


Let’s talk about the Divinity of Objectification one more time.


The divinity of objectification (and a pro-beauty, pro-sex feminism outlook) acknowledges that:


*Beauty is good


*Beauty is divine


*Beauty is a value in itself


*Sex and beauty are inherent, powerful aspects of femininity


*Intrinsic (or ‘energetic’) and extrinsic beauty matter


*Image is multi-dimensional Light communication and can be alchemical in influence


*A woman is free to explore the gamut of immortal, sexual feminine consciousness in embodiment and expression of self instead of just being restricted to the more recent archetype of feminist


*After being oppressed, allure retakes its place as a prime value of feminine essence and expression


*A woman can be free to surrender into the greater expression OF her impersonal feminine because of the conscious OR non-conscious male gaze b/c nothing will take away her sovereignty and fuller expression


*Beauty is no longer just about her external appearance but is both intrinsic and extrinsic in how it comes across IN her presence and image


*Body, eros and sensuality are embraced and owned consciously


*Light masculine supports and co-creatively can guide women in the space of this new awakening, healing and ascension


*Feminine empowerment and awakening includes sovereign sexual self-expression and growth without fear, shame or new trauma


*Media amplifies HER power into the realm of the immortal and impersonal


*Media is understood and related to as Light and power (that has influence to affect consciousness) stored for eternity and isn’t just merely digital pixels and studio lighting for superficial diversion


*Media is a practical platform for the literal awakening of divine (impersonal) feminine consciousness and goddess rising; in spite of its past shadow aspects and values


*A woman will not be shamed for showing skin (at least not in the space of the Light Masculine; that which she can also develop a devotional relationship to)


*More men will enter Light masculine consciousness to evolve and support the FULL expression of women while dropping Dark and Shadow masculine tendencies


*More men will meditate and commune with their spiritual counterparts of Goddesses and Queens cultivating their own divinity and archetypal consciousness


*Sovereignty is above social matrix shadow power games of manipulation, control, conditioning and influence


*The awareness is that we are not consumer pawns or statistics but souls with impersonal, god and goddess like power and influence as more powerful sentient beings


*Media consumers will become alchemists instead of entertainment being known as a non-conscious diversion or superficial escape of personalized judgment


*Awareness is that we value our image as a sovereign, ACCURATE self-expression and that we can have eternal influence from our image and presence; now connected to our own immortal legacy


*Our ‘digital’ or meta/media presence is alchemical, medicinal and can have healing properties through the Law of Resonance


*Our image will be used in the future by psychics and alchemists for people to heal, transform and evolve their consciousness


*MV (yes music video) is a pink elephant and playground for divine feminine power that has been unacknowledged from post-modern feminists


*We connect with the historical and immortal truth of Beauty and Sex into new realms of enlightened experience, sexuality and creativity


And more Light masculine instead of being a response to the Light and Shadow aspects of objectification more consistently become;


*Co-creative magicians, healers and alchemists

*Lovers and admirers of women
*Authentic, unified supporters of sexual healing and ascension without hypocrisy


Men in Light Masculine consciousness can relate with women in media, not just from a non-conscious, ‘rapacious’ selfish, male gaze but more as Kings, Warriors, Magicians and Alchemists.


How do we make such a shift as well as a shift beyond post-modernism?


Seek those who are living the change. There are men and women who are AHEAD of the Cultural curve now – and there are a few of us who are into TRUE co-creation and true, unconditional sovereignty.


More Light Masculine is called forth to provide space for this new healing dynamic.


In my case, I’m not waiting for the rest of cultural consciousness to catch up with this heresy because most of them haven’t been listening, I’ve BEEN living it and will continue to with myself and Sexy Chi.


With that said; this is also an open conversation because it involves all of us. Feel free to comment, post, etc.


We are at a verge of a new shift esp. after the California wildfires (at the time of this original post).


In general; I would say to choose sovereignty and resolution of value conflicts. Enter more Light, more true power (and not force/coercion/misuse) and remove Shadow.


Oh; I forgot to add that archetypally speaking, objectification and any form of male observership FUELS Muse and Diva consciousness.


And if you doubt this exists or sounds too futuristic, I have literally meditated for 14,000 hours with impersonal Feminine archetypes in music video (transformational entertainment and sex transmutation) and guide/lead an underground of male media alchemists who are into the divinity of objectification.


We are living the future model of how entertainment and media can be consumed as well as Light Masculine consciousness that embraces sexuality but values women as High Priestesses and miracle-workers not ‘just’ as objects.


Most of Cultural masculine doesn’t view most women as objects per se (that’s more Dark and Shadow), but it’s hard NOT to objectify until they get into more conscious, empowered awareness without double-standards or just conditioned responses to the matrix around them.


We are living underground with media as Prince’s and Magicians alchemically and transformationally instead of just relating to women and their bodies as a shallow, non-conscious diversion of a shadow social power game of conditioning.


In any case, I will continue cultivating and providing this integrity and devotion for the divine feminine including in the quality of my presence and work – even when others aren’t.


So for the NEXT STEP: What can u do?


Value and cherish the Light Masculine and men who are close to that consciousness who can usher in a new era.


Stop getting angry only at the Dark and Shadow masculine and feeding that aggregate more attention.


Consider a more spiritually aligned, truth-based reality of the sexes based on reunification rather than perpetuating a sex war.


Forgive men and the Shadow masculine of the past when possible.


Resolve your own value conflicts around Sex and sensuality.


Question whether post modern-feminism is the ultimate choice for sovereignty and holistic awakening.


Start being the change u wish to see. Get around other women who are living in the future now.


Resolve your own value conflicts around feminine sexual power and heal any shame or trauma with it and the masculine so you can be shameless, LIBERATED and integrous.


Cultivate your own Feminine essence and energetic beauty anyways in spite that MOST male consciousness is just responsive-natural (cultural), dark or shadow.


Cultivate your relationship WITH your archetypal self, activate your allure.


See if the Diva or Muse archetypes (or others) are on your path to help you properly transmute male attention into even greater soul freedom, power, sexuality and expression (whether it’s dark masculine or not).


Reunite with the soul-centered divinity of beauty as INTRINSIC and not just extrinsic. This is an exciting time and there is a LOT of power (and even advantage) that we live in an era of media and impersonality LIKE today to have power like Starlets, Kings and #Goddesses without having to be famous.


Are we going to live it consciously or in our darker, non-conscious aspects with it all?


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