An Abridged Intro to Archetype Reading

It’s actually pretty easy to start energy reading Archetypes as a ‘practical psychic’.


Here on Sexy Chi you can request your own extended energy reading which includes an archetype reading for masculine or feminine with the top 10 (or so) archetypes as well as your embodiment, expression on a 0-10 scale.


If you want to start doing psychic energy reading yourself, this blog will give you more tips and insights.


Of course this is all something I would train to apprentices in detail to be able to independently do their own psychic readings for clients.


Before u might get into reading Essence, Embodiment and Expression with archetypes; just start with gauging the primary 2 (or 3) leading aspects and built a practical, referential database from there.


You can learn to calibrate your archetypal and energetic awareness in doing your own celebrity, friends or client’s readings.


I like to start with clear examples that everyone can relate to:


Zayn Malik would be Lover-Prince


2020 Taylor Swift: Princess-Diva Queen


Early Ariana Grande: Lover-Princess


Jason Momoa: King-Warrior-Eros


Madonna would be Diva – Queen (Her secondary changes through time; ie. Martyr, Heretic, Lover)


Oprah Winfrey: Goddess-Mother*-Diva


Anna Wintour: Princess-Queen


Oh what they hay – here’s another Jason Momoa if you won’t complain but with a DIFFERENT archetypal template:




Selena Gomez: Lover-Princess

Selena Gomez Lover Archetype


Those are some examples and the primary-secondary archetype can really change from time to time. We can see this in evolution of artists or in different performances. Sexy Chi allows us to have more direct energetic mastery over this!


So we all know that #archetypes have certain impersonal and authentic aspects and traits b/c they exist in the collective un/conscious.


It’s the authentic energetic quality that you want to look for, get accustomed and attuned with so that it’s easier to sense and see those qualities in others.


For example; 1Direction has tons of pure PRINCE consciousness



Whereas Jason Momoa more recently has more settled King archetypal image and presence. Much of that has to do with his relationship to a/his Queen btw.


So having such Prince with 1D – that’s a major part of their (past) appeal and success; it’s a perfect correllary to all the Princess consciousness of most of their fans. Even as solo artists now they are in still carrying a lot of Prince each.


Prince has high status, clean aura, divine self-esteem and self-acceptance, graceful energy for example that can move in and out of higher social circles; if a man didn’t HAVE that he wouldn’t be a true Prince (consciousness) b/c that’s what we know it as from the collective un/conscious.


Once you know that, you can also look at the Dark or Shadow aspects (like tyrant, weakling) referencing models of them (ie. movie villains) or Brandon Lee in The Crow (Dark Prince).



There are a lot of Wuss Prince and Wuss Father models now in TV and otherwise to reference. Anyways;


Dark is usually ‘healthy dark’ aspects like Malevolent in the swamp. The thing is Dark is closer to Shadow where things can get into all kinds of destructive behaviors.


It’s harder to have a clean dark energy without corruption; the Sheriff of Nottingham in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves – obviously Dark but also a lot of destructive Shadow.



So all of this here is another intro as this is all an extended study. Even I am always learning more about archetypes.


That singer from Die Antwoord ‘Yolandi’ would have a lot of Dark Princess embodied.



Follow your intuition but from a practical baseline of awareness b/c it’s the collective qualities you are reading and attuning to.


We want to psychically tune into general, accurates truths – and then get into more details.


U can also gauge Prince archetypes from the lack of matured Kingship qualities (we can talk a lot more about all this).


Harvey Weinstein was definitely a King with a lot of power, but he was a Dark Shadow King.


I personally have a master list of celebrity archetypes (their primary and secondary) featuring 100 women and it’s open to continue growing. 


Once u have clear examples, it’s easier to then read prospective client aspects for identity work, image transformation, spiritual growth, etc. U can go a long ways just accurately gauging the primary and secondary archetypes.


For more detailed reading, you could get into the Charisma Archetype Model which gauges Essence, Embodiment and Expression of archetypes on a 0-10 scale for each variable.


I will be adding more of these readings to the Sexy Chi Beauty Blog where we value reading the REST of someone’s multi-dimensional energetic visual communication (this is where the power and influence is).


To get your own custom energy reading, click here.

Muse: From Artist to King-Making High Priestess

If u are *not* a performance artist, but u are now being called to the archetypal Muse with her hidden hieros gamos magic and alchemical allure, this is the exciting meta-picture of what’s going on.


History (and a rare opportunity) is being made in REAL time and this is the forefront. (Devotion was and is the key that unlocked this btw)


Muse and her unique sexual-creative inspiration to the masculine is splitting her long-time fractal lineage as (primarily) performance arts & entertainer to rebirth into the 3D as reunification priestess of High Magic.


Hieros Gamos again representing ‘sacred reunification’ of the divine masculine and feminine.


That’s right; the unattainable high status Muse who is Dancer to God and Kings will walk amongst mortals instead of merely being known as a non-conscious fantasy diversion for the world on-stage. 


A new fractal lineage is being birthed of a powerful feminine archetype!


She will be on the frontlines with her magic to help heal and awaken the Masculine and make Kings to re-balance and inspire the world into renaissance.


A transference like this; to have a major feminine archetype start a new fractal lineage in the collective is unprecedented and there is IMMENSE alchemical power with it.


So it is for you to determine if this calls.


muse as priestess ie


She will only open her encoded powers to be embodied and used to the highly qualified and willing.


The Archetypal High Muse (working with and through hieros gamos #priestess) will perform magic and miracles for and through mankind with power and fire to inspire and re-balance the masculine and feminine into a new renaissance in sacred reunion.


Radically encoded with hieros gamos and with an Apollonian history of influencing and shaping cultures; it is her desire to take her historically accrued and immortal magic more DIRECT to the 3D world to attune esp. the masculine into Kingship and the multi-dimensional divine.


Just a ray of her Light can absolutely be life-altering (and already has been to some of the women working with Rion and Muse), re-constellating their own access to the cosmic masculine.


Because her priestess powers have been HIDDEN for eons, this transmutation required a specialized alchemist like Rion to even be aware of, let alone to translate b/c few know of her alchemical powers consciously.


This is a LOT of power to transfigure a woman’s life who is ready for a major sacrifice of self-identity to live in more alignment with her soul’s desire; and her desire to serve the divine masculine in men.


And with this re-birthing of an entire major (but rare) archetype; she will be amongst the most powerful and magical of ALL priestesses and Kingmakers.


Imagine her working with and through you, but AS you (no entities)!


It all ties in to her eternal devotion in Sex, Spirit and Love to the Cosmic Masculine which has existed for centuries; this has always been the energetic dynamic while mere mortal men have still felt unworthiness and awe in relation to her power.


It is simply the timing now in history for hieros gamos to start working real transmutation, but even I didn’t see this one coming; HOW could muse EVER be non-industry/artist?


I was concerned for years about it; I thought it would never happen….how can I have the same level of devotion for non-industry, non-artists who carry Muse (not all of them do)?


When will performance artists start valuing healing?…alas;


She has recently after around 14,300 devotional hours of meditation with her shown me her vision along with the earliest signs of stirring in a few female essenced souls;


Pandora’s box is opening. Muse consciousness and energetic qualities are opening up to be embodied in select women other than artists.


It will still be far less than 1% of women for a long time. These women will be so light-encoded and will stand out like flaming wildflowers in a sea of grey.


There will now be non-artist Muse or what we could call Hieros Gamos Muse.


Concurrently; there are now more women falling into hieros gamos transmissions and encoding; this is NOT the same brand of feminine essence as #hierosgamos muse per se.


The advantage is that *these* women will have the benefits of authentic Muse and that divine level of INSPIRING the masculine but all the full-on CONSCIOUS magic that can be developed as real priestesses without having to be sacrificed and devoted as a performance artist (many of whom non-consciously embody and express Muse with and through).


#Muse lights a fire where there ISN’T one in the darkest and coldest of masculine hearts b/c she is so in love and attuned with King and God consciousness.


This LITERAL first generation is incepting NOW in a mere handful of women who will be hieros gamos muse and it’s very exciting. As aforementioned; Gillian Pothier is one of these code carriers.


These women will have alchemical allure and great, great influence on men and the masculine; often driving them craZy in all the good ways.


Down the road, I think we will start seeing more actual artists being called into high magic, healing and priestess-hood and that’s a vision that light this fire the most.


My elite mentorship: Muse Priestess is ‘ground zero’ for hieros gamos (aka ‘reunification’) Priestess cultivation with Muse as non sex-workers…it’s all sexual-spiritual, but here not physical which means that you can work with male clients like an escort but without any stigma of sex-working. This can be invaluable for preserving your reputation if you are an artist.


MP is a significant commitment and investment.


It requires 2 qualified women to commence this program and requires at least an annual commitment b/c of the amount of auric curation, Lightworking (literal), energetic growth and non sex-working priestess training. VIP Apprenticeship is also available.


Muse Priestess represents this fusion of both artist-priestess and hieros gamos priestess training for non sex-working women. You will learn advanced energy work and magic amongst many things to be able to run your own literal business as a non sex-working Priestess.


The reality is that this *full* transition for Muse into Priestess essentially requires the experience of a true Masculine alchemist who has been through fire and brimstone of devotion as well as realizing and working with her brand of magic in the 5D to translate it and allow qualified women to access and use practical high magic.


I am now aware enough that I am perhaps the most direct 3D masculine pivot point for her to BLOSSOM and unleash her magic on the world. She has chosen me to train up Reunification Queens and Priestesses. Why a man? Because this is reunification of course; not just Feminism or Goddessism.


I’m eternally grateful I was the one she was preparing to be able to translate and train on HER magic but it’s only been through such deep faith devotion and battle-testing.


And if it wasn’t me, it would have to be another man (decades from now? who knows).


Simultaneously, some women have been starting to receive coded transmissions from her and her desire to be re*birthed. This has literally happened in the past 9 months.


So that’s what’s initiating…If u are interested in attending the Cosmic Muse or potentially Muse Priestess;


U do want to check in to make sure that it’s not just hieros gamos, goddess devotional to masculine or some other brand and that it’s more specifically hieros gamos MUSE that is calling b/c a lot of women aren’t prepared to be THAT inspiring, liberated and SEEN to the masculine either.


Not all women who activate and embody hieros gamos muse will become priestess as that requires further initiation and training (esp. on her magic); that will just be the highest level of essence with application.


But u will have your own reasons if u are called to her magic and power; to integrate it to transfigure your own powers, allure, attraction, sex, love and magic in life…don’t forget that multi-dimensional and real masculine and Light penetration too.


Her powers are already there; it’s the initiation that is the big starter step. Gillian Pothier and I have 1 more spot available for The Cosmic Muse 2 L.A. this next Sat., Oct. 12th. RSVP with interest.


UPDATE: Stay tuned for Cosmic Muse 4 in 2020.


So; the rebirth from Artist to Priestess with a MAJOR feminine #archetype (and one of the few encoded with Devotion) is happening.


It’s all happening in real time and on whatever timing must occur. This future is just beginning. 


Are you called to inspire and awaken KINGS as a real priestess with the ability to earn the income you desire?


Find out more about Muse Priestess mentorship here.


It’s also a path in which a performance artist like dancer or actor can be a priestess but get paid like an escort without sex-working.

The Devotional Aspect of Hieros Gamos

A path of Hieros Gamos Queenship simultaneously cultivates your own energetic beauty as we know, however this post will dive more into sacred reunification itself (as all of the transformational energy magic I do is implicated with authentic soul and spiritual healing work).


If you really want to attract wealth, prosperity and live LIKE a Queen – this is of utmost life-changing relevance.


There is great power, magic and alchemy with the authentic experience of devotion in reunification with the divine, sacred masculine.


But there are many things which might be blocking u from EVER getting even close to that zone of deeper and deeper consciousness and the benefits of it – and to exude such high beauty that inspires and attracts Kingly Masculine (and wealth)…


Or of even having a multi-dimensional beloved.


U might think:


What is there to love? I have problems with the opposite sex, my skin sucks, etc. And there’s a lot of competition for high value men.


Especially in today’s age of post-modern feminism and the collective aggregate that is really trepidatious around the masculine. And even with your own feminine;


U might be just STUCK in that conundrum of not knowing what u can even love or truly commit to.


Painbody, trauma, self-esteem, the normal world, cultural programming and past experiences can be greatly be limiting your perception of Self awareness and attuning to God and Goddess consciousness within; or even feeling worthy to.


Relationships themselves might be closer to the mundane 3D level of interpersonal and physical connection and exchange vs. rich cosmic sexy love and depth.


But when we value Hieros Gamos as divine reunification or the internal marriage of the sacred – it gives us a LOT to work with. Those levels of power and Sex, just might be outside of your entire normal paradigm of reality.


Heart alchemizing devotion isn’t best looked at through the normal lens of self-identity, sex or even gender.


We have to look at the spiritual 5th dimension and beyond (meta) because most relationships that have commitment, an arrangement or agreement are not scratching the surface of the multi-dimensionality that is truly involved with ‘hierogamic’ devotion;


To melt into the attuned God, King, Queen essence of consciousness itself with that aspect of your greater and even embodied Self. Such is a path of sacred or divine reunification (like starlets have non-consciously).


The understanding of self might be just too small to even RELATE with true King or Goddess consciousness like a true Queen or Starlet-Diva. I mention elsewhere that great performance artists non-consciously are open to such great spiritual power, essence and influence because of serving millions of people. You can also do this without having to be famous; you can cultivate your soul essence as a starlet or lover-queen with rich beauty.


In the Gene Keys, Devotion is highlighted as the 29th siddhi with the Shadow of Half-Heartedness and Gift of Commitment. The Gene Keys book references devotion as:


“Tantric Contagion”
Akin to bhakti yoga.


“The path of devotion is far removed from society.
Devotional paths are all paths of self-surrender in which you completely lose your own sense of self in another…


..leave the order of your mind to enter into the

wildness of your heart.”


With devotion, there is unlimited power and magic to melt into a higher attuned sense of Self; a greater embodiment of authentic, effortless power and presence.


But how to even START accessing the magic and alchemy of devotion when u might find it difficult to love anything about yourself or the ‘opposite sex’?…(let alone commit to something)


What or who could u be devoted to?


Especially if u are IN a relationship that seems very limited? That’s where we get into true hieros gamos and cultivating your relationship to THE meta-masculine and feminine (including those aspects WITHIN your 3D partner).


When we consider that the IM-personal masculine and feminine consciousness hold unlimited power and spectrum, it actually gives one unlimited possibility and power to fall and melt INTO Love and Sex.


And this includes ALL of the archetypal aspects of the immortal masculine and feminine – to fall INTO love and devotion with.


To cultivate devotion, u want something u can be devoted to on a multi-dimensional level…something that enthralls you. And in an era of TikTok-ers – devotion is one of the last things in the consumer consciousness collective.


I mean; at least think of your favorite singer or icon of sex; even if it’s from your past.


“But this past lover affected me and I cannot trust men.”


Well…how about trusting, submitting and allowing yourself to be penetrated by the UNconditional immortal masculine? How about HE which will not fail you?


What about becoming that great Starlet Goddess FOR the exalted aspects of the masculine that you love? Isn’t that what the greatest female singers are doing non-consciously anyways? They are serving the impersonal.


What if; once u started attuning to righteous King consciousness in 5D which lights your fire, that it could attune your soul body and attune it to entirely new levels of Self experience and relating in the 3D world? What if that would transform your image, beauty and INFLUENCE on people tremendously?


If u are new to it…


Here’s my advice; discover an aspect of both the divine masculine and feminine that really really calls to you. Something that lights u up and inspires u. It doesn’t have to be with a guru although that is much of what bhakti yoga represented.


It doesn’t have to be limited to an individualized person. How about great aspects of the immortal expression of the masculine or feminine?


It might be a specific archetype itself, deity, a Tarot card representation OR even a Greek God that represents certain authentic characteristics of the greater masculine or feminine.


Sure; it’s heretical and might go against major religion, but it is also possible to cultivate devotion to Mother Mary or Jesus.


These insights might come from your own gene keys. For example Valor and Honour are specific encoded enlightened frequencies of the divine masculine, yet we have access to the entire spectrum of consciousness.


How about Unity or Grace as great Feminine aspects?


These can be central along cultivating your energetic beauty AS a Queen and having that sexual, spiritual and emotional influence on people.


Then, u could start looking for impersonal aspects or icons within the collective that carry those authentic codes – but to relate to it in a healthy multi-dimensional sense.


Although it might take mentorship with a master of this; through alchemy, you can ATTUNE your consciousness to that consciousness.


For example; Jason Momoa carries the siddhi SQ (Spiritual quotient) of Valor with the 2nd Line of FREEDOM.


He represents this and other siddhic qualities like Intoxication in his aura and literal image.



(This btw is what we can also CULTIVATE with Sexy Chi…but know that it’s the real thing and there is soul transformation you have to go through for this level of essence to shine through).

U could begin a practice of alchemical meditation that helps u MELT INTO those aspects of the divine masculine consciousness for example…a path that could lead into devotion itself.


But it SHOULD feel effortless to be in love like that – THAT is what u want to find.


Something that u don’t feel half-hearted about; something that stirs a deep passion inside of you.


And in the case of men; there is immense magic with this since most of us are non-consciously seeking reunification with the Feminine through the mother birthing wound.


There are many examples of the meta feminine that u can use to heal, cultivate and curate yourself INTO authentic presence and relatability WITH that Goddess aspect within modern women for example.


It’s a path of cultivating your own Kingship in relation to Queen for example.


What are the ideal traits of your ideal Queen and could u be devoted to that in the multi-dimensional aspect?


It will attune yourself into becoming that embodied equivalent as your personalized self melts away. To grow into an alluring High Queen, it’s going to take real soul experience and rebirth.


And in that case with J. Momoa; it’s not that u would worship HIM and his conditional personality or 3D self, but honoring THOSE aspects of the divine WITHIN him; otherwise the attachment might make u suffer. The differentiation matters.


It might even be a specific tv or movie character like Kal Drago with some Dark Masculine aspects…who knows.


Hey; we are dealing with the ENTIRE spectrum of consciousness and how it expresses – and of course this is unorthodox but u are finding what lights your soul and how u could lose your own sense of self getting lost into another aspect from consciousness.


What could your soul COMMIT to? What aspects of the ultimate divine from the entire pantheon of consciousness?


Surely, there is something u can love and cultivate a deeper rich relationship; because, ultimately it comes down to your relationship and intimacy with the divine masculine and feminine within.


Human Design projectors might have an advantage here b/c we are designed energetically to learn ourselves THROUGH others. If u also have an open or undefined G-Center, that might also be a powerful leverage to take in someone else’s energy field and melt into consciousness with them.


For me; my devotion and beloved is the Muse archetype. I am enamored and can never get enough which has led me to becoming this High Magician.


I attune with her impersonal consciousness which is carried through different female performance artists (mostly in music video).


But remember that when you are cultivating your reunified Queenship on your own; you are an ALCHEMIST, u are not a non-conscious divertive consumer here with these practices.


For me; I take it seriously and I don’t value the names, the bands, the groups, the genre, the culture, the language like the rest of the world does; it’s purely the archetypal POWER and presence that is behind the behind the veils and illusions that we see.


And that’s what I relate with in devotion with; deepening my relationship with her to no limits; it’s magically transformational and has done miracles of growth; source of my magic.


Remember that archetypal power itself manifests with and through different cultures.


I have discovered that through commitment and the siddhic state of devotion (of which there is unlimited depth and cultivation possible); there is GREAT magic.


How does MANKIND relate to Goddess? He cannot from the personalized self and this is the conundrum modern men are facing as the meta feminine awakens.


It’s a spiritual path for you to HEAL and resolve your trauma in relationship to all of the masculine; Father, Prince, King, Wealth and God….and to really attune yourself as High Queen.


I mean, Muse herself has been training me as her High Priest and continually opens up more and more magic but its only because I have been endleslessy sacrificing for her and growing in my commitment and practice.


Through ongoing devotion and devotional cultivation (of your Queen or Priestess-hood), more magic and power is opened up and bestowed as you melt deeper and deeper into immortal reunification and alchemy within.


So what aspects of the immortal, archetypal, King, Queen and God consciousness could u start attuning your true soul self to?


These exist in our entertainment media when we have the proper filter and value them for that.


These are some thoughts on the devotional aspect of Hieros Gamos. The 29th Gene Key really is rich but not necessary to have in ur chart in order to cultivate.


“….They are only interested in one thing – surrender into the heart”


As u cultivate these impersonal aspects of your High Queen-Self, u start to attract and relate to others who are more yoked as well.


IF you are called to not just cultivate your own energetic beauty but really dive into cultivating your own Reunified Queenship,


I have a new program called Hieros Gamos X Queen Path. It is a mentorship of continuing cultivation which will profoundly alter your reality, how people respond to you and of course your beauty and image itself to have far more influence.


Through cultivation mentorship with me, you can get more directly connected and imbued with these Reunification devotional codes b/c of my connection (as I have done with my own masters) to accelerate your journey.


Devotion unlocks real magic.


There is great magic in such a path of Reunified Queenship to transform your life wealth, love,  relationships and influence

Grimes: Archetype Reading


In this recent photo of Grimes with Elon Musk; I’m surprised we have found a Western Muse (this is rare!)


Image used under Fair Use Copyright Guidelines. Copyright belongs to respective holder.


Muse is Grimes’ predominant archetype here, so I will just read that for now.


In this event appearance;

Light Muse and Dark Muse Embodiment (here)

LM 9.2
DM 8.4


Most of the time I am just reading the Light aspects in the readings but can also read for Dark (which is different than Shadow).


Keep in mind that she’s with 1 of the most powerful, creative tech tycoons in the world so here, their energies are highlighted.


This couple has received some criticism on my Facebook


Could there be other/alien consciousness and agenda going on? Yes.


Do they also have a lot of Dark and shadow? Yes.


His work is going to influence 100’s of millions or billions of people in some ways so it makes sense there is this type of dynamic. Note how Muse inter-relates with such power and vice versa; how this level is different from the more personalized version of Grimes herself when she’s not fully on as the artist. She’s taken on a lot of consciousness. Thoughts?


This was just a quick Archetype Reading just focusing on her primary (and not any others).


Want to get your own FULL energy reading? Click here for more details.

Becoming *More* of a Lover-Queen

Imagine being such an evolved Lover Queen that your love/sex life is really magical and mystical!


Beyond the ultimate sex life as you knew it…When we speak about the concept of ATTRACTING a King-Lover or evolving your current partner into MORE of a King-Lover that is truly magical, healing and sacred..well…let’s talk.


We know that cultivating your energetic beauty more is going to attract more opportunity, wealth, a deeper love life and healthy masculine principle. How about living a life rich with beautiful experience for yourself?


Well, we will have to start with wherever you ARE whether you are single or in a relationship (and whatever limitations you may have), but even conscious loving is nothing near hierogamy; Sex of God and Goddess.


Hierogamy is a level of Lovership that is far beyond because it is sourced not in soul-mate twin-flameship as a path to God, rather a trinity sourced differently. It also allows your man to directly connection to the nourishing, nurturing, healing and inspiring nectar of


Beauty with and through you; closer to source.


And that universal cosmic love is worlds different than the inter-personal, inter-physical exchange that most people are experiencing sexual connection with. You allow God and Goddess into presence and into the bedroom where the sacred-ness becomes the new quality.


And…Especially if you are IN a relationship, there can be certain patterns and habits that are limiting the fuller embodiment of God/Goddess and a pantheon of archetypes to be experienced through you in the bedroom; preventing truly cosmic connection and Love. And if you are single, you might be waiting for ‘the one’ that can bring that connection for you. Well…


There’s only about 8 women (out of 1000) that I can energetically ascertain with assurance are at the level of experiencing hierogamy itself (not counting the 1 X-Lover I had experienced hierogamy with).


Yes, there are physically attractive, beautiful women in my circle but I’m really talking about one’s who have greatly cultivated ENERGETIC BEAUTY that is at that level of quality itself.


       (And half of them are clients of mine!)


And through our remote work, I know that some of those women are still getting closer to ‘that’ level with a partner; yet all along their energetic beauty and radiance is cultivating and they are getting real world response and benefit from the profound changes; changes in their relationships, attraction and material resources.


All of this having to do with Reunification as we cultivate their energetic; siddhic and spiritual beauty to come through in their presence and professional image. And since we are dealing with source and primary authentic archetypes, there is no limit to how much of that consciousness and immortal beauty you can connect to, embody and bring into reunification with your King. We can explore different flavors of how the Feminine would want to express Her Beauty through you.


The MAIN solution to either BECOME the Lover-Queen that would attract such a King-Lover for experiencing hierogamy – and the main thing for inspiring your current partner into more of a King-Lover and having a thriving sex life that is full of immortal and siddhic connection and magic is:




And the women who I know ARE very very evolved; they are on a path of continual soul experience and cultivation. Often taking a graceful warrioress to continue on her uncompromising path. She cultivates without compromise.


You would want to keep CULTIVATING your soul essence, soul experience, embodiment and expression (all representing more energetic beauty). So it is best to have a soul path that ALLOWS the value of continual soul cultivation.


Performance artists actually do this but non-consciously because they are in inspired soul service to a greater audience. They continually sacrifice and re-birth themselves into higher levels of soul beauty and embodiment so that this starts transmitting through their former, denser self.


Soul essence cultivation; you may desire that coming through in the energy body (which is also why energetic health is important because there can be shells, veils and other blockages preventing that embodiment and expression IN your literal image).


The women who are at the level to give and experience such immortal fusion have more cultivated light bodies and lower conscious resistances and attachments removed. They have burned through a lot of the shadow and negative karma.


The Lover-Queen energetic template is irresistible in the world with the masculine.


She isn’t as ‘icy’ as just Queen can be alone, she has the electric and erotic WARMTH that imbues her sovereignty. So wherever you are at now (and you may not even be a Lover or Queen let alone lover queen in its siddhic sense), there is always room for MORE of a Lover Queen and the level of woman it would take to love a Great King for example.


         So, cultivation.


Cultivation (and we can have a path of cultivating your Lover Queen) includes deepening your devotional practice and shadow work, getting more experienced and such.


And it esp. means being devoted to your path – and ultimately to an aspect of the divine masculine. However, if you don’t have the proper foundation for sacred reunification (or continual energetic beauty cultivation), you are unknowingly preventing that great reunification WITH a King partner that is beyond your imagination.


If you are in a twin-flame relationship that isn’t connected to the divine foundationally, it’s easier to crash and burn and then become too attached to him or the next twin flame; what if you lose him?


You lose your connection to source and it was dependent on him all along. Hieros Gamos resolves this (dysfunctional) pattern and allows you to properly develop true High Queenship.


Another thing is that when you connect to a Master or someone who has great soul cultivation, connection and magic themselves, it makes it easier to accelerate your evolution through resonance and transmutation. That’s also where my work comes in and the lineages I hold – if we were to work together for example.


So if you desire such holy cosmic connection, first you want to have the proper foundation that isn’t rooted on twin-flame soulmate (Hieros Gamos Queen is different than Goddess-Queen and even that can make a difference as well as a path rooted in partnered tantra can be missing a LOT of the pure architecture of hieros gamos itself).


You want to be on a path of hieros gamos (consciously or otherwise) and you want to be cultivating your Queen and Lover.


With Sexy Chi here, when you are cultivating your energetic beauty you ARE essentially working on this greater reunification as a secondary value. Hieros Gamos X allows us to do the same work but with the value more primarily on sacred reunification and Queenship.


So if you really want the spiritual, relational and material wealth from your beauty that influences LIKE a Starlet-Queen you want to devotionally and actively be continually cultivating your soul essence and multi-dimensional soul experience.


There are always higher and higher levels of Lover essence that you can be imbued with and as you embody it more, your chakras and aura change and communicate something very different from before – and you start experiencing and attracting richer things in life.


It can attract that great King-Lover if you ARE single and it can radically transfigure (or threaten) your current relationship (b/c it may challenge him with too much change)!


You can cultivate your lover queen in other ways for example with spirituality, (clean) tantra and such. Here, we work directly on your energy field itself.


And this will greatly increase ‘may the odds ever be in your favor’ for attracting a Lover-King or transmuting your relationship to get him re-ignited into much higher and deeper love – even hierogamy (although for most women that will take immense cultivation and soul growth).


I am here to support your direct cultivation with both energetic beauty (and the results in your professional image and influence) as well as your sacred reunification itself.


If you know that you want to do more than just an activation with me, but want more exploration around your situation – feel free to request a complimentary >45 minute Hieros Gamos/Beauty conversation with me here<.