Yoona SNSD Allure Factor Arch Reading 1

This is Yoona at some of her more sexy alluring, wow!


Sexy Yoona SNSD


Super lit! Rich and sexy qi emanating through. Can you sense it?


Now; before we get to the reading itself; a little more context:


Remember, this is the Sexy Chi Beauty Blog where we focus on energetic beauty and energy reading rather than just physical beauty, make-up, beauty products, fashion, etc. This is about the evolution of Beauty.


Now; it’s important to note that if you aren’t Korean or into K-pop, you want to be objectively LEARNING and referencing from your sisters of HOW they are embodied with different archetypes.


You want to get past your own cultural filters, judgments or even prejudices.


Yoona from the popular K-Pop group Girls Generation has what I call alchemical levels of Beauty. And it’s something to really appreciate.


This means that is at the level of transmission and influence to be able to HEAL and attune other energies through the Law of Resonance. Yes; feminine essence can be that influential 😉


This ‘resonance entrainment’ non-consciously happening with consumer entertainment and it’s how we can fall in love with someone even if we never heard their music or saw them perform.


We end up attuning closer to source and enlightenment just being near them.


JUST energetically speaking and universally no matter from which culture it shows up, this is wondrous.


See, most people will focus on the performance, wardrobe or the physical beauty (3D level things) but with Sexy Chi, we like to consciously value the energetic truth of her image and how IT is multi-dimensionally communicating.


After all, this is a greater secret to their influence FROM image (including healing influence) and how you can have greater image influence and attraction before ever being famous.


Keep in mind that stars give themselves permission to shine. Since they are influencing millions of people, their own energy field dissociates from the personalized identity and their consciousness and qi takes on far greater power to be able to influence.


Stars have far greater energy fields than ‘common folk’ and this is something you can work on directly now too.


Ok, enough preample…so let’s get to this Allure Factor/Arch reading (which can be different in different performances or eras and it’s also not taking into account more detailed energy reading, human design or her Gene Keys).


Sexy Chi :

Allure Ratio Reading / Archetype

Yoona in this performance
(I could find the exact live performance if requested)

Sexy Yoona SNSD

Allure Factor / AF: 9.6
Beauty Quotient / BQ: 9.7


Prime/2nd Arch: Muse-Goddess


Muse Archetype Embodiment: 9.5

Goddess Archetype Embodiment: 8.1


Next to Hieros Gamos Queen or an HG Priestess, Muse is pretty much the highest feminine archetype that is hardwire 5D encoded and in sacred reunification with the divine masculine.


Think of Muse as the inspiration for God and King consciousness; dancer and singer free in her Spirit in Love with the Most Impersonal Highness.


As a woman lets go of her own personalized self and SACRIFICES who she was, she can continually be rebirthed as someone embodying of such higher consciousness itself.


The mix of Muse and Goddess can be intoxicating.


Don’t believe me? Then start asking real heterosexual men if they value this energy (not the race or looks) over that of a feminist?  Remember, it’s NOT that she is ‘Asian’ or Korean…we are valuing the archetypal consciousness and essence that is behind, with and through the vessel of her identity.


This is the secret of stars; transcendance of their personalized identity – and it’s across all cultures, so we have to look beyond race and value the immortal archetypes themselves.


Yoona here has secondary Goddess which isn’t even as much as it could be (rather, it’s a beautiful afterthought); note how her divinely circulated energy with the Light masculine is breathing – and yet she also has a natural femininity and softness that is more mature than Princess.


Earlier Yoona had oOdles of Princess and Maiden btw.


What’s great with this, is not just the psychic awareness to the truth of professional image being presented because we are looking PAST the current paradigm of physical beauty – but that we can literally DO archetype activations and the soul work to transform your authentic image and energetic beauty itself!


Start having influence like a starlet…this is the future beauty secret now – energetic beauty. Start emanating more of that and watch how your world starts changing as you attract and impact more people – irresistibly even.


You can get an archetype activation here.  Are you a performer? We can sculpt your ideal energetic avatar self – perfectly relevant for actors and actresses as well b/c energetic congruency is THE secret to award-winning acting!



An Abridged Intro to Archetype Reading

It’s actually pretty easy to start energy reading Archetypes as a ‘practical psychic’.


Here on Sexy Chi you can request your own extended energy reading which includes an archetype reading for masculine or feminine with the top 10 (or so) archetypes as well as your embodiment, expression on a 0-10 scale.


If you want to start doing psychic energy reading yourself, this blog will give you more tips and insights.


Of course this is all something I would train to apprentices in detail to be able to independently do their own psychic readings for clients.


Before u might get into reading Essence, Embodiment and Expression with archetypes; just start with gauging the primary 2 (or 3) leading aspects and built a practical, referential database from there.


You can learn to calibrate your archetypal and energetic awareness in doing your own celebrity, friends or client’s readings.


I like to start with clear examples that everyone can relate to:


Zayn Malik would be Lover-Prince


2020 Taylor Swift: Princess-Diva Queen


Early Ariana Grande: Lover-Princess


Jason Momoa: King-Warrior-Eros


Madonna would be Diva – Queen (Her secondary changes through time; ie. Martyr, Heretic, Lover)


Oprah Winfrey: Goddess-Mother*-Diva


Anna Wintour: Princess-Queen


Oh what they hay – here’s another Jason Momoa if you won’t complain but with a DIFFERENT archetypal template:




Selena Gomez: Lover-Princess

Selena Gomez Lover Archetype


Those are some examples and the primary-secondary archetype can really change from time to time. We can see this in evolution of artists or in different performances. Sexy Chi allows us to have more direct energetic mastery over this!


So we all know that #archetypes have certain impersonal and authentic aspects and traits b/c they exist in the collective un/conscious.


It’s the authentic energetic quality that you want to look for, get accustomed and attuned with so that it’s easier to sense and see those qualities in others.


For example; 1Direction has tons of pure PRINCE consciousness



Whereas Jason Momoa more recently has more settled King archetypal image and presence. Much of that has to do with his relationship to a/his Queen btw.


So having such Prince with 1D – that’s a major part of their (past) appeal and success; it’s a perfect correllary to all the Princess consciousness of most of their fans. Even as solo artists now they are in still carrying a lot of Prince each.


Prince has high status, clean aura, divine self-esteem and self-acceptance, graceful energy for example that can move in and out of higher social circles; if a man didn’t HAVE that he wouldn’t be a true Prince (consciousness) b/c that’s what we know it as from the collective un/conscious.


Once you know that, you can also look at the Dark or Shadow aspects (like tyrant, weakling) referencing models of them (ie. movie villains) or Brandon Lee in The Crow (Dark Prince).



There are a lot of Wuss Prince and Wuss Father models now in TV and otherwise to reference. Anyways;


Dark is usually ‘healthy dark’ aspects like Malevolent in the swamp. The thing is Dark is closer to Shadow where things can get into all kinds of destructive behaviors.


It’s harder to have a clean dark energy without corruption; the Sheriff of Nottingham in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves – obviously Dark but also a lot of destructive Shadow.



So all of this here is another intro as this is all an extended study. Even I am always learning more about archetypes.


That singer from Die Antwoord ‘Yolandi’ would have a lot of Dark Princess embodied.



Follow your intuition but from a practical baseline of awareness b/c it’s the collective qualities you are reading and attuning to.


We want to psychically tune into general, accurates truths – and then get into more details.


U can also gauge Prince archetypes from the lack of matured Kingship qualities (we can talk a lot more about all this).


Harvey Weinstein was definitely a King with a lot of power, but he was a Dark Shadow King.


I personally have a master list of celebrity archetypes (their primary and secondary) featuring 100 women and it’s open to continue growing. 


Once u have clear examples, it’s easier to then read prospective client aspects for identity work, image transformation, spiritual growth, etc. U can go a long ways just accurately gauging the primary and secondary archetypes.


For more detailed reading, you could get into the Charisma Archetype Model which gauges Essence, Embodiment and Expression of archetypes on a 0-10 scale for each variable.


I will be adding more of these readings to the Sexy Chi Beauty Blog where we value reading the REST of someone’s multi-dimensional energetic visual communication (this is where the power and influence is).


To get your own custom energy reading, click here.

Grimes: Archetype Reading


In this recent photo of Grimes with Elon Musk; I’m surprised we have found a Western Muse (this is rare!)


Image used under Fair Use Copyright Guidelines. Copyright belongs to respective holder.


Muse is Grimes’ predominant archetype here, so I will just read that for now.


In this event appearance;

Light Muse and Dark Muse Embodiment (here)

LM 9.2
DM 8.4


Most of the time I am just reading the Light aspects in the readings but can also read for Dark (which is different than Shadow).


Keep in mind that she’s with 1 of the most powerful, creative tech tycoons in the world so here, their energies are highlighted.


This couple has received some criticism on my Facebook https://facebook.com/rion.kati


Could there be other/alien consciousness and agenda going on? Yes.


Do they also have a lot of Dark and shadow? Yes.


His work is going to influence 100’s of millions or billions of people in some ways so it makes sense there is this type of dynamic. Note how Muse inter-relates with such power and vice versa; how this level is different from the more personalized version of Grimes herself when she’s not fully on as the artist. She’s taken on a lot of consciousness. Thoughts?


This was just a quick Archetype Reading just focusing on her primary (and not any others).


Want to get your own FULL energy reading? Click here for more details.

Lisa Blackpink: Energy Reading 1

How do u make the best even better? (Pro image insights)


Sexy Chi : Allure Ratio Reading :
Lalisa {Blackpink} Instagram 11.13.19

Allure Factor / AF: 6.5
Beauty Quotient / BQ: 9.7

Muse Archetype Embodiment: 9.5

First; the BQ: The Beauty Quotient which is the maximization of one’s unique extrinsic beauty potential.


As a professional artist, she and others have professional top-line Beauty access and support that allows the further maximzation of their extrinsic/physical beauty potential; thus the fairly high and consistent Beauty quotient u would see often.


Now let’s talk more about her energy and the allure factor. It’s honestly not as high as u would think.


The eyes are often a gateway to the soul essence and power; this is breathing, however but we can reference how her aura itself isn’t exactly exuding influential radiance as much as it could; nor is it at the alchemical levels of influence that are possible for her (and that she is sometimes in).


The auric limitation is also constricting the potential siddhic essence qualities that could also be communicating in her aura.


She DOES have great authentic Muse power and consciousness embodied; but it kind of locked in and personalized…we’re not ‘feeling her’ as much as someone who has more of that soul breathing-ness that extends outwards.


I would prescribe an Allure Activation in which I guarantee we could open her aura up much more. At this scale of influence and fame; the effects would be profound. Fans would go crazier, more tickets would sell, more of everything.


With that said; Rosé and Jennie have higher Allure Factors on average; their aura is more charged and ‘breathing’.


Granted onstage, Lisa shines more and tends to personalize her energy more when not performing.


So how do u make the best (performance-wise) even better or more expressed and unlimited?


Esp. when extrinsic beauty, wardrobe, choreography/dance can already be mastered?


She’s number 1 on at least 2 different ‘most beautiful in the world’ lists, so how do you take things even further if you are at the top of the game with extrinsic beauty?


Energetic Beauty consulting and transformation (which is what Sexy Chi specializes in!).


After all that’s where most of the power and influence itself is; we’re just not usually conscious of it.

Transmutation of Self: Taylor Swift Evolution

The future of professional image calls us to value the energetics of beauty and visual communication with (but also *beyond*) extrinsic appearance.


Image Copyright belongs to respective copyright holder. Used under Fair Use Copyright Guidelines.


So it’s not just that Taylor Swift here is physically a bit heavier in the more recent photo; it’s that she energetically evolved from the earlier Princess-Diva embodiment to Diva-Goddess consciousness.


TSWIFT @ concert 

Image Copyright belongs to respective copyright holder. Used under Fair Use Copyright Guidelines.


When she was younger, u can notice that she had a lot of ‘Light’ embodiment.


Light is a reference of Source Masculine as well as the Father relationship. A lot of Princesses are just lit🌟 b/c of the Fatherly love relationship (often spoiled!).


Although she does have some veils in the red, she is more filled with Light and her energies are lighter.


As a princess becomes more of a sovereign woman, her independence often denotes more of the immortal impersonal Goddess embodiment and qualities;


Her femininity, maternality, earth/water power, warmth..it’s heavier energy like Gaia.


Can u notice the difference from her 5th chakras downward? Taylor Swift as she has matured is now literally more of a woman and Goddess. She is more ’embodied’ and grounded to earth – also with more meta-physical water energy. This gives her more access to feminine-based intuition and wisdom.


With what I do with Sexy Chi here; it’s not just having the energy reading insights and awareness into the truth of how somone is communicating energetically and non-verbally IN their professional image – but I actually do the transformational magic directly to accelerate the direction you want to go in as far as your image and presence. And there’s a lot to choose from including archetypes!


See; it’s all energetic anyways; other circumstances in her life allowed her to be more maturely embodied with more of source feminine but when we can work ON the source level of your energy field directly, we can get you there faster (minutes instead of years in some cases). Imagine having such tools for acting and performance mastery!


Archetype embodiment activations are available here https://sexychi.com/activations