Blackpink Headlines Mainstage Coachella AND…

Is there something else going on that consumers can’t see yet that is even MORE exciting (happening concurrently)!?



Yes Blackpink’s Lisa, Rosé, Jisoo and Jennie performed in 2019 in the Dance tent and this weekend now they headlined the mainstage!



So yes; we can love, support and enjoy their performance and how well the audio found it so I’m not actually going into a performance review here (I’ve seen some clips and they were great as anticipated).


I’m so happy for them as a group and with that said, I now want to talk about the deeper implications – and you can find other clips easily on youtube of the performance itself (complete with each doing solo work).




Sure this Coachella headlining is great for female artists and Asians and the genre (a shift in another direction so to speak) but there’s more implicated stuff going on that other people won’t talk to but YOU KNOW I will.



Entirely new DOORS that will be OPENED from this in the COLLECTIVE between the Masculine and Feminine + with Ascension.


You can also reference how RECEPTIVE the audience is to Blackpink’s performance (aka a channel of direct MUSE transmission).


INDIO, CALIFORNIA – APRIL 15: BLACKPINK performs at the Coachella Stage during the 2023 Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival on April 15, 2023 in Indio, California. (Photo by Frazer Harrison/Getty Images for Coachella)


Of course with ‘Pink Venom’ you’ve got a lot of Muse-Vixen going on too 😉



For years on my FB (friends only) I’ve been saying things (mostly to deaf ears other than the men who have been into my Natural Grounding sex transmutation methodology with music video who’ve had miracles in their lives)…


I’ve been saying things for years like “K-Pop is the future” and I’ve been into what most people call ‘K-POP’ since before SNSD debuted. But it’s not k-pop to me because I’m communing with the Archetypal Muse Deity as a Grandmaster Alchemist.


The thing is; I know WHY K-Pop is already a BEHEMOTH on youtube and k-pop is the future and it’s not just because it’s glossy, listenable music with a large and growing fanbase with crossover English hits.



We have to look beyond genre, beyond artist to realize the greater and higher truth of what’s REALLY going on (even beyond the successful business system that is thriving).


What’s going on ARCHETYPALLY? What’s going on SPIRITUALLY? What are the IMPLICATIONS (with this hotness)?


INDIO, CALIFORNIA – APRIL 15: (L-R) Lisa, Jisoo, Jennie, and Rosé of BLACKPINK perform at the Coachella Stage during the 2023 Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival on April 15, 2023 in Indio, California. (Photo by Frazer Harrison/Getty Images for Coachella)


If we put aside the consumer paradigm of reality of artist name, group name, ethnicity and ‘genre’ (all of which are lower truths) and if we can dare ask what is the HIGHER TRUTH?…if we could peer into the Higher Truth beyond our own lower truth projections, filters and labels…yes..


The truth BEYOND and BEHIND Blackpink? What’s behind our consumer projections and labels?


We then realize that it’s predominantly MUSE!



And I don’t mean the rock group ‘Muse’ which I’ve literally never heard any of their music…I’m referring to the archetypal MUSE that is headlining Coachella…NEW MODELS OF DIVINE FEMININE consciousness are IMPACTING the collective more and more directly.


And THIS my friend means everything for the future and for literally the hope of mankind in a world where the masculine has been FRACTURED from divine feminine consciousness.


Muse’s Western influence and insurrection continues (with and through ie. Twice and Blackpink concerts) and this is one of those MAJOR paramount points that could turn the tide of culture itself; not just for expanding K-Pop. MUSE CODES and energy are largely MISSING in Western culture who have been more supportive of Queen, Diva and Starlet but without Reunified or Grailed archetypal icons.


As an ancient Grail archetype, the MORE popular and influential Muse becomes in the West and LITERALLY the more Western muses there are (I’m curating a top 10 Western muse list); the MORE Grail Codes and REUNIFICATION of the masculine and feminine will occur.




The more DIVINE UNIONS THERE WILL BE IN THE COLLECTIVE from Her direct and indirect influence. The more INSPIRATION and AWAKENING of the divine masculine consciousness that will RISE.


And some people will be like;



“Yeah but K-pop is so new” compared to ie. these other street cred ‘genres’ like Blues, etc.


Yeah, well Muse is MILLENNIA OLD and older than ALL other genres and She just gets to shine the MOST in the ‘genre’ of K-pop. I’ve said often that K-Pop has simply become the Muse Mecca. There are more muses concentrated there than anywhere in the world by far.



She (Muse) has become SO powerful in the K-Pop industry in fact that She’s become more powerful than the producers role in it and as I mention on my friends only fb wall;


Muse is less concerned about the tyrannical masculine in the West NOW moreso than the threat from the Dark Mother and Inverted Cultural-Marxist Forces but this gets into other discussions (and I can speak deep and practically into it even though it would trigger a lot of Woke people).


Anyways; if you care about Divine Unions – you may not yet see the connection but I do and it’s RADICALLY CLEAR to me after 20 years of intense alchemy with Muse.


After all; She is the one who laid the groundwork that started the #metoo movement (in the L.A. Gridwork session) to make it safer for the groundwork to transition for Her codes infiltration into L.A. away from the tyrannical masculine.


You can also read about the L.A.-Seoul gridwork session I did commanded and led by Muse Herself which also led to an astonishing Oscar sweep for S. Korea as well as blitz of K-Pop (a la Muse) Western reception.


ALSO; the more that Western celebs like Jared Leto, Sabrina Carpenter, etc. can be ‘stans’ of Blackpink, the more they are indirectly and non-consciously literally accepting and resonating with MUSE CONSCIOUSNESS. This means everything as Her archetypal Grail influence on Cultural Ascension continues!


So bless Blackpink and all the hot stuff going on…another milestone!


I’ll continue my role in supporting Muse’s cultural and spiritual influence directly (and looking forward to the day when I can do Allure transformation support for K-pop groups literally as/like Blackpink, Twice, etc.)

The Original Muse Codes Awakening

Amidst the 20 year anniversary (originally written in December 2022); 


Of supreme veneration for me is what I call ‘the original resource’.


It was what directly and literally started me on my devotional path of sacred reunification the last 20 years.


I was reading ‘Think and Grow Rich‘ years earlier (1999 summer in Georgia) when the concept of sex transmutation stood out and through it, She kept giving me signs until I was ready. It still took me years to consciously realize what was going on.


This resource was the original ‘holy grail’ onslaught of Muse Codes (FAR outside of Western culture which didn’t have the consciousness or space to hold Her anywhere near like this).


It was destiny that had it come into my life after a friend of mine went on military leave and brought the resource back to me as a gift in Hawaii from Thailand (it wasn’t until years later that Muse emerged in K-Pop for me).


It’s now been just under 20 years since I was introduced to it and it is still light years ahead b/c of its raw unfiltered Muse-Truth. (Muse is one of the most powerful divine feminine archetypes after all).




It moved something DEEEP within…stirring my soul.


I remember premiering this in our temple space FOR the first 2 Muse Priestesses in Tulum during our immersion party at our 3rd retreat and they were floored.


It shocked and rocked my life even then b/c it was so different and I KNEW after seeing it that I MUST follow the call to adventure (and Her) to the ends of the earth if necessary – and to its source (in Thailand where I entered on my birthday 12.2.2002).


I had kept the resource itself secret for 7 or 10 years before ever sharing it with anyone until we had a world debut in Thong Lor, BKK where men flew in from around the world for me to world premiere it live in a legendary all-nighter (of venerating Muse).


The men who flew in from around the world were wholly impressed in that life-changing event where I had to get someone FROM GMM Grammy to dig into their vault b/c I couldn’t find my copy.


Truly, my Illumination (and always);


Source Muse/She was doing miracles in my life and in the lives of men I was influencing through our method (of Muse meditation which we called something else). She was already changing 1000s of men’s lives as I became a lead natural dating coach in the men’s online dating and seduction industry.


Our method became notoriously effective, controversial and infamous on underground PUA’s method forums (unfortunately much of the industry went the shadow of the red-pill vs. rising into evolved masculine, consent and awakening, etc.). It helped men develop confidence sexual presence and attraction with real women. MUSE was doing all of this for YEARS changing men’s lives and attuning their divine masculine consciousness and worthiness.


Becoming like a grandmaster of sex transmutation with practically infinite creativity is just a small part of the picture. I’d always be able to make new music every time I sat down at my workstation, became an industry thought leader, etc.


She was my main (open) secret OF my natural men’s dating business anyways.


She (my/The Beloved) was starting to work directly with me then and over the course of 20 years and many trials and tribulations…She was testing and preparing me greatly as I continued my 1000s of hours of sacred devotional meditation (a la ‘divine union’) with Her.


She opened up the pantheon of archetypal magic and ongoing lightworking and grid-working POWERS to me amongst many other things – ALL as part of my own Divine Union of Sacred Reunification aka ‘hieros gamos’ (in my case it’s with a feminine deity basically).


She was teaching and training me to become Her Grail Priest & Magician from our practice of Sacred Reunification and the alchemy together. I was to begin initiate a Grail Line of Priestesses as well as to bring the evolution of Beauty and performance arts itself; all in Her name.


This devotional dharma continues with every client session, Muse Priestess lineage and Sexy Chi. She’s here to evolve the Beauty industry into Light Mastery as well as Performance Arts & Entertainment into energetic mastery.


Some artists have connection to ‘a’ muse…I have hardwired, clear connection to THE (Source) Muse Herself. The 1st ever Muse activation @ Cosmic Muse L.A., Muse Herself descended into the client and was speaking to me in a language of Light with very powerful presence.


Earlier on; it took me years to even consciously realize it was Her all alone (Muse) b/c I had to overcome my own conditioning and filters to be more directly, rawly connected with Her alchemical Beauty.


Anyways; after 20 years of sacred reunification; the foundation is very deep on this one. Studying with other earthly masters was just part of the path but She has always been my main teacher and its been a path of growth even represented in this picture where I am energetically on part as Her reflection to these 5 muses.



Anyways; there’s something special about the 20 year mark and even if I were to give you the link to the original resource it’s not likely you would be prepared to experience Her power; b/c of consumer and cultural filters would prevent you from truly experiencing it as an alchemist which is a skill and mastery of its own.


It takes readiness and preparation – that of which other blog posts here can give clues into the higher truth of what’s going on in K-Pop, transformational entertainment rather than consumer stan experience.


Fortunately 1000’s of men have practiced my Muse meditation method (also known as ‘natural grounding’ sex transmutation with feminine archetypes in music videos) and many can tell you about it; esp. the ones where I have hosted all-night immersion parties celebrating and meditating with her magic with small groups of men around the world.


We even have a fb group of media alchemists;


I’ve trained on this sex transmutation alchemy (for men) in what I call ‘the Vault Series’


For those who want to get into the true alchemy of things with media.


A final point for now; it’s not about the culture of this original resource; this was merely a channel as archetypes transcend culture and race…


She chose the most ready vessels for Her power and transmission (which has since shifted over to be centered in K-Pop).


Even for the ‘heaven on earth’ connection point of the first official Muse Priestess lineage muses; I had to initiate, train and prepare them in temple space to be introduced to Her power properly at the source level but it’s one of my favoritist things to do; have ‘session time’ WITH the Muse Priestesses..really a dream come true.



Anyways; Her (Muse) magic is the foundation of all of my work if you’ve been affected by it and it continues on in Her name.

Still Resistant to K-Pop and Muse?

Through the years I’ve noticed a lot of Western female resistance to Muse (however this is finally starting to open up more).


If you value the Muse archetype or identify yourself archetypally as a muse and you would value cultivating more Muse Beauty and yet yet don’t know what’s *really* going on in K-pop (Muse Mecca) then; on your timing (which may be years from now or never for some of you);


I’d recommend to consider drinking or even smoking or whatever you do to -something – to bypass your high functioning critical factor and judgment to get beyond your projections to the Truth behind the labels and start to discover Muse Herself in a new way through transmission and experience.


You’ll want to look beyond Western culture to reference other pure examples of Muse.


Muse has the potential revolutionize Western culture and there’s only a handful of known Western muses. Muse brings Grail codes which extends into the entire Divine Union concept – and she brings alchemical transformational image, presence and Beauty. She HEALS MEN and the fractured masculine consciousness.


Muse and Muse codes can change your life (beyond k-pop). This can be done through attunement (entrainment) or through a life of Muse service (and sacrifice) or through activations for example. When Gillian Pothier and I hosted Cosmic Muse retreats in L.A. this was another way to connect with Her. There’s also the Muse Attunement archetype meditation on Youtube.


The immortal Muse will be able to far more consistently send you codes and help you CULTIVATE YOUR OWN MUSE & SIDDHIC BEAUTY through literal alchemy and its transmutation of consciousness and your frequency.


You must become the Alchemistra instead of the consumer however. Archetypes exist as higher truths BEYOND our labels, filters, cultures and genres. You can train yourself to see and be with Her instead of the artists or genres such as K-pop.


Although the group is K-Pop group ‘Twice’; beyond the lower truths, this is a GREAT Muse resource to keep re-watching until you bypass your projections that are preventing the Law of Resonance to allow you to alchemically attune to Her Truth (in these Muse fractals).


Again; you want to be egoless and ‘meditate’ or just soak in Her codes and allow the Law of Resonance to do its magic (attunement). This can open up more Muse codes and even more embodiment to you.


Whether you’re a ‘stan’ or not; try and get past the filter of it being ‘Asian’, ‘Twice’ or a different genre or language; those are lower truth values that can prevent your from seeing and feeling Muse magic.


That resource is also encoded in Siddhic Celebration (Gene Key 42)


Here’s a great Muse-Goddess resource to alchemize and attune with to cultivate your Muse Goddess through the Law of Resonance (treat it like temple space meditation as you MUST get beyond your critical factor or you won’t ever get into the real magic and alchemy and then you’ll ‘never know’):

Again; as best you can put aside whether you’re a SNSD ‘stan’ or not b/c those are personal and consumer values…the higher Truth is that Muse is very strong and most centralized in the world today in K-Pop.


Muse activations are $1000 OR….u could get into the alchemy or join The Cosmic Muse waitlist (DM me on FB for either).

World’s Top 10 Muses 2022

I’m picking the top 10 muses in the world for the year 2022! *(Global disclaimer added @ bottom)


If you are on a Sophianic path, fascinated by archetypes, beauty or on a Muse path yourself (even if you’re a K-Pop stan) you’ll probably get a lot from this once you start sitting with their alchemical Beauty.


Muse might even start channeling wisdom to you or giving you codes! Remember, it’s more about Muse rather than the artists who are serving as vehicles and vessels of Her consciousness and Beauty.


So let’s get to it!


These muses are generally qualified on their embodiment and expressive allure mastery of the archetypal Muse.


The competition is TOUGH for the first annual Top 10 Muse list. Ready? Here we go…


(General disclaimer at the bottom)


Number 10: Lia - Itzy

Lia Itzy K-Beauty Muse


You will see throughout our top 10 (as key-holder to the Muse Priestess source lineage itself) that I’m not necessarily picking the most popular icons when they are in groups.


Why Lia for making the top cut? Surely the other members have strong Muse embodiment and fluid Muse allure in their own ways? Of course.


A couple of reasons pro-Lia including that she often transmits crystalized siddhic Joy which I would add as the 65th Siddhi. It’s incredibly infectious and sets her apart. Where others including consumer level K-Pop stans may have their ‘bias’ for different reasons including style, 3D beauty, personality, quirkiness, etc.


I’m filtering through attunement with the Muse archetype Herself as well as the ability for alchemists, artists and architects to leverage the energy in creative ways (without ever actually draining or siphoning from her free will field itself which is a different discussion).


Lia (JYP label) stabilizes the Top 10 with the more traditional classic Muse-Maiden joyfulness; also connecting us to the earlier history where many muses were largely Muse-Maiden in their liberated, exuberant femininity (think early SNSD era/gen).


Number 9: Minnie - (G)-Idle


Why Minnie?


Well, first I’ll say that Minnie is Thai and maybe someone else or 2 on this list isn’t Korean either (so there’s some additional intra-Asian diversity 😉


I chose Minnie for a few reasons…first, she’s not that stable with Muse embodiment YET she also reaches incredibly high, dynamic levels of Muse. If you research her images you will see that she often looks like a normal average person and then sometimes she is quintissential Muse.


B/c she gives normal people hope; even for women on a path of consciousness to see what being their Muse or Starlet self could look like comparatively; it shows them a possibility of what levels of self, beauty, consciousness and identity transformation is possible…a ‘before’ and ‘after’ so to speak when it comes to tranfsormation. 


In this sense it seems like Minnie is a 5/1 and has a big separation of personal and ‘star’ life. For someone like her who is more dynamic, it takes conditioning to always be ‘performance’ or ‘stage’ ready.


She can go from ‘average’ to true Muse when necessary at Ferrari speed.


Going the artist-icon route is a form of self-identity sacrifice and rebirth of consciousness; the template is already set in K-pop to become a muse.


And as far her dynamism, she has the ability to transcend culture and her personalized self EFFECTIVELY (with strong Muse signature embodiment) as well as literally look like a different person whereas #7 on this list always looks like herself.


Number 8: Sana - Twice

Sana-san…Mistress of cheesu-kimbap


Sana is such a beautiful muse on many levels. Often she carries Muse-Lover as her predominant and secondary archs. She is Japanese btw.


It’s always tough to pick Twice members because they are all amazing. If I ever do the retro Top 10’s for sure we’ll represent other Twice members.


In making these decisions I had to get a synaptic sense of each muse’s OVERALL 2022 embodiment and expression specifically for this year.


If we look at these 2 images of Sana you would think she would be higher up on the list but nope; overall she doesn’t consistently reach these STELLAR masterful levels THAT often…remember, I’m going off of the annual median for assessment (and I’m not gauging just the physical beauty here – that would be a different list entirely). Although she is universally beautiful, remember it is the Muse signature that you want to tune into with all of these.


As an artist and muse, visually she has a lot of dynamic range and is one of the more visually versatile Twice members…she can take on different looks and not even seem like herself (this is harder for Jihyo or Nayeon to do for example). She has more archetype flexibility than the average top level muse.


Tzuyu almost made the list but she seemed slightly more tired and lightly depressed this year (she is a projector and they work a LOT).

Number 7: Nayeon - Twice

More Twice representation!

I put S. Korean Nayeon ahead of Sana for a few reasons; one she had her debut which is VERY professional and SOLID.


A consummate entertainer and artist (although not my personal favorite top 10); Nayeon is absolutely one of the most CONSISTENT muses as far as Muse embodiment out there and I love her for that.


With that said; she isn’t AS dynamic in her expression or exploration with other archetypes (beyond Muse-Maiden, Princess, Goddess) however (that’s something to further explore with mastery at this level). Oh; she’s expressive but a lot of it is in a limited (yet very high level) range. I’d love to work with all of them on cultivating more Darkness to balance out the light – and Nayeon has a LOT of it.


Her fun and her smile would light up any room; very high frequency. I do think that Sana has a more developed and deeper Lover archetype as secondary to Muse (and even often switches to Lover-Muse as Sana’s primary and secondary).


Number 6: Wonyoung - Ive

Instantly I was impressed with Wonyoung when Ive debuted and I first caught their video; very high frequency quintissential Muse through and throughout. She’s also very stable in her Light core with Muse.


Number 5: Yiren - Everglow



Yiren is just on her own level entirely (definitely a personal top 3 for me). This is like Cosmic Empress Muse-Lover from another dimension yet also supremely divine feminine.


Instead of Korean, she’s actually Chinese and in K-Pop (on the lower truth levels), yet the more you explore her and sit with her Beauty codes, the more you may start realizing …well, a lot including what you may have been missing with our Western models.


She’s from a galaxy where she was the Empress of Love and Light; that’s her encoding with Muse.


Yes; she has immense physical beauty and general femininity (also for being so physically short) but remember again, it’s the Muse signature that we’re valuing here (not even their artistry).


We are valuing the TRUTH of the Beauty and the authentic transmission beyond and behind any of our own projections and labels (of lower truth or judgment) that are preventing us from being WITH the truth ‘that is’.


Note that her energy is actually softer and her Love Channels are very open and receiving; very connected to receiving divine masculine frequencies and penetration (with Her King).


Some muses will have a different embodiment like the next one on our list where maybe the energy is more intense and psychic in a projecting sense (much of this has to do with their Human Design) in HOW Muse is embodied and expressed through their energy body/vehicle (all of this is beyond the level of psychology or personality).



Number 4: Onda - Everglow


Ok, if you know anything about K-Pop you might be wondering why on earth I would pick Onda as number 4. Well; this isn’t about K-Pop it’s about finding and discerning the world’s top muses irregardless.


Onda is the LEAST popular member of Everglow which have become quite relatively successful as a group. After doing a lot of Natural Grounding archetypal alchemy meditation with Everglow, Onda KEPT sticking out to me even though to others she often gets overlooked.


This is where it gets good weird but I’m speaking from experience. When I did the first official Muse activation in L.A. at the first Cosmic Muse retreat co-hosted by Gillian Pothier, what happened was Muse Herself descended into the woman I did the activation on and started speaking to us in a Light language.


We were both just kind of frozen and receiving the transmission even though She was speaking through her directly to me. What happened also was that her crown and 3rd eye chakra became INCREDIBLY powerful and full of Light. Onda I would say actually CLOSEST resembles that signature of all of the Top 10 with very transmittive alchemical 3rd eye POWER.


Keep in mind that any and all of us are merely VEHICLES for the archetypes (impersonal, iconic and immortal aspects of the divine masculine or feminine) to be embodied.


So it’s really Muse through Onda’s vehicle or through your vehicle and how much of Her light you could embody and expression (with any of the archetypes) and a lot of that has to do with sacrifice of lower-self identity in order to embody that much beauty (frequency flavors of alchemical light and vibe-truth).


To me personally I think Aisha is the sexiest and hottest muse in Everglow who also carries more Vixen than average but Onda is purest Muse.


So if you VALUE Muse along your path as a woman, there’s a lot to learn from these radically embodied sisters.


If you’re a K-Pop stan with your own biases, this top 10 list is going to break open your limitations to see things from higher perspectiving and paradigm (maybe look into the archetype alchemy practice I do).


If you’re an alchemist or artist who VALUES having a muse, yes these are amongst the world’s top muses no doubt, but perhaps connect to THE MUSE Herself (through the method I’ve discovered and yet in which She is expressed through different muses).


Onda btw seems like an emotional authority generator (Human Design). Remember at these top 10 levels (even top 100), we are in the zone of alchemical beauty which bends light and DNA.


That basically means they double as having Priestess presence and if men were just in their presence directly would be transforming on the cellular level (towards Kingship and Reunification) through attunement to such divine (meta) feminine truth/beauty.


A post-script on both Minnie and Onda; their upper chakras can be very embodied yet often Onda isn’t as embodied and can otherwise disappear on stage (except for her top 3 chakras which are her center); Minnie could REALLY work on her embodiment itself which is often frail and could use more Goddess embodiment (which SOMETIMES she has).


Onda in some other instances DOES actually carry healthier water Muse-Goddess embodiment but it’s something she really should have more mastery over. Although her top 3 chakras are Muse-Quintessent she (and Minnie) require a lot of lower body work, integration and especially MAINTENANCE (esp. during performances) whereas other muses are more stable (like Nayeon).


This is the type of work that I (representing the brand Sexy Chi) can help them assess WITH their team if necessary and self-reflect as well as do the maintenance work itself. Every performance is different and I’m seeing a lot of variability in their lower chakras. Still; b/c of the powerful Muse embodiment in the psychic center, 온다 to me deserves #4 for 2022.


Number 3: Danielle - New Jeans


Instantly when I first saw Danielle (I think she’s only 17), I was impressed…WOW, that’s a true muse.


On a lower truth level she’s 1/2 Korean and 1/2 Australian.


Although we don’t see much yet of Dark Muse balance in the world, Danielle’s Light Muse embodiment is very clean, fresh and stable. It’s not at all just her ‘youth’.


Danielle holds Muse spirit AUTHENTICALLY as harmoniously enmeshed with her soul and light infrastructure. There is zero resistance or value conflicts; Muse can work with and through her effortlessly and in every chakra.


She was born for this and is living her higher timelines. She is very solid and represents a lot of ‘the future’. Simply powerful healing energy for the masculine in essence (remember Muse is a Kingmaker). It will be fun to see Danielle potentially evolve more into Muse-Queen further down the road yet for now she holds quintissential Muse-Maiden.


As I’ve said for years (mostly to men who practice alchemical sex transmutation meditation with K-pop videos featuring divine feminine archetypes); these are divine (meta-physical) feminine energies that have been largely MISSING in the fractured Western pop culture; nourishing, healing energies where the spectrum of feminine consciousness can truly thrive while also being in love with the masculine spirit.


Danielle has a very high Allure Factor.


Number 2: Karina - Aespa


I am thoroughly impressed with Karina from Aespa. An incredibly high value choice coming in at #2 for 2022.


Such a true Muse; even when she explores a little bit more Dark Muse (still rare in k-pop and the world) it’s also very stable and stays quite clean (whereas Pink Fantasy members often ends up conflating Dark with Shadow frequencies).


Although we’re not talking ALL of the energetic details including Allure Factor ratios – and although Karina doesn’t have the highest Allure Factor (breathing-ness expression OF her essences); Karina is very embodied and STABLE.


She holds powerful alchemical Muse codes and can switch from projecting to receiving Love channels.


She IS more ‘closed off’ in an aloof sense than Danielle or Nayeon so to speak for sure BUT this also represents the SOCIAL power and status of Muse and her culture-shaping influence (lest we forget it!).


In that sense, men may find it more difficult to connect with her and even as alchemists you might have to be more advanced to work with her energy. In that case I’d recommend starting with images wherever she is smiling so that her energy is more open and she then has a higher allure factor.


Karina is actually quite dynamic when she wants to be but a lot of Aespa is to have the ‘cool front’ during performance (I mean really; Winter lives up to her name and in a different non-Aespa performance she was ENTIRELY different and far more alluring).


I’d still like to see Winter and Karina (Aespa) actually explore more alluring (breathing) Maiden a bit and expand their versatility. We see this more at fan events but I’m referring to their resources itself.


The more you research her performances with an energetic eye towards mastery, the more you’ll realize that she is next level!


And my #1 pick for Muse of 2022 is…..(drumroll)….

Number 1: Lalisa - Blackpink

AND FINALLY….#1 and Muse-Queen for 2022 I have as Lalisa aka ‘Lisa’ Manoban from Blackpink.


Boom! There you have it!


Yes, the ubiquitous ‘Lisa’ is from Thailand which I love b/c that’s where the original Muse codes came from in 2002 along the Muse Priestess legacy line and all of these Beauty codes, archetypal magic and the men’s methodology.


I’ll be honest; energetically Lisa could do more even at her level with energetic mastery (even though performance, vocal and dance mastery are very solid).


This image here is perfection as Muse-Queen Lover and yet similar to Sana; she doesn’t always reach this level nor is it so stable when it’s at the higher levels.


This may in part be due to that she’s a Human Design projector (her birthday is split between 2 designs but for several reasons she seems more projector). I remember elsewhere talking about where she is Muse-Queen with Anne Hathaway and her energy is different than normal (follow me on Fb!)


I’m in large part giving her #1 because she’s literally the most popular (muse) globally so that’s in line with pop perception. She’s earned it.


She’s showing us what is possible and sure as heck better be a multi-millionaire by now!


Admittedly I was also blown away by how Vixen, Vixen-Muse and Muse-Vixen she was in ‘Pink Venom’. It is her freeze-frame that opened up the Vixen codes channeling that came through (see the Vixen Powerliminals where Hurriicane’s connection to Vixen also came through in that window).


Lisa’s core Muse embodiment is stable, but she could actually expand her allure factor which fluctuates; it could still be less dense and more emanant.


As artist and muse, she is versatile and can go from hot girl-crush to icy aloof status symbol to bubbly fan-greeter yet energetically she could explore more mastery with her expression.


It’s a lot of pressure to memorize thousands of dance moves AND have allure going on but this is where assistance can help even at the very highest levels.


Even as #1 she could strengthen her allure factor and Muse-Queen itself as well as her Muse psychic power which isn’t as lit as Onda’s (all of this can be worked on in activation sessions btw). Different MV’s or appearances may require a different vibe-truth and light-truth to go with it; mastering THIS is the next level for K-pop and K-Beauty.


Lisa has earned total #1 Top Muse in the World through her stable Muse-ship and unrivaled-as-of-yet ambassadorship (already embedded into Beauty and fashion, of course).


Most people are just focusing on the lower truth labels like her name, ‘artist’, genre and the band name rather than the truth BEHIND the lower truths; that we’re all really living in Muse’s world and culture 😉


After all, (the impersonal, immortal) Muse is the QUEEN of Music and Celebration!

Honorable Mention

And a Western Honorable Mention 2022: Janelle Monae

With that here are Some Top Runner-up Contenders:

Tzuyu – Twice

Jennie – Blackpink

Solar – Mamamoo

Yuqi – G-Idle

NingNing – Aespa

YooA – Oh My Girl

With that said, I may add more to this blog post itself as far as energy reading essence details, etc. as an update later (feel free to check back).


General Disclaimer & Other Thoughts

The general disclaimer is that we now get to see a form of non diversity/inclusion as these picks are ironically all Asian! – So deal with it (even if it’s just disappointing to you for another reason)!


This list isn’t meant to be fair or multi-cultural, I’m just picking the best of the best.


I’m not on a level of a K-Pop stan, this is everything beyond consumer experience; this is archetypal alchemy and I’m bringing 17,000 hours of meditation with muses as well as being the key-holder to the Muse Priestess lineage to the table. I know Muse and She has been working with me intimately for many years.


So I was inspired to curate this top 10 list and it was competitive; there are EASILY a dozen other muses (all k-pop) who were vying for the top 10 in my mind.


I’m very attuned to the archetypal Muse (including as she manifests in other cultures although much less often).


I’m sorry (not sorry) that there aren’t other cultures represented. Hopefully that these dynamics and the expansion of Muse will inspire other cultures to compete or be present on the global stage.


K-pop is simply light years ahead for a number of reasons and hands down the most concentrated source of Muse. 


With that said, I would have different retro lists going back over a decade (and might do that if it ever reaches a level of market demand); of which there would be different muses from different eras.


I’ll add one other general disclaimer; please do your very best to put aside race, culture, ethnicity and genre…seek to see and value the universal, archetypal truth of beauty BEHIND and beyond all of the consumer labels and projections we put up. IF you are called to a path of Muse-ship, these are sisters.


See if you can ‘see’ and sense some of the authentic signature of Muse as represented in these muses (all of which have alchemical levels of beauty).


It’s also relevant to know that Muse is the dance-friendly daughter of Sophia and have very similar coding.


Additional disclaimer to the haters or those with additionally harsh judgments arising;


If you are thinking things like that’s just an ‘Asian fetish’, etc. or I’m just a (white boii) k-pop stan that’s actually just some lower timeline distortion and I would implore you to seek a higher truth and perspective. It is normal and consumer for lower truth biases to arise that prevent understanding OF higher truth (and the Beauty that exists for example). 


Remember; we want to look behind the projected lower truth label of ‘korea’ or ‘k-pop’ itself to higher truth.


Archetypes and their light-truth and vibe-truth signatures are KEY to higher dimensional (beyond skin-deep) Beauty and transcend culture beyond your judgments and projections, filters and consumer labels – this is literally above culture and race. 


(What I’m working with…) This is grandmaster alchemy and these are very powerful muses; it’s just that most of it culturally has shown up not even in Asia but specifically k-pop; the environment supports it AND I look forward to when MORE muses of many backgrounds also rise.


If you are thrown off by their extrinsic beauty and it triggers you in a different way, give it a minute and see if you can still attune with the universal MUSE signature Herself with and through them.


Thoughts? Feedback? Questions? Don’t forget to check out the Muse Meditation Powerliminal to immerse more into Her codes!


-Rion Kati





The list IS subjected to a V1.1 adjustment retro-actively if I find other global muses who were qualified yet off my current radar. I do value Muse globally. K-pop realm has been mostly my focus however (some might say ‘bias’). If you think you’ve found other muses please send them to me!

I do retain the right to do V1.X adjustments and the ability to retro-make Top lists or sub/culture specific lists as all of this expands (if it expands). This original list will be preserve in some format or other if there is a 2022 v1.1, thanks


Image Copyrights belong to respective copyright holders and used under Fair Use Guidelines


#muse #muses #kpop #top10 #kbeauty #topmuse

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Blackpink & The Vixen Archetype: Pink Venom

By now everyone knows who Blackpink is and their latest release ‘Pink Venom’ brings a potent ‘on-brand’ signature style and vibe as a very catchy release.



But what is really going on underneath? How can they have such awe-inspiring-ness just from standing on the red carpet?


What other elements are part of their performance and the MV itself that makes it so amazing, aspirational and influential?


Well; this is where The Vixen archetype comes in as an aspect of the impersonal and immortal Feminine and Blackpink?


They’ve played with Her before in some of their other MV’s but now She’s coming through more strongly.




Vixen fits with their Girl-crush branding and image.



But….What IS the Vixen? WHO is Vixen?


And who embodies this lesser known feminine archetype? Why don’t we hear enough about Vixen anyways? Is She part of why k-pop is so hot?…


Well…You’ll be glad to hear that most recently Lisa & Rose from Blackpink embody Vixen as expressions of their presence and performance in ‘Pink Venom’.


Jennie does too btw but the other 2 stood out to me the most.


Because of ‘Pink Venom’; I predict that Vixen may be having a breakthrough culturally…also because Vixen Herself wants to make a bigger breakthrough and impact. She provides a very powerful, seductive and influential aspect of feminine consciousness and sexuality; a very empowered and liberated one but She is more ancient than just being constricted to a feminist lens.


Vixen has highly refined, sensitive Eros, but Her Dark Aspect is also very cut-throat and energetically lethal.


She might just steal your jewels (or Heart) in the night and carries this energetic, edgy truth-vibe about Herself.




I also I noticed yesterday that ‘Vixen’ is mentioned in the ‘Build a Bitch’ song with Rosé:



Vixen is a lesser known, yet highly sexual and sensual feminine archetype who has Light and Dark aspects. A nd actually, there wasn’t much out there on the Vixen previously (I researched) and I was vaguely aware of Her before, but it’s actually the ‘Pink Venom’ video and a freeze-frame I took of Lisa as Vixen-Muse that She connected with me and the codes started coming through opening things up.


After re-experiencing ‘Pink Venom’ in my devotional session time, there was a window in which Vixen designated me to bring Her codes through in a transmission (of an alchemical attunement).


She also guided me to obviously pick the woman who embodies the most Vixen that I know of to be Her channel as well.


Although Muse has guided me (and after years of tribulation) and granted me full archetypal access, it was just the timing (b/c of Blackpink) for Her to come through even more.


Vixen was present and itching to get Her codes out more consciously in the public (after all Vixen can be potent medicine for a lot of women). From here, even more women and artists can work with Her beauty and consciousness codes.


Here at Sexy Chi; we work directly with the archetypes to embody and express them in your authentic presence and allure; exactly what Lisa was doing for example in ‘Pink Venom’.


So what’s going to help K-Pop move into even further mastery is CONSCIOUSLY working with the archetypes; embodying and expressing them more potently and CONSISTENTLY and having more of that control over their own performance (also because different music videos may require different archetypes to be present – even in a live stage performance).


Even with Lisa, I’ve seen her embodiment of Vixen be variable but here we can really see Vixen coming through


Can you sense Her signature tone? Even literally how Lisa’s eyes change (and I’m not talking about how they reddened them in that other shot either).

And don’t forget Rosé! She’s channeling some Dark Vixen.


And Yes; we can actually gauge the archetypal power (masculine) and feminine (4D+ beauty) chi that is embodied in anyone at any point in history on a 0 to 10 scale.


For example Lisa’s most powerful embodiment of Vixen in ‘Pink Venom’ I’d say is at this freeze-frame:


General Vixen (Light/Dark) embodiment: 9.1 (which is VERY strong and alchemical)


In fact; that’s the shot where Vixen codes started pouring in for me.


Lisa’s line in an earlier release “I’m Foxy” is Vixen consciousness (which includes vibe, swag and attitude that’s authentic and congruent).


So with all archetypes you can learn to ‘tune in’ and read their signature light and vibe truth.


ANd then you can compare this to Blackpink member’s more consistent, normal self and look for differences.


So another sign of archetypal embodiment is when Lisa doesn’t look or even ‘vibe’ like her normal Maiden-Muse self and yet most of beauty consulting focuses on the literal superficial skin, make-up and style so that can’t quite explain things otherwise (which is where Sexy Chi image consulting and transformation comes in).


From an archetypal lens we can look at the primary and secondary archetype embodiment of any artist.


See; Lisa doesn’t look like her normal self (she is now more often Muse-Goddess)…she not only ‘looks’ more vixen-y, she IS more vixen-y and that’s why this work is so powerful and influential.



Here she is more Muse-Goddess:


This work is all about the actual authentic ESSENCES of Beauty (and how it comes through in professional image and beauty).


Jennie btw has very refined Sexy Chi so She can and could channel very clean archetypes but that extends this discussion.

In this case, Lisa has more Muse-Queen with Anne Hathaway. Notice the difference in her allure quality and presence?

(Aren’t archetypes fascinating?!)


Having awareness AS an artist and working directly with the archetypes will bring more image, beauty and performance mastery (including for all live and studio performances, campaigns, etc.)


Muse btw is the main actual secret of K-Pop but that’s an extended discussion.


So…much of this work and artistic mastery becomes about how to consistently carry or hold the AUTHENTIC archetypes (this is where all the street-cred, swag, influence and power is at) more consistently.


Often times the set design and styling will all help to influence the archetype indirectly but we can work more directly than that!


This is what I (Rion) help to facilitate ‘directly’ with clients after doing 100s of paid archetype embodiment activations for transformational ‘makeover’ allure and charisma (as well as consciousness).


So; like other archetypes, Vixen already has very signature beauty codes, light-truth, vibe-truth and consciousness; the artists simply becomes VESSELS for Her but it’s done as an aspect of their expanded soul expression. We don’t want an evil entity to take over them (which is possible and happens sometimes); we want the pure archetypal beauty and power chi embodied and expressed in someone’s energy body.


In otw; Vixen is painted through Lisa’s other image-relevant factors such as her soul signature, her Human Design chakric and auric definition, allure factor and mixing with her amount of conditioning in each chakra as well as mixing with other beauty essences – but let’s just keep it simple for now…


Vixen shows up a LOT and pretty richly in Pink Venom however there could be even MORE Vixen richness which Blackpink members could embody and I’m not even talking about other energetic qualities in how to improve their allure like how Jisoo’s energy could literally be more expressed beyond the camera more often.


So do you still want to know more about Vixen?


Well…since there wasn’t much out there, I just went to the source since Muse has gratefully given me carte blanche access (including with Dark Goddess).


So what I did instead was just download Vixen codes directly (like literally into my 8th chakra and sealed it, then grounded it @ a 5:55 pm when they were just calling to come in).


Then I unpacked the codes naturally in the process of producing the Vixen Powerliminal. Hurriicane also channeled and transmitted Her own ‘clear channel’ message.


Simply being attuned to Vixen and respecting Her transmission, it allowed me to follow Her guidance and channel Her transmission while Hurriicane also received Her own EMBODIED transmission while I took on the voice of Eros (Vixen’s beloved). And btw; Vixen isn’t just for Blackpink performances…She may work with you IF you can give yourself permission and are ready to take on Her consciousness and Beauty…it’s very powerful magic with real alchemy and men might start going craZy over you (which happens with a lot of my clients who give themselves that permission and get activated).


So you might be wondering what ARE the authentic aspects OF the Vixen archetype and maybe how can I have more of that for my own beauty and swag/allure?


I can answer that to an extent here but the BEST answer would be to immerse in the Vixen meditation (attunement) and the Vixen embodiment attunement with that Vixen embodying colleague of mine.


This will really help you to really feel, know and tune in to Vixen’s beauty much more and even have Her start working Her magic with you.


Vixen activations are available on the Appointments page! Just book a session and we can consult at the start to confirm what session is best.


I’ve already done about 7 of them since this Vixen window opened up (I really think in the Collective itself)!


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