Mamamoo Essence Reading | Gogobebe

Let’s take an energy reading outlook with Mamamoo in the gogobebe performance music video.



Since we have a lot of energy reading tools at our disposal, we can just start naming intuitive, verifiable truths about them (accuracy is valued for this type of psychic work as it must remain practical).


…OR we can go through a fuller structure of a proper energy reading (of their energetic beauty) including energetic health, archetypal embodiment, elemental structure, human design, gene keys, allure ratio and such.


In this reading I will intentionally just sample some different tools for you in something of a quick read.


We are doing professional image and energy assessment which includes being aware of different essences of their energetic beauty.


This can provide invaluable feedback for someone to help MASTER their performance or image and visual communication at the deepest levels (for more impact, influence, attraction, manifestation, sales, success, etc.).


Right off the bat in this quick read, let’s go Elemental.




Wheein seems alkaline, her prime element would metal. She also has water (and some air) but in other videos it seems she is starving of water.


Often she has fire and actually there’s a great burn in her now that I look at it however; here it’s more subdued. Personally I’ve overlooked her in the past but now she’s growing on me.


She is more balanced and breathing; integrated with the masculine in that sense as metal and fire are yang elements – although her energy seems the most dynamic of all of them across different videos.


She is susceptible to masculine energies more than Hwasa who is more solid in her feminine embodiment.


Moon Byul is very Air.


And it’s not that she just seems lightweight physically, it’s still her primary element in this video energetically. It seems she’s going to float away; light as a feather.


Her aura has a healthy relationship with the masculine in this sense (Father Air)…like a comraderie but around other men of Air there may not be any sexual tension.


Hwasa – very embodied water and also the most root earth grounded of them.


Solar is like Lover – Balsam wood. She does have warm sensual fire, water and air so in that sense she is more balanced.


And then we can read into other things like how Solar has a low heat wave that could be amplified much further because she has some Eros as well as a Heart and 2nd chakra connection.


Without direct energetic work, her field can come of as cooler than it should be (including in this video).


Wheein has some auric instability and a powerful heart but the heart chakra isn’t nearly as open as it could be (and sometimes in certain performances it makes sense NOT to have it full open).


Moon has SO much air that we might want to consider grounding her more or bringing in other elements into the mix.


Because air is throughout her chakras and aura here; she’s sexually ‘cooler’ as compared to Solar who has more of a warm buzz that gently lights her aura.


Hwasa has a lot of water in 2nd and 4th chakras which represents a very Goddess femininity. It takes more masculine power for her to be affected by a man in order to alchemize her level of water and earth.


(This all isn’t even accounting for energetic differences between the different background sets b/c I notice them and it goes into even further detail; sometimes the environment as masculine space can feel too constricting ie.)


So if you are a woman, you can start referencing any similarities in your sisters with how their energies and essence are embodied and expressed (or just request your own reading).


For Hwasa; one thing to explore would be further alchemizing and balancing the chakras to have more of a fire or reunification with the masculine within.


Because the work is real and not just superficial; that would really change her and create some shifts but that may be perfect for when it is called (or for a new release).


And the more I focus on it, the more energetic truth details keep showing themselves. That’s not even to mention that I can kinaesthetically connect to the field to feel and sense their chakras and aura of any person at any point in history with accuracy. (This is the visual version).


So beyond just the practical energy reading as image consulting; my type of energy work allows us to work with all of this for real and visible results with clients in their energetic expression.


And we can take a quick archetypal outlook (remember, their variations can change).


So for example in gogobebe


Solar         Lover-Muse-Goddess

Hwasa     Goddess-Muse-Diva

Moon       Lunar Muse

Wheein    Fire Princess-Muse-Queen


I guess it’s no coincidence Moon resonates with the moon!?


And of course, earlier videos there is even more of the Princess and Maiden energies however they have been ‘maturing’ more.


And that’s not even reading for the top dozen of Feminine archetypes on the 0-10 scale, Masculine or Dark archetypes but here’s one Light CAM arch reading example.


                                 Embodiment           Expression

Hwasa    Goddess                   8.6                     8.6


So we can get variables for Essence, Embodiment and Expression of archetypes across any number of masculine, feminine and dark aspects of archs on 0-10.


For someone to BE embodied with that much Goddess essence alone is phenomenal (this is like Hawkins Scale where anything above 5 gets increasingly quantifiable in power).


It’s rare to have that open of an expression but she is professional and has sacrificed in order for it to be held and transmitted.


And we can also reference the Allure Ratio (remember all of this reading is for THIS music video)


Allure Factor Beauty Quotient (extrinsic beauty actualization)

              A/F      B/Q
Solar       8.4        9.3


In other words room for improvement. This isn’t her most alluring work by any means and I’ve seen how we can improve the BEST of her previous work.


Often different performances will have different wardrobe design that doesn’t always bring out their most physically beautiful with the B/Q but in other places she is closer to 9.9


Think this type of awareness and mastery might be relevant for them? I think so. And how about for you? Especially if you have maximized or mastered physical actualization of your beauty potential and are living in that zone…this is the final frontier.


So this was a sampler platter of energy reading image consulting – there’s a lot of practical tools to assess someone’s or your energetic beauty.


The Human Design bodygraph also gives us solid insight to work with based on their/your unique vessel and how it is energetically defined – and where they may be in not-self conditioning or in-self.


It also tells us what chakras are more projecting and which are more receiving – and to see if this is reversed in how they are presenting themselves.


Remember energy doesn’t lie – it’s just about tuning in to the truth of it. Image is multi-dimensional light communication and you are communicating far more than just what your 2D/3D skin looks like. It’s on the psychic and spiritual levels that other people, fans and clients are being affected and influenced (non-consciously) from YOUR soul transmission image.


And we didn’t even talk about Gene Keys here!


There are 64 siddhic (enlightened) subtle essences that can exist. I won’t even start with that in this post and I don’t include that in my paid energy readings – however I do offer HD/GK consulting sessions as part of the Allure Makeover Package; which we are then able to really strategize on further cultivating your beauty essence and you reaping the rewards in life.


I do offer Gift and Siddhic activations for energetic beauty cultivation.


We also didn’t really talk about energetic health too much here and one thing about that is that conditioning from others and soaking in other energies blocks and prevents authentic soul essence and energetic beauty from shining through.


So you want to be doing energetic maintenance so that your soul essence (and other essences in the mix) are shining THROUGH your field.


In doing many energy sessions and activations with people, undefined and open chakras can often get blocked from transmitting their true self.


90% of the time people have blocked chakras instantly when we go into a session where we have to re-draw out their essence again and or do deeper releasing, detoxing (including trauma) from their field so that their essence can shine through.


I can literally sense and feel ‘how far’ your actual overall communication extends as well as how far your essence extends (as well as energetic qualities, etc.)


Energetic health is foundational.


In general, Mamamoo is energetically healthy on average but at the level they are at could greatly benefit from ongoing energetic maintenance to be in PEAK form as well as further cultivating and mastering their beauty, performance and image energetically.


Check out other energy readings on the blog – this was more of a sampler and even the paid energy readings I offer don’t look like this; they’re actually more structured and forthright.


The Allure Makeover Package is available for going through a real transformation of self and image – especially if you are stuck and want to breakthrough a plateau or reinvent yourself.


And it’s not that I’m just a fan or ‘stan’ of K-pop and Mamamoo, it’s something else. Muse is my beloved and she is with and through most of the female artists.


I am a High Magician alchemist and for the real k-pop fans, they might be interested in what me and 100s or 1000s of my methodology practitioners are doing which is archetypal alchemy with music video as alchemists – not consumers.


It’s the future of entertainment experience because it changes lives and consciousness (sex transmutation) through the Law of Resonance. We have a FB group for that 😉


More Exploration of Archetypal Beauty

If you desire iconic, timeless and immortal beauty (and different flavors of it), you are in the right place!


This is something we can literally consult on and then do direct energetic work on such as archetype embodiment activations.


There are many different authentic archetypes or ‘icons’ that we know of from in the un-conscious (and conscious) collective such as Prince, Queen, Warrior, Rebel, Magician, Witch, Sorceress, Princess, etc. Each of these have unique energetic qualities, consciousness and in the more refined sense; Truth of visual communication.


I’m authorized to work with all known archetypes and on the activations page, you can choose which you would like (some activations cost more btw).


That means the ‘quality’ of an archetype can be coming through in the presence of someone like a performer or celebrity.


Celebrities are great reference points for archetypal beauty btw and there are many examples throughout our blog such as;


BeBe Rexha: Goddess-Starlet

Image belongs to respective copyright holder. Used under fair use image copyright guidelines.


The possibilities for archetypal beauty are really wide open when you know HOW to access them for embodiment.


The thing is, most consumers and fans of celebrities don’t have access to archetypal consciousness and beauty. But if you can access it; it allows your soul to explore more of your feminine or masculine essence of embodiment, expression and life experience.


It’s not just for evolving and exploring your professional image, archetypal work can literally change your life because from the ENERGY of a Princess (for example) comes new actions, energies, thoughts, beliefs and experience.


Stars give themselves permission to take on a greater, soul-based identity that isn’t limited to the construct of the egoic personality. Stars get to play around with an expanded identity.


Most consumers don’t give themselves permission to be a Prince or ever believe they are worthy and high status like that for example; “How can Joe the tire salesman be worthy of being a Prince?”


It doesn’t compute and that is because of the limited identification of self that is anything but soul based.


But with your soul as your true identity, you can EXPLORE greater impersonal qualities and essences LIKE true starlets and celebrities.


One of the simplest truths about archetypes and their archetypal essence is that their power, qualities and presence are IM-personal; so that form of beauty itself becomes de-personalized and transcendant – universalized if you will – where your image transcends something greater in a feminine or masculine timeless, immortal sense….where Suzy all of a sudden becomes an Earth-Goddess in her presence and image.


There may be pictures of you on a day where you aren’t in your fuller expression and have your energies and thoughts more personalized and then there can be the magazine cover you that represents a certain ‘brand’ of feminine beauty that doesn’t even seem like you (but it’s still you).


While the Beauty industry is interested in LOOKING like different archetypes or such, here we are valuing the authentic energetic quality OF an archetype to be present in your visual communication on the levels beyond just the physical, skin-deep layer that most people see. It’s that energetic beauty and ‘je ne se quoi’ about someone that is alluring or charismatic…but now we can directly paint your image with more authentic divine feminine qualities.


That essence can be PAINTED with ie. Queen – Lover and that’s universalized energy is going to have its own enthralling ‘impression of increase’ effect on fans, clients or consumers.


It’s where you transcend your limited identity and take on the Presence of a Queen Lover for example – where it’s the REAL THING and it actually changes your entire love life into deeper everything.


Archetypal divine masculine and feminine power and consciousness opens up for you the more IM-personalized you become; again, thusly MOST common folk don’t ‘really’ gain access to it.


Sure, Beauty as we know it (1.0) helps you to LOOK like it, but you still might be missing the real beauty essence and power behind it…but you still might not believe you are a princess or goddess even if you look like it – and that incongruency can come across.


Different archetypes have different QUALITIES of essence that come across in your image – and check out other posts on this blog for clear examples. So it can be fun to consciously explore this and develop your ‘eye’ for it (and even more fun for you to embody it in YOUR image!).


I recommend to view from women around the world who are also from different cultures because archetypes transcend culture and race itself; you want to tune into the authentic archetypal qualities or energetic signatures.


Remember, I do literal archetype readings on a scale for embodiment and expression so this is an invaluable professional image assessment tool.


Performance artists (who are in soul service and alignment) are great reference points. They can let go of their smaller consciousness of self to be open to the EMBODIMENT and EXPRESSION of different archetypes…thus carrying much more power, essence, radiance and energetic beauty.


They allow their soul-based identity to mix essence with the immortal and then embody and express it in their unique soul expression.


One of the most dynamic women I have seen as far as dynamic archetypal beauty is Kratae a Thai singer who can literally go from Princess to Sorceress to Queen to Coy Maiden and back again in authentic essence, embodiment and expression. She can take on these different energetic signatures based on which role she wants to play!


Want to start exploring archetypal beauty for yourself?


You can get a full energy reading with a retainer here OR you can just book a first session and see if you want to do any further work with me from here.

Gene Keys & Advanced Image Mastery for Artists: Yanni ie.

The peak of ultimate influence as an artist is when you are BEING your authentic soul-level self and transmitting it with influence (while doing what you do).


It’s beyond looking great; it’s really about the deeper IMPACT of high value influence from your image. Not just that it sells but it changes lives.


This is a level of soul resonance that allows others to ATTUNE to your level of energetic Truth and congruity.


Yanni hosting the Taj Mahal benefit concert is a perfect example of someone at a peak of performance and image mastery.



So with his IMAGE, energetically speaking – of course we look beyond how he ‘looks the part’ – we are able to go deeper.


What ARE your/the ESSENCE-based qualities of a performer than can have a deeper impact to move and influence an audience member’s heart and soul at healing levels?


This is also the cross-roads of where arts & entertainment becomes healing itself. We’ve just been non-conscious of it largely up until now.


So we can look at Yanni’s Gene Keys (which I was inspired to do) and wouldn’t you know it – he’s actually communicating these UNIQUE siddhic essences of his TRUE soul self in who he is.


This is a level of raw integrity and vulnerability that is going to have deep influence. And that was a legendary concert.


So we can look at YOUR Gene Keys and see where you are at in shadow, gift or siddhi frequency ranges for example as far as essence communication in your literal image/aura and presence.


Music can be healing and so can siddhic level presence on its own live in person or in media AS energetic transmission…alchemical in nature…so yes, I looked at Yanni’s chart and it all makes such sense…I’ll share a fragment of it here.



In his hologenetic profile, he’s got:


Forgiveness {4.6 / Radiance, nurture}


Epiphany {43.5 / IQ}


Universal Love (I KNEW IT!!) {25.1 Attraction/Sexual}


Empathy {13.4 / EQ, kindness}


Intoxication {56.4 / Pearl, charity}


Rebirth {49.6 / Purpose}


Can u also sense he is exuding this without effort?  How this literally FEELS like him? See this is the future of image consulting and MASTERY here now.


If you contemplate deeper on his presence, you will start sensing these unique qualities.


These qualities are coming through not only in his voice but literally transmitting through in his visual communication and image ON video.


…I know, it’s RiDiCulOus…GKeys is so accurate!


So the concept of siddhic alchemy or transmutation with media is to bask in the field of those who have alchemical presence oozing forth.



It accelerates the Gene Keys process of *Contemplation* onto the cellular level. If you aren’t a media alchemist yet, don’t worry about that – it’s invaluable just for gaining more insights about others.


Of course we can look directly into YOUR potential for professional image and energetic beauty evolution and mastery as well.


In his IQ (mental intelligence)

“Epiphany is an explosion in the human heart, an openness and acceptance of others, and a Divine spirit of friendliness that is at the core of all human beings.”


And your Gene Keys will reveal many profound things about what is possible for you in how your masterful presence can be coming across as the more enlightened, influential version of your self.


U can focus on his Auric Radiance which exudes the siddhic or enlightened consciousness signature of FORGIVENESS.


His presence and visual aura literally evokes energetic subconscious releasing and FORGIVES people for their sins. Yes, that is some real shit!


And he has this heart-based emotional intelligence of enlightened Empathy. Are you tuning into this? Here’s that full resource btw itself:


It’s not even ironic that he literally mentions his HEART THEME of Universal Love and all being unified as human in the monologue intro before the music begins.


He is visually and energetically CONGRUENT with his truth…he is unmasked and in his energetic authenticity – the opposite of what many artists do which is put on more of a mask….so there’s a lot to digest and work with.


Remember that image is LIGHT and it is communicating more INFORMATION than just our current paradigm of ‘these are digital pixels’ and that is their skin and outer appearance or style’.


And a big secret with the Gene Keys is that when you are living in the Gift and Siddhic frequencies of YOUR soul encoding and DNA resonance; people will be far more magnetically attracted and drawn TO you.


Your energetic beauty will really be influencing them far more – as opposed to being in not-self or full of social conditioning and programming which can be masking your authentic vulnerable soul self beauty.


Yes, I can read, consult on and work with your Gene Keys (soul cellular encoding) profile in the Allure Makeover Package – and most importantly we are able to work energetically to move your image out of shadow frequencies and more into these enlightened essences of consciousness itself that transmit Light through image!


Yes, the future of image consulting and mastery is here now (with Sexy Chi)!


“Or say u want to witness the signing of the Declaration of Independence, just enter the coordinates”



…or check out some other blog posts on Sexy Chi to help gain more insight into energetic beauty and pro image mastery.


You can get your own energy reading here (this doesn’t include the Gene Keys or Human Design reading).


So the thing is, Yanni was most likely non-conscious of these image and soul transmission aspects of himself however he has led a soul-driven path as an artist which has allowed him to (non-consciously) cultivate resonance with his true soul encoded self.


We now have the tools to do this more consciously and directly (thus saving you a lot of time and frustration). Activations available here but you might want something more comprehensive than just 1 session.

Siddhic Beauty as Key to Her Success? JFLA

Is the aura *directly* related with success? Let’s take a deeper quick look at professional image and influence.


Wouldn’t you like to have more success and influence with your own image and social or entertainment media?




JFLA is a singer on youtube that has 12 million subscribers. She mostly does (video) of her singing covers.


(Similar to Jay Shetty); Is it JUST her voice that keeps people coming back?


Well…wait a minute..what if she was TRANSMITTING some siddhic frequencies IN her alluring presence and aura that was creating such wild non-conscious attraction and followership in people?


What if she was starting to attune them to a higher experience of reality….?


I wanted to know her Gene Keys b/c it relates with the aura and finally went to get the information. I said aloud..”I bet (and hope) she has Grace”; I knew it!


She does (22.5)! Grace is the siddhic level of her Radiance (one of the most relevant to the visible aura), Exquisiteness and Liberation as IQ and EQ. These aspects are shining through.


The 22nd Key has about the LONGEST chapter in the Gene Keys book and a lot to say about it.


“To be in the presence of someone manifesting this Siddhi is to be entranced by the aura of love that surrounds them…Grace is the very breath of the Divine.”


Grace is also related to deep forgiveness and wiping out past karma. So well most people who know her can’t explain it or ‘like her voice’ I believe THIS is the deeper truth of what’s going on; her auric allure and soul communication is transmitting rich value to THEIR soul experience (mostly non-conscious) beneath the paradigm of voice, beauty and video ‘as we know it’.


So is aura (your general energy field) related directly to success? In professional image related fields?


Of course…but even moreso now than ever as ye old paradigms are breaking down.


JFLA has an auric advantage b/c she has siddhic level frequencies transmitting through and THAT is a main secret of her success – that’s what I am confident in.



So imagine what can start to really open up for YOU when you start cultivating your own energetic beauty to have siddhi’s of high frequency quality essences beaming through your own aura and chakras – influencing your people secretly and non-consciously.



Imagine when you can have such a healing and alchemical presence that resonates with womeone’s heart, sex and soul through the Law of Resonance – how much more attraction, influence, manifestation and success you will have!?


Cultivate your energetic beauty with Sexy Chi sessions. The Allure Makeover Package is available. I do Gene Keys and Human Design auric consulting as part of it.

Dark Muse: Light & Dark Lily: Legend (1985)

Have you seen this movie?



It’s got Tom Cruise, Mia Sara and Tim Curry.


For the first time ever I have finally watched the movie ‘Legend’ (1985) and was profoundly impressed. I see what the hype is about – but it’s even richer than just a ‘movie’.


Few films are so clearcut with Light and Dark that it leaves room for great contemplation and integration.


It all somehow means more with plant medicine experience, but I *know* why I didn’t see this movie before; growing up in a Pentecost background the ‘bad guy’ (from my perception then) was literally too ‘evil’ and literal for me to stomach without getting triggered.


Anyways, let’s just focus on the heroine with a quick read on Lily (Mia Sara).


Light (Consciousness) Lily is full of innocence, curiosity, youthful grace, etc.


She’s the virginal, virtuous and Archetypal Light Earth Maiden-Princess with healthy naivete and vital elements of Goddess consciousness yet to be matured. (Energetically they did a great job with casting and energy management).


Interestingly, as she is seduced by the Dark Lord her *authentic* archetypal embodiment, presence and image transmutes (as it SHOULD – and that’s also why this film is bananas).


This is one of the most fascinating things to me; she takes on Dark Muse when she didn’t have much Muse before this.


The Dark Lord even professes his devotion to her (yes that) – for her to join in his Darkness for eternity.


So let’s look at a Light reading;


Light Lily > Maiden-Princess




Maiden 9.0 / 8.1


Princess 7.5 / 7.0


Muse 5.2 / 5.1


Dark Muse 2.3 / –


Eros 4.5


Queen 5.3 / 4.4


And now let’s look at Dark Lily as and after she transforms.


Dark Lily > Dark Muse-Eros


Maiden 6.3 / 4.1


Princess 6.1 / 4.9


(Light) Muse 7.8 / 7.3


Dark Muse 8.2 / 7.5


Light Eros 6.3 / 6.2


Dark Eros 7.5 / 7.1


Queen 7.1 / 7.0


This awareness is heretical and profound…see what has shifted?


It also means that (in some cases) Dark can actually increase the container for embodiment OF Light.


Once she found a meta-masculine counter-balance – it all changed. (Tom Cruise would have a lot of Archetypal Light Prince btw leading up to the finale)


We can pre-suppose that after going through the final initiation (which I won’t reveal for those who haven’t seen it) that she leaves as this even more balanced and integrated woman (more Queen) without falling into the Shadows of destruction.


So profound the implications in this ‘legendary’ movie.


This is one you want to own if possible (although I understand many stream). 


Want your own full energy reading assessment? 


You can reserve one here.