Allure Ratio Reading: Taylor Swift
Beauty Essence Blog Psychic Celebrity Readings
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Time for an Allure Ratio reading!
Taylor Swift
Image copyrights belong to respective holder. Used under Fair Use Copyright Guidelines.
Leading Archetypes: Princess, Diva, Queen
A/F (Allure Factor): 6.6
B/Q (Beauty Quotient): 9.6
Energy Reading Notes:
Here; she really has her extrinsic image/ beauty dialed in & she has a lot of power in her presence with an empowered mix & balance of yin & yang.
The Diva and Queen consciousness qualities gives her more of an ‘edge’ as an independent Force to be reckoned with.
Incredibly strong thought power & ability of focus.
Princesses of centuries ago could only dream of her power & status.
With that said; she isn’t so calibrated into her softer potential feminine essence (and that’s A-Ok). It might not be in her place right now to soften up.
Remember that we are gauging allure as the potential full breathing-ness & internal communication of the soul.
In this sense, it is safe to reference that despite her strengths; she isn’t the most open-hearted version of self right here.
This can lower her #Allure Factor itself b/c less of her true soul is energetically expressing as openly as it could.
It’s not that she doesn’t have heart, it’s how it’s expressed. Much of that power channels and comes through her powerful throat chakra.
3rd and 6th #chakra driven, she has protective veils in the 2nd and 4th (this can be for massively functional reasons including keeping her close circle of friends ‘in’ and others ‘out’ like a true, high status Princess who is often in demanding environments and has to hold her own, etc.).
It would be interesting to reference her Human Design chart as well.
As this avatar template; she shows up and is a powerhouse with her presence & expression but has her boundaries. Her power can intimidate a lot of men.
The #Diva power allows her to take on the attention of the world & still keep her deeper truth safe or channeled through performance/voice.
(Objective/non-critically) Her Heart isn’t as ‘open’ and serving the audience as other performers we could reference.
This is energetic often goes along with most single women’s #Queen consciousness; to be more empowered but w/in relatively more of a personalized and contained/closed hearted-ness (unless she has a Mother aspect for example, etc. or is around close friends).
There are more #Feminine aspects she could explore when it calls (& I’m sure that she of course has taken on ie. more Lover consciousness in some of her videos, I’m just focusing on this right here).
Coldness vs. ‘Warmth’ is often a sign of a Heart that could be more expressed.
Thoughts, questions?
A/F gauges the overall breathing-ness of her soul on a 0-10 scale B/Q gauges the actualized potential of a woman’s extrinsic
*In THIS specific photo. Other situations and times can express a different soul embodiment and expression. Search the site for more.
Image copyrights belong to respective holders. Used under Fair Use Copyright Guidelines.
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Why do I care about feminine allure and having MORE of it in the world?
…Because it’s what has continually and alchemically inspired and healed ME. It’s drawn out my Masculine essence, warriorship and ascension path.
This is YEARS before I even knew I would be able to do energetic allure activations for women.
It’s divine feminine nectar like honey to the bees of the masculine and the MORE we have of it in the world, the more MEN care, the more men RISE and the juicier everything is…in inspired and Edenic balance.

“This is such GOLD, Rion. and YES….Feminine allure has a deeply healing function on the Masculine (especially…)….and for all of us.” -Gillian Pothier
Well; and I’ve seen it do alchemical magic in 100’s of men through my method which allows allure to attune their spirit.
And after working with men IN the realm of sexual attraction and dating for years (ago), I know the pain and spiritual dynamic that single men are going through with Westernized women of high social status who are Goddesses or Feminists but with whom men themselves feel energetically castrated from.
The rift that Hieros Gamos (aka ‘sacred reunification of masculine and feminine) heals.
And in breaking the chains of Beauty 1.0 and superficial beauty;
Allure invokes the possibility of reunification and communion to men who have been left behind; that it’s even possible for this suffering aspect within the masculine collective that has otherwise rejected even disavowed them.
…to possibly RISE into Prince and Kingship…and to serve.
Feminine allure CARES and loves the Masculine effortlessly – more than words. It has the reunifying ‘je ne se quoi’.
The feminine spirit and quality of allure is encoded in true Hieros Gamos work because of her receivingness and penetration of and from the Masculine…that inspiration is encoded in immortal Devotion…drawing out the BEST of man-kind.
More than just being ‘hot’ or beautiful, a woman with an energetic presence of allure (and a high allure factor) IS like a honeycomb for all things masculine.
You are inspiring and healing when you exude it.
The Tantra of Allure and Hieros Gamos
Beauty Essence Blog Divine Union
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Allure and hieros gamos have their own tantric principle…they weave in and out.
It’s near impossible not to be alluring or charismatic if one is truly into hieros gamos ‘aka’ sacred reunification. (This is what working directly with me helps to cultivate).
This also means that your IMAGE is more important than you realized and has a lot to do with a path of divine reunification.
Devotional love for the exalted masculine principle for example is so received and desired; the energetic penetration and submission dynamic – that it creates this deeper circulation of divine union that which is alluring and can be intoxicating to the masculine; the cherished soul essence is allowed to breathe truth and energetic beauty in its communion – and that affects all of your literal image, beauty and presence.
The more deeply devoted you are, the more inspiring you are and this should all be coming across in your presence/image as testament to your sacred union within. Once you become more aware of reading energetic beauty, you will also be able to start sensing this.
So hieros gamos in that sense has a lot of practical aspects and results WITH your image and presence.
Remember this is multi-dimensional communication, not just 3D physical and extrinsic beauty nor the limitations that this paradigm brings that focuses on haircare, skincare, etc.
If you have some rich experience and essence but are not coming across as alluring; then there are blockages in either your embodiment or expression which are chakric and auric – it can also be related with your Human Design.
The basics of energetic beauty and allure in your image and communication is that it allows people, prospects, clients and of course a lover to FEEL you and sense things beyond just logic. Just b/c the mainstream (or men in general even) aren’t aware of this stuff consciously, doesn’t take away its importance.
It’s your soul essenced, multi-dimensional communication that allows that truth of your internal reunion to flow openly without being limited to the 3D physical.
Generally, the most alluring or charismatic have consciously or non-consciously tapped into the devotional template of the impersonal masculine and feminine (most non-consciously and through greater impersonal service).
And if your #essence and embodiment is curated enough to be alchemical, it will have a penetrative affect on others literally piercing their aura to affect their psyche/chakras and start transmuting, initiating and attuning them (this is powerful).
If they can’t feel you energetically, if you have a personalized, shelled or veiled energetic presence – even if your 2nd chakra is stifled, it’s going to lead to a lot of half-hearted response or force people into their logical mind.
As you cultivate hieros gamos, working energetically ON your literal soul embodiment and image itself helps to support the truth of your expression to yourself and the world; otherwise it might remain more blocked or personalized.
And a lot of people can have blocks TO being that shining and alluring – so again, it’s all related here.
Want to cultivate your energetic beauty and sacred/divine reunification to attract more prosperity, wealth, opportunities, deeper love and relationships as well as spiritual growth? Let’s see how we can work together…