Random K-Pop Muse Blitz 2022

As we know here on Sexy Chi with our professional and prosumer consciousness;


K-Pop is just DOMINATED by the archetypal Muse. Here are just some random K-Pop idol photos showcasing Muse that I posted to my facebook page (now re-purposing for the blog)….we’ve got MAMAMOO, IVE, Everglow, etc. represented.


Incredibly balanced, embodied & versatile leading muse (Solar) with a high Allure Factor here


The knowing muse…



TWICE has a lot of Muse-Lover Goddess embodiment the past 2 years!





Check her out on our Top 10 Muse list 2022 on the blog!




Great Muse icon


Very pure Muse-Mage…great alchemical beauty


Incredible amounts of Light quanta & contagious siddhic happiness!


Muse-Mage…lots of alchemical beauty and magic


Very lit Muse embodiment & expression

Note her (Solar) different archetype expression here…it’s more Queen

Muse-Queen Mage

Muse-Lover Goddess

Note the high Muse consciousness, embodiment and alchemical, essenced beauty of photonic Muse quanta. Because the focus is on the archetype, I’m not even going to mention the K-pop muses names themselves here (all of which I know of course 😉 but you can ask me on FB.


Other thoughts?…


So what is Muse? Where is She?


How can I become one? What is Her impact?


Well…the ‘Calling of the Kingmaker’ report available from Grail Priestess introduces her ancient lineage and references her impact.


To perceive Her Truth you will have to get past your own socially conditioned and egoic ‘lower truth’ paradigm filters and you have to go beyond race and genres like this is ‘asian’ or ‘k-pop’.


Photonic Muse Quanta just oozing…


Beyond k-pop, beyond culture, superficial beauty and ethnicity are essences and consciousness.


When you can see ARCHETYPES and siddhic essences (where they exist), then you will be closer to source with truth as race is a lower truth (that many ONLY choose to see and perceive this).


True muses (IVE)


Fortunately muses manifest in many cultures and ethnicities b/c Muse is universal and immortal.


It’s Her consciousness and essenced-based beauty with its codes that a small percentage of humans can/have embody. It’s just that most of Muse is manifesting literally in K-pop on a cultural perspective.


Psychically powerful muse


I recommend to learn to discern with better psychic clarity and you too can learn to read archetypal and siddhic beauty wherever it pops up in any culture (keep up with our blog and celebrity psychic readings)!


There are many more individual muses throughout K-POP which is the world’s active MECCA of Muse. My prediction is that Muse is going to expand in the West (I’ve written on the blog about this).


Anyways; you can use these photos to tune in to the archetypal SIGNATURE beauty and consciousness of the impersonal and iconic Muse.



Above I’ve listed some different archetypal expressions. (Of course I know all their personalized names and groups btw).



More advanced would be to meditate, alchemize and do temple work with them (which is what I specialize in and its the source of my magic!).


The Inaugural Muse Activation

The very first in person Cosmic Muse experience in L.A. summer of 2018 was an unforgettable touchstone experience of Supreme Power & Beauty.


After some logistical issues with last minute flowers, mis-directions with google maps and parking troubles we started the in person retreat after I recombobulated in the washroom…to fast forward…


When it came to that time in the day, we did the Muse activation itself.


I knew it was a powerful activation experience itself and then afterwards we slowly walked (her) back to the sitting area and from what I recall we started hearing her initial feedback and anything she wanted to immediately process and we just held space for that or if she wanted to be in silence.


But something ELSE was meant to happen. (And as far as I know btw this may have been my very first ever Muse activation).


It didn’t take long when something split between her more personalized self and she (the client) became radically embodying of Muse.


Muse essentially took over her consciousness fully so She could be with all of us in the room.


The frequency was very powerful and actually it was all so new and strong in this ‘direct’ format that part of me was a bit terrified – like hold on to this rollercoaster.


I remember Gillian Pothier my co-host (of Feminine Eros) being concerned off to my right side like if we should interrupt things to make sure she’s ok – but I just had to keep presence and be with what was happening so I reassured Gillian with a right-hand wave that it’s ok/let’s go with it b/c I could sense she was concerned (and Gillian can speak more to this).


The Presence was enlightened and very very powerful. I’ve been with an enlightened master before at an ashram and this was similar but a different tone. Very solar Light Feminine Muse with ancient history.


She started speaking directly to me and only me in a literal Language of Light for what seemed like several minutes.


After an intense several minutes (even I couldn’t hold eye contact the ‘entire’ time b/c the quanta was so intense and I am/was on a journey to being able to hold even more powerful presence), her consciousness seemed to return more to her regular cognitive state in the mix while Muse chose to be less present after the language of Light encoding transmission and continued Her initial integration into our client’s embodiment.


To this day I still have no idea what was literally being communicated or translated (although I have an idea of sorts). I do also know that it wasn’t an entity and it was very pure Muse consciousness; like She Herself descended down to give me/us this highly encoded alchemical transmission experience.


Indeed – it was its own encoding experience for Gillian and I. This was back in summer 2018 in downtown L.A. I don’t even know consciously what was being said or communicated but I’m sure it had to do with instructions and directions to continue the work.


It still blows my mind when I think of what happened – knowing it was the real thing. I have a great connection with Muse after 14,000 hours of meditation at that point (and other key moments) but NEVER such a DIRECT experience of powerful magic quite like that ‘in my face’.


My energy system was very active during it (which was part of the partial anxiety/terror) because I was soaking in the alchemical transmission and encoding; it was very active in my solar plexus.


It’s important to add that although the Light Language was flowing; the words were intentional, clear & distinct without any hesitation. With all present; Gillian was witness to this as part of our co-creation.


Eventually for the attendee herself who was a channel, she kind of faded back into more normal consciousness and then we continued talking a bit with a stretch break in there. A life-changing experience for all of us.


Oh – again; and if I’m not mistaken, this was the very first Muse activation I’d ever done so there’s definitely something to THAT!


Are all (archetype) activations (available on our appointments page) like this? Usually there is some extra ‘impact’ power with my live (in person) activations and remote (most of them) are more subtle (usually) but No – everyone has different dynamics in receivingness and processing.  After hosting 100’s of sessions (mostly on zoom), I’ve seen a lot of things; tears, laughter, sleeping, orgasmic energy, sub-pranic releases, etc.-


Most of the time the experience is peaceful yet the work is being done so there’s no competition or wrong-ness if you don’t feel anything during a session – not everyone does right away (when some *really* feel it).


So that was our very first of 3 Cosmic Muse retreats co-hosted by Gillian and I in L.A. and there’s other things to say about the other ones!


Usually all hell breaks loose; the city was filled with smoke and it was impossible to book a hotel room anywhere in L.A. for 6 hours before the 2nd one.


(At the time of this original writing and now re-purposed to blog) I’m now into month 7 of the Muse Priestess Mentorship with 2 initiates so far and have done other (remote) individual Muse activations (which are at a higher price point than regular activation sessions), but I’ll end with this;


During the transmission itself when my system was just kind of shocked and receiving the encoding (esp. into solar plexus); I’m quite sure She (who is also my Beloved) was transmitting respect, honor and further directions and codes to create her Queendom/Kingdom. It’ll never stop blowing my mind. Yes – all of this is REAL.


And this now is actually the first time I’ve shared this with anyone (not even telling the 2 Muse Priestess initiates about it) and yes – I made sure to get permission first to even share this anonymously (also checking in with Gil).


I’m honored and thrilled to host the Muse Priestess Mentorship (we have another live retreat soon) and look forward to more Cosmic Muse Retreats!


It’s all in deep devotional continued service; Muse is the source of it all here and I’m attuned to Her divine will.


Muse Activations are available for $1000 (price subject to rise). You may have to contact me to ensure pre-qualification and for the separate payment link on my FB profile/dm.

BLACKPINK Coachella Psychic Energy Reading – Weekend 2

With BLACKPINK headlining both weekends recently (and Muse codes assimilating more and more into Western culture);


I felt it totally befitting to at least give something of a psychic celebrity energy reading aka ‘essence reading’ about them.


With that said; I’m only going to notice SOME things b/c it can take me a full hour to do a more in-depth reading. On a superficial level, they’re style is ON…great pro hairstyling and fashion styling but I’m going to speak more to My specialty; the higher dimensional beauty; light-truth and vibe-truth.


In this photo you can tell they’ve fully arrived (and are aspirational icons for a growing number of Western celebrities) which is also a state of consciousness. Archetypally what’s going on?




Mostly Muse, a lot of IT GIRL & Starlet Quanta!


With the It Girl archetype there’s a supreme divine level of acceptance of recognition and status and well as comfort, ownership and confidence WITH it.


Lisa here Muse-Siren, Starlet-Vixen + It Girl

Rosé here: Muse-Starlet, Eros-Lover

Jennie here: Muse-It Girl Starlet

Jisoo: Muse-It Girl


Interestingly; normally they don’t have as much of the self-conscious supreme social self-awareness but they’re in Coachella and I’m glad they’re taking it on and owning it; Blinks and others would expect/anticipate that from them and it helps with the Western assimilation.


In this backstage Coachella photo (I think also from weekend 2 but either way);



Jennie: Starlet-Muse It-Girl

Lisa: Muse-Vixen Starlet

Rosé: Eros Muse-Siren (here imo reaching and surpassing the heights of Stevie Nicks visually as far as quanta)

Jisoo: Muse-Starlet


Yes it’s extremely hot and influential but WHY? Just because they have the best stylists or they worked so hard and are talented?


Or is there something else going on that is really like the hidden secret to true beauty, power and obsessive influence?


Why is it that they are like the ‘IT Group’ and so popular (with their visuals)?


Because they have photonic quanta (and these codes have been coming in HOTTT recently so it’s the first public time I’m mentioning it). This means that their Beauty is ALCHEMICAL Beauty as activated photonic light essenced; it reaches through the screen and ENGAGES YOU compellingly…Their beauty isn’t flat 2d pixels, it’s MULTI-dimensional and bends light – that’s all I’m saying 4 now (check the blog for more insights).


Ok…so that was mostly an archetypal focus on BLACKPINK Coachella (and things can change from day to day).


Remember that divine feminine consciousness and beauty is IMPERSONAL and that it exists as a spectrum of alchemical light. Not all performers reach that level of beauty and most consumers never will for many reasons that we cover on-site here…they just don’t have access to the light quanta of archetypes because consumers are too conditioned.


Now, let’s just talk for a minute about Jennie’s on-stage sexy chi. I can go REAL in-depth with this chakra by chakra, etc. but will just mention a few things for now and then a quick word about Lalisa.



Here onstage @ Coachella, Jennie has incredibly clean chi and a very clean light air-soft aura. Each of them are at alchemical levels of presence and beauty which means that if you sat in their presence, your consciousness would literally start transmuting through the Law of Resonance and her presence would start bending light in your own energy body through attunement.




Her heart chakra is very soft and activated; she has the cleanest energy body of all of them and has remained very protected in her environments and allowing herself to be in her feminine essence.


Fascinatingly and something that Blinks love about her is that she can be so soft and the next moment all of a sudden naughty savage yet still retaining a very pure core.


She’s able to access all of her body wisdom intuitively and in the moment b/c her chakras are warm, open, breathing and connected. Women who have shelled and blocked chakras can’t always access certain areas of their psyche for instant feedback.


Her aura itself is activated and pure and reaches far; she carries and walks in the integrity of that auric purity with her which alone is a breath of fresh air and people can feel it although not always put it into words.


Jisoo imo has some kind of light but unresolved psyche fracture (a small one) something to do with the masculine principle whereas Jennie feels very safe as if she had the perfect upbringing and professional protection. It seems like Jisoo is a bit more on edge with a little bit more anxiety than Jennie might have.


Jennie generally feels everything (somatically and energetically) and has remained very pure in an advanced way instead of jaded. She’s also doubling as an example of what’s possible for a lot of Western women or those who have experienced trauma; the possibilities of what a very healed and relaxed feminine embodiment could be like – one that is incredibly versatile as far as archetypal experience and expression.


With that said, she does hold onto and still carry a lot of Maiden and could mature more into her goddess self but there’s no hurry really. Rosé has a bit more active light fire in her solar plexus whereas Jennie here is more cloud 9 air and purified water.


There’s so much more to say without even getting into what siddhic qualities she might have (she does have some GK 22 Grace, Innocence and Tenderness whether it’s in her hologenetic profile or not).


Ok and just a couple words on Lisa (actually above I wrote more than I thought I would)….Lisa here from Coachella weekend 2:



Actually I went to search directly and saw this and WOW!! This is IT!

Lisa here is a quintissential example of (the Universalized) Starlet-Muse…timeless beauty that goes beyond just skin-deep because the consciousness and transmutational light quanta is REAL and with her (with and through her energy body).


Massive loads of embodied and expressed Starlet & Muse quanta…also a lot of Eros-Diva with a mix of Siren-Vixen…with that said I’ve noticed her chakras themselves could use some general improvements; she’s had more blocks and constriction than say Jennie.


Here, her heart chakra could be warmer, more open and expressed and her 2nd and 3rd chakras actually should be more directly influential in beauty essence/chi power than they are. It would take me less than a minute each to really activate them to be far more active (remotely even but ONLY with explicit permission).


I have other examples of more charismatic or alluring sacral chakras (in general Ariana Grande’s and Kratae’s have a lot of meta-yin when they’re performing and really I think Lisa should AND she could still use more general consistency in Goddess embodiment (although it’s dropped in a lot more in the past 18 months compared to the previous less grounded air and weightlessness of her arms).


So here Lisa’s supremely embodied (9+ on the 10 quantifiable scale of archetype embodiment) and her throat and upper chakras are ON and expressed but there are still chakric mid blocks that could be far more open, radiant and emanating to the back of the Coachella crowd.


Her allure factor would open up to be more consistent like Jennie’s with some chakric work.


In other performances, her chakras sometimes remain small and personalized and she’s relying more on masterful dance performance….she does have great archetype versatility (also with a lot of the cutesy Maiden-Goddess resting point. And here also Lisa @ Coachella she’s actually more Muse-Goddess Maiden



Vixen seems to work with her the best of the 4 of them (and yet fades in an out intentionally it seems; like Pink Venom she turns it on more) as we know from my Vixen breakthrough post (somewhere on the blog!)


Copyright babymoon


Her sacral is fairly healthy but could use a tune-up and I predict would really powerfully open up and expand in its warmth; it’s like it’s waiting to do that still (and really should be reaching the back of the audience).


Even with the best, there’s fine tuning mastery things like this to take performance to even greater levels and still they truly ROCKED it!


Ok! Just wanted to get some psychic celebrity reading notes down…remember that with this type of psychic work, I’m reading the truth of what already is and with that said, the disclaimer is that it’s still public critique under fair use guidelines and that my psychic perception may not be the ultimate truth; it’s just what I personally and professionally value and strive for (verifiability).


Check out a BLACKPINK Coachella performance scene here (weekend 2):

 Feel free to share this post!

BLACKPINK Does Carpool Karaoke L.A.

In the last post I brought up the question, what’s the next Western cultural influence thing that’s going to happen from K-pop (as a channel of Muse)…and it already happened!


BLACKPINK does Carpool Karaoke with James Corden in L.A.!


Again; this all matters not just because of the expansion of K-Pop and the artists’ success but really as a direct (and yet indirect) channel of pure archetypal MUSE!


When you can view it beyond cultural influence (a lower truth); Muse through K-Pop (and Her Light ‘n Vibe-Truth Beauty EMBODIED in the artists themselves) is bringing Ascension and Grail codes, transformational beauty and magic to the West directly.


The more of these Western ‘acceptance’ things that happen (with Muse really doing the work), the more the West is opening to ASCENSION codes and creative and spiritual evolution of consciousness.


This might be too much to comprehend right now but I was directly involved in co-creating all of this with the Seoul-L.A. Grid-working session in 2018 where I (as point man on decree from Muse Herself) hard-wired the connection making everything easier for the CONNECTIONS to thrive and inter-change and a lot’s happened since then (I’ll make a timeline visual sometime).


I’m not sure if I blogged about it yet but you can look for that post. The very next day S.Korea blew the world champions (Germany) out of the World Cup in Round 1 and that was ‘the sign’.


Enjoy Blackpink as artists yet remember, there’s MORE going on than we’re actually aware of…new energies that have been MISSING in Western models of female sexuality (which are universal). Muse has already with music video alone through my methodology healed and evolved 100’s of men’s ACTUAL lives without ever being present physically. It’s not just divertive entertainment…raw channels of Muse Beauty and Power carry so much more magic beyond our limiting labels of things.

As an additional note, if you’re referencing their ‘K-Beauty’, professionals could talk about it on a skin care level and that realm of mastery and product is out there…


At Sexy Chi however (where we’re all about value), we value their VIBE and LIGHT Beauty; the higher dimensional 4th and 5th Dimensional Beauty (with the Essence, Embodiment and Expression variables).




Once you can look beyond skin-care, we can start to see other things and how healing their soft and beautiful presence/s truly are!


And we can do essence energy reading ON it all based on the 7 practical Beauty Essence aspects brought up on site. And then we can do transformational makeover work with ie. activation sessions or Allure Makeover.


K-pop is the future BECAUSE it’s bringing higher dimensional beauty codes NOW (with Muse and other divine feminine archetypes)…aspects of immortal feminine BEAUTY that the West is missing or largely suppressed from the greater spectrum.


I could talk more specifically about ie.s Jennie’s image reading, etc. but that wasn’t the point of this post. So if you want THAT kind of GLOW, this is the conscious competent work in this realm!

Twice AKA Muse Has Ceremoniously Lit The Empire State Building

(fyi some of these posts are retro-graded to go live on the blog well after on my/Rion FB wall)


Although this happened about a month ago;


This ceremonious lighting of the Empire State is a profound omen for many reasons and goes beyond just Korean or k-Pop influence.



If we look beyond the consumer paradigm and lower truths (which in itself is growing in popularity as many Western PARENTS are getting friendly with K-pop b/c their kids are into it); what is present with and through TWICE is predominantly the Divine Feminine archetypal Muse (and this includes Muse Codes, Muse BEAUTY and Muse consciousness & truth which is so powerful it is transmutational in its divine nature & influence).


TWICE members like Nayeon, Tzuyu, etc. as individual muse’s and as a collective cel of Muse consciousness ambassadors; TWICE lighting up an symbol of the West?! Woohoo!


Muse as a Grail archetype brings with Her enlightened inspiration and Grail (reunification) codes….these CODES are now becoming more non-consciously accepted and integrating into the West (check out the Trinity of Muse Quanta post).


It’s good to reference landmarks of Muse making ‘ground’ and permeation in the U.S.A. and Western culture…most will view it as Korean culture but we know the higher truth.


Lighting ceremony of the Empire State building (vs. not doing it ever) is significant! Of course concerts, tv show appearances, celebrity ‘stan’ photos, etc. all matter including Blackpink’s mainstage Coachella performance – Muse codes are DIRECTLY and indirectly permeating into Western culture. Muse brings life and hope to the hopeless, She can awakened DEADENED and DISAVOWED Masculine energy.


And all those of us in favor of Muse (the higher Truth concurrent with K-Pop influence), what will be the next impact thing? Lighting up Western culture itself? Muse becoming the hottest thing? Competitions for ‘Top Muse’? Kingmaking? Renaissance? Healing between the sexes? She brings it all and K-Pop is just a primary vehicle.



Muse brings the expansion of Divine Union in the West, etc. b/c it’s ALL connected and implicated collectively. I/Rion don’t just ‘watch’ many TWICE resources as a ‘stan’…that’s CONSUMER level reality. I’m the grandmaster media alchemist in the world; master of sex transmutation of consciousness and this entire concept Napoleon Hill called ‘sex transmutation’ IN Think & Grow Rich.


Muse (primarily now through the channel of k-pop) brings unlimited creative alchemy power and magic for TRANSFORMATION, you just have to know how to use media like an alchemist rather than a divertive consumer!


(I train on this media alchemy of transformational entertainment in The Vault Series and my method of Natural Grounding archetype alchemy with music video (sex transmutation).


100’s and even 1000s of men’s lives have already been changed from meditating to Muse beauty and truth encoded in certain music videos (when I was a natural dating leader in the seduction industry).


Are you into K-pop or Muse yet?