There are endless female coaches and healers but it seems that very few women have ‘the magic’ which is an alchemical level of allure or (applied) magic in their Priestess-hood.
There is a world of difference between ‘practitioning’, having certificates, just giving 100s of reiki sessions vs. life-changing magic.
Having magic & life-changing results is perhaps the BEST client attraction & referral security.
The main thing I’m seeing that makes the difference between superficial coaching & priestess level magic (because I’ve experienced both enough to be gauging this from women) is;
*The level of initiation(s)
*The level of sacrifice or devotion to service, path & ideally *hieros gamos*
*The level of reception to initiation or apprenticeship w/a master
*The levels of ongoing cultivation at deep levels of (soul) experience
Some get a certificate (ie. reiki) and start ‘practitioning’ or serving endless sessions w/o deeper cultivation.
But this is also relevant to the Aesop’s fable of the golden-egg laying goose. If you don’t have the production capability of consistently outputting magical sessions for clients (golden eggs), you are going to burn out the goose fast.
Dr. Stephen Covey called it the P/PC formula for advanced productivity in the ‘7 Habits of Highly Effective People’ book.
The secret is to KEEP CULTIVATING. It’s something true masters and priestesses continue doing and for that it requires the proper values in alignment for long-term commitment and devotion.
Also you can’t become a real priestess just because you want the freedom based income, there must be an authentic calling to go through the real initiations with it.
A challenge can be that deeper cultivation or new immersion with relevant masters gets sacrificed b/c it costs, so instead the $ and paying bills becomes more important than the devotion itself. That’s not priestess consciousness!
(Many have said that I have magic & it’s because of my initiations, sacrifices and deep ongoing hieros gamos cultivation which has been an extreme 99% of the P/PC ratio although I’m being recognized to serve more now).
I cultivated for years and years before I even started doing direct energy work on a small number of clients…now the equation is getting more balanced but I’m always cultivating (as Hieros Gamos Priest/Magician).
A lot of women just don’t have the DEPTH, embodiment and devotion that gives them that deeper access and magic; much of that is archetypal but they’re not willing to sacrifice their smaller self-identity to embody Priestess and some are still more committed to their personalized lover than the immortal masculine.
Some are still fixing their own wounds before they’re even whole enough to serve on a more influential level; that’s ok too, but it doesn’t mean they have ‘the magic’.
In tantra, some dakinis might access the magic indirect through technique sometime, but don’t necessarily have THE consistent powerful magic that holds the deeper space and power to unlock and move energies ie. in a male client.
She doesn’t have the attunement for the atonement > to initiate HIS masculine…
And the thing is, u could be a practitioner for decades w/o ever being a Reunified Priestess w/richer, consistent magic.
I have experienced great magic from JUST a handful of priestess level women…and it’s the unspoken truth; it’s not that the others who served me didn’t have value or great technique, but…there is a difference and it makes ALL the difference b/c those were invaluable initiations, experiences and transmissions on their own.
And since I’m steeped in magic all the time in my own cultivation and servicing of clients; that’s what I value.
More devotion, more #hierosgamos and definitely more magic.
It’s time the world has more attuned, experienced and embodied Priestesses in service with undeniable #magic. There is a calling for Kingmakers.
And that doesn’t mean having just great technique or good looks reliance.
If you are called to be a Sacred Kingmaker or Reunification Priestess, you may be interested in Muse Priestess (which will continue after year 1 for further but optional expanded growth).
Pre-qualification also requires you must go through either the Allure Makeover Package or Q1 (Queen Path) first.
#priestess #tantra #dakini