Power & Beauty Doesn’t Always Corrupt: Rion vs. Dr. JP

Generally it’s accurate from a humanistic perspective that ‘absolute power corrupts absolutely’, but it’s not actually a universal truth. It’s a human mixed with shadow lower general truth.


This is because of several reasons; when we are working with Light, Truth and Power on a higher dimensional level…the Light Power of The King (Archetypally) is INCORRUPTIBLE. Encoded 5D+ aspects of certain archetypes are raw power/beauty and incorruptible in that form.


It’s the shadows of consciousness in the 4th dimension (including demons) and with human integration that is THE vice.


So I agree and yet differ with Dr. Jordan Peterson on when he says;


“You should never aspire to power…you should aspire to INFLUENCE”. Yes; generally influence is much healthier.



His perspectiving is that power will corrupt as shadow will take over in that it’s the nature of humanity.”


The thing is; I literally work with Beauty and Power as the quintessence OF life force chi/quanta itself; and literally pure essenced forms of it as quanta.


This is important to understand for yourself because not wanting more righteous power and beauty (b/c of fear or concern such power could ‘corrupt’) can literally be a primary thing holding you back FROM divine masculine or feminine reclamation and the medicine the world is missing from you.


What if power and beauty was your DIVINE INHERITANCE that allowed you to express your soul truth, create and live a legacy with influence?!


With great power (and the power to work with literal beauty itself) comes great responsibility.


(Although I have to manage shadows B/C of the light so as NOT to corrupt or taint the temple work in any way);


But what allows ME to work with power and beauty incorruptibly (as well as take on unlimited amounts of it in the format I work with as Grail Magii)?


RESPONSIBILITY in all dimensions…and then I’ll add


1. I have to own, balance, battle, slay, defeat, integrate any shadows around and before the temple work itself so that the work is ritualistically sanctified


2. The Light work itself with power and beauty chi (masculine/feminine) is and remains PURE and sanctified always (incl. with Dark work) and must. My soul self takes over and doesn’t include human imperfections in the actual temple work (consulting is different). This is proven as well through my legacy and I cannot falter in it or it could crumble my reputation and foundation itself anyway


3. Everything I’m doing is founded on Devotion and Service which is entwined with my deepest soul desire for recognition.


And I go a lot off of the book ‘Owning Your Shadow’ (also referring to collective shadow).


I MUST actually work with literal power and Beauty itself to serve the level and impact of Her Divine Will and She hath opened greater powers and magic as I’ve gone along the path proving my devotion and integrity. I’m meant to work with the most generally powerful and beautiful people in the world so much have power and Beauty mastery in this realm.


So here it’s quite different than that ancient quote of ‘ power only corrupts ‘.


In this sense (and I’ve talked elsewhere bout how it’s ok to take on more power and beauty when you have ALIGNMENT) and because of Divine Will of The Beloved, I am allowed to take on and work with unlimited higher dimensional power (and that which I’m still integrating into expressing my own charisma).


Again however; I’m the unicorn (and you can vet me by asking around if you’re skeptical of any of this).


Most men should NOT actually aspire to this kind of power to work with the highest levels of beauty in the world as a means to ‘get something’ or siphon because they are nowhere anywhere near initiated to be able to handle it with integrity and are so stuck in their shadow or selfish personalized masculine desire.


Muse kept giving me miracles of growth for many years until the tides turned and I started becoming aware of even the idea to turn it around and serve for Her (of which I’ve been through countless initiations).


Remember; we did the literal L.A. Metoo movement grid-working session itself which as it unraveled, changed culture itself.


I love seeing these before and after makeovers from clients and awakening their allure (I really ought to gather more pictures from them!).


They know the magic is real *and that my rates are soon finally rising!). It’s really all in the Name of Muse; all of this work…I’m just a devoted channel.


My ability to work with power and beauty itself with pure integrity is testament to the miraculous power OF devotion. That’s what She required of me and it’s over 20 years in now.


Anything less than devotion for this scale could corrupt. I’m very experienced in holding sacred temple space in all of my sessions and daka sessions which are professional but very intimate in certain ways.


I’d love to see more divine masculine Kings rise and yet that’s going to take a lot of Grail Priestess Kingmaking for much of it…


I’mma keep doing my thing and really, because we are all connected in the Uniphied field…there is so much Truth, Beauty and Power that is available to all of us. How much permission are you allowing yourself to take on before you collapse?


I’d let your soul desire and dharma guide that.


And if it’s more BEAUTY and the social power (INFLUENCE) with it….if it’s divine, mystical Beauty and reclamation…if it’s your INHERITANCE that is ripe for your reclamation?…where do you stop yourself?


What if it could be centered more on your unlimited soul vs. the programs and conditions of the mental plane centric ego itself which is primed for corruption.


If we conflate the ego with archetype activations, yeah it’s like expanding corruptibility…but what if instead we’re working with the powerful/beautiful SOUL that has room and RIGHTEOUS place to take on and embody more power and beauty itself? Yeah….


((Remember there are differents ‘forms’ of (masculine) power and how we relate to it; expanding my social/cultural influence is one of the prime things from here forward in creating this empire)).


Does ‘Beauty’ corrupt? Perhaps when we misunderstand is as only superficial and vain (in its shadow form). When we understand it is the language of light and respect it as that, that’s something else!


Does absolute power corrupt absolutely? Not when divine principle is sustained (and Beauty itself is one of those principles).


Just some thoughts here

Anything Else But True Divine Union Isn’t Communion-Grade Itself

…it might be a good connection and chemistry, but even ‘conscious lovers’ is not Communion of Sophianic and God consciousness.


This Ancient Remembrance (beyond soul mates and twin flames) requires proper templating (and initiation)…you don’t just be a relationship coach and all of a sudden end up as a divine union coach.


After all; we’re talking reclamation of divine feminine and Holy Grail itself. Beneath the underplay of tainted relational templates lies deeper ancient remembrance of Devotion.


There is immense and unlimited power, magic and alchemy with the Devotional Source Codes of Hieros Gamos….deep beauty and magic unavailable to consumer consciousness.


Relational templates ‘other than’ Communion simply create entropy further from source (and yet this is how the feminine consciousness relates to the masculine).


Twin flames is a popular one.


We can start sensing how limited things are vs. what’s already true and possible.


Tinder dating, boyfriend/girlfriend, casual/primal sex, twin flames, conscious lovers, inter-personal marriage contracts (that leave God and Goddess out of the bedroom and are more of an inter-personal, inter-physical exchange)…even soul mates are all relational templates further away from Source (when compared to Divine Union principle).


This is why I keep saying that Divine Union (true Hieros Gamos) is the future of relationships and the relationship industry.


There is so much power in Devotional Source Codes themselves (especially when one can sustain the Gift of Detachment when most relationships thrive on attachment)….and really, how anything else is limiting her fullest flowering.


But hieros gamos, hierogamy (sex of God and Goddess consciousness in the bedroom in all dimensions) and the ‘holy grail itself’ is truly heretical and anti-pop culture…it’s not for everyone!


There’s a lot that can PREVENT Divine Union within let alone
that level of partnership beyond soul mates.


So if a woman finds herself repeatedly in those patterns (which can include compromise on fulfilling her deeper desires b/c ‘at least there’s a connection’); it’s important to keep in mind that the template itself is generally constellating the limitations of her experience itself in how she is relating as Lover to divine masculine principle (and the levels of consciousness and allure possible).


Just one of the things we’ve already been covering in our journey for the Mystical Beauty Immersion ladies has to do with (these) relational templates and re-templatizing, healing relationships to the lower timeline, conditional masculine and any further fracture from the deepest beauty of all.


We’ve already been through so much together with the ladies and this part of Week 2 is really just a fraction of their overall experience, interactivity, reclamation and breakthrough while being invested in their transformation – and yet, relational templates themselves can be a major sticking point to allure itself…a lot to contemplate when you consider how entangled one could be running the same patterns for years.


Although heretical and even taboo;


Just how much of God-c*ck consciousness could you receive at a somatic-identity level when it’s everything that religions, relational templates, cultural programming conditioning and the consciousness of almost all mortal men in relationship (even those who don’t siphon) constrict it all?


True Divine Union templating and devotional practice…This is true heresy…to consider becoming ‘the Bride of God’ and just how much allure could awaken!


For this level of work you’ll want a stable Holy Daughter  aspect in your psyche and constellated in your energy body.


Archetype and other beauty activations are available whether you are on a Grail path of reunification consciousness or just want to improve your allure to have more beauty influence.


With that said; there’s a gradation of experience where that spectrum starts opening up (but requires authentic encoding to effectively start that level of experience).


I had hierogamy twice 5.7 years ago and it was light years beyond casual/primal intercourse and far beyond conscious loving but even that wasn’t Communion class with The Beloved.


Conscious lovers can reach ecstatic planes no doubt – but the templating is different and Spirit-to-Spirit with Hieros Gamos…there’s immense bandwidth of archetypal power and beauty in the alchemy…for there is reason it is called ‘the holy grail’ and been suppressed for eons (leaving God and Goddess the lover out of relationship and the bedroom).


One of the partners must always be yoked enough to start experiencing hierogamy, but ideally both partners would be or will be constricted by the consciousness and channel of their partner and his level of God-head-ness and impersonality.


Are you on the path?

Idolatry vs. Heaven On Earth Fame, Star & Starlet Paths

See if this is actually blocking you from truly shining your greatest; (after all, maybe you DO have star/let codes).


Contemplate and see if you might have religious programming or resistance to being ‘idolized’ or fear of ‘idolatry’ because this could sabotage the levels of your beauty influence (value conflicts here). After all, you might have your own stars or ‘idols’ that you look up to.


I see a lot of ‘shaming’ of sorts in the spiritual community as well as religions.


The concept of idols (K-pop idols are literally called ‘idols’) is tricky b/c many people will discard the concept while still secretly admiring stars b/c of what it says in the Bible; ‘put no other idols before me’.


But wouldn’t we then be separate from source? Or is it really in putting that individual as ‘greater than’ spirit itself, rather than being a ‘channel’ of spirit?


The challenge is deeper than it seems b/c ‘putting no other idols before’ allows people to only value higher meta-physical truth while disconnecting from our humanity and physical, primal reality. It can make it difficult to even ‘respect’ the deeds that amazing people have done.


Yes; it can initially seem unhealthy to ‘idolize’ stars and starlets IF one is putting them BEFORE Spirit/God…but wait; a minute…are we not all individual fractals OF Source God and Goddess?


Even put aside the empirical truths of devotional spiritual practices or religions that DO focus on an archetype, deity or idol TO connect to source;


Putting ‘no other idol before me’ allows people to remain non-conscious to the divinity in all as well PREVENTS integrating the concept of heaven on earth. Plus; it might be a hidden value conflict that you have from getting attention, being in your full power and highest timelines.


Maybe the verse itself is accurate but people have been mis-interpreting it.


And I can speak to this a lot btw because my spiritual practice literally is devotional reunification with a prime feminine archetype (deity).


What if it just meant putting no other human individual before the greatness of The Truth of God but that you are actually MEANT to integrate heaven on earth in your embodiment and highest timelines that was a signifier and devotional expression OF divinity itself?


Sure; some stars let their ego get in the way but we’re talking about the reality of idols emanating divinated beauty essences and having immense influence (as an expression OF source).


What if someone being IN their fullest star and starlet expression IS honoring (their) God?


What if you’ve been held back because of value conflicts around ‘being idolized’.


And really I’ve discovered that the divine union work I do is an ASPECT of the greater truth itself; it just resonates with my soul the most….so I’m referring to what others would view as me ‘idolizing’ Muse fractals is actually honoring my own reflection and divinity itself. Master alchemy is different than putting stars and their egos and flaws AHEAD OF God itself.


So maybe contemplate for yourself that it could be ok to be in your FULLEST radiant expression being seen and being in influence even if some people might idolize you more in the consumer sense (instead of as a fractal of divinity).


Where might you stop yourself from more fame or beauty influence?…


I think the conscious answer is to value the God/Goddess fractal essence aspects IN stars, starlets and idols (and yourself) but without expectation or attachment (esp. in divine union practice you can reference DIVINE aspects and qualities literally in different ‘icons’ ie. of the archetypes to cultivate your own reunification within).


You’re admiring God with and through them rather than disavowing all forms of Beauty and godliness with and through God’s creations.


I get the inherent spiritual danger (so to speak) in consumers idolizing stars non-consciously and not even having a religion or spiritual practice but that’s not what I think the Bible verse is referring to…and really, aren’t we all meant to be in our fullest expression?


You might still resisting that if you have some earlier programming or confusion around this concept of ‘being idolized’.


And this can keep you blocked from fully taking on divine qualities OF beauty and consciousness-truth (as well as other things that could block it).


I myself am on a Grail-Star King path of high Magician and Priest-ship.


I personally don’t have value conflicts around what others see as me ‘idolizing’ k-pop idols for example (k-pop is a lower truth); I’m communing with The Beloved in consciousness and truth.


I’m not putting any individual idol as greater than Muse or definitely not greater from God/Spirit of which we are all connected.


So if someone says ‘idolatry is bad’…maybe contemplate what I’ve covered here and it might just be a misunderstand and perspective thing. Fame does expand ego but that’s another topic…that ego when in service however just might HAVE to be constellated at a much higher field.


Even the concept of ‘obsession’ can be incredibly HEALTHY and activating FUEL when you have the alignment right as a force of alchemical TRANSMUTATION of consciousness…(the key is to have DETACHMENT – Gene Key 42 – to ‘that idol’ or person).


It can be healthy when you’re venerating QUALITIES of the divine masculine/feminine counter-part rather than attachment, neediness and expectation with that person themself.


Obsession can be powerful fuel (like when you have fotonic beauty influence) when it’s about sacred reunification to attune yourself to your divine counter-part spiritually and sexually (I did a separate post on ‘obsession + detachment’)..this is related to divine union alchemy and star/starlet codes.


Most consumers mess that all up however and end up putting the idol ‘before God’.




There’s other religious value conflicts and non-consciousness in consumer awareness AROUND Sex and Heart too for an extended discussion…many stars have those qualities that are closer to source and meta-physical (literally with the reach of social influence and their millions).


I’d go not just with heaven and having shame around being seen in your divine qualities; but with heaven on earth (integrating clean dark realms as well but that’s another topic).

Read more blog posts on our Beauty Essence Blog!


Is It Safe To Shine Your Allure In a Consumptive World?

This may be a concern if you are scaling your own beauty and social influence. You might have concerns and anxieties around being vulnerable and letting others feel your essenced beauty.


If you’re already a beauty influencer, you might be at a crux of relying a lot on your current visual but still getting deeper into the fotonic ESSENCED allure which requires more vulnerability so that might still be a sticking point.


An under-stated question related to being safe to SHINE your allure to the world and have more social influence in being seen (sourced in Fotonic Quanta Theory):


“Can someone steal or ‘harvest’ your soul essence quanta from a photo or video?”


The general answer is NO…


..And this should give you some relief.


Media has great influence BECAUSE it represents holographic fotonic light, beauty and power from the uniphied sentient field with and through humans.


Consider that recorded media from any point in the past (not live) is holographic, recorded fotonic data that has influence beyond our normal comprehension.


Live experiences are a different matter of someone’s presence affecting people in real time like at a Taylor Swift concert where they’re also immersed in the music, production design, etc.


Normally with videos and photos, people are relating with an encoded holographic projection of you in the (Akashic) cloud (which can carry beauty codes obviously) and yet it’s still not the live active field of ‘you’.


It would basically take dark magic to connect to your actual field through an image or otherwise and then siphon your actual quanta.


Knowing this can help you to feel safe in expressing your allure in social media; even if your media is reaching millions of people. Social and projection dynamics of fame are another thing to deal with however.


Are we ‘taking’ or ‘harvesting’ from the Feminine (or Masculine) or stars and starlets by ‘consuming’, meditating or alchemizing with their media?


Are we stealing their soul quanta?


No, not at all. Just look at the relational truth; their or your live presence isn’t detrimentally directly affected after being imprinted in media per se.


It’s actually what ALLOWS more scalable social power and influence; to have your visual presence out there in the world having IMPACT.


Now; there is an entire different discussion around industry consumptive dynamics and that of which Hurricane speaks beautifully and recently to AND there are other complex dynamics internally that may be blocking you from truly being free as an artist vs. being consumed. She speaks to this brilliantly here and other places on her wall.


Also LIVE dynamics are another thing (and she speaks to that as well).


Media prosumers and the collective with social and visual media; we are relating with holographic imprinted quanta of people; not individual life force unless it’s directly live human interaction and in most of THOSE cases like live speaking or public performance you’re not allowing people to ‘steal’ your quanta either (although people closer to your may attach psychic hooks).


Remember; all media is recorded holographically in the Akashic records as an IMPRINT.


As an advanced psychic myself who can read certain (public) aspects about any person at any point in history remotely and accurately; I always get permission before affecting someone’s field directly (incl. remotely).


This is a secure foundation for you to help feel safe in relating visually to the world in your shine rather than having concerns that people will ‘steal your soul’, etc. (although there can be other dynamics or agreements including shadows of certain industries that may be implicated there).


On a separate note (I’ve talked about this in Mystical Beauty and on my friends only FB wall); what about men who want to steal, harvest or siphon energy from feminine beauty in your personal field as you go about your day for example? I address that elsewhere.


“What about entities out there doing harvesting (relating to an image or video of you)?”


The general answer is that it comes down to holding integrity and discernment with your own personal energy field around others (media less of a concern).


And the deeper general answer from there is having divine masculine or feminine architecture that carries internal presenced safety + psychic defense if and when necessary.


That’s why the reality of this work is so practically spiritual and yes there are ways to additionally protect yourself and your energy field whether you are a star, starlet or not.


I’m not going into slave planet astral dynamics here but;


To really shine allure into the world you’ll want to carry that soul-starlet security to radiate beauty quanta (chi) to influence others without words. Your visual style and superficial beauty mastery should support your essenced beauty.


If you are under a lot of psychic attacks you may look into the Reclamation Makeover package: 


If you have anxieties or fears around truly being felt and shining feminine radiance around the (often) ‘consumptive’ masculine or masculine gaze;


This gets deeper into your own psyche and even things like the Holy Daughter if you are feeling insecure or untrustworthy around men or think being masculine is ‘toxic masculine’…you may put up a defensive shell around your aura so that it protects you yet people won’t be able to feel your feminine allure b/c it requires de-armoring and ideally re-architecting a reunified relationship with the divine masculine Father and Lover within to be safe at all times and attract a different experience.


Concerns about lower timeline masculine inter-personally siphoning we’ve addressed several times within Mystical Beauty Immersion (and on that FB wall post) that I can’t find right now.


Plenty more posts to browse on our Beauty Essence Blog. You can also search by keywords ‘ie’ muse, k-pop..

“Are Some People More Divine Than Others?”

Maybe this is a concept that we SHOULD face consciously even if it triggers us; because it’s inspired some recently to throw out the ‘divine’ (masculine and feminine) with the metaphorical bath water.


Because I professionally work with the divine masculine and feminine + with a brand like ‘Sexy Chi’ my awareness in this realm must seek the highest clarity.


So are some beings more divine than others?


NO and yet….yes.


No because we are all human and also from the same Source divine. That’s in alignment with most spiritual teachings but let’s look at it a bit more usefully.


Yes; in a sense some ARE more ‘divine’ than others in practical ways and that doesn’t necessarily mean putting on a mask or being part of a lightworker community or being ultra-spiritual….yet really, these things can be gauged.


And in the yes it’s not better or worse per se; it’s just different because this is the realm and REALITY of power and beauty itself.


In a sense, a spiritual guru at an ashram IS more spiritual or divine than John Q. Public. We want to value however the REALITY of their presence, not the ‘image’ or branding that’s putting them forward (at Sexy Chi here we value integrity and alignment with both).


It’s like comparing a conditioned consumer-citizen living in not-self and culturally conditioned their adult life to a fully actualized and alluring starlet or guru who influences millions of people from living her highest soul truth expression….there’s literally more divine archetypal and immortal consciousness IN her presence or mix of consciousness.


Although I wouldn’t start a different competition of sorts as there are some who put on a front of ‘holier than thou’ but may or may not actually BE more divinated so to speak.


Many people (esp. in conscious circles) can have aversion affects to overexposure of the tropes and memes of people in their circles putting on an ultra-spiritual image, going to festivals, etc. but it NEVER actually takes away from those with true spiritual powers.


They may throw the divine out with the bath-water so to speak in favor of ‘just being human’ but that’s also living in denial of greater truth.


To me it’s important to consciously face the deeper truth and nuances of what’s going on.


So; is one more divine than the other?


No and YES.


The YES is contextual and can be ready energetically if we filter it down by their forms of power or beauty aka their connection to source.




When we look at the spiritual logic of being both fully human and fully divine; body + soul at a baseline, no one is more human per se or more divine than others.


But this is where it gets good-weird; the divine is unlimited and the immortal divine archetypal masculine and feminine transcends the individualized, personalized ego-self.


At an identity level…at a level of ESSENCE, embodiment and EXPRESSION of divinity there can be infinite variability between 2 beings even though both are human and divine.


This lets us work practically in the realm of power and beauty itself (spirit-sentient essenced CHI) to HAVE more influence in all dimensions including from your visual and social media.


If someone has an archetypal embodiment reading of say Magician 4.3 vs. someone else who has Magician 9.3 or Sorceress 3.1 vs. Sorceress 8.4…is one more divine?


No in that both are divine SOULS and yet yes; because one is accessing literally more OF universal divine truth as essenced consciousness and running more chi-quanta through their individuated temple.


Everyone IS at their own level of awakening and well…many just are not on a path of awakening.


We could say on a spiritual level of presence that one has more power/beauty than another. Stars in general have more literal embodied ‘power’ than most and to deny that would be (effectively) denying reality.


We’re looking at power beauty and divinity in general as embodied rather than potentialized or generically innate.


One simply has more actual power and beauty and to deny it in favor of being ‘nice’ or kind isn’t the spiritual reality of things.


It’s not fair per se but because it is consciousness itself, the whole concept is for all of us to continue awakening to the divine Truth and embody it; that we are (ALL) that powerful and beautiful beyond the conditioning, psychology and humanity.


It doesn’t mean the more divinated one is ‘better’ per se and that’s where human ego comes in to distort things (and play shadow power games and lack humility etc.).


A starlet-sorceress with emanant BEAUTY is on her own path whereas someone not yet awakened to the greater truth may not be realizing or accessing their divine potential in consciousness, identity and power/beauty. Some people simply ARE more soul-led than others and in touch with greater power and beauty embodied and accessible from Our Source.


There are masculine beings that in different ways are ‘actually’ more powerful than me 2023 (ie. in social power or earth-power), but it’s not a competition. There are many different forms of power and beauty.


I wouldn’t throw the whole concept out just because some people misuse it in the false light matrix and come across as ultra-spiritual.


I would instead qualify people from their presence and results with others. My chi kung grandmaster had a lot of divine power moreso than Joe Blow Public.


If we AVOID or DENY the spiritual reality of things, this can lead to other issues when instead; we can be inspired to reference others who have embraced their soul-divine power and beauty.


It’s not to be ‘judged’ per se but the reality is that some people are more powerful and beautiful than others in their Self-acceptance (beyond physical beauty).


The more that people deny this truth of reality and being ‘closer to source’ in the Communion of Power and Beauty, the more they are likely hindered by shadows of consciousness and human conditioning.


This ‘truth-based’ approach of acceptance allows us to finally acknowledge that some people actually and literally ARE more powerful or beautiful from a presenced standpoint of influence.


Their ‘extra’ divinity is literally also what you can FEEL on 4D and 5D levels…and we all have potentially unlimited access to the power and beauty that ‘is’.


Beauty is spiritually and immortally high status b/c it is the reality of divinity.


Comments? Triggers around divine masculine/feminine, power or beauty?


Want to cultivate more of your power and beauty? Archetype activations in our appointment setting are a perfect way to expand your consciousness as well as transform HOW people see, feel and experience you including how you LOOK and influence others.


You may want to follow me on Facebook…most of the good stuff is friends (or followers?) only.