Experience energetic beauty, image & consciousness transformation with archetypal embodiment, allure & siddhic activations

Transmit Authentic multi-dimensional beauty & greater image influence

How does your soul desire to express and be seen?


So, it’s nice to TALK about them, but what if you actually desire to embody and exude some of those authentic aspects of the immortal, impersonal divine feminine as your own?  Oh! And…how about activating allure?


Well; the challenge with archetypes and their great impersonal aspects of feminine consciousness is somehow taking the authentic characteristics that exist from the collective consciousness and then INTEGRATING them into your energy field and consciousness to embody such authentic presence.


Embodiment, then Expression is what matters.


But acting or ‘faking it’ is challenging because, unless u are already a professional actress, you are probably going to have deep identity level subconscious resistances to becoming a Queen if you identify yourself as ie. ‘Suzie the bakery shop owner’ from Queens.


This is where the energy work of an activation comes in to SEED the authentic archetypal consciousness within your soul essence and etheric embodiment, then allowing it to unfold into your lived experience as it mixes with your more personalized consciousness and self-identity.


With your soul as the proper foundation of self (instead of the cage of the egoic personalized self-identity), the soul already knows what it is yearning for as a more authentic expression and experience of self.


An activation is a perfect and direct way to access, integrate, embody & then express these greater & un-potentiated aspects of your Feminine power like Queen, Lover/Aphrodite, Muse, etc.


An activation is like an initiation or rite of passage…an important milestone along your growth as a woman.


It is also a direct ego bypass; it doesn’t have to be imagined or visualized in order to work.

Choose from these FEMININE

Lover, Eros, Warrioress, Princess, Goddess, Huntress, Mother, Mage, Maiden, Oracle, Sage, Starlet, Diva, Muse*, Priestess*, Queen*


King, Prince, Magician, Lover, Warrior, Lionheart, Father, Eros, Sex Alchemist, Alchemist, Rainmaker, Sex Icon

Sexy Chi logo

Book An Activation

Order Below with your choice of gift, siddhic or archetype. 

Just book an activation and I will send u the scheduling link.

I can consult and confirm with u either on FB chat (free) or at the start of the session itself. Zoom or FB video is the most popular.

1 Activation



Get 3 Activations (Save $100 With This Link)


More Details:

This service includes a short 2-6 minute intake to connect and confirm which activation, with your explicit approval, then 5-8 minutes of a short power tune-up and around 5 minutes of the embodiment activation itself (all in silence) with optional verbal sharing at the end (or choice of written follow-up energy notes about the session.


Book now and after checkout, I/Rion will be in contact for scheduling!


*Muse and Priestess activations require special pre-qualification and are $997 each.


It’s your choice of ‘remote’ (while sleeping or meditating) or video activation session. This package doesn’t take into account your Human Design bodygraph, nor does it include any follow-up energy work or post-processing support/coaching.  Getting this offer allows me permission (which will be explicitly re-confirmed) to work on your energy field for the duration of the experience at the pre-chosen time only. 


I am not authorized to work on your energy field unless we have another agreement in place.  Activations are non-refundable for energetic exchange and specialized time involved. It is transferable if you want to gift it to someone.  FAQ below. Remote sessions are the official thing and will unfold from the etheric layer further into your experience.


Even more details about booking: I retain the right to decline certain requested activations if I feel that you are not energetically prepared (to get a lot out of it); in that case I will make another recommendation. I have declined certain activations in the past.

Sometimes there just is more foundational work to be done or energy healing before ie. an allure activation. Otherwise, in general you have your choice of Archetype, Allure, Gift or Siddhic.

As of now, I don’t offer separate Human Design or Gene Key readings outside of the Allure Makeover Package, thus if you want a Gift or Siddhic activation, please come to me with an solid enough awareness of Gene Keys and your hologenetic profile with 2 or 3 options in mind as there is not time to consult for that otherwise (GK goes too deep esp. if u are uninitiated with it). 

These are 30 minutes total per session including some time to decide or confirm your archetype. Non-refundable for obvious reasons.


Copyright Dreamcore Productions, LTD 2021

Essence Reading & Celebrity Critique of Public Figures – Images Used Under Fair Use Copyright Guidelines and belong to respective owners. Other images are licensed.